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单词 Can afford
1. No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. 
2. He can afford an apartment.
3. We can afford a car.
4. No ordinary families can afford to hire servants.
5. Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford.
6. I don't think we can afford the expense.
7. As soon as we can afford it, we'll move out to the suburbs.
8. Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize.
9. We will be grateful for whatever amount you can afford.
10. In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children.
11. I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.
12. Precious few people can afford those prices.
13. Only the well-to-do can afford these houses.
14. The price is way above what we can afford.
15. No country can afford to neglect education.
16. Not many people can afford my services.
17. Only the privileged few can afford private education.
18. I can afford to speak frankly.
19. Precious few people can afford prices like that.
20. Very few people can afford to pay those prices.
21. I can afford it(),() but only just.
22. He can afford to sit out the property slump.
23. We can afford to buy a house between us.
24. Giles can afford it - he's loaded.
25. We can afford to overlook minor offences.
26. A person of your means can afford it.
27. They can afford to eat at first-class restaurants.
28. You can't have it both ways. If you can afford to go out all the time, you can afford to pay off some of your debts.
29. There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford.
30. Spending the summer travelling round India is a great idea, but it does rather beg the question of how we can afford it.
1. He can afford an apartment.
2. I don't think we can afford the expense.
3. As soon as we can afford it, we'll move out to the suburbs.
4. There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford.
5. Spending the summer travelling round India is a great idea, but it does rather beg the question of how we can afford it.
6. In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children.
7. I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.
31. Talk sense! There's no way we can afford a new car!
32. What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay?
33. Work out the maximum amount you can afford to spend.
34. This magazine has considerable financial muscle and can afford to pay top journalists.
35. Few can afford the tuition of $12 000 a term.
36. Someone with an income of $34,895 can afford this loan.
37. Supermarkets can afford to retail cigarettes at a couple of cents below the price charged by most tobacconists.
38. None of us can afford it separately, so let's pool our resources.
39. They are stronger than us and can afford to bide their time.
40. No country can afford to neglect the education of its young people.
41. Now you've been left some money you can afford to live it up a bit.
42. Why shouldn't she buy it if she can afford it?
43. It isn't a question of whether we can afford a holiday I'm just too busy at the moment.
44. If I can afford it,(http:///can afford.html) I think I'll go private .
45. If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debts.
46. Only people who can afford to lose their money should make high-risk investments.
47. They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it.
48. In a contest like this, the stronger side can afford to play a waiting game.
49. Only people with plenty of money can afford to shop here.
50. No young politician can afford to flout convention in this way.
51. Divorce is not a matter you can afford to take lightly.
52. Big companies can afford to be picky about who they hire.
53. Consider how much you can afford to pay for a course, and what is your upper limit.
54. I live for the day when I can afford to buy a car.
55. If they can afford a yacht, they must be rolling in it.
56. We need to provide industry with power it can afford.
57. If you can afford to walk out of your job, why not?
58. So the car's expensive - well, I can afford it.
59. Second, buy the very best you can afford.
60. Few countries can afford increments in their recurrent budget.
61. We can afford to be proud of this achievement.
62. Thousands turn to illegal abortion services, thousands more give birth to children they neither wanted nor can afford.
63. We can afford decent housing, education and health-care for everyone.
64. We can afford to take both a larger and longer view.
65. And, some employers go basic with the benefits because that is all they can afford.
66. But no political candidate can afford to lay down the fund-raising guns.
67. No show can afford that kind of scandal, particularly a brand-new one, hungry for the ratings.
68. Now, only the wealthiest can afford to eat it, served in high class restaurants as a great delicacy.
69. We'll have to budget more carefully in the future. We've spent far more than we can afford.
70. If she can afford it, she cuts back to part-time work or stops entirely.
71. If you can afford it, leather has a lot of bang for a lot of bucks.
72. Even the most affluent - who can afford private health care and private education - can not buy a clean environment.
73. One option might be variations on the kinds of private military schools that more affluent parents who can afford it already utilize.
74. This calibration should always take into account how much you can afford to pay.
75. Another useful feature is the price guide to London properties that tells you at a glance where you can afford to buy.
76. Having bought the best you can afford and laid it properly(/can afford.html), you should keep it clean.
77. Because few families or newcomers can afford to live in the centre, the entire geography of New York is changing.
78. He knows he would probably lose now and can afford to bide his time.
79. We believe all parents have the right to choice in education - not only those who can afford school fees.
80. He's emperor of a hugely wealthy Aztec mountain kingdom and can afford to treat people like dirt.
81. Few can afford either the calories or the cost of frequent trips to these gourmet candy stores.
82. Most experts agree that if you can afford it, you should buy one of the new generation of pressure cookers.
83. Jeremy Taylor is some one who can afford to put his principles into practice.
84. Let's face it, Miranda, not many people of your age can afford to buy a house like this.
85. No chemistry department can afford to purchase software without reference to this authoritative guide.
86. You have to find creative ways of providing the illusion of space in a price tag that more people can afford.
87. The tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self denial. Oscar Wilde 
88. Style pages cover Spitalfields stories regularly, to the extent that now only people with money can afford to live there.
89. Suppose everyone buys meals, but only the rich can afford to go to the cinema.
90. In this way they can afford the high prices for the land.
91. The School Board next week is expected to meet in executive session and determine how much it can afford to offer.
92. Pip will simply be a gentleman because he can afford it.
93. If you can afford to do so, buying your home outright usually makes sense.
94. Only those who can afford to ignore these constraints feel capable of exercising a choice to retain a more traditional agricultural landscape.
95. Until I can afford a new pair of designer boxer shorts, I will go along with that.
96. Helena doesn't feel she can afford any more time away from work.
97. A large project like the power station will not benefit these people, but richer people can afford the appliances and electricity.
98. Rich countries can afford to spend money on the environment, but few have made it a priority in the past.
99. You must be careful not to borrow more money that you can afford to repay.
100. Filling in the two charts on page 32 gives the best indication of what you can afford.
101. Normal stores have security people dressed in such plain clothes you wonder how they can afford to do any shopping.
102. But the fact is all I can afford is this third-floor studio with an art deco shower.
103. None of the world's poor countries can afford to curb industrial development.
104. Associate members with a little more money to spend can afford the comfort of local hotels.
105. He can afford to argue with the local hierarchy when the interests of his order require it.
106. Aerospace manufacturers and racing car constructors can afford the necessary time and trouble; the car majors can not.
107. Fortunately Joe's can afford for me to use chemicals and paper as I like.
108. It beats me how these kids can afford to spend so much money on clothes and CDs.
109. It is successful because it produces a high quality product on time at a price the customer can afford.
110. Few can afford to compete everywhere, and many have chosen to concentrate on those businesses and markets they know best.
111. You can borrow the money from a bank easily and quickly and pay it back later as you can afford to.
112. If you can afford it, get a short-term loan.
113. They come high, but we can afford it.
114. The footballer can afford to foot the bill.
115. Any common laborer can afford a cheap nylon satchel.
116. Television is my home I can afford in high school, that was the mid-nineties of the last century.
117. And British officials now feel that, following her re-election as German chancellor, Merkel can afford to enthuse about a president Blair.
118. Anyone who can afford the extremely high cost of service in this country, and wants to pay for it, may.
119. To keep it really simple, just figure out what price you can afford for the car -based on your monthly budget and trade-in value - and negotiate that one big number.
120. If you are a manager and have not been able to find qualified personnel to hire that you can afford, again, you'll be in luck.
121. Getting rid of the supernatural elements, these therapies can afford us lessons on the development of today's psychological medicine, the adjustment of the personal sta...
122. Managers at five-star hotels run by foreign hotel chains, such as Sol Melia and Accor, confirmed Cubans will be able to stay at any hotel if they can afford the prices.
123. With their land gone, few can afford it, and the dishes and bikes stand idle.
124. Today, as media penetrate into the public daily life in unprecedented breadth and depth, no non-profit institution can afford to neglect the importance of good public relations.
125. Saudi Arabia expects to host perhaps three million people in a ritual journey that every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it must make at least once in their lifetime.
126. Real estate has been priced out of the market and only a handful of people can afford it.
127. I crossing the current strength and can afford to support 12 - year compulsory education universal.
128. Because the wealthier party can afford the more skillful attorney, the system unjustifiably favors the wealthy.
129. A product that EVERYONE Needs, EVERYONE Can Afford, and NOBODY can say NO to! Couple that with the Vertical Acceleration pay plan and this is a HOME RUN!
130. Do not think that a minute is only one-sixtieth of an hour and you can afford to lose it.
131. Although Harvard is often a trend-setter , it is not clear that many other schools can afford to follow.
132. If you can afford it, you should try to invest up to 10% of your pretax income every year.
133. But the cost is so high that only places like the Cushing Academy or well endowed universities can afford it —the rest of us just end up with books in the dumpster.
133. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
134. In western regions of the Ottoman empire especially, many Sipahis remained Christian. Lancers are drawn from the wealthier Sipahis who can afford the armour needed by close combat troops.
135. So now, Vuthy and his wife can afford a high school education and private tutoring for two of his four children, who are studying in Kampong Speu province, 30 kilometers southwest of Kiri Thmey.
136. In 2006, China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao declared: "I have a dream that every Chinese, first of all children, can afford to drink one kilogramme of milk every day."
137. Everyone wants a stake in the corporate action ; no one can afford to be left out of the race.
138. A man is rich in proportion to the number of thing which he can afford to let alone .
139. Right now, solar panels cost so much that only well-heeled, well-meaning westerners can afford to install them.
140. In fact, 87% of Pittsburgh's population can afford to buy a home at the city's median price.
141. Contango incentivizes those who can afford to hold oil to hold on to it.
142. As it nears a nuclear capability, Iran can afford to play for time.
143. As a matter of fact, nowadays few Chinese people can afford spending a whole month on festival activities due to the fast-paced life.
144. We'll have to wait until the clouds roll by before we can afford another holiday.
145. And an example is used to check the feasibility of Bayesian approach. The method and conclusion of the paper can afford reference for project research and business of flood insurance.
146. If you can afford, ask whether monthly membership, which you pay as you go, is possible.
147. Lancers are drawn from the wealthier Sipahis who can afford the armour needed by close combat troops.
148. There is a case for progressive taxation, since the well-off can afford to pay more even as a percentage of income.
149. If you can afford, ask whether monthly membership, which you pay as you go.
150. A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.
151. Conclusion The combined using of ordinary toothbrush and oral cavity irrigator can afford good maintainance effects against periodontal diseases.
152. The test on three phase alternating voltage has shown that this system has good reliable performances and can afford evidence for finalizing the design of power supply system made in our country.
153. This has also provided an opportunity for investors, if they can afford it, says Mr Newnes, at LSL.
154. Now that he published a earthliness novel , he can afford a new house and a car.
155. Although all women face a trade-off between the resources their bodies allocate to reproduction and those reserved for the maintenance of health, robust women can afford more of both than frail ones.
155. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
156. It's just that a buried zener is even better, if you can afford the higher voltage drop .
157. Dickie offers good food at aprice recession-hit Hong Kongers can afford.
158. A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
159. Perhaps this is the final will miss the taciturnity result, however, is what I can afford, even know never have met that day, never feel fingers touched the temperature.
160. I exclaimed, assuming the cheerful. and I fear I shall be weather-bound for half an hour, if you can afford me shelter during that space.
161. While you probably quote projects on an individual basis, yourprospective client wants to know if they can afford you.




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