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单词 Care about
1, The government professes to care about the poor.
2, I really care about the students in my class.
3, I care about you all,including the man you love.
4, He doesn't bloody care about anybody else.
5, But some people don't care about it.
6, I don't care about his opinion.
7, He doesn't care about anyone but himself.
8, If you still talk about it, you still care about it.
9, No one will care about you too much unless you're pretty or dying.
10, I am not you who who who, why care about Russia 's who's who.
11, I pretend that I don't care about you, but still I feel the pain.
12, I don't care about what you think; save your breath to cool your porridge!
13, Are there only to leave,[http:///care about.html] you will never care about.
14, Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash!
15, I don't care about other questions and I just try to be myself.
16, As long as you don't care about gains and losses, life is not what can not be overcome.
17, I know the people I really care about a few.
18, He's too self-absorbed to care about us.
19, I don't much care about going to the party.
20, Don't you care about this country's future?
21, I don't care about going fishing.
22, You know how much I care about you.
23, What do you care about it?
24, They look too wasted to care about much.
25, Don't you care about anybody?
26, Chain smokers don't care about the dangers of smoking.
27, Too sad so still is inferior to pretend don't care about anything.
28, A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you.May you seek all the best that the world has to give.May you never stop learning for as long as you live.
29, His world without her, her world is only him. The world is such, never fair. This is a timeless tussle, who care about more, will lose more.
30, Don't take yourself too reluctantly, because no one will care about.
1, The government professes to care about the poor.
2, He doesn't bloody care about anybody else.
3, He doesn't care about anyone but himself.
31, They don't care about the expenses.
32, I don't care about what happens.
33, Don't you care about losing your job?
34, I care about you a lot.
35, I don't much care about television.
36, The young people should care about the old.
37, The only thing he seems to care about is money.
38, He says he doesn't care about what the critics write, but I know different.
39, I care about him and hate to see him hurt like this.
40, I resent the implication that I don't care about my father.
41, You don't care about anything but yourself and your precious face.
42, I don't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter - I just want you both to stop arguing.
43, She said she didn't care about it,[http:///care about.html] but I believe she was secretly delighted.
44, It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late.
45, Voters care about pocketbook issues such as jobs and inflation.
46, You say you care about the poor, but you don't help them. You hypocrite!
47, I don't care about fashion, I dress how I please.
48, The criticism that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.
49, He told people he didn't care about her, but deep down he knew different.
50, You say you care about the poor, but you don't help them, you hypocrite!
51, I don't really care about what happened last year.
52, He didn't care about journalism or commissions.
53, They only care about the money.
54, Just listening to somebody shows you care about them.
55, They also care about trainspotters and bus drivers.
56, What did Claire care about families?
57, They don't care about their families.
58, There is one special boy I care about.
59, But other people wouldn't care about that.
60, Superintendent Robertson did not care about the mutterings from the lower ranks against her strict disciplinarian attitude.
61, Especially unusual to find them in a Tyrian, because as a rule Tyrians only care about making money.
62, All I care about is solving this murder, I mean this attempted murder.
63, Women who really care about their families make it fresh every day.
64, You lose nothing when fighting for a cause ... In my mind the losers are those who don't have a cause they care about. Muhammad Ali 
65, Ordinary people here have shown they care about the atrocious living conditions of our indigenous peoples.
66, Maybe they're songwriters - they don't really care about really good guitar players.
67, No one to care about, which is what makes him free enough to be a good con man.
68, Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. Lao Tzu 
69, The more we genuinely care about others the greater our own happiness & inner peace. Allan Lokos 
70, We only care about how we can make it better.
71, They then become defensive, withdrawn, or too angry themselves to care about your feelings.
72, Rufus did not in the least care about the moral issue, but the subject itself interested him.
73, The first requirement in getting students to adopt a serious orientation to knowledge is that they come to care about truth.
74, I'm very lucky to have a husband, family and friends who care about me.
75, These are the things I care about, on one of my two or three favorite sports days of the year.
76, In many wealthy countries, waste is the environmental problem that people care about most.
77, His followers are to trust in the goodness and providence of their heavenly father and abandon their care about the material world.
78, He does care about his own looks, but not in the conventional way.
79, He was too full of himself to care about anyone else.
80, Even the pain in his head and the dizziness in his stomach were things not to care about.
81, People who care about the environment should use their power as citizens to bring the corporations and politicians to account.
82, But Boyd did not care about new hats or new frocks.
83, Now that Luke no longer wanted her, he wouldn't care about anything she did, so no action of hers constituted defiance.
84, The one thing politicians care about more than anything else is the ballot box.
85, Ross complained bitterly that the state didn't care about the homeless.
86, We didn't care about the magazine we just wanted to trace back the gold chain see who handled it.
87, The drug addict does not care about what is important or worthwhile in life, such as family, career, finance, and social relationship. Dr T.P.Chia 
88, One thing we experience in reading these poems is the many ways one human being can care about another.
89, You will not be in a condition to care about shaving, for example, for a few days in all probability anyway.
90, And will you please stop pretending you care about me?
91, She took no interest in Rain but this time she did not care about Oliver either, or anyone else.
92, How much do you care about the environmental and health damage caused by the radio masts?
93, Apart from a few notable exceptions, all they care about is feet through the door and selling beer.
94, I do not care about happiness simply because I believe that joy is something worth fighting for. Criss Jami 
95, This is a domestic drama, with characters you come to care about as people.
96, When you care about a dear departed show, a highly promoted new episode offers a kind of false hope.
97, All they live for, the only thing they care about, is material goods.
98, He was too tired to care about the morality of it.
99, It's just a myth that divorced dads don't care about their kids.
100, Those who care about conservation and the archaeological record have to hope that collecting on this scale will go out of fashion.
101, What really shocked me was that no-one seemed to care about all the beggars.
102, Children care about the environment and want to help keep it clean.
103, It has become unfashionable to care about those at the bottom third of the economic ladder.
104, For those who care about baseball,[http:///care about.html] nothing else mattered on Saturday.
105, Of course I care about the homeless and the unemployed, but what can I do?
106, But Manu does not seem to care about being raped, and puts up no resistance.
107, All they see is a baby, a newborn baby, a symbol of all people care about.
108, If they are kind, if they care about you, they may want to know why you are letting yourself go.
109, Young Katharine began to care about the newspaper, and the deep affection and trust between father and daughter grew.
110, A few people care about news, and only a tiny percentage of those care about serious news.
111, The results were shocking, at least to people who care about squandered money.
112, I don't care about anything but being safe, she thought.
113, When my cats aren't happy, I'm not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they're just sitting there thinking up ways to get even. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
114, They don't care about the family man getting shot, they don't care about the families.
115, I don't care about rock festivals or black power or student revolutions or going to the Moon.
116, Of course I care about Kirsty - that's why I want to help her.
117, Do the media have a responsibility to make voters care about scandal?
118, Only shallow people care about appearances, so if I look like this, I must be deep.
119, Few academic historians seem to care about the literary elegance that sustains the essay form.
120, doesn't care about your name, your address, your age, or what you do for a living.
121, Why should we care about food waste?
122, Save cost care about hotel expense.
123, So do other members of society , who also care about their relative standard of life.
124, The unnamed paparazzo doesn't seem to care about his job, let alone Jarman, saying "I'm only a snapper."
125, The parser in this made-up example does not care about the exact contents of the declaration, because it's tangential to the sentence.
126, At the same time, business units do not care about grand visions for service-oriented architecture (SOA), such as assembling composite applications by weaving together fine-grained services.
127, C. People don't like your self-assertion . You always center yourself and never think about others. You should take more care about others' feelings.
128, No, no, just think that I came to this strange place, see that you care about me, my heart is very excited, very happy, really, it is ...A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.
129, Although I did not know what matter had to let you such despair, but I real hoped do not make the piffle , like this could let these care about you the person was...
130, In 2008, God wonderfully let me serve the community throught the sport platform, and go to the people to care about the real need of them.
131, The white-haired whiner's greatest contribution to gaming, perhaps, is delivering proof that players actually care about nonsense like "characters" and "story."
132, Geologists care about sediments,[] hammering away at them to uncover what they have to say about the past—especially the huge spans of time as the Earth passes from one geological period to another.
133, Why care about old fashioned values? You have to go with the times!
134, By showing that you care about them and vocalizing your appreciation, they will likely continue to perform well and stay loyal to you when the tide turns.
135, We are determined to pursue our dream. We will make arduous efforts reward the life, the society, and all the friengs who care about and support Huanyuan Group with better achievements!
136, To be and enrich youself , don't care about the attitude of the chook flock. As like the tiercel, prepare for the first fly and soar into the sky.
137, I do not understand people's between the ways of the world, I just feel Grandpa great sense of obligation will not care about others too much.
138, Make sure you're well-groomed. This will communicate that you care about your appearance and that you have self-respect.
139, Fun the whole process of looking for shepherd's purse, shepherd's purse to eat but can not remember right now is that I care about the joy of eating.
140, So if some of the super-angels were looking for companies that could get acquired quickly, that would explain why they'd care about valuations.
141, This requires a certain amount of self-reflection—you have to care about what your behavior says about you.
142, In part, the Japanese may be protecting their right to whale as a stand-in for a separate issue that they actually care about: fishing for bluefin tuna.
143, The Liu Mou that installs an embryo in the home feels he is fumed dizziness, disgustingly , but she did not care about this matter too much.
144, What do I care about incense from Sheba or sweet calamus from a distant land?
145, It is simply a psychological fact that we can do immense good to ourselves, and can avoid a great deal of self-poisoning , just by taking a bit of care about what words we use.
146, People who really care about others are few and far between.
147, I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons or your properties, but and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul.
148, So to summarize, a major reason to care about SOA is that it will eventually enable business analysts to compose applications with minimal programmer support.
149, Sheldrake concluded that we can sense when people we care about are thinking about us, even at great distances.
150, Please forgive my self-willed, it is because I care about you, you too!
151, If one that England squad had the integrity to offer an explanation or apology for their pathetic fallacy World Cup campaign in South Africa, I don't care about any of it.
152, Often you need to change state, but you don't need to wait for it to be changed or you don't care about the ordering of changes if multiple threads can make changes.
153, So now that we've established exactly who Tog is and why you should care about what he says, let's get onto...
154, Indeed, one major lesson in the ruckus over Scorsese's Last Temptation is that believers do care about the historical Jesus and urgently want him to square with the figure they know through faith.
155, Why young women are supposed to care about what an ageing misogynist finds erotic, I don't know.
156, "The market is not going to care about the absolute numbers, it is going to care about guidance," said Burt White, chief investment officer at LPL Financial, a network of broker-dealers.
157, So by agreeing to uncapped notes, VCs who don't care about valuations in angel rounds can make offers that super-angels hate to match.
158, Even if they hold investments maturity, they should care about their current value.
159, We care about, Xiang-Er Commentary has absorbed Lao-Zi to what degree. In other words, it changed how much significance from commenting Lao-Zi.
160, She is a cold-hearted person who does not really care about your situation.
161, Facing the threat of self-deception, what can man do?The article is to arouse people to care about and study the lonely destiny of man.
162, What if we don't care about letter case, and only care about the actual characters themselves?
163, The members of A21 were very popular FM-DJs and worked at many Belorussian stations. They never care about any limits or "genre' borders" ever.
164, Apparently, when men listen to other men about the things they care about, they use only the frontal area of their brains.
165, A gift buyer may care nothing for ANY of this, and simply wants help picking out a few products that are likely to be appreciated by someone who DOES care about tea.
166, Quite simply, Miro is a better way to watch all the video you care about.
167, You are FORTRAN You are an old-timer who likes math and science. Many have heard of you, but few care about you any more.
168, Not everyone has the financial ability to give money to the causes they care about.
169, The complexity in Technology Creativity is the concept advanced by the scholars, who care about Technology Creativity and architectonic construction in administration in recent years.
170, How we judge: We consider ourselves power users who care about things like openness, user control, and customizability; we also care about ease of use, high quality design, and quality hardware.
171, They just cursed me, " Laywoman Huang said urgently with a shaking voice: "but they didn't help me at all, and afterwards, they just didn't care about me anymore.
172, Nate seems like one of the good guys, And you seem to really care about him. Mr. Humphrey, you have a partial scholarship at st. jude's.
173, Anyone who has been vegan for more than a minute has probably encountered some jerk attempting to punch a hole in your argument for veganism with gems like "Don't you care about plants?
174, Enterprise will generally height control domestic transportation network, but not too care about international transportation.




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