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单词 Gangrenous
1. Her toes went gangrenous.
2. The wound was badly gangrenous by the time they arrived.
3. That gangrenous finger had to be taken off.
4. Li's arm gangrenous after being crushed in the rubble.
5. Acral Paraentoria, gangrenous ulcers, and non - healing.
6. Gangrenous necrosis involves the tissues of a body part.
7. When the clinical watch of deep caries is existing easy as phlogistic as dental pulp of sex of dental pulp hyperaemia, chronic closedown , dental pulp is necrotic (gangrenous) interblend confuse.
8. Gallbladder volvulus with a gangrenous change was the definite diagnosis following a celiotomy. Cholecystectomy was performed smoothly.
9. If a man gangrenous foot would you have patience with anyone who hesitated to amputate it?
10. Gallbladder volvulus with a gangrenous change was the definite diagnosis following a celiotomy .
11. Exploratory laparotomy showed ileo - ileal intussusception with gangrenous change.
12. Our path is to talk away from the gangrenous boundary.
13. Juvenile gangrenous vasculitis of the scrotum: Is it a variant of pyoderma gangrenosum?
14. It's horrible to lose a gangrenous arm, but that is sometimes the precondition for recovery.
15. The toe developed an abscess, which later turned gangrenous, but Lully refused to have it amputated. The gangrene spread and killed the stubborn musician.
16. Gallbladder volvulus a gangrenous change was the definite diagnosis following a celiotomy . Cholecystectomy was performed smoothly.
17. Purpose understanding old people is diabetic sufficient gangrenous ( DF ) clinical feature and its risk element.
18. AdditionalSenileDiabeticCommonner complication has secrete make water department infection, gangrenous , chronic neuritis of painful sex end is sentDiabeticSexual amyotrophy.
19. Complicated appendicitis was defined as appendicitis with histopathological evidence of perforation or gangrenous change.
20. He agreed to have an operation to amputate his left foot which had become gangrenous.
21. Conclusion: In-take and immersion of Chinese herbal medicine were functional for the treatment of gangrenous foot and also for the improvement of blood-fat and specific viscosity rate of whole blood.
22. Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of acute calculous gangrenous cholecystitis ( AAGC ).
23. Objective : To investigate affect of wound infection rate in gangrenous appendicitis after appendectomy.
24. Urgent right hemicolectomy was performed as patient's condition deteriorated rapidly. Severe colitis with gangrenous change of ascending colon was evident during the operation.
25. Lin Xue deficiency: limb pain, dried achene, acromegaly dishes, gangrenous ulcers can be seen, one's healing.
26. OBJECTIVE:To summarize the combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for gangrenous pyoderma and to improve our understanding on this disease.
27. D . When the surgical treatment of serious physical festering, gangrenous reservations hopeless used.
28. I was filled with indignation about the putrefactive and gangrenous traditional educational teaching system that caused a regiment of deaf and mute English learners throughout all over china.




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