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单词 Cord
1. Where's the cord that ties back the curtains?
2. The child is their only cord.
3. The fishes were strung together on a cord.
4. You need a piece of thick cord about two metres long.
5. All modern popular music has an umbilical cord link back to blues and R and B.
6. The sails are bound to the mast with cord.
7. Jane cut the cord with a knife.
8. A quick-thinking ticket inspector yanked an emergency cord.
9. He wound the cord around a wheel.
10. There was a soft nodule on my vocal cord.
11. He knotted the cord of his dressing-gown.
12. Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. By leavingmy parents' home, I cut/broke the umbilical cord.
14. The vertebral column surrounds and protects the spinal cord.
15. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.
16. Tack the cord around the cushion.
17. The cord has been extended between two bamboo poles.
18. Have you got some cord that I can tie this parcel up with?
19. Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector.
20. He pulled explosives and some tangled cord from his bag.
21. Cord had gone out sometime after breakfast.
22. Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord
23. The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.
24. Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
25. The robe was held at the waist by a cord.
26. If there's any trouble(), raise/sound the alarm by pulling the emergency cord.
27. He began to worry at the knot in the cord.
28. Teenage boys especially feel a need to cut the umbilical cord tying them to their mothers.
29. He asked the nurse if he could cut his son's umbilical cord.
30. The midwife cut and tied off the baby's umbilical cord.
1. Where's the cord that ties back the curtains?
2. The child is their only cord.
3. You need a piece of thick cord about two metres long.
4. All modern popular music has an umbilical cord link back to blues and R and B.
5. The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.
6. Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
7. The robe was held at the waist by a cord.
8. He wound the cord around a wheel.
9. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.
31. With spinal cord injuries, recovery can be prolonged.
32. Busted cord probably, or the plugs went bad.
33. Boys in particular need to cut the umbilical cord.
34. A cord attached to overhead bells is pulled repeatedly.
35. Check the power cord for any burn marks.
36. Overhead is a communication cord, as in a train.
37. Freitas was strangled with a nylon cord.
38. The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta.
39. She opened the wardrobe and pulled the cord inside.
40. He undid the cord of the pyjama trousers.
41. It was a 1937 Cord Phaeton convertible.
42. What's this cord connected to?
43. Indeed[http:///cord.html], all of the brain and spinal cord.
44. I came close to pulling the communication cord.
45. A bullet pierced his spinal cord.
46. A thin cord leads to Sam's earpiece.
47. The phone cord is all tangled.
48. Chops, our de facto Kiwi skipper and engineer, makes another valiant attempt to get it going with the starter cord.
49. If sophisticated reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord, what is the purpose of the brain?
50. Replacing the nylon cord on the hood with shock cord would save the eyes getting a lashing in the wind.
51. I'm worried the heat from the lamp will melt the cord.
52. She'd been strangled with some kind of flex or cord.
53. The unique beaded cord is remarkable strong and won't snag or jam even round tight corners.
54. There were some fish-hooks attached to the cord higher up, tiny little fish-hooks.
55. Ten patients had been treated for prostate cancer and one had experienced a spinal cord injury.
56. Most of the previous research into the timing of cord clamping has concentrated on babies born near term.
57. The nine-second fire was sparked by a breach of the synthetic insulation surrounding 10 hair-thin copper wires within the cord.
58. You carried a cord around in your pocket and you'd take the dog to Wavertree Pinfold.
59. For example, it is absent in such diverse conditions as constipation, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and thoracic spinal cord injuries.
60. As with astral travel, some talk of being linked to their physical bodies by a filmy cord.
61. When the shrine was full, Kalchu began to pull the cord of the big brass bell hanging above his head.
62. A girl born with the umbilical cord twisted round her neck may feel that she always gets herself tied up in things.
63. For the benefit of the conductor, a short length of cord was spliced on and hung down over each doorway.
64. The doctor hunts for the umbilical cord on the ultra sound scanner to take a sample.
65. Her glasses hung around her neck on a silky cord.
66. Perinatal islet function in gestational diabetes: Assessment by cord plasma C-peptide and amniotic fluid insulin.
67. Low levels of hybridization are also detectable in other regions of the spinal cord.
68. The sofa was upholstered in yellow and blue satin, shiny and tight, finished with rolled gold cord and tassels.
69. Don't you wish you were joined by the umbilical cord again and nobody had the power to cut it?
70. The cord of wood for the kitchen stove was cut too short.
71. She attached a cord and started wearing them around her neck.
72. It broke my ribs, collapsed a lung and broke my spinal cord.
72. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
73. The Cord Maker comes complete with an explanatory instruction leaflet, containing suggestions for using the finished braids and cords.
74. See you know I set up the printer, the computer, even get a cord to connect them.
75. He looked away and began twiddling with the curtain cord.
76. Seth stretched the phone cord around the corner so that he could speak in private.
77. We believe, however, that further study is needed before firm recommendations about umbilical cord clamping can be made.
78. His spinal cord was severed, and he became a paraplegic.
79. He poked his nose outside to see if he could tie off the cord.
80. He flattens the empty cardboard boxes, stacks them and ties them into a bundle with cord.
81. Chops responds, without pausing in his frantic pulling on the starter cord.
82. Flooring should be non-committal: plain, functional cord fitted carpet, or rubber stud flooring.
83. Attached to it was a sash cord, linked to a rope hanging down to the track.
84. The Blue Fog features large patches of rust, an oil leak, a loose handle and a temperamental pull cord.
85. Beside her the pathetic corpse of the servant, the garotte cord still round his scrawny neck.
86. But Peter's back was broken and his spinal cord damaged.
87. He was found to have two other knives, a roll of black masking tape and black cord.
88. These deliver serotonin to wide areas of the brain and spinal cord.
89. Invasion of the spinal cord causes paralysis of the arms and legs or of the trunk.
90. Nylon cord: To calculate the amount, add together the width of the blind plus four times the length.
91. This was less likely in infants in the random group, half of whom underwent cord clamping within 10 seconds of delivery.
92. The door hangs off its hinges, the cash register ripped from its electronic umbilical cord.
93. So as I moved toward the wall, I pulled the cord with me.
94. He looked gorgeous, dressed in a pink silk gown with a gold-tasselled cord round his waist.
95. And the fifth layer sends signals to other deep and distant neural structures, sometimes even the spinal cord.
96. Striking the side or back of the neck can damage the spine or the spinal cord itself, sometimes permanently.
97. The stump where the umbilical cord breaks after foaling is a potential route for pathogens into the foal's system.
98. The corresponding reduction in the space posteriorly restricts the canal available for the spinal cord.
99. A thin steel cord was bolted to the beam that supported the boxcar roof.
100. Sure enough, there he was, Cord Shay, at the megaphone.
101. I checked the phone cord and made sure it was plugged in correctly.
102. Reacher stood outside next to me and handed me the shoulder straps and radio cord from behind the high-backed seat.
102. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
103. Push behind latches. 6 Hook up neckband on first row, push behind latches and remove waste and nylon cord.
104. An officer allegedly pulled the emergency cord as a joke.
105. The electric signalling bells did not give satisfaction and were gradually replaced by cord operated bells.
106. Or worse: a disk slipped, or the spinal cord snapped?
107. The jacket's cord trim is complemented by the cord jodhpurs.
108. Discussion Immediate umbilical cord clamping deprives neonates of a significant volume of blood.
109. Before it could, I cut the cord and took it into the ante-room.
110. And on the second train from Oxford they pulled the communication cord to try to avoid us.
111. In the same way, nerve cells in the spinal cord show activity whenever a particular movement is made by the arm.
112. That coppery twang on the emergency cord that hangs tight in his gut.
113. Information technologies, including a combination of telecommunications and computing, are the cord out of which the organizational fishnet is woven.
114. They receive messages from virtually every nerve in the human body via connections with the optic nerve and spinal cord.
115. That requires a spinal cord to produce a different spatiotemporal pattern of commands to all those muscles.
116. She pulled the white cord so tight it cut red weals into the white flesh.
117. A cord is pulled tightly around the crown to hold it in place.
118. Here are the rival theories: The false vocal cord theory sees purring originating in the cat's voice-box, or larynx.
119. The vice president grabbed Cyrus's long microphone cord and and began whipping it around like a lariat.
120. J., says cord prices are flat with last year at about $ 115 with delivery.
121. The method of forming the top- and bottom-knots was to twist a thin strip of the shroud material into a cord.
122. An integral elasticated cord and clip is provided to attach the NU-GRIP to your golf bag.
123. Rather, the axons of the sensory neurons carry impulses back into the spinal cord.
124. He knotted the cord of his dressing-gown and left the room.
125. I tilted my head down and tightened the cord on the hood of my jacket.
126. Possibly the role is to induce the epidermis which it comes into contact with to fold up to form a nerve cord.
127. The thing that attracted me was that it wasn't your average plonk, plonk, three cord amateur musician.
128. It also contains a coupon that readers can send to Specter to show their support for increased funding for spinal cord research.
129. The maternal bond had been cut with the umbilical cord - at birth.
130. He was wearing a pair of crumpled pyjama trousers, tied at the waist with a white cord.
131. She wore a flowered smock, and her spectacles hung round her neck on a cord.
132. Without this retractable umbilical cord, the soul would be utterly lost in the chaos of its dreams.
132. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
133. Originally these bands were made of silk or cotton worked over cord, leather or vellum and fastened inside the spine.
134. As events would prove, it was a frail umbilical cord from the customer to design and manufacturing.
135. A search for a suitable bone marrow or umbilical cord donor for Garrett is under way.
136. When my daughter still had her umbilical cord, my husband worried about infection.
137. Like the skin comparison neurons in the spinal cord, the center may be excitatory and the surround inhibitory.
138. The cord of the electric razor was plugged in above.
139. Seflor Benavidez watches impassively, holding the bags and the wrapped cord on his lap.
140. I can picture it now, a fine velvet cord and such bonny colours.
141. It hung from my neck secured by a length of dressing-gown cord.
142. A pound and a quarter of C-4 explosive was tied with an explosive cord to wooden crates holding the rockets.
143. Glover felt like a frayed old electrical cord that some one had just shoved into a wall socket.
144. We did not time onset of respiration relative to cord clamping but many infants in the regulated group were already crying.
145. She would cut the cord that bound her to them cleanly and irrevocably.
146. Many neurologic disorders affecting the brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord posterior column may cause dizzy sensations.
147. Severing the umbilical cord between landlords and peasants vastly increased the proportion of the population for which the centre was directly responsible.
148. Wraps the cord around her neck and gives it a yank.
149. His mother smiled as she absently wrapped the cord around the iron handle.
150. Tie a length of cord to each of the lowest rings, placing the shortest length nearest the operational side.
151. He wore an anorak over a wool sweater with a polo neck and he wore tough cord jeans and walking boots.
152. Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable condition manifesting sensory ataxia.
153. The man opposite me yanks the communication cord, and we lurch to a halt.
154. One morning a loose cord was flapping in the wind, cracking the canvas alongside his ear.
155. She jumped to touch the line, and the cord became wrapped around my throat.
156. The false vocal cord theory is the most obvious and the simplest.
157. Introduction Despite historical controversy the umbilical cord is generally clamped immediately, particularly after preterm delivery.
158. She says that he was hanging by his dressing gown cord from a banister.
159. Heart racing, she felt for the dangling cord and flooded the room with light just as the door closed quietly.
160. The ball had entered his body in front and passed out near the spinal cord, paralyzing him in legs and arms.
161. In vertebrates the brain is the much expanded front end of the spinal cord.
162. Have you got an extension cord?
162. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
163. The telephone cord was distorted and tangled.
164. This cord is 4 meters in length than that.
165. I wear a safety cord all the time.
166. Introduction to cord blood special issue.
167. The cord works as the radio antenna.
168. The cord pulled tight(), choking off Luca's breath.
169. To vibrate three times as fast, or once in every third part of a second, the cord had to be only one-ninth of 39.1 inches in length.
170. The ventral nerve cord is covered externally by a peritoneum.
171. Objective To investigate the CSF cytologic features and its clinical value in patient with arachnoiditis of spinal cord.
172. Results: There were differences between volume density (Vv), surface density (Sv) and length density (Lv) of blood vessel of grey and white matter inside spinal cord. Conclusion: Volume...
173. Summary of Background Data. The stress-activated mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways including ASK1 transmitted apoptosis signals after acute spinal cord injury.
174. The drip loop is that part of the cord which hangs below the level of the receptacle.
175. Hepatic histopathological examination showed proliferation of bile duct and fibrous connective tissue, obvious increase of hepatic cell oncosis and liver cell cord derangement in BDL group.
176. Objective To evaluate the diagnosis of 1H-MRS and MRI for the acute spinal cord injury (ASCI).
177. The lamp cord is tucked away in one of the legs so as not to detract from the clean lines of the composition.
178. Objective To isolate neuroepithelial stem cells from the spinal cord neural tube of the embryonic rat and induce them to differentiate into dopaminergic neurons.
179. Conclusion Transplantation of HAECs into the hemiseetioned spinal cord of Rhesus monkey was effective in improving the locomotor function of hind limb.
180. Objective To find a way of reserving nomal high quality phonatory function after vocal cord surgery.
181. Results The Nissl bodies in the spinal cord and the DRG neurons were observed to have pyknosis, accompanied by collapse and karyolysis of Nissl body.
182. Group Busy Tone is audible tone of telephone system that is indicated by low tone on the sleeve of trunk jacks at cord switchboards.
183. Conclusions The astrocytes in lumbosacral spinal cord and medulla oblongata can be activated by colonic inflammation.
184. Objective Report the TV watching fiber laryngoscope operation on the vocal cord polypi, introduce the curative effect of the excision.
185. The main causes of the death of one fetus in twin pregnancy were cord elements(5 cases), fetal deformity(3 cases), velamentous insertion(4 cases)and unknown etiology(15 cases).
186. A BQ-HTJ-I-type precise spinal cord cell transplantation device mainly applied to the medical field can complete various cell transplanting operations in the spinal cord safely and quickly.
187. Maybe I can get an extension cord and hang myself.
188. The ventral nerve cord of the crab in the embryo included 1 pair mandibular neuromere, 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillae, 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillipede and abdomen nerve cord.
189. Objective To observe the histochemical changes of the enzyme activities of adrenal cortex after hemisection of spinal cord in rats.
190. Anorgasmia may be psychologically induced, but could also be caused by other medical problems, such as multiple sclerosis, pelvic trauma, spinal cord injury, vulvodynia, or even a hormonal imbalance.
191. The exported tyre cord fabric wins high reputation in the global market.
192. Children received 2 - 7 transfusions of stem cells isolated from autologous cord blood./cord.html
193. Objective To study the neuroprotective effect of high-dose methylprednisolone in prophylaxis in rat acute spinal cord injury.
194. Objective To observe the morphological changes and myoblast proliferation dynamics of skeletal muscle after chronic spinal cord compression in rats.
195. A kinetic energy shifter of a pavilion painting curtain comprises a prism interlayer of a pavilion body, a painting cord fabric and a controller, etc.
196. This paper reviews development course of tyre cord fabric, analyses present situation and major problems of the cord fabric industry and makes an approach to its trend.
197. Contrast-enhanced MRI revealed a hyperintense, sausage-shaped mass extending from C7 to T2. The lesion located anterolaterally on the left side, pushing the spinal cord to the right and posterior.
198. P 2 Y receptors may modulate the at peripheral and spinal cord levels.
199. Objective To explore common causes of death in umbilical cord blood transplantation treating malignant and nonmalignant diseases in children.
200. Objective:To establish the animal model of spine cord shortening by the 4th lumber body vertebrectomy, and study the acute effects of spine shortening on the spinal function and blood flow.
201. Objective: To study the dead number of spinal cord anterior horn motor neurons following sciatic nerve injury in adult rats.
202. Objective To study the effect of oxytocin(OT)on pain modulation in spinal cord and its relation to endogenous met-enkephalin and dynorphin A_(1-13).
203. You'd better use the electric cord if you want to use the radio since the batteries are run down.
204. Objective To explore diagnosis and treatment of thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord trauma complicated by thoracoabdominal viscera injury.
205. Objective To compare the treatment effect of different doses methylprednisolone (MP)combined with monosialotetrahexosyl ganglioside (GM-1) on experimental spinal cord injury.
206. Conclusion CSF cytology in arachnoiditis of spinal cord has some characteristics(), and is helpful in diagnosis and observation of efficacy.
207. I will never forget all you've done for me, but it's time to cut the umbilical cord.
208. Under the indirect laryngoscope sees: The two - sided vocal cord movement is normal.
209. Results All patients were healed at first stage except 1 relapsed with vocal cord keratinization.
210. Methods Umbilical cord blood was collected from 1 014 neonates born in coastal city (763 cases from vaginal birth, 251 cases from cesarean section) for THS determination by IRMA.
211. When the placenta function obstacles, umbilical cord around the neck, improper use of pregnant women, the case of adverse external stimulus, may cause abnormal fetal movement.
212. Objective To observe the developmental changes of projection and termination of proprioceptive afferent fibers in the mouse spinal cord.
213. AC power cord must be changed only at the qualified service shop.
214. After all the soldering is completed, you will need to tie a large enough knot in one end of the bungee cord so it won't pull through an eyebolt.
215. Objective: To determine the diagnosis, surveillance and delivery method for pregnancies with nuchal cord and cephalic presentation.
216. Methods: 2 eases patients of aggressive angiomyxoma involving the spermatic cord of clinical information were reported and relative literature were reviewed.
217. The rating of an attachment plug assembled to a flexible cord for connection to a branch circuit shall comply with Table 3.2.1.
218. The clinical efficacy of Syphilitic cerebral gumma with non-surgical treatment was better than spinal cord one.
219. CONCLUSION: The cervical segments of spinocerebellar tract project to the cerebellar nuclei in rats and locate somatotopically as compared with the lumbar spinal cord.
220. On MRI, abnormal signals due to spinal cord compression, tears of posterior longitudinal ligament and interspinous ligament were demonstrated.
221. Objective: To observe the ultrastructural pathological changes and the localization of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide(PACAP)in rats after spinal cord injury(SCI).
222. Conclusion:Cervico-medullary angle has important value on measuring the compression degree of cervical spinal cord and ...
222. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
223. All rats first line of subarachnoid catheter, then the equivalent of T8 vertebral level and marked with micro scissors cut the spinal cord dorsal 2/3 rat corticospinal tract transection injury model.
224. Objective To observe the effect of magnetic stimulation of sacral roots on detrusor overactivity and urge incontinence after spinal cord disease.
225. The results showed that as a neurotransmitter TRH has facilitatory effect on excitatory synaptic transmission in spinal cord.
226. Objective To make a correct diagnosis of hemangioblastoma spinal cord by realizing clinic-photographic feature and differentiation with AVM and ependymoma.
227. We jumped off a bridge and fell 500 feet before the bungee cord caught us.
228. Mr. Jiang Wei died ineffably , before dying, double foot is being bound by cord, there also is cord on the neck.
229. The syrinx can expand and elongate over time, destroying the centre of the spinal cord and causing symptoms that vary with the syrinx's size and location.
230. Then I visualize a clear cord or clear rope coming from my root chakra (tail bone area) and entering Gaia.
231. Syringomyelia is a condition where a fluid filled sac develops in the spinal cord.
232. The read lead (with the inline fuse) of the supplied power cord is to be a "hot" (positive) wire(), and the black lead to ground .
233. Neural electrodes may eventually move up the spinal cord to what is often characterized as the body's primary erogenous zone.
234. Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic value of MRI in spinal cord infarction.
235. Objective:To evaluate effect of nuchal cord on the delivery pattern.
236. In order to realize the dynamic monitoring of the speed ratio for cord fabric, the microcomputer monitoring system of speed ratio for cord fabric impregnation rubber process is developed.
237. Objective To evaluate the reason of increasing sacrolumbar angle of tethered spinal cord on MRI.
238. Conclusion Direct-current stimulation may have intervention effects on spinal cord neuron apoptosis after sciatic nerve transection .
239. Objective To observe the effect of different graft on hindlimb movement in rats with hemisection of spinal cord injury.
240. The cat was biting on the electrical cord to my laptop.
241. Objective To observe the recovery process of hind limb function following complete spinal cord transection injury and discuss corresponding mechanism.
242. Conclusion The method of recovering the adductive and abductive functions of the paralyzed vocal cord simultaneously was available and effective.
243. Thread power cord down through motor hole and out to the back of the turntable.
244. Objective: To establish an artificial reflex arc in canines to reinnervate the neuropathic bladder and restore bladder function after spinal cord injury.
245. Objective:To assess the ultrasonic diagnosis of lumbosacral spinal dysraphism(LSD)with tethered spinal cord(TSC)syndrome and to evaluate the ultrasonography value in postoperative follow up.
246. A nylon cord fabric demand clear growth provides an important foundation for CPL rose.
247. The sympathetic nervous system—a web of nerves and neurons running through the spinal cord and spread to virtually every organ in the body—is responsible for arousal and excitement.
247. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
248. Conclusion The changes of ADM and ET-1 in umbilical cord plasma and vessel may related to regulation of fetoplacental circulation in PIH.
249. We jumped off a bridge and fell 5 CAUGHTCAUGHT feet before the bungee cord caught us.
250. Over the shorts, tracksuit pants, fastened with old cord at the waist.
251. Objective : To search for the diagnosis about vascular malformation of spinal cord.
252. The positive cells were the astrocytes, ependymal cells in white matter of spinal cord and the neurons mainly locating in cingulate cortex, striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus and cerebellum.
253. Pav é set Dorado crystals shine on refined gold - plated metal elements delicately wrapped around a cotton cord.
254. A woman who gets adequate amounts of the B vitamin folate is much less likely to have a baby with a birth defect affecting the spinal cord.
255. There was a significant correlation between the kyphotic angle and the degree of spinal cord flattening.
256. The full automatic measurement of edge of cord fabric for meridian tyre and discussion on positioning method are introduced?
257. Methods A model for resection of sciatic nerve was used. L4-6 spinal cord was taken, and sectioned (paraffin embectling) and stained in brilliant cresyl violet.
258. Currently, Topsworld has a complete series of fiber optics interconnect products patch cord , fanout, multifiber, etc.
259. If the chitosan repaired the crushed membranes then the spinal cord tissue would be unstained, but if the chitosan had failed, the spinal cord neurons would be flooded with the fluorescent dye.
260. Seriously? You're equating your pathetic love life with my re cord - breaking tumor?
261. Dysfunctions occurred in various Ievel, such as brain, spinal cord, vesical detrusor and mucous membrane, their afferent and efferent nerve, are responsible for bladder overactivity.
262. Objective To explore the relationship between pain from prostatic inflammation and activation of astroglia in the spinal cord.
263. We jumped off a bridge and fell 5 CROWNCROWN feet before the bungee cord caught us.
264. Radiodiagnostics was used to observe sequential measurement of cervical vertebrae and height in cases without spinal cord or nerve root injuries.
265. Objective:To observe the therapeutic effects of treating insomnia patient by giving Ginkgo Biloba Succi through Umbilical Cord and stimulating Shenque acupoint with pulse cupping.
266. The penis erects is activity of sex of a reflex, must issue the Later Zhou Dynasty of centre, spinal cord to surround nerval action ability to come true through pallium , cortex.
267. If your doctor leaves pieces of the baby, placenta, umbilical cord, or amniotic sac in your body, you may develop pain, bleeding, or a low grade fever.




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