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单词 Diary
1, I haven't had the meeting in my diary.
2, Hold on, I'll check in my diary.
3, The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.
4, His diary was not published during his lifetime.
5, Inge kept a diary during the war years.
6, Many pages of his diary have clung together.
7, I used to keep a diary.
8, She used to hide her diary under her pillow.
9, This was the diary in which Gina recorded her innermost thoughts and secrets.
10, Do you keep a diary ?
11, Very little information is given in the diary entries.
12, She kept a diary for over twenty years.
13, I started keeping a diary when I was thirteen.
14, I've made a note in my diary.
15, She flipped open Chris's diary.
16, Eleanor began to keep a diary.
17, The diary comes complete with a gold-coloured ballpoint pen.
18, I've kept a diary for twelve years now.
19, Friday at 11? I'll put it in my diary.
20, What are you doing with my diary?
21, Put it in your diary before you forget.
22, Historians annotate(),[http:///diary.html] check and interpret the diary selections.
23, The diary entries were tantalizingly brief.
24, The slimline diary fits easily into a handbag.
25, Geoffrey rushed in late pleading a mix-up in his diary.
26, His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary.
27, Don't forgot to write/enter the date of the meeting in your diary.
28, I'll make a note of our next meeting in my diary.
29, She records everything that happens to her in her diary.
30, The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.
1, Hold on, I'll check in my diary.
2, The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.
3, His diary was not published during his lifetime.
4, Inge kept a diary during the war years.
5, I used to keep a diary.
6, She used to hide her diary under her pillow.
7, This was the diary in which Gina recorded her innermost thoughts and secrets.
8, Geoffrey rushed in late pleading a mix-up in his diary.
9, His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary.
10, Don't forgot to write/enter the date of the meeting in your diary.
11, I'll make a note of our next meeting in my diary.
12, She records everything that happens to her in her diary.
13, The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.
14, I rather sneakily looked in her diary when she was out.
31, The diary portrays his family as quarrelsome and malicious.
32, We sneaked a look at her private diary.
33, The following is an extract from her diary.
34, Someone had torn several pages out of her diary.
35, novel is cast in the form of a diary.
36, She riffled her husband's diary.
37, The last page of the diary was missing.
38, The diary contains intimate details of their life together.
39, The diary features the organization's distinctive new logo.
40, I caught that Nosey Parker reading my diary.
41, Her diary contains no reference to the alleged appointment.
42, There's no entry in his diary for that day.
43, I'm completely lost without my diary.
44, I came across an old diary in her desk.
45, Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.
46, A diary was found on the body.
47, We're giving away a free diary with tomorrow's newspaper.
48, He tore a few pages out of his diary.
49, The diary gives us an insight into Hemingway's world.
50, Mr Wilson's diary is booked up for months ahead.
51, the Diary of Anne Frank.
52, The meeting's on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary.
53, Did you put the meeting date in your diary ?
54, The date of the next meeting was down in my diary.
55, She recorded her impressions of the city in her diary.
56, Anne Frank was the girl whose diary put a human face on the Holocaust.
57, His diary shows him up as/shows him up to have been a greedy,[http:///diary.html] arrogant man.
58, Jack entered the events of the day into his diary.
59, You've found my diary - where on earth was it?
60, I've looked in her diary and she has nothing on on Tuesday afternoon.
61, I rather sneakily looked in her diary when she was out last night.
62, If you can't remember your number, write it in code in a diary.
63, I rather sneakily looked in her diary when she was out.
64, "It's all over," he wrote in his diary for April 21.
65, In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy.
66, I'm having a party next Saturday; put it down in your diary so you don't forget.
67, The group decided to make a video diary of the cycling trip.
68, I pulled my diary from beneath a pile of files.
69, I usually put it in my diary when I see the wild flowers coming out.
70, Somehow we got our wires crossed because I'd got the 23rd written down in my diary and Jen had the 16th.
71, She mounted the photograph on the back of her diary book.
72, As his illness progressed, he made fewer entries in his diary.
72, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
73, There is no entry in his diary for that day.
74, Violet's diary entry for 20 April 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.
75, My diary is the repository of all my hopes and plans.
76, One day he chanced upon Emma's diary and began reading it.
77, Then I found his diary and it all began to fall into place.
78, The one cavil I have about the book is that it is written as a diary.
79, She confided her suspicions to no one but her diary.
80, He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated.
81, As I scribbled in my diary the light went out.
82, He flipped the pages of the diary and began reading the last entry.
83, I would hate my diary to get into the wrong hands.
84, Tell her I've got a window in my diary later on this week.
85, "He has had his tonsils out and has been ill, too," she noted in her diary.
86, He jotted down observations on the animals' habits in his field diary.
87, I've put the date of the party down in my diary.
88, My diary entries are filled with prosaic happenings.
89, Also, black leather desk diary and telephone book.
90, The Colonel runs through his diary for the day.
91, Alvin reminded himself in his daily diary.
92, Class Teacher goes to see Head. Write up diary.
93, That night Endill wrote in his diary.
94, There they were - notepad and business diary.
95, Her diary for last week and the week before.
96, Gardeners - put the date in your diary.
97, And then I looked through my diary!
98, They were good friends, Bjaaland wrote in his diary.
99, I kept a diary during high school.
100, I used a diary at this pilot stage.
101, He'd kept a diary for years.
102, Record the experience in a diary entry.
102, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
103, Keep a diary and one day it'll keep you. Mae West 
104, If used properly, the diary was a mine of information.
105, It was clear that in many of these recorded diary entries he had in mind his projected memoirs.
106, Between November 1929 and February 1930 he kept a diary.
107, Please note it in your diary - detailed notices will, of course, be sent nearer the time.
108, Just because she was the junior on the Diary team, it didn't mean that he could constantly bully her.
109, The truly personal diary, intended for purely personal perusal, is a rare thing.
110, Senior Labor politician Tony Benn has been publishing diary installments for decades, providing a vivid account of Parliament.
111, The first diary entries were no doubt recorded on an impulse, in odd hours in his room in the shophouse.
112, He spun an hour every day and kept a diary.
113, Family and kinship relations in an Essex village are laid open to us through the diary.
114, The rewards for the end of the week should also be written in the diary in the space for Week 1.
115, But Ickes says he dared not keep such a diary because it might have been subpoenaed.
116, Naturally such a diary needs to be concise, yet it should contain concrete details about exactly what you have done.
117, She tried to remember some of her stories and put those in the Diary too.
118, Going through her diary, as I had to, seemed somehow - obscene.
119, Concert work fills the blanks in her diary left by the Bastille debacle.
120, For one thing, there was no time in the diary for meeting Worsdale.
121, Entering a name into the diary for instance can be used to trigger an address search.
122, I decided to keep a diary of our trip to Toronto.
123, When you fill out your diary, step outside yourself and be as objective as possible.
124, A better day today, Miss Lavant wrote in her diary, quite a bit of sunshine.
125, My diary is full of diatribes against the childishness, laziness, conceit or inefficiency of others.
126, While working on the catapult Endill started to keep a diary.
127, For each section, she kept a diary, stating what she had achieved and the number of hours worked.
128, It was not a diary, nor was it a matter of conscience.
129, Instead you should investigate the reasons why progress has faltered by taking an analytical look through your diary.
130, The defence, Mr Scott went on, would later produce a diary entry that would establish the truth of this statement.
131, Particularly true now as more areas are organising summer courses and events for you to attend and include in your diary.
132, But if you keep your on-line appointments diary up to date, a calendar on the network can compare everyone's schedules.
133, He opened his diary which was lying on his desk and checked by name against his written entry.
134, The businessman leant across to an enormous, leather-bound diary and gave the date in early March.
135, I kept a diary of events and attempted to chart the process by which 6-year-old Balbinder was removed from mainstream education.
136, Accessories include a diary, an appointments schedule, calculator, calendar, to do list and a reminder facility.
137, His ministerial diary for the day often consisted of a lunch at a club and little else.
138, After a meeting with Minton, Lehmann usually commented in his diary on his mental state.
139, Her companions Eliza and Millicent Bant kept a diary of their travels, which covered almost 2,000 miles in 1815 alone.
140, Between 1660 and 1669 his diary illustrates the insecurities of the Restoration for a man on the borderline of Nonconformity.
141, But bear in mind that keeping a sleep diary may cause you to pay more attention to your sleep than you should.
142, Though I had scribbled away as a child, during my adolescence, I had never kept much of a diary.
143, The book is based on a diary which Professor Hull kept on cassette.
144, Coupled with such instructions, electronic, time coded diaries could provide a better method for ensuring the quality of diary records.
145, Electrical recording has made this fatally easy to do: much easier than confiding to a written diary.
146, He was equally keen to record what he had seen and always kept a desk diary.
147, A note is usually made in the diary to this effect to remind the reception desk.
148, The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it. James Matthew Barrie 
149, What follows are some of the diary entries I made during our six weeks of production in Savannah.
150, Bookings procedures were based on a conventional chart with Whitney diary and room racks, while billing was based on Sweda machines.
151, I wouldn't really show anyone my diary, not even you.
152, Luce put the diary down and brushed away her tears.
153, The resulting book falls somewhere between the teen diary / confessional genre and the academic feminist treatise.
154, If you are manually recording in a diary a secretary should check the dates three months in advance on a daily basis.
155, Once your goals have been reached and all your rewards earned, you can stop keeping a detailed diary.
156, The notebook had been used as a diary from 1 November 1849 to 15 July 1850.
157, All diary recording is arduous and this was no exception.
158, Margarett did not record her interest in art in the diary she began early in 1912.
159, This learning experience must be recorded via a Learning Diary and confirmed by the signature of employer and/or course tutor.
160, Tish intends to do some drawing, but is too intent on keeping a diary.
161, Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. Oscar Wilde 
162, He wrote in his diary: King most friendly and expressed thanks and confidence.
163, When you come to make your list of goals you will be able to spot themes and trends from your diary records.
164, Several other blooms lay bright and brittle between the back pages of the diary, each one neatly labelled.
165, The main source of data is maternal diary records of the children's language development.
166, During his illness, David kept a diary, which his family hopes to publish.
167, The major breed societies and their representatives are listed in many good books and in publications like the Horse and Hound Diary.
168, These are not diary entries broken up into bits, nor a re-associated list of the banality of her purse.
169, Is it now time to throw away the charts and graphs, have a ceremonial burning of the diary?
170, Make a note in your new Letts/CAMRA diary and come and help celebrate our 21st birthday.
171, Josselin's reputation is based on the detailed diary which he kept from 5 August 1644 until a few days before his death.
172, No one, but no one, was allowed to read my diary.
173, Stilwell was to write in his diary after seeing the document.
174, Make some notes in your diary of the benefits you think it might bring.
175, According to the diary, it must have been Friday 17 July.
176, The fact that it aims to provide a systematic account of time use is what distinguishes it from the literary diary.
177, In a diary in which she writes everything but the truth.
178, Make a date in your diary for Wednesday, 21 October, 1998.
179, The original copy of his diary is missing.
180, I sceretly read up on my sister's diary.
181, He read the book's flyleaf and saw that it was the diary of a young school girl in northwest China who was determined to fight for an education despite poverty and isolation.
182, But this story begins with the most famous assassination in history. Abraham Lincoln's killer John Wilkes Booth kept a diary.
183, A Finnegan's Wake, where an interior monologue becomes the reason for painting adrift, images whose common thread is a diary of my most intimate memories.
184, As your diary grows thicker, this visual record of your trades becomes more and more valuable.
185, From this day onwards, I will write diary everyday. Due to in fact that write diary can improve my En.
186, As for the president himself, we're unlikely to get much: Bush has a poor memory and is too unreflective to have kept the kind of diary that would elucidate matters.
187, As the form of musical diary, Grieg' s "Lyric Pieces" recorded his composing career during the 37 years and revealed the basic clue of the changes in the style of his musical works.
188, The diary is not the one who will always update, but it is only the note of someday, I begin to exculpate from my giving up in the midway.
189, In one-third of the 12, 000 diary entries, the diarist was unhappy, unmotivated or both.
190, If you find yourself wearing black tie more than once a year, or if film premieres, opera visits or smart restaurant bookings keep appearing in your diary, your day watch may lack occasion.
191, An attempt is made to analyze the cases of irony occurring in a Chinese literary work-Lu Xun's A Madman's Diary within the framework of the echoic interpretation theory.
192, Then, every record daybook diary; every weaving a golden net.
192, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
193, My diary, As itemized account, record what SEG Shop experience, Ha ha.
194, Then, as examples, the diary management system, octonary furcated tree method, separating deal of date and time and abnormity check-up system were used in respect region.
195, You have a circle of trust with someone whose diary you stole?
196, A jubilant Peary wrote in his diary: "The Pole at last!!!
197, Using English to write diary is more like daybook .




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