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单词 Irony
1. She said to him with slight irony.
2. The irony is that when he finally got the job, he discovered he didn't like it.
3. She tried to ignore the heavy irony in his voice.
4. He thanked us all without a touch of irony.
5. Iris's voice was heavily laced with irony.
6. Do I detect a tinge of irony?
7. She congratulated him with gentle irony.
8. irony was that I didn't even like her.
9. There was a note of irony in his voice.
10. The irony is lost in translation.
11. She spoke with heavy irony.
12. There was a touch of irony/humour in her voice.
13. Paradox and irony are characteristics of her style.
14. The phrase is loaded with irony.
15. It is a nice irony that the Minister of Transport missed the meeting because her train was delayed.
16. By a cruel irony,(/irony.html) he died in a crash while returning home from the war.
17. The irony is that many officials in Washington agree in private that their policy is inconsistent.
18. The irony was that Shawn had not seen her. Nor for that matter had anyone else.
19. There was not the faintest trace of irony in her voice.
20. Do I detect a note of irony in your voice?
21. The final irony was that he became Minister of Education having left school at 12.
22. The tragic irony is that the drug was supposed to save lives.
23. The irony is that the new tax system will burden those it was intended to help.
24. There was a note of irony in that reservation.
25. Caine has always been an actor who excels in irony.
26. Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony, but found none.
27. In the closing lines, the poet indulges his sense of irony.
28. Wagner calls his program 'the worst talk show in America,' without a hint of irony.
29. 'Of course Michael won't be late; you know how punctual he always is,' she said with heavy irony.
30. 'England is famous for its food,' she said with heavy irony.
1. She said to him with slight irony.
2. Caine has always been an actor who excels in irony.
3. The irony is that when he finally got the job, he discovered he didn't like it.
4. Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony, but found none.
5. She tried to ignore the heavy irony in his voice.
31. She has no ear for irony.
32. I heard the irony in my voice, the bitterness.
33. It made me jealous with its wit and irony....
34. The novel is infused with humor, irony,(http:///irony.html) and grief.
35. Irony regards every simple truth as a challenge. Mason Cooley 
36. Attack it with irony, with anger, coyness, doubt.
37. All this without a trace of irony.
38. And the bitterest irony of all was that he himself was a victim.
39. He was a redoubtable debater with a caustic tongue in polemics and a nice touch in irony in writing.
40. There was, indeed, a kind of cruel irony in the collapse of the irrigation companies.
41. But her scenarios are without irony, studies of skin as flesh rather than repositories of myth and moral fable.
42. By a cruel irony, it was the sixth anniversary of their engagement.
43. Greater is the irony that twenty years earlier the open mind for this view was well established in economic circles.
44. Perhaps the author is being satirical, employing irony, allegory, or ambiguity.
45. Finally, for both Wimsatt and Brooks a defining characteristic of poetry was irony.
46. Noting the irony, Johnson just shook her head and rolled her eyes.
47. The irony is that population growth itself eats away at development potential.
48. Stranger still, this particular exhibit is presented without a trace of irony.
49. It was the first time Carolyn had heard her without that note of irony in her voice.
50. As one philosopher interviewed in the film notes, they lack irony.
51. The irony we often fail to appreciate is that the more justice people enjoy, the fewer crimes they commit.
52. Treat it with dashes of irony, danger, threat ... use contrasts.
53. The irony is that in other Arab countries it is the opposition that impugns democracy as the constitutional foundation of the republic.
54. His work is thus marked with a bitter irony which permeated not only the substance of his theory but also its method.
55. Ask his London counterpart about private cash and she talks, without irony, of the proceeds from donation boxes.
56. What vindictive irony, to force Digby to sacrifice his entire career in transport over a railways announcement!
57. He was not without humour, but completely impervious to Jane's irony.
58. There was a strange irony in his voice as if he were an old man who saw through everything.
59. Yet her simple, economical prose can carry irony as well as depth of feeling.
60. A recent editorial cartoon by Tom Toles caught the irony in all of this.
61. There are people who are dancing through life and others who are crying through life. The irony is that life is the same-what we do is purely our choice. RVM 
62. His flashes of light-hearted humour were commonly tinged with an awesome critical irony.
63. The old Herald, moral and earnest, was metamorphosed, with supreme irony, into the unspeakable Sun.
63. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
64. The irony in all this is the circular logic of what appears to be the new strategic competition.
65. Also I could hear irony in his tone and I thought that for some reason he was very annoyed indeed.
66. The bitter irony was that the whole plan had been her idea right from the start.
67. Nineteen years later, Robert Pafford, then retired, never saw a bit of irony in this position.
68. His gravitas, offset with a flickering irony, gives the production a strong moral centre.
69. It was a bitter irony that he condemned her for loving a man who was out of reach.
70. The intention is to curb the spread of package-tour baroque and heavy irony.
71. There was brotherly warmth as well as a touch of adult irony in his voice.
72. The irony of the scenario was well appreciated by yours truly.
73. Such irony shows considerable awareness of the judgements that can be made about readers.
74. The irony is that the threat of violence has come from anti-abortion Republicans, not anti-Republican feminist, gay and Chicano protesters.
75. But only because I liked the irony; in his previous incarnation, I could not have imagined him near the water.
76. Within a theory of irony, a theory of parody seems equally essential for understanding recent generic mutations.
77. The irony is that we are busy doing many things that don't matter and we have no time for things that do. Shouldn't we reverse it? RVM 
78. This has its attractive side, though it is not without irony.
79. It is a textbook for the study of dramatic irony in all its forms.
80. Irony is used here to mock an emotional response, identified as always female, always stupid.
81. The two basic forms of irony found in these tales are verbal irony and dramatic irony.
82. Irony is, after all, the modern mode, a drinking companion for resonance and wit.
83. Composition class was local headquarters of irony; we supplied the five-county area.
84. The irony is that our very success seems to breed more extremism in the environmental community and greater detachment from reality.
85. There was irony in the fact that Patrick was once again back in Richie's parish.
86. Brookner probes with scrupulous attention, keen irony and a profound appreciation of the endless ambivalences that beset human relationships.
87. What an irony: the great rational philosophical Enlightenment opens the door to paganism!
88. The final irony is that the kind of liberalism John Torode wants is itself illiberal.
89. It is no small irony that these provisions in the current housing law were devised by one-time Republican Sen.
90. The professors laugh at the irony but ignore the message-that academic skills and fighting skills may not often coexist.
91. But they quickly realised the judge had done them a great disservice and that his report hinged on a massive irony.
92. But our instinctive need to fill the vacuum inspires us to the ultimate irony: We turn 12 average citizens into killers.
93. She is smiling plainly and openly(/irony.html), without a trace of irony.
94. It was above all the smile of dramatic irony, of those who have privileged information.
95. This is a particularly cruel irony because as the 1911 census revealed doctors had the smallest families of all categories of occupations.
96. The irony being, of course, that climbing on the new wall would be considerably safer than soloing on the existing facilities.
97. Oh you secretive ironist, was that perhaps your—irony?
98. Metaphor and irony juxtapose meanings: harmonious, contrasting, or conflicting.
99. He is behind the irony that expect the keynote of the work to be changed direction the mordacity gradually by the relaxed humor.
100. It can be divided into three subtypes, viz. verbal irony(), dramatic irony and situational irony.
101. She had no idea this entailed irony of any kind. She had no idea what the word "irony" meant, until I used it in her essay and sent her a link to a dictionary definition.
102. In connection with this term comprehension, I would like to point out – I assure you that there is no irony intended – that it is a problematical term.
103. Chaucer was a great English poet, The Canterbury Tales was his most popular work for their power of observation, piercing irony, sense of humour and warm humanity.
104. The Jack in the Box is a hipster CEO whose ads are filled with carefully crafted irony and an overt stoner vibe .
105. The irony of Chinese citizens legitimately exercising a right in Norway that the government denies them at home will not be lost on journalists and other observers.
106. The study is devoted to two aspects of irony: the pragma-linguistic forms and pragmatic strategies in irony realization (or the pragma-linguistic cues for irony), and the pragmatic functions of irony.
107. American Author Walker Percy's novel, Lost in the Cosmos, calls the reader into a morass of social irony and introspection.
108. Tropes are chiefly of four kinds, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.
109. Besides, his thinking and writings on humor paid attention to the aesthetic value of humor, which includes farcicality , wittiness, naughtiness, irony and laugh.
110. Circling from farcicality to irony and humor, at last returning to farcicality, comedy ends in absurdism, too.
111. The deeper structure is a linguistic basis in its essence, made up of four basic discourse patterns:metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.
112. From" long live youth" to" cloth gift"and "butterfly "in new era, and to later "season" series, his writing experienced pure extolment, painful division and indignant irony.
113. It indicates how the effects of suspense, eeriness and horror is established perfectly through the use of irony.
114. The irony is, if you had used the element in the first place, pressing the Return key would have actually worked.
115. It is a peculiar irony that in today's campaign against Khomeini's political heirs, the opposition movement is appealing to many of the same grievances Khomeini cited in his campaign against the shah.
116. "Poems expressing wills and determinations, " irony and sarcasm, elegancy and the active romanticism of Chu Verses had deeply influenced the creative arts of Mao Zedong's poems.
117. One final irony: In 1950, at age 82, Millikan published his Autobiography, with Chapter 9 entitled simply "The Experimental Proof of the Existence of the Photon--Einstein's Photoelectric Equation."
118. And the Marx's understanding of Socratic irony was of a legendary color in his philosophical pursuit.
119. His works, full of realism, irony, tragedy and grotesquery, represent the complex, colorful and dramatic life of the contemporary Russians.
120. The"irony and esteem"presented two sides of researching the art of Anselm Kiefer .
121. Ge Feis "sage narration" and his description of the intellectuals, in a context of haphazard, absurdness, and irony, gave a vivid picture to the intellectuals as well as their desires.
122. Concerning the classification of enantiosis in rhetoric, the theoretical definitions of " litotes " and "irony" are somewhat different from the people's perception.
123. After the suave political irony of Before the Revolution, Bertolucci's triumphant return to his hometown of Parma brings us subtle and snide satire on human nature and the bourgeois family.
124. The irony is that in the obit Zhengjiang University showed, Doctor Tu was died of sickness and fell down the building.
125. Sophistication and slickness, sons of irony, they can worm their way strategically among capital and political systems.
126. This paper applies some pragmatic theories to explore the pragmatic features of irony, including its echoic and adaptive traits.
127. Irony still seems to fall flat in a culture where one-dimensional discourse is promoted from the earliest days of school on up into the professional world.
128. RW: But the irony is that books like yours and [Richard Dawkins's] God Delusion balkanise the world a good deal more, because they polarise views.
129. In another nod to irony, I'll take this opportunity to show you a longer implementation of the two-line method I used in TinyUrl.groovy (see Listing 3).
130. It involves many techniques of expression such as innuendo, pun, irony, euphony, allegory, hyperbole, and oblique references, etc.
131. Rhett Butler, the dramatis personae of the novel"Gone With the Wind", is a representative character of art of irony, which is one of most consummate designs of literature productions.
132. Dramatic irony also plays an important role in exposing flat characters' absurdity and round characters' defects.
133. An attempt is made to analyze the cases of irony occurring in a Chinese literary work-Lu Xun's A Madman's Diary within the framework of the echoic interpretation theory.
134. We would admire both his earnestness and his self-aware irony.
135. It's in recognition of what we can think of as this time-honored historical irony that Milton writes such a memorable line, a wonderful line(), in his sonnet on the new Presbyterian regime.
136. Given that he has travelled many thousands of miles in search of lasting love, the irony has not escaped him that Claire works in 9) Belgravia , just a few miles from Soho.
137. The irony is that supermarkets are generally cheaper than other local retailers -- a box of Cheerios can be 40 percent more expensive at the bodega or the dokkan than at the megastore.
138. This has caused critics to grumble that despite their professed free-thinking, Apple aficionados are actually suffused with groupthink. It's an interesting irony.
139. This paper attempts to investigate the echoic mention theory of verbal irony, a relevance-theoretical approach to verbal irony.
140. Socratic irony had its particular meaning in the context of ancient Greece. It was just an "act" put on by Socrates which demonstrated his nature, when he spoke to people.
141. SYDNEY (AFP) —A cartoon on the front page of Australia's national newspaper Thursday neatly illustrates an irony admitted by the government: communist China could save capitalism.
142. Irony can be generally divided into four types: verbal irony, situational irony, dramatic irony. This thesis takes verbal irony as the focus of research.
143. These times make it especially necessary to be in touch with the asurdity, the ridiculous, the funniness, and the irony of the everyday.
144. This artistic skill of dramatic irony plays an important role in developing the dramatic plot, and deepening the theme.
145. Since this involved restricting the rights of surplus nations, his plans were circumscribed by Washington, a nice irony now that America is a debtor nation.
146. The complex meaning of irony is only graspable in context.
147. The concept of irony should have three interpretive dimensions: semeiology dimension, pragmatics dimension and philosophy dimension.
148. Similarly unamused is Yosef Garfinkel, who says of Finkelstein's recent receipt of a four-million-dollar research grant, "He doesn't even use science—that's the irony.
149. Ex:It's an irony which uke got stockholm syndrome, fell in love dawn the kidnaper or aborfirstd the seme at end.
150. The irony in this is that, unknown to most of the public, President Mahinda Rajapaksa and I have been friends for more than a quarter-century.
151. With theatrical photographic settings, the author reinforces , increases, caricatures, often with irony, the problems he wants us to become aware of.
152. This thesis is intended to study the phenomenon of irony in two novels, Gulliver's Travels by the English writer Jonathan Swift and Flowers in the Mirror by the Chinese writer Li Ru-zhen.
153. Also, like the irony in our daily life, dramatic irony can also be described in this framework.
153. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
154. There is an irony to Gates' mission in Afghanistan: it was he who led the effort in the 1980's to support the anti-Soviet Mujahedeen, some of whom have since morphed into America's worst enemies.
155. The irony: juxtaposition is a juxtaposition of juxta and position.
156. Part three discusses the comedic style of Lodge's novels through the carnival humorous irony, the vulgarization of elegance and coincidence.
157. After the cinereous satire, the irony and catharsis of downfallen feelings have been deepened, whose humor is full of fugitive feelings of escaping narration.
158. Irony, once chiefly used as a rhetorical device in modem society, has generally become a genuine lot of all the people in their life.
159. In Miguel Street, irony goes far beyond a rhetorical device. Instead, it's the narrative strategy of the whole novel.
160. Arum, of course, had to chortle over that precious bit of irony.
161. For a better explanation of irony response, the paper first makes a brief analysis of irony representation level and echoic irony comprehension.
162. The irony here is that so did Marx. Marx was a real anti-Semite.
163. Irony is the most profound form of humour, and in that department of humour the Scotch are unexcelled .
164. The news that Germany's nuclear phase-out is being challenged by a Swedish company is not without irony.




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