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单词 Pulse
1 This radar is operated by an electronic pulse.
2 The child's pulse was strong/weak.
3 Fear sent her pulse racing .
4 Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth.
5 Her pulse seemed very fast.
6 The doctor felt her pulse on her wrist.
7 Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused.
8 The doctor took / felt my pulse.
9 His pulse raced as he faced the armed intruder.
10 Last time I took my pulse, it was a bit fast.
11 My pulse beats violently.
12 The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.
13 Her pulse raced with excitement.
14 His pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal.
15 Pulse several times until the mixture looks like oatmeal.
16 I can't feel his pulse.
17 I could feel a fluttering pulse.
18 She felt his neck. There was no pulse.
19 The child's pulse is now even.
20 Exercise increases your pulse rate.
21 His pulse was at as high as a hundred.
22 This is music that will make your pulse quicken.
23 Take the patient's pulse first.
24 The doctor could feel no pulse beating.
25 Pulse rates vary slightly from person to person.
26 My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight.
27 The pulse is usually timed in micro-seconds.
28 Ainslie's pulse quickened in alarm.
29 The machine is operated by an electronic pulse.
30 The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse .
1 This radar is operated by an electronic pulse.
2 The child's pulse was strong/weak.
3 Fear sent her pulse racing .
4 Her pulse seemed very fast.
5 The doctor felt her pulse on her wrist.
6 Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused.
7 The doctor took / felt my pulse.
8 The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse .
9 Last time I took my pulse, it was a bit fast.
10 My pulse beats violently.
11 The child's pulse is now even.
12 Ainslie's pulse quickened in alarm.
13 The patient's pulse quickened.
14 They made frequent checks on his respiration, pulse and blood.
15 His pulse is low, but his heart is still active.
31 When the body reacts unfavourably to food, the pulse rate will go up.
32 It's important to keep your finger on the pulse by reading all the right magazines.
33 In an emergency it can be difficult to find a pulse.
34 Clinton had an uncanny ability to sense the pulse of the nation.
35 They took my pulse, took my blood pressure,(http:///pulse.html) and X-rayed my jaw.
36 The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.
37 His breathing was shallow and his pulse was weak .
38 The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface.
39 Ben felt her neck for a pulse or any other sign of life .
40 Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute.
41 She took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse.
42 He'd taken her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure.
43 An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light.
44 There was little to quicken the pulse in his dull routine.
45 The patient's pulse quickened.
46 She reached in through the driver's broken window and checked for a pulse.
47 A glimpse of his bare torso set my pulse racing.
48 His heartbeat/pulse was unsteady.
49 This is a movie that will set your pulse racing.
50 They made frequent checks on his respiration, pulse and blood.
51 She felt her pulse quicken as she recognized the voice.
52 The situation changes daily, so you've got to keep your finger on the pulse.
53 My at-rest pulse rate is usually about 80 beats per minute.
54 His pulse is low, but his heart is still active.
55 He claims to have his finger on the pulse of the industry.
56 He shivered, his thoughts in turmoil, his pulse racing.
57 The man on the ground had no pulse.
58 After giving four breaths, check the pulse.
59 But the movie never quickens the pulse.
60 And they had come to feel that pulse.
61 His breathing was faint and shallow, his pulse weak.
62 The pulse had gone from his small chambers.
63 The pulse steadied, the cold sweats stopped.
64 This, then, is our pulse width modulator.
65 Their veins pulse with Faustian blood.
66 I could feel the pulse in my throat.
67 Comparison of input signal and monostable pulse width.
68 His pulse rate dropped suddenly.
69 I check out her pulse rate with my lips.
70 The energy applied in each pulse was 25-30 joules.
71 How can words stir anyone to action or even reflection if the accompanying music fails to quicken the pulse?
72 The house is dead without the warmth and the smells of cooking and the pulse of daily living.
73 If you can not find a pulse, you must begin chest compression(), also known as heart massage.
74 A second nurse takes my blood pressure and checks my pulse.
75 The pulse.shaped output from the detectors have a slight phase displacement, the sign of which depends on the direction of rotation.
76 Steel guy wires hold it upright; at various elevations strobe lights flash a warning to aircraft -- a slow arterial pulse.
77 Practise on your own child since it is often difficult to find a pulse in an emergency.
78 She took the pulse again, listened to the heartbeat, and took the blood-pressure.
79 The planet as a whole will be moving with respect to the Earth, and this will shift all wavelengths in the pulse.
80 Remember to take your pulse at intervals along the walk to make sure you are within your aerobic range.
81 In most patients, it is desirable to use dosages that maintain a pulse rate greater than 60.
82 It is the way they keep their finger on the pulse and keep in touch with their audience.
83 Usually they don chest-high wading boots and plow into water to take the pulse of the rivers.
84 But physicists believe a pulse of light-a group of massless waves-can.
85 The masters of noir are obvious influences on Nova; his prose races with a fast pulse.
86 Once satisfied, she took his pulse again, then watched him for a while.
87 The wire leading to pin 3 is then dipped in to give a pulse.
88 We will fire our pulse of light at such an angle that its passage to the far wall is five meters long.
89 The ability of a resort to quicken the pulse as I approach.
90 The urgency kicks in, the adrenalin flows a bit faster, the pulse quickens.
91 The position detector pulse sent to the control unit is used to generate the next step command.
92 Simultaneously with the flash, a piezoelectric plate behind the film launches a sonic pulse into the back of the film emulsion.
93 He doubted if his pulse had even quickened as he killed.
94 Like a metronome, every five seconds the submersible generates an acoustic tracking pulse at 8. 1 kilohertz.
95 The moment he arrived back at the flat,(/pulse.html) Adam checked his pulse: 150 beats a minute.
96 He became aware of the pulse throbbing in his head.
97 He lay still, feeling the warm pulse of her body neatly folded against his.
98 She shot bolt upright, pulse racing, mouth dry, and then she remembered the owls.
99 I listened to my feet making a steady rhythm on the paved stones, as regular as a pulse beat.
100 I shook my head, my pulse still racing from the shock.
101 But she wasn't looking up high enough to see something that shifted my pulse rate along a notch or two.
102 The spectrum during this fraction 0.35 of the pulse period can be fitted with a power law with in MeV.
103 About a quarter of an hour later, traveling at the speed of light, that pulse would reach its destination.
104 The pulse was dragging him in, into that horrid rhythm, now dead, now living.
105 After a while your pulse rate slows and you come to think maybe these ordinary law-abiding folks ain't zombies after all.
106 The company is close-mouthed about plans,() but most observers believe wireless computer networking is a likely product to come from Pulse.
107 As a result, Liz's pulse quickens and her blood pressure rises.
108 His fingers are splayed out so that he can feel the very pulse of hundreds of megabytes of information flowing into him.
109 Oxford began the night teetering on the brink of the relegation zone and pulse rates soared as early as the second minute.
110 One Saturday, in September 1995, my pulse races, I get dizzy, and feel faint.
111 Pulse oximetry was used to monitor oxygen saturation and heart rate.
112 The December quarter also will be a chance for investors to take the pulse of the Internet craze.
113 She could feel her pulse pounding in her ankles, wrists, and throat.
114 The fireworks seemed to pulse with the music, her skin seemed to melt and re-form from moment to moment.
115 Olivine and plagioclase continue to crystallize in the upper layer until critical concentrations are again reached and another pulse of sedimentation occurs.
116 Pulse arrival times have been recorded by Taylor and his colleagues over extended periods during the last 15 years.
117 Rather than using analogue voltages the servos operate with digital pulses of varying width to form a pulse width locked loop.
118 Take your pulse in the same way that you calculated your resting pulse rate earlier.
119 Then up again, all in oxygen so thin that your pulse rate is 50 percent higher.
120 Timing the motion of the lamp by his own pulse, Galileo saw that the length of a pendulum determines its rate.
121 There, she checked for a pulse, fearing for a moment that she had killed him.
122 She stared at his throat, hypnotised by the pulse beating beneath the bronzed skin.
123 I took his pulse, then sat back in the chair by his bed, my hands in my lap.
124 Pulse and blood pressure are also important indicators of circulatory status.
125 Walking pace often seems to give us the pulse of a movement; and walking pace and heartbeat are often linked.
125 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
126 But what worried him most was the apparent lack of breathing or pulse.
127 SaO 2 and pulse rate data were analysed by two methods.
128 The rate of decrease of the pulse after vigorous exercise is a good indication of the overall fitness of an individual.
129 And if I fall into the pulse at the start of a piece of music it is a physical joy.
130 His pulse was a distant polka retreating into the unknown.
131 Burying his face into the warm living darkness of Wolf's fur, he tried desperately to wall away the sickening pulse.
132 At each visit the temperature, pulse, haemoglobin, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were measured.
133 A total of 112 pulse arrival times over a 120-day time interval were collected for this pulsar.
134 He picked up Doyle's limp hand and felt for a pulse.
135 If I didn't move some one would come and feel for a pulse and, finding one, finish me off.
136 At the opposite extreme of a pulse of extremely long duration, the Fourier spectrum only contains extremely low frequencies.
137 For signs of shock - pale, sweaty, faint or weak with cold limbs and a rapid, weak pulse.
138 After you have been walking for about ten minutes take your pulse.
139 Gutfreund took the pulse of the place by simply wandering around it and asking questions of the traders.
140 Same with the second beam pulse - the one behind the first.
141 An electrical pulse sends the atom to the tip of the microscope needle.
142 His pulse quickened as he craned forward for a better view.
143 Faster operating speeds can be obtained with a higher clock frequency and more stages of pulse deletion.
144 Out of interest I drank a cup of coffee and watched the pulse zoom up.
145 The doctor examined her, found a faint pulse, and immediately swung into action to resuscitate the patient.
146 This continues until the pulse widths are within about one percent of each other.
147 Polls have become not only an instrument for taking the momentary public pulse but a servant of political spin.
148 She could feel the pounding of his heart against her chest, and the pulse leapt under her lips.
149 He pulled the heavy leather of her flying jacket from her arm and tried to find a pulse.
150 Although many range from shocking pink to cerise, the blue pulse gives the whole place a purple glow.
151 Rhythmic pulse can be a very prominent and essential feature of the music.
152 Every so often, the stones would quieten while a doctor would check the women's pulse.
153 Different conductors have different pulse rates and their tempi are often mathematical proportions of this.
154 He was not sure whether the pulse which beat in their joined hands was hers or his.
155 Reaching for her favourite Givenchy perfume, she liberally sprayed the pulse spots, adding a dash at her elbows and knees.
155 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
156 The finger was removed almost immediately, but not before Isabel had felt the throbbing pulse against her lips.
157 A simple paired comparison of mean pulse rate data obtained immediately before and during the procedure was also carried out.
158 There was no electronic monitor, so Shelley would just have to check pulse and blood-pressure regularly.
159 To take your pulse all you need to do is to count it for 10 seconds and then multiply by 6.
160 He heard a footfall in the passage outside and felt his pulse quicken.
161 When data is fed into input, D1 and a clock pulse given, the data moves along one place.
162 Far enough for the noise of the city to be a distant hum, near enough to hear its pulse beating.
163 We do not expect doctors to run an intensive care unit simply by measuring the pulse rates of their patients.
164 At no other time was the pulse of prayer so powerful in his parish.
165 Nuclear fusion reactions between deuterium ions produced between 10 5 and 10 6 neutrons per pulse.
166 But in the last pages Chailly slackens the pulse again, and instead of an ending to exhilarate and thrill we have anticlimax.
167 They keep us in jars like dead insects and fail to perceive the pulse of desire.
168 Stock brokers with a feel for Hong Kong's financial pulse were worried.
169 He took my right wrist and pressed his thumb tightly against my pulse and then spoke a sentence.
170 This may be detected either by using pulse timing techniques or by very-long-baseline interferometry.
171 Her rapid pulse, high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and bluish discoloration of the skin all called for life-saving measures.
172 We can think of radar signals as a series of pulses, but each pulse has a so-called carrier frequency.
173 Gingerly, Jack took his stepfather's wrist and felt the light fluttering of his pulse.
174 Doctors had been unable to find a pulse as they hurried to their next Medicash-insured mugging victim.
175 The arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate of all patients were monitored by pulse oximetry before and during the procedure.
176 She knew Guy could feel the sudden acceleration of her pulse, but she could do nothing to stop the traitorous throbbing.
177 The next question is, what type of training routine do you use to increase pulse rate?
178 An impulse passing along a nerve fibre is in some respects similar to an electric pulse passing along a wire.
179 A few deep breaths to steady his racing pulse, and he was ready.
180 The patient's colour, face and body features as well as pulse and tongue will also come in for scrutiny.
181 During the procedure pulse rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation were recorded every minute by the research nurse.
182 Coffee has been blamed for increasing the pulse rate and for interfering with the efficiency of the digestive process.
183 It may be difficult to find the neck pulse in a baby because the neck tends to be short and chubby.
184 The foundation organized thousands of town meetings around the country to pulse people on public policy issues and possible solutions.
185 Thus it emerges that a pulse is equivalent to a continuous frequency spectrum of sinusoidal signals.
186 After taking off his topee and wiping his head, he felt the boy's pulse automatically.
187 The observed profiles were cross-correlated with a standard pulse profile appropriate for each radio frequency to obtain accurate pulse arrival times.
188 It made him pulse with some kind of electric energy.
189 The first flowering pulse of the year is yellow, characterised by lesser celandine and primrose.
190 Huge space-age lights came down from the ceiling to flash in time to the thudding pulse of the music.
191 That pulse generator for switching telly channels we developed for computerising remote control of shell velocity measurements on Pendine Sands.
192 Sandison did not even bother to check his pulse or try to revive him.
193 Crouched on the floor Leonore searched desperately for Lais's pulse, tears streaming down her face, blinding her.
194 Pulse counter with manual reset and pneumatic output signal.
195 A receiving method adopting pulse's peak detection for IR-UWB system was proposed, which can reduce high timing precision requirement for pulse signal reception.
196 The circuit of the oscilloscope mainly consists of sampling pulse generator, sampling gate and comparator.
197 The modern agriculture already said goodbye to the slash-and-burn cultivation, the self-sufficient age, the time powerful pulse is summoning the informationization making agriculture.
198 A group show chosen from the Domus Collection, Roundtrip: Beijing – New York NOW places the finger on the pulse of contemporary art as it spans continental divisions.
199 Hospital X-ray machines work by passing an X-ray pulse through a body onto radiographic film.
200 The working features and frequency restrictions of SFC starting under two operation modes are analyzed, which are pulse switching mode with low speed and synchronous mode with high speed.
201 The coupling of a high-power, high-energy and narrow pulse laser unit with the optical fiber is important and of unique value in laser applications.
202 The result shows that this method can get rid of the short-circuit peak pulse nicely, and the waveform distortion is really small.
203 By using C8051F040 SCM to control the neutron tube′s filament voltage, the target voltage and the pulse of the anode, the downhole tool can work at an ideal state.
204 Electricity will pass through it if the positive pole of the thyristor is connected to a positive voltage and the trigger terminal is giver pulse.
205 Objective : To make a diagnosis as arteriosclerosis according to characteristics of the pulse wave.
206 The hour signal lamp is lit by the time pulse which is interpreted from the electronic timer fixed on the distributor.
207 The principle of the optical shutter system is presented, and a system is designed according to the wavelength and repetition frequency of light pulse, and the dimension and length of bunches in HLS.
208 A quantitative analysis for dynamic stability of a set of superconducting partial torus in a fusion reactor under a pulse current over a stationary current is given.
209 The causes of the phenomena are explored by studying the characteristics of audio frequency power amplifier and the pulse modulation of the high-frequency switch power supply.
210 The system consists of two modules: gating pulse module and high voltage modulation module.
211 Active radar seeker mostly adopts pulse Doppler monopulse radar system. So it is significant to research on the modeling and simulation of this kind of radar seeker.
212 The method for third harmonic generation of double wavelength and double pulse laser is proposed.
213 The gas switch with coaxal field distortion electrodes used in type DPF-300 current pulse discharge system is introduced.
214 Besides, the smaller the pulse repetition period (PRI) is, the better the localization performance of the short time TDOA sequence is.
215 Machine computer control cabinet, electric machine, pulse power supply for integrated control.
215 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
216 In this paper detection methods of one droplet per pulse are introduced and evaluated.
217 This temperature transmission instrument exploits the methods of multipoint level connections and obtaining information instantaneously to output digital pulse signals after demarcated.
218 A high-amplitude laser wakefield, which is an electron plasma wave, can be excited by an ultrashort intense laser pulse.
219 Secondly, simple model to calculate pulse noises which affect subscriber channel be digitized is used. This provides data basis for the design of channel filter.
220 One agent allegedly struck Hernandez Rojas with a baton, and then another agent shocked him with a stun gun. Hernandez Rojas stopped breathing and showed no pulse.
221 The transversal intensity distribution remains nearly unchanged with increasing chirp parameter for relatively large values of the pulse duration.
222 The linearization accuracy is high; the range of dynamic measurement available is wide and it is capable of direct output of pulse width and frequency signals.
223 The output clock pulse of clock recovery should have the features of high speed, low phase noise, high sensitivity, no polarization sensitivity, and stability.
224 The dye laser pulse has been synchronized with the iodine laser pulse by a combination of active-passive mode-locking.
225 The influence of injection-seeding on giant pulse setup time, beam-spot mode, and energy is observed experimentally.
226 By contrast, improvement was seen in 43 percent of subjects in the sunrise pulse group.
227 English language reflection time pulse, directly faces the reallife, has the strong life breath.
228 C - Realize the single chip pulse width modulation process to achieve!
229 The Methodological investigation on the measurement of thickness of downhole casing with ultrasonic pulse echo technique is carried out both in theory and in experiments.
230 The pulse of joy that beats in us at twenty becomes sluggish.
231 Apply the pulse power electrolysis to eliminate aluminum anodic passive films in the process of electrocoagulation .
232 With dizziness insomnia, five frustrating heat, night sweat, apical dishes, pulse counting.
233 As the amplifier tuned load circuit, they are able to select the base component cosine pulse to obtain undistorted amplification signal output, so this amp is also known as tuned power amplifier .
234 A novel topologic structure of high frequency AC pulse density modulation converter is proposed, and its operation principle, control scheme and design are described in detail.
235 If the shape of tailrace pipe is changed, the pressure pulse can be removed so that the vibration of generating unit can be reduced.
236 This paper introduces a new pulse modulator which uses VMOSFET as high voltage switch, describes its characteristics, operating principle and circuit design.
237 The PMD-induced pulse broadening may cause degradation of receiver sensitivity and has negative effects on the power spectrum of received signals.
238 The uniform pulse sequence signal is one of the most simple and the most important forms in coherent pulse-sequence signals, so it has a certain meaning to study uniform pulse-sequence signals.
239 Shock victims often have a weak pulse, pale and clammy skin, and breathe with difficulty.
240 The error of deformation of the blade cut by electric pulse is caused by thermal stress, morphol-ogy stress and cutting stress.
241 This paper detailedly studies the application of frequency coded pulse signal (FCP) to a high frequency ground wave over the horizon radar by designing signal waveform and processing.
242 TACAN beacon transmits pulse amplitude modulation signals in all direction, including bearing and distance information relative to the beacon.
243 In this article the equations of the instantaneous current, which take account of the thermal effect during a sine-shaped pulse current flowing in the magnet, are presented for the first time.
244 The soft decode technology of pulse position modulation was proposed.
245 The influence of the impedence mismatching between the joint section in pulse forming line and the helical line on the voltage waveform of the diode was analyzed.
245 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
246 Cascaded fiber amplifier high repetition rate, short pulse - width all - solid - state laser seed can achieve high output power.
247 Finally, by using residuals instead of periodic pulse excitation - random noise binary excitation, s the quality of synthesized speech has been some upgrading.
248 Taking account of the noise in both the calibration system and the radar echo, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) after the pulse compression of the calibrated echo is analyzed.
249 And then the parameter of sensor, the frequency, scale, voltage of the pulse is optimized, and the optimization working point of the system is presented.
250 And their main technical parameters, which are impedance, response time, the level of the residual voltage, maximum peak pulse current and life times, are compared.
251 Based on the definition of the average ambiguity function, the numerical expression of the average ambiguity function for the RPPM pulse doppler radar signal is derived in this dissertation.
252 A pulse coder must be mounted on the spindle when processing thread.
253 An air blowing experiment is done on a cascade of a pulse trans-sonic plane turbine cascade tunnel.
254 Impulse radar, also known as non-career radar and video pulse radar, is a branch or a special case of the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radar.
255 With same circular radiating antenna, same center frequency pulse, the analytical and numerical results of axial energy of several typical waveform pulse are offered by electromagnetic theory.
256 The circuit is suitable for three phase fully controlled rectification, inversion and voltage regulation etc. where the wide pulse, double narrow pulse or pulse string to trigger are needed.
257 Therefore, we use unipolar switching pulse width modulation scheme to realize a filterless Class - D power amplifier.
258 A hemodynamic parameters detecting instrument by pulse wave measuring is designed.
259 The mechanism of filamentation formed by femtosecond pulse laser beam propagating in atmosphere is investigated.
260 The performance of time-hopping pulse position modulation (TH-PPM) UWB system using MHP is studied under additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN)channel.
261 Output rise and fall times are TTL compatible and independent of pulse duration.
262 The threshold condition of low gain broadband - pulsed excimer laser is closely relative to the pump pulse.
263 The key of this invention is the realization of comparer, counter, latch and system pulse generator.
264 A quick-response protective system for high power klystron with long pulse which is used in FEL injector based on RF linac is described.




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