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单词 Booklet
1. The booklet contains information on pain relief during labour.
2. The newly published booklet breaks down into three parts.
3. This booklet provides useful information about local services.
4. Ask for the free booklet "Debt: a Survival Guide".
5. The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children.
6. The booklet provides all the necessary information about the college.
7. Please see accompanying booklet for instructions.
8. They wrote off for the special booklet.
9. This booklet defines the committee's functions.
10. I had to refer to the instruction booklet.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. She stared at the instruction booklet in complete perplexity.
12. Detailed instructions are included in the booklet.
13. We will send you our booklet free of charge.
14. This booklet restricts itself to facts without frills.
15. Send away for a free recipe booklet.
16. The booklet gives a brief description of each place.
17. An information booklet will be available and press advertisements will drum home the message.
18. Read this extract from an information booklet about the work of an airline cabin crew.
19. The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students.
20. This booklet gives some useful pointers on what to expect when you arrive.
21. While this booklet has become an official source of information, it is filled with misstatements of fact.
22. 2,000 copies of the booklet have been printed and are available for distribution.
23. The advice in the booklet reflects the practical experience we have gained .
24. The booklet lists the dos and don'ts of caring for dogs.
25. The booklet presents information about the project in a predigested form and explains things in an easy, non-technical way.
26. The financial considerations are laid out in a booklet called 'How to Borrow Money'.
27. I picked up a free booklet on tooth care at the dentist's.
28. I scanned through the booklet but couldn't find the address.
29. The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.
30. Like the others, he produced a written explanation, but in Scott's case this was a 30-page printed booklet.
1. The booklet contains information on pain relief during labour.
2. The newly published booklet breaks down into three parts.
3. This booklet provides useful information about local services.
4. Ask for the free booklet "Debt: a Survival Guide".
5. The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children.
6. The booklet provides all the necessary information about the college.
7. I picked up a free booklet on tooth care at the dentist's.
8. The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.
31. The booklet is supposed to help parents make informed choices for their children.
32. The Hilton booklet offers tips for getting better sleep.
33. The booklet offers practical advice to new parents.
34. Their booklet Help at Hand is particularly useful.
35. The previous edition of the booklet appeared in 1986.
36. This booklet goes some way to providing a resource.
37. The booklet provides information about organ donation and transplants.
38. This booklet provides an introduction to the postgraduate programme.
39. Having actually used the booklet reinforces this positive attitude.
40. This new booklet will tell you how.
41. Thank you for reading this booklet.
42. The booklet details all the events and special offers.
43. Both of these issues include an informative booklet essay.
44. The immigration information booklet is updated yearly.
45. The booklet notes by Jan Smaczny are informative.
46. The Bank is wooing retail investors; it has just published a booklet on the virtues of gilts.
47. The booklet not only gives good information about the subject but suggests open-ended questions to prompt children to talk.
48. It is with the perceptions of those teachers who claimed to have seen the booklet that this part is concerned.
49. Take careful note of the penultimate paragraph in the booklet: failure to comply will attract a maximum penalty of £20,[http://]000.
50. Gather together favourite recipes, make them into a booklet and sell for funds.
51. A booklet is being distributed to advise city authorities on how to organise a mass clean-up.
52. Like other competitors, he also produced a written explanation, but in Scott's case this was a thirty-page printed booklet.
53. This question went on to ask respondents whether they had seen the booklet, or any part of it.
54. From 1919 to 1948 she was secretary for social training there, and later published privately a booklet on its history.
55. The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is publishing a booklet with interviews with the artist.
56. The problem arose of how best to characterize the booklet for teachers.
57. Lock all doors and windows Fit security devices recommended in this booklet - and use them!
58. Council also approved in principle the text for a booklet Guidance on professional conduct incorporating a code of professional practice.
59. The booklet was divided into the four main themes identified above.
60. A booklet as a background to the series will be available early in 1993.
61. The package includes a pack of cards and a booklet which has a riddle running through its pages.
62. On finding that a printing error had left four blank pages in the 44 page booklet, I wrote to Hyperion.
63. The project has produced a booklet based on research in selected London boroughs and other areas of the country.
64. The list can be prepared by hand, using your own notebook or a booklet available free from many insurance agents.
65. A new booklet Guidance for Students with Special Needs is currently available from the above address.
66. The booklet is revised annually and has become widely recognised as one of the best guides available for local groups.
67. The booklet aims to help parents assess recent educational changes.
68. But I must admit that I read the booklet with some reserve.
69. The booklet was criticised during its draft stages for including details of accommodation such a long distance away.
70. This handy booklet tells you everything you need to know about getting connected to the Internet.
71. Nopw the National Osteoporosis Society has produced this new information booklet.
72. Nine days later I received a replacement booklet, a new Hyperion catalogue and a letter of apology.
73. The test booklet accompanying each coursebook contains four tests, each covering twenty units of the book concerned.
74. A million copies of the booklet have been printed and a Freephone helpline offers information on benefits.
75. The Royal Mail Service booklet contains a guide to delivery times worldwide.
76. At the show, a souvenir booklet was given away, as well as free sampler 455 featuring album cuts.
77. One of the card companies even sent me a separate booklet for the New York-New Jersey area.
78. Re-Solv plans to distribute 700,000 copies of a new booklet to shops and businesses throughout the country.
79. The booklet provides as detailed a statement of the law as is reasonably possible.
80. The accompanying 36-page booklet offers a detailed biography, recording information and an extended interview.
81. Readers are urged to consult Hayzen's small booklet for supplementary charts.
82. To help them identify the danger signs an information booklet will be made available and press ads will drum home the message.
83. Procedure Each subject was given a booklet consisting of seven pages.
84. The newer booklet takes a hands-on approach and progresses in a far more appropriate manner.
85. The attack came during the launch attended by Michael Heseltine, the defence secretary, of a booklet called Playing at Peace.
86. It is a booklet of practical ideas from lecturers and trainers and aims to encourage trainees to develop their personal effectiveness.
87. An accompanying booklet gives advice on timber selection, and how timber can be harvested locally at minimal cost.
88. As the Ford booklet points out, there is more than enough of these demanding tasks to keep you busy.
89. Watercress: make use of homegrown crops with a free recipe booklet.
90. Catalogue number is; it comes in a booklet style case with top class notes and design.
91. The booklet endeavours to be a comprehensive guide both to individuals and governing bodies on all aspects of drugs and sport.
92. The subject examinations committee discusses moderations by the external examiner which may, of course, affect recommendations published in the examination booklet.
93. The unit plans to produce a health information booklet for all women in the region.
94. When he published a small booklet last year offering advice on choosing a last name, it sold out immediately.
95. The Nobel banquet was more difficult: the booklet containing the precise seating arrangements had been mailed out days in advance.
96. After reading this booklet you may feel that you need more information or some extra help.
97. Didn't he read Silvio Berlusconi's booklet about his endless virtues, sent to potential supporters?
98. She talked to him for only a short while and left him a booklet with clear diagrams of the proposed surgery.
99. Within hours Dar al-Ba'ath had sent the booklet to the Beirut press.
100. The booklet is intended to be a user-friendly guide to pension schemes.
101. I spoke at the press conference to launch this booklet.
102. The Trust has produced a very good booklet which costs £1 to everyone except Daily Mirror readers.
103. Installation is made easy by using the fixing kit and simple instruction booklet that is supplied with the hood.
104. I am pleased to have the opportunity of reprinting the material from the original booklet here.
105. This booklet gives you guidance on how to deal with the problem in the workplace.
106. The booklet describes a few of the routes suitable for walkers and cyclists.
107. Beauty without cruelty has produced a booklet that proves you can look great whatever your age.
108. The booklet provides full translations, and an excellent introduction by the doyen of Handel scholars,[/booklet.html] Winton Dean.
109. We then cross-tabulated status as thus categorized against whether or not teachers had seen the booklet and found our assumption to be correct.
110. The environmental organization had written to all the country's general practitioners in January offering a health education poster and booklet.
111. The booklet that accompanies the CD is informative and scholarly, without being pedantic.
112. To commemorate the move, the accountancy firm, Peat Marwick, has produced a booklet of budget trivia.
113. A booklet on hospital discharge procedures is now imminent from the Department of Health.
114. The government bureau has prepared a booklet for U.S. citizens residing abroad.
115. You will be sent, by the Inland Revenue, a booklet containing payslips.
116. As a first step, complete the application form in the booklet and return it to us.
117. The tourist office sells a guide booklet that includes an hourlong walk and the sketchy details of his life.
118. The booklet deals with lithium, the drug used for manic depression.
119. Information booklet on your chosen resort, including a guide to the principal places of interest.
120. Such information hardly gives the impression that the booklet has had much overall impact on the secondary schools in the borough.
121. Also check on whether you can buy a coupon booklet for a traveling companion under the age of 62.
122. Use your test booklet for scratch paper.
123. Are you through with our mortgage loan booklet?
124. In 1828 Green published a privately printed booklet.
125. Crossway wants to put it in a small booklet.
126. The booklet is very practical and handy of reference.
127. This booklet is designed for the uninitiated.
128. It would be simpler if I sent you our booklet on conference hotels.
129. All rough work and notes should also be written in the answer booklet.
130. All patients should be in receipt of a copy of this booklet.sentence dictionary
131. And the preliminary design must complete design instruction booklet one, Sewage treatment plant total floor-plan, elevation chart, flow chart, main equipment drawing.
132. For fund information, please refer to related fund option booklet.
133. Willy the Wizard is a very insubstantial booklet running to 36 pages which had limited distribution.
134. For further information concerning this problem, see ASRM Patient Information booklet titled Endometriosis.
135. I think it would be simpler if I sent you our booklet on conference hotels.
136. The booklet contains postal codes from all parts of the country.
137. But after the surgical department expert's diagnosis, the Slovenia people diagnoses for the left anklebone booklet.
138. Santas at Montgomery Ward stores gave away 2.4 million copies of a booklet entitled "Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer."
139. We should while provide the computer, at least together provides to print the version the simple instruction booklet.
140. You can't bring scratch paper, but you can mark all over your test booklet if you need to try out an idea or work out a problem.
141. The new booklet is also a renewed effort to preserve WMO history for future generations.
142. May I take the liberty of asking you to read this booklet?
143. The main author of LYE, Sheila Jeffreys, says that the backlash to the booklet "even amonglesbians, was quite shocking.
144. The purpose of this booklet is to describe the basic process of money creation in a "fractional reserve" banking system.
145. Each worker was given a booklet explaining China's labor laws and the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct – an international standard adhered to by many employers in the industry.
146. All passengers will also receive a booklet of discounts for Lakeside.
147. The fitting is: Double electricity double sufficient, data line, instruction booklet.
148. The kit includes the Quick Start Guide, a 12 - page booklet that introduces you to the plan.
149. This design instruction booklet carries on the explanation in view of the connecting rod reducing socket double face milling aggregate machine-tool design and the unit clamp design.
150. These days very peaceful thinking, decided elects a booklet person to live!
151. You can download the NMC overseas information booklet about how to apply for registration in the UK, or order a copy by mail from the Publications section of this website.
152. You can wise up on details by reading this booklet.
153. Handling, investors have to carry money, card ( or residence booklet ) and the above - mentioned stock account card.
154. I sit down along a brooklet with a booklet in hand.
155. Recent changes in the tax law are setin the enclosed booklet.
156. PSCO: The stability booklet hasn't been approved by flag State government or classification society.
157. Exhibitor list and its brief introduction on the Expo booklet.
158. The booklet contains illustrations and examples of a weekly spending evaluation, a paycheck stub, how comparison shopping can save money and how to write a check.




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