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单词 Testify
1. Mr Molto has agreed to testify at the trial.
2. I can testify to the credentials of the clientele.
3. They testify to the extraordinary potency of his personality.
4. I can testify to the foregoing since I was actually present when it happened.
5. The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.
6. The president's former aides were called to testify at his trial.
7. He was summoned to testify before a grand jury.
8. She refused to testify against her brother.
9. Witnesses must testify under oath.
10. She was unwilling to testify before Congress.
11. She was held in contempt for refusing to testify.
12. Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals.
13. She refused to testify against her husband.
14. His friends will testify for him.
15. Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime?
16. There are several witnesses who will testify for the defence.
17. The full ashtrays testify that smoking hasn't been stubbed out.
18. Ten witnesses are expected to testify at the trial today.
19. I can testify to this man's veracity and good character.
20. She refused to testify,[Sentencedict] unless the murder charge against her was dropped.
21. The empty shops in the high street testify to the depth of the recession.
22. Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period.
23. The two youths today declined to testify because they said they feared for their safety.
24. The bundles of love letters testify to that.
25. Fuhrman did not testify in the civil trial.
26. He did not testify in the criminal case.
27. I've been called to testify at Smith's trial.
28. Too many young people are unable to write or spell well, as employers will testify.
29. A judicial enquiry was ordered, but witnesses were threatened and none would testify.
30. In the next three or four days, eleven witnesses will be called to testify.
1. Mr Molto has agreed to testify at the trial.
2. I can testify to the credentials of the clientele.
3. They testify to the extraordinary potency of his personality.
4. I can testify to the foregoing since I was actually present when it happened.
5. The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.
6. The president's former aides were called to testify at his trial.
7. I can testify to this man's veracity and good character.
31. Gorbachev refused to comply with a summons to testify.
32. If it comes to court you two can testify.
33. Another, Darlene, may testify on his behalf.
34. Among the scores of witnesses called to testify was convicted drug smuggler George Morales.
35. Miller refused to testify,[http:///testify.html] and paid for his irreverence by being officially labeled a pinko.
36. Nevertheless Seymour continued to preach and testify at black missions in Houston where he eventually met a woman named Neely Terry.
37. She also said James McDougal tried to convince her to testify against Clinton also.
38. The great achievements of the seventeenth century seem to testify to a new independence of scientific inquiry.
39. Huang has refused to testify unless granted partial immunity from prosecution.
40. Still, most Democrats joined Republicans in their insistence that the nuns testify.
41. Those who condescend to visit these miserable tenements can testify that neither health nor decency can be preserved in them.
42. The present writer, too, can testify to the fanaticism from discussions at that time with diplomats in London and overseas.
43. Anyone with a home cassette player can testify to the questionable long-term durability of tape recordings.
44. Each of them will testify that in his opinion death in each instance was caused by gunshot wounds in the head.
45. When it came time for my client to testify, he took the witness stand in his bib overalls.
46. He was able to testify on his own behalf and have witnesses who testified for him.
47. The deputy promised he'd testify on Farner's behalf at a trial.
48. Senators and congressmen take their calls, invite them to testify before official hearings and act on their advice.
49. A judicial inquiry was ordered, but witnesses were threatened by the police and none would testify.
50. Pappas had been prepared to testify against Turner after he was arrested on drug charges.
51. Edward Laufer did not testify, but has denied beating his wife.
52. Bye was called in to testify once Brett left, and he was asked to produce Yardley the next day.
53. The suit was settled last month, days before former Crypto engineers were to testify that they believed the machines were altered.
54. Miller refused to testify and paid for it by being labelled a communist.
55. Two men refused to testify in court out of fear for their lives.
56. The student said that he had actually enjoyed the class, and he refused to testify before a panel.
57. Last week, prosecutors said they would grant Mrs Moon immunity from prosecution in order to force her to testify.
58. Prosecutors dropped the charges against Richardson on the first day of the trial, when he agreed to testify against Medina.
59. The prosecution dropped the charges in 1976, announcing that the principal witness was too ill to ever testify.
60. Allen agreed last month to testify but fled before he could be called to the stand, prosecutors said.
61. Both sides have reacted warily to the mounting pressure to force her to testify.
62. On the other hand, every person charged with a crime is entitled to testify to his own intentions.
63. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire.
64. Cosby is expected to testify[/testify.html], but not until Monday at the earliest.
65. Pilot whales are endearing creatures, as anyone who has been involved in their rescue will testify.
66. In a civil case, jurors need only a preponderance of evidence to rule for the plaintiff and the defendant must testify.
67. I take it that he is going to testify to your statement in his office on the day after the election.
68. Having undertaken the same journey in my own youth, I can testify to the authenticity of the obsession described.
69. Principally, says Stern, because Molto is, in all likelihood, not going to testify.
70. But as the burgeoning health food stores testify, there is a lot more to the dietary supplements market than this.
71. Search for alleviation and cure is a very basic human reaction, as shrines from Lourdes to high-tech oncology clinics testify.
72. Another was Lloyd Carlo Douglas, whom prosecutors allowed to falsely testify that he had no criminal convictions.
73. Three women refused to testify, fearing it would jeopardize their careers.
74. He was interviewed by Judge Patrick King in his chambers, but did not testify in open court.
75. The only defendant to testify was Salaam, a move which most observers saw as having increased his chances of conviction.
76. Crowing begins at or just before the crack of dawn -- as my neighbours will testify.
77. He hoped that the postmark might testify to his mobility and grit.
78. He then handed me two grand-jury subpoenas, one to produce physical evidence a blood specimen and one to testify.
79. They will testify to what their post-mortem examinations of the victims disclosed.
80. Scull is using jailhouse informants to testify that Wooten confessed to them.
81. The defence plans to call only one witness to testify.
82. And as anyone who's known a Down's child will testify, they're very loving and gentle.
83. He will not testify against his own brother.
84. Fiers promised to testify fully and truthfully.
85. He offered to testify in favor of the accused.
86. The next witness will testify for the defense.
87. We did it Milo Are you going to testify?
88. Her actions testify her willingness to help.
89. All of us can testify to his good behaviour.
90. Bernanke will testify before a House panel on Thursday.
91. I can testify to his honesty.
92. He will testify in favor of the defendent.
93. I testify on oath that I have not noticed the accident.
94. Mr. Geithner is expected to testify before a House panel Tuesday morning.
95. But the rang of check and analysis about impulse test's failures, however[ ], is still the important lesson to study up to the present time due to its need of testify and experience.
96. They suborn witnesses to testify that he has spoken against Moses and the Temple.
97. Steel price probe heats up as New York grand jury calls executives to testify.
98. Many people can testify that it feels uniquely lonely to lie in bed beside your sleeping spouse, staring at the ceiling, when you long to kiss and canoodle and prolong the bonding experience.
99. Carroll, as many a late night reveller in Newcastle can testify, is more of a double figures man.
100. The Fifth Amendment protection against self - incrimination means that the defendant does not have to testify.
101. Combining with simulation of arc phenomena, a corresponding arc chamber sample is made to testify the arc mathematical model.
102. The method is used in a hinge wear inspection example of Horizontal stabilizer to testify its efficiency.
103. In a trial that is set to captivate Hong Kong, handwriting experts gurus will also testify.
104. Several applications in cutting work and grinding work are provided to testify the new method's validity.
105. Practice testify that multistoried building can be built by the sand-lime brick.
106. Even those loathed symbols of American cultural expansion, the hamburger and the frankfurter, testify to earlier German influence.
107. NIV as also the high priest and all the Council can testify.
108. This is to testify that the former photo-offset copy agrees with the true copy of the Bachelor's Degree Certificate.
109. The guy's up for parole, they want me to testify.
110. The right of rejective testify with family members is an important evidence rule.
111. Ruddock had a temper, which would sometimes boil over as Robbie Fowler would testify.
112. So the new form of testification should be put forward at first, and then investigator can testify in the court.
113. Spending will probably have to rise again to pay for increased efforts to provide surveillance, infiltrate terrorist ranks and perhaps find a "supergrass" or two to testify against former associates.
114. The experimental results testify the validity of this new method which has the advantages of no electric elements in the sensing head, the simplicity of signal processing, and wide working bandwidth.
115. You're a businesswoman who's good at her job - bloody good; I can testify to that!
116. At trial, scientists from both the FBI and Royal Canadian Mounted Police would testify that, under a microscope, the hairs were consistent with those of Wayne Williams.
117. To testify the application of the hydraulic model library, doing the design of the similar transformation of the impeller blade, and attaining the satisfied result.
118. The experiment testify that this gauge has well response characteristic and high resolution.
119. Be derailed if you discover your man, essential points and he do not kick up a row , like that, can only testify you not having accomplishment very much but can not resolve the basic problem.
120. In order to obtain a more accurate activation energy, we give a method to eliminate the influence of the accessional conductance and testify its feasibility by theory simulation.
121. Based on the tooth face equation of bi-arc bevel gear, the tooth face, the tooth and the whole gear are drawn to testify the correctness of the tooth face equations.
122. Methods method of literature review, table - account survey, and Delphi method to testify the indexes.
123. Objective To testify the shape change adaptability of a new automatic echocardial endocardium detector called star algorithm.
124. In the light of reductio ad absurdum on mathematics this paper tries to testify that the systematic fluctuation in magnitude-frequency curve is possible for specific seismic zones.
125. I can testify to the marvellous effect of this medicine.
126. Testify the SAKM in tobacco commercial enterprise customer clustering , the result validate SAKM is in.
127. This will testify for me that I was not idle, and that I spared no pains to bring to pass whatever appeared necessary for my comfortable support.
128. NARRATOR: The hearings began, and officials from the Civil Aeronautics Board were called to testify.
129. Then we do another experiment on self-motion of the redundant robot arm in order to testify the above presented control method.
130. Study deductive method is a basis with contrast reasoning originally, to testify viewpoint operatability and prospectivity coming actual example.
131. Lex Luthor offered to testify as a character witness before the medical ethics board.
132. Det. Souther: Two months we'll have you out, then you testify.
133. Gal. 4:15 Where then is your felicitation? For I testify concerning you that if possible you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me.
134. To testify validity of control strategy, digital simulation software ARENE is applied.
135. However , the Republican complainant in the House to summon 15 people including Lewinsky to testify court.
136. But no one who lived in those days has returned to testify how paradisiacal they really were.
137. Not one penny should be spent for a circlet of gold to testify that we are married.
138. In-situ check experiments testify that the spiral V-notch blasting is applicable to engineering projects and have a good advantage in controlling the size of blasted blocks and widening blasted range.
139. Objective To further testify the value of applying purified protein derivative(PPD) of tuberculin in monitoring the immunocompetence.
140. Aim To testify the pathogenicity of coccoid Helicobacter pylori in vivo.
141. And the DOJ could be less likely to block contempt charges against former White House aides who have refused to testify before Congress.
142. Earlier this month, Ms Campbell was ordered to testify at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands over allegations that she received a rough-cut diamond as a gift from Mr Taylor.
143. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is scheduled to testify in front of the House Budget Committee.
144. Deducing the computing formula for analytical solution of approximation theory and using experiments to testify the compute and contrasting the three computer methods.
145. By the practice testify, the machine accord with request of dispart and select .
146. The hot life test has been done to testify whether the longeval Control Rod Drive Mechanism can meet the requirements of the design indexes.
147. The lithochemistry data testify that basalt in ophiolite is similar to ocean inner arc tholeiite.
148. But a concurring opinion contained the remark that the government should show the "necessity" of forcing reporters to testify.
149. Establishing auxiliary function is the important meth od to testify median proposition.
150. Things can get along without you, as history and many facts of life can testify.
151. The people hauled in to testify about why they voted absentee offered a vivid picture of the fierce loyalties, rough politics, and economic pressures that shaped the lives of Arkansas hill people.
152. Several large beeves were slaughtered, and we can testify as to the excellent quality of the meat.
153. To testify the liability of rapid determination box in determining formaldehyde in aquatic products and lixivium.
154. In order to guarantee criminal witness to testify, make case receive equal adjudgement, we must perfect the legal status of the criminal witness in court on system.
155. To this ends, this paper endeavors to build and testify the mechanism model of marketing mix's influence on consumers' first time purchase intention.
156. The article uses infinite element method to analyze the intensity and rigidity of bus body, and uses electrical measurement technique to testify infinite element model.
157. As for the problem in our country, where witness does not wish to testify in court, and documentary hearsay prevails, the hearsay rule has referential value.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:40:50