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单词 Finance
(1) She is an expert in finance.
(2) Finance for education comes from taxpayers.
(3) There remains the problem of finance.
(4) Finance for the National Health Service comes from taxpayers.
(5) People who work in banks know about finance.
(6) People work in banks know something about finance.
(7) The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.
(8) We referred the matter back to the Finance Committee.
(9) Is this the finance department?
(10) The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4% interest.
(11) Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36%.
(12) The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.
(13) Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual's own savings or from family and friends.
(14) The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries.
(15) You may require bridging finance until the sale of your own property is completed.
(16) You need to speak to someone in the finance department.
(17) The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.
(18) The banking and finance sector was booming.
(19) It's so expensive to borrow from finance companies.
(20) Is this an appropriate occasion to discuss finance?
(21) He's on the finance committee.
(22) Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.
(23) Congress has made half-hearted attempts at finance reform.
(24) The finance director keeps a tight rein on spending.
(25) In Parliament today, MPs debated the Finance Bill.
(26) She has an executive position in a finance company.
(27) The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.
(28) The project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance.
(29) The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain.
(30) I'm not sure what he does exactly - it's something to do with finance.
(1) Finance for education comes from taxpayers.
(2) There remains the problem of finance.
(3) People who work in banks know about finance.
(4) People work in banks know something about finance.
(5) The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits.
(6) We referred the matter back to the Finance Committee.
(7) Is this the finance department?
(8) The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4% interest.
(9) Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36%.
(10) The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.
(11) The project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance.
(12) Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual's own savings or from family and friends.
(13) The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries.
(14) You may require bridging finance until the sale of your own property is completed.
(15) You need to speak to someone in the finance department.
(16) I'm not sure what he does exactly - it's something to do with finance.
(17) The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.
(18) Finance is not within the compass of this department.
(19) The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution.
(20) A finance house made a bid to buy up the entire company.
(21) My brother is very comfortably off. He has a career in finance.
(31) The committee has oversight of finance and general policy.
(32) Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems.
(33) The finance company now has possession of the house.
(34) post/position He resigned from his post as finance director.
(35) The local authority has refused to finance the scheme.
(36) The accounts were certified correct by the finance department.
(37) We need to raise finance for further research.
(38) He has done sterling work on the finance committee.
(39) The finance department handles all the accounts.
(40) He buses tables to help finance his tuition.
(41) He began to finance his habit through burglary.
(42) Finance is usually the biggest problem for students.
(43) Trujillo held office as finance minister.
(44) He claimed the finance manager had misappropriated company funds.
(45) Finance is not within the compass of this department.
(46) Housing finance is less developed in continental Europe.
(47) The finance committee controls the school's budget.
(48) He's the director of the finance section.
(49) The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution.
(50) The finance minister backtracked on his decision.
(51) Several banks are providing finance for the housing programme.
(52) He's working for a finance company now, and making loads of money .
(53) The French finance minister is heir to a tradition of central control that goes back to Louis XIV's minister, Colbert.
(54) The shift in the balance of forces is also reflected in international finance.
(55) Local government finance officers found the tax very difficult to administer.
(56) A finance house made a bid to buy up the entire company.
(57) How you finance a business is critical to the success of your venture.
(58) The government taxed fuel highly in order to finance the national debt.
(59) The plan foundered as a result of lack of finance.
(60) The company went deep into debt to finance the development of the engine.
(61) In the world of high finance, you have to keep an eye on the barracudas.
(62) The new finance minister was educated at Oxford and is as traditional as they come.
(63) A United States delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project.
(64) The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects.
(65) Finance officials expressed satisfaction with the recovery of the dollar.
(66) This argument may seem arcane to those not closely involved in the world of finance.
(67) The EU Council of Finance Ministers failed to reach a consensus on the pace of integration.
(68) Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate.
(69) The money will go to finance a new community centre.
(70) After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement with the finance committee.
(71) Scott is now the finance director, after a long game of musical chairs among top management.
(72) The Finance Minister's fall from grace gave the tabloid press great satisfaction.
(73) Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business.
(74) Rumours of an emergency meeting of the finance ministers stoked the atmosphere of crisis.
(75) The new finance minister seems loth to cut income tax.
(76) Their finance ministry is still trying to put a lid on the long-simmering securities scandal.
(77) He took a job to finance his stay in Germany.
(78) My brother is very comfortably off. He has a career in finance.
(79) We should stop the nonsense of taxpayers trying to finance new weapons whose costs always overrun hugely.
(80) The matter was discussed at a meeting of the finance committee.
(81) The question of local government finance has been the subject of debate for some years.
(82) Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department.
(83) His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans.
(84) In order to finance expansion on this scale,[http:///finance.html] the government has relied heavily on borrowing.
(85) They traced the leak to a secretary in the finance department.
(86) A share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of the building.
(87) He's had some vague notion that people will be queuing up to finance the project.
(88) The criticism was merely a warm-up for what is being prepared for the finance minister.
(89) This book was designed in order to provide a working knowledge of finance and accounts.
(90) The question of finance is subsidiary to the question of whether the project will be approved.
(91) Over 150 companies will be there, covering everything from finance to fixtures and fittings.
(92) She struggled to get the necessary finance for her training.
(93) The finance minister found himself in hot water over his business interests.
(94) At the meeting the finance director produced the figures for the previous year.
(95) It is impossible to disguise the fact that finance is bad.
(96) In the world of high finance, there is little room for sentiment.
(97) The finance men had grown fat on managing other people's money.
(98) This savings plan is only available under the Finance Act 1990 and any regulations made thereunder.
(99) The course has four main components: business law, finance, computing and management skills.
(100) Peter will take up the management of the finance department.
(101) Assuming that you get a place at university, how are you going to finance your studies?
(102) He was considered the high priest of finance at that time.
(103) The finance minister must weigh up the benefits of a tax cut versus those of increased public spending.
(104) The Finance Minister has renewed his call for lower interest rates.
(105) Go to a site like Yahoo! Finance and enter 'AOL' in the Get Quotes field.
(106) He majored in finance at Claremont Men's College in California.
(107) Now that the finance has been secured,[http:///finance.html] the production of the film is assured.
(108) Finance Ministers meet this week to discuss how to cure inflation.
(109) The language of finance and economics is quite foreign to me.
(110) The budget of the finance has been hacked almost in half.
(111) The talk was about educational opportunities for adults, and the speaker also touched upon sources of finance.
(112) He has been fatally undermined by his own finance minister.
(113) The economics ministry has increasingly played a subsidiary role to the finance ministry.
(114) Following the scandal, he was relieved of his post as deputy finance minister.
(115) If you can put up a good enough case, the board will provide the finance.
(116) Click here to download a demo of the new version of our personal finance software.
(117) Most of their oil revenues are used to finance imports of consumer and capital goods.
(118) A former Finance Minister and five senior civil servants are accused of fraud.
(119) Finance is Mark's area.
(120) His finance minister was busy answering charges of bribery.
(121) Charity cash-raising activities to finance special adaptations.
(122) Maxwell had borrowed heavily to finance his business projects.
(123) Lydia is the assistant to the Director of Finance.
(124) Instead we angled for lower-paying jobs in corporate finance.
(125) The company said it is holding shares to help finance possible acquisitions in the future.
(126) The two couples then applied for a bank loan to help finance construction of a six-bedroom oceanfront mansion.
(127) The main topics covered are finance, health and leisure, together with the social aspects of adjusting to retirement.
(128) Representatives from the world of high finance included chartered accountants and members of the major high street banks.
(129) During the session there had been some debate over the selection of the ministers of finance and foreign affairs.
(130) President Clinton is also tinkering with private pension plans to finance his own social agenda.
(131) Cahoot's new interest range outstrips its online banking rival, Intelligent Finance, the Halifax's Internet bank.
(132) The project can't go ahead until the finance committee agrees.
(133) There's a lively accent on finance; but don't be too extravagant.
(134) Many senior corporation executives have a background in accounting, internal auditing[/finance.html], or finance.
(135) These are articulated, in particular, through finance and economic affairs departments - in the United Kingdom, the Treasury.
(136) He claimed he should have sought legal advice before wrongfully using tax-exempt foundations to finance a televised college course.
(137) Meanwhile, the wave of consolidation in financial services has reduced the pool of big advertisers on news and finance shows.
(138) Kellock has since retitled its service Cashflow Finance in an attempt to overcome this barrier.
(139) Despite this, externally borrowed funds are used to supplement domestic funds made available to finance their development by the government.
(140) The commercial banking and finance sector was booming as of September 1991.
(141) And he sold all his possessions to finance appeals against his conviction.
(142) Since going public in late 1994, Corporate Express has made two additional offerings in order to finance its acquisitions.
(143) The directors of finance, human resources and the parks and recreation departments would no longer need this approval.
(144) The income from admission fees helps the monks finance a lifestyle that might otherwise be impossible in the modern world.
(145) The community can not afford to pay the required tax in one year so the immediate finance is by borrowing.
(146) It is blindingly obvious that there is not enough money in its coffers to finance the public spending programme.
(147) We have a series of finance plans right across the Escort range.
(148) But Thompson, associates said, will give strong assurances that he will examine questionable campaign finance practices regardless of party.
(149) Finance did not much affect the organisation of businesses, though it might influence their policy.
(150) The hard men at the finance ministry have promised to review the austerity measures at the end of this month.
(151) Health post: Yorkshire regional health authority has appointed Len Wright as its new director of finance.
(152) The city will assume responsibility for convention center permit issues when bonds are issued to finance expansion of the facility.
(153) His writing is a joy, combining the telling quote from finance megastars with anecdote to illustrate a substantial point.
(154) Big efficiency savings would come from the continuity of investment assured by private finance.
(155) This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill.
(156) The fee for this article will be used to help finance it.
(157) Congress is expected to take action on campaign finance reform soon.
(158) Private finance is unlikely to be attracted to areas where people have little money to spend.
(159) Another issue before Congress that will require bipartisan cooperation is campaign finance reform.
(160) Increased finance, additional staff and the integration of public and educational library services on a divisional basis contributed to these developments.
(161) The drug addict does not care about what is important or worthwhile in life, such as family, career, finance, and social relationship. Dr T.P.Chia 
(162) Second, it attracts hot money into the country to finance the current account deficit because investors perceive no currency risk.
(162) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(163) It is not therefore possible at present for the public finance economist to appeal to a generally accepted body of theory.
(164) Next month the Halifax launches its new online and telephone bank Intelligent Finance.
(165) The Finance Houses Association were also anxious to ensure that collection practices conformed to the highest ethical standards.
(166) That still applies and it may prove difficult to finance.
(167) The government borrowed from the banks about four-fifths of these deposits, to finance its deficit.
(168) Mr Walker and former finance director Wilfred Aquilina were also charged with two counts of false accounting relating to the thefts.
(169) Whenever the government runs a budget deficit, it will have to finance that deficit by borrowing.
(170) Finance opportunities: financial mechanisms are still evolving and are not yet assured of success.
(171) The company may also provide financial assistance in the form of bridging finance and/or temporary mortgage facilities.
(172) The answer must be that it could not since the fact of adopting depreciation accounting severs the link with finance.
(173) Lou-Ann Preble, sent out a stinging resignation letter, alleging numerous violations of campaign finance laws.
(174) The President may indeed have settled on a programme of health benefits and how to finance them.
(175) Companies had long been the domain of commercial bankers and the corporate finance and equity departments of investment banks.
(176) Accounting Theory Accounting theory is conventionally concerned with financial accounting, i.e. with accounting to external providers of finance.
(177) Junk bonds were used to finance leveraged buyouts and takeovers, with the aim of extracting value from existing bondholders and shareholders.
(178) When they work as agents for finance companies, their rates may be broadly similar though slightly higher.
(179) Tens of thousands of workers may never regain their lost jobs in aerospace, real estate, finance and manufacturing.
(180) However, the key factor will be whether the president puts campaign finance reform high on his agenda for next year.
(181) It attests to the need for the campaign finance reforms advocated by Senator John McCain and others.
(182) San Francisco voters already have approved writing $ 100 million in bonds to help finance the project.
(183) The real-estate investment trust said it will use the notes to finance property acquisitions and to repay debt.
(184) Fairfield has just one budget analyst in its finance department.
(185) The annual Budget or Finance Bill now contains a wide mixture of items.
(186) This is the first time it has specifically allocated finance for local authority investment in recycling projects.
(187) Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
(188) The capital gains from disposals finance further acquisitions and further capital gains.
(189) We can also help arrange finance, and provide advice during the entire project if your require.
(190) This month's personal finance column therefore takes a back to basics look at expatriate tax.
(191) The vast amounts of money are then laundered through the world's finance systems.
(192) I thought right from the beginning that he had an amazing knowledge of finance and municipal budgeting and taxation.
(193) One of the basic tenets of the campaign finance system is disclosure.
(194) One is if the providers of finance suddenly change their behaviour.
(195) The Ministry of Finance has set aside funds to cover workers' back pay and the mines' debts.
(196) Instead, the new system was introduced on the pay-as-you-go basis which has bedevilled social security finance ever since.
(197) Emma, who presently works in corporate finance, was awarded the IoT medal and Butterworth prize for the highest overall marks.
(198) Access to Management Normally these cover basic skills in managing people, resources and finance and are for aspiring or new managers.
(198) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(199) Problem with tape backup system will necessitate switching two Model 30s between Finance and Computer Room.
(200) The finance director gives committees advice on the authority's overall budget constraints for the next year.
(201) Stocks and bonds finance tangible assets such as factories and machinery.
(202) Emap will immediately commence the search for a new Finance Director and will announce an appointment in due course.
(203) It is illegal for a firm to advertise 0 per cent finance or a discount for cash.
(204) This sheet should be readily available in each Group and need not be obtained from Finance.
(205) It is not an attractive proposition for independent power generation because it is difficult to finance.
(206) Although bank loans are a vitally important source of finance, this is not to the complete exclusion of equity issues.
(207) Colin Amies, electronics industry adviser at Midland Bank, says that obtaining equity finance is often more important.
(208) The company said the additional line of credit will be used to finance the daily purchase of auto receivables prior to securitization.




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