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单词 Mutual
1. A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them.
2. They felt a strong mutual attraction.
3. They sank into mutual accusation and incrimination.
4. Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense.
5. They parted by mutual consent.
6. Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.
7. They have a mutual antipathy to each other.
8. They shared a powerful mutual attraction.
9. Mutual understanding is essential to friendship.
10. There was mutual mistrust between the two men.
11. 'I'm going to miss you.' 'The feeling's mutual .'
12. Leagues are commonly made for mutual defence.
13. The two countries made up a confederation for mutual safety.
14. The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour.
15. Perfect mutual understanding.
16. They were mutual enemies.
17. We get together once a month for a mutual exchange of ideas.
18. But the market is the pursuit of friendship, mutual tired, I finally left.
19. Theirs was a partnership based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.
20. We are mutual friends, enemies, etc.
21. The separation is by mutual agreement.
22. We met each other through a mutual friend.
23. Mutual funds have been attractive to small savers .
24. We discovered a mutual interest in drama.
25. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 
26. I don't like her(), and I think the feeling is mutual .
27. The two groups have existed in a state of mutual distrust for centuries.
28. There is no stronger bond of friendship than a mutual enemy.
29. The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit and progress.
30. Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficult by mutual distrust.
1. A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them.
2. They felt a strong mutual attraction.
3. They sank into mutual accusation and incrimination.
4. They parted by mutual consent.
5. Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.
6. They have a mutual antipathy to each other.
7. They shared a powerful mutual attraction.
8. Mutual understanding is essential to friendship.
9. There was mutual mistrust between the two men.
10. 'I'm going to miss you.' 'The feeling's mutual .'
11. Leagues are commonly made for mutual defence.
12. I don't like her, and I think the feeling is mutual .
13. The two countries made up a confederation for mutual safety.
14. The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour.
15. The two groups have existed in a state of mutual distrust for centuries.
16. The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit and progress.
17. We get together once a month for a mutual exchange of ideas.
18. Theirs was a partnership based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.
19. We will put military muscle into the mutual defence pact.
31. We must pull together for mutual interest.
32. They soon discovered a mutual interest in music.
33. Their relationship is based on a strong mutual dependence.
34. Mutual interests tied us together.
35. She is our mutual friend.
36. The rule has been abrogated by mutual consent.
37. They do, however, share a mutual interest in design.
38. The contract can only be broken by mutual consent.
39. We met at the home of a mutual friend.
40. Both countries are acting to their mutual advantage.
41. The agreement was terminated by mutual consent.
42. Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect.
43. She reinvested the dividends in mutual funds.
44. By mutual consent they didn't go out .
45. Diplomats hope the meetings will build mutual trust.
46. Their relationship was based upon mutual respect.
47. Mutual trust is the bedrock of a relationship.
48. The plan would be to our mutual advantage.
49. Jill is a mutual friend of ours.
50. Our relationship was based on mutual dependence.
51. Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend.
52. We were introduced by a mutual friend.
53. His contract is to be terminated by mutual consent.
54. I didn't like Dev, and the feeling seemed to be mutual.
55. In the end the relationship was ended by mutual agreement.
56. My dad hated my boyfriend, and the feeling was mutual.
57. The recession has created an atmosphere where disparate groups fraternise in an atmosphere of mutual support.
58. The system is based on mutual help rather than on payment for services.
59. Britain's third largest building society abandoned its mutual status and became a bank.
60. The treaty pledged mutual assistance in the event of an attack on either country.
61. I like her and I hope the feeling is mutual.
62. The two countries should be persuaded to work towards some sort of mutual accommodation.
63. Greater contact between the two groups should lead to a better mutual understanding.
64. The two men were a mutual admiration society , gushing about how much they were learning from each other.
65. There was an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between them.
66. It's plain that he adores his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.
67. She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company.
68. In spite of their mutual dislike and hostility, they quite often worked together.
69. She seems to have found a middle ground in which mutual support, rather than complete dependency, is possible.
70. Do you believe these two intimate friends used to be mutual sworn enemies?
71. We will put military muscle into the mutual defence pact.
72. The different environmental groups could work together to their mutual benefit.
73. A friendly argument on any disputes is benefitial to the further understanding of the mutual views.
74. The peace talks broke down and ended in bitter mutual recrimination.
75. MAMA puts new mothers in touch with each other, for mutual support and friendship.
76. European nations can live together in a spirit of mutual trust.
77. We spent the rest of the evening in mutual recrimination.
78. The parents of the sufferers get together for mutual support.
79. My proposition, I assure you, would be to our mutual benefit.
80. He heard about the job through a mutual acquaintance .
81. It is joint action for mutual benefit.
82. Affective autonomy arises out of mutual respect relationships.
83. Otherwise mutual incomprehension and avoidable conflict will continue.
84. Their form of mutual ownership has become an anachronism.
85. We must create a climate of mutual respect.
86. There is mutual respect and affection.
87. We do need order, concern, mutual consideration and careful thought, but not as devices to suppress the darker forces.
88. We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. Dr. Seuss 
89. Why should I require animals to join me in some mutual admiration society or even make them honorary members?
90. Somewhere below Jeff George, who has a mutual respect affair with Mike White.
91. He first took into account the fact that a sun as well as a planet moves under the influence of their mutual attraction.
92. The rules of the game are seen as fixed at any point in time by mutual agreement and changeable through mutual agreement.
93. The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame. Charles Caleb Colton 
94. When horses are put together in paddocks, they need to be carefully chosen for their mutual compatibility.
95. Stalin had no intention of honouring previously signed mutual assistance treaties.
96. This mutual stretching of personas is what works best in the new romantic comedy about a couple of blue-collar thieves.
97. Their mutual self - supporting pose is continuously almost - falling , like a standing wave in a spring creek.
98. A mutual fund is a portfolio of stocks or bonds that is jointly owned by a large number of investors.
99. Leadership provides organizational values which can serve as a basis for the development of mutual trust and commitment.
100. She'd always believed in the strength of her parents' marriage, the power of its mutual affection.
101. On one level the sudden and unexpected friendship thrives on little more than mutual back-scratching.
102. One of many interesting alternative ways of measuring mutual inductance uses any bridge that measures self inductance together with the following technique.
103. But it would not be new to the brokerage or mutual fund businesses.
104. It was suggested that the mutual security treaty with Japan be abrogated.
105. I am 39, and like so many of the baby boomers, I have invested in mutual funds.
106. They can bounce ideas off one another and provide a mutual critique or one another's work.
107. National mutual funds were among the biggest buyers, according to an underwriter at A. G. Edwards.
108. The men with the Brigade ties and their friends were running out of potential mutual acquaintances to describe.
109. Before you sell any mutual funds, minimize taxes by checking different ways of computing costs.
110. The only major obstacle remaining, mutual recognition, has clinched the deal.
111. The balmy summer months before Harry's birth was a time of contentment and mutual devotion.
112. One minute they were sworn enemies, the next they were clinging together in fierce mutual desire.
113. Cooperation between general practitioners and district health authorities requires mutual accountability.
114. Free discussion about attitudes to a problem will relieve anxiety, and mutual support can be obtained.
115. Attaining this state of mutual knowledge of a communicative intention is to have successfully communicated.
116. Despite these powerful arguments against mutual funds, there are still reasons why it makes sense for ordinary investors to own them.
117. First of all,(http://) we called it a mutual aid society.
118. Invest in a stock mutual fund. Buy a short-term bond fund.
119. If m is sufficiently small we can ignore the mutual attraction of the two masses.
120. We were classless, building up a mutual affection with those who watched us.
121. And if no mutual agreement is found today, we must wait whatever time it takes to reach one.
122. The principles of mutual aid are that members should be involved in a reciprocal supportive role.
123. Treaties on good-neighbourly relations and on co-operation and mutual assistance between government ministries were also finalized.
124. Perhaps I better explain that symbiosis is popularly defined as a relationship between two differing life forms for their mutual benefit.
125. Yet on the other hand an agreement had been reached for mutual military aid as early as 1609.
126. As the Reidys' lives clearly show, sharing parenting helps to maintain mutual respect and closeness in a marriage.
127. And by establishing coordination committees operating within the team concept, he brought about far better mutual support.
128. The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. All, therefore, that need aid have a right to ask it from their fellow men; and no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt. Seneca 
129. He speedily diagnosed a mutual attraction and the pair are now happily together.
130. The partners' duties A vital component of a partnership is the mutual trust between partners.
131. So essentially antagonistic class interests sharing the same region find themselves allying with each other in their mutual self-interests.
132. At the same Lime local government is responsible for implementing central government policy and hence we may find mutual dependency between organisations.
133. Though such competition frustrated him, Allen poured energies into welfare work, mutual aid, and preaching.
134. The Co-operative movement was a form of mutual aid with a wider working-class appeal although it also largely excluded the poorest.
135. It is a close drawing together of two worlds and is there for mutual aid.
136. The agonizing dispute between revelation and explanation required mutual concessions by both reason and faith.
137. I would like to hear from anyone who works in this field and we could be of mutual assistance.
138. A further negotiation session was planned for late September, but the August talks ended amid mutual accusations.
139. In 1873 they formed a partnership, born of mutual respect and trust, to manufacture soda ash near Northwich in Cheshire.
140. Salts can be described as a collection of ions held together by their mutual electrostatic attraction.
141. CollaborativeNetworking internal jobs can make so much economic sense that sometimes vital functions are outsourced to competitors, to mutual benefit.
142. A sudden collapse could cause a run on mutual funds, which could in turn threaten the financial system.
143. This morning he had felt her attraction and just now, as they danced, he had been convinced it was mutual.
144. They join a rural community life and a society based on mutual aid.
145. The land claims commission has settled more than 11,000 cases by mutual agreement on compensation.
146. Sure, you will boost performance if you manage to pick a few hot stocks or some superstar mutual funds.
147. Jane and I met through a mutual acquaintance at a party.
148. A contract can also be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties.
149. For any relationship to remain healthy, both parties must appreciate the mutual exchange of benefits.
150. But the movie character and the real-life teacher do share a mutual dream of earning their livings as composers of music.
151. Both Nunn and Solomon stressed the mutual benefits of a friendlier relationship.
152. Both management and operatives are locked into a closer relationship, with both mutual benefits and disadvantages.
153. Again, we should note the interdependence and mutual necessity of the main and minor channels of mystical power.
154. Occasionally they sneak glances at the businessmen -- who look back at them in mutual amazement and fear.
155. More advanced services include stock and mutual fund brokerage or trading services, currency trading, and credit or debit card management.
156. Mutual anger surmounts mutual embarrassment through the rest of the long dark carriage ride.
157. That volatility has risen as the stocks become increasingly concentrated in the hands of a relatively few mutual funds.
158. Changes to borders can come about only by mutual agreement and consent.
159. But gradually a mutual respect, based on agreed boundaries for each other's territory and mutual usefulness, built up.
160. But those that come together for mutual support can and do survive.
161. The countries involved have pledged to offer mutual assistance in the event of a spill.
162. Whatever personal designs Robert the Bruce might have on the throne, he was unlikely to achieve them without some mutual agreement.
163. There was a lot to be said for flirtation and mutual admiration.
164. While the canal boatmen were away without their families the women who remained were drawn together for mutual support.
165. These combine cheque accounts with securities dealing, mutual funds and other investment services.
166. They depend heavily on local mutual aid and are staffed largely by volunteers.
167. It may also happen that a husband and wife may have a mutual period of quarrels or unhappiness.
168. Over time, coexistence was inevitable, involving compromise and limited mutual tolerance.
169. I had seen them together, arm-in-arm, taking their mutual attraction for a walk.
170. As its name suggests, the dual perspective argues that rights and movements actually encourage each other, acting as mutual catalysts.
171. There had been enormous economic advances, which had been possible only on a basis of mutual assistance.
172. By mutual agreement the talks were expanded to include other bilateral issues.
173. Tamar's eyes met George's and they smiled in mutual affection.
174. She became Elizabeth's companion, rather than servant, to their mutual surprise.
175. However, subsequent days saw mutual accusations of firing on the border region.
176. The program allows clients to buy and sell mutual fund shares without paying commissions.
177. Paul permits temporary abstinence also but only by mutual agreement.
178. In 1994 they decided to file the miles of necessary paperwork, hire the required auditors and become a true mutual fund.
179. Successful marriages so submerge the costs under mutual benefits that the cooperation can predominate; unsuccessful ones do not.
180. In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
181. Such a code, moreover, offered mutual benefits, making it easier to turn today's enemies into tomorrow's allies.
182. Woolwich, another mutual convert, also offers savers the chance to let their money grow at 0.5 per cent each year.
183. Phillip becomes aware of the mutual attraction of those two when he observes them together at a bazaar.
184. The mutual assistance of harem owners in driving off non-reproductive males may be the basis of herd formation in the gelada baboon.
185. Many investors struggle to get past the comfort zone of mutual funds.
186. Black Roofs had stopped being a mutual housing association in 1991.
187. It is that tender, chiding, mutual affection which makes these beautifully translated letters between them so agreeable to read.
188. Finally, a lie is wrong because it is in conflict with mutual trust and affection.
189. In the autumn of 1936, however, they needed each other and accordingly made an effort to conceal their mutual distrust.
190. There was only one John of their mutual acquaintance in Brixton prison: John Hebden.
191. First, deepen political relation of equality and mutual trust.
192. The incom-prehension between the two men was mutual.
193. Let's cooperate sincerely to create mutual resplendence.
194. Mutual recrimination passed between them : they parted in anger, and were never reconciled.
195. Both parties may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation.
196. And everyone really need is a mutual solution to share the spirit of Soul mate.
197. Holding the cooperation principles of mutual benefit and reciprocality,() we hope to cooperate with your company.
198. Relations between countries based on the fundaments of mutual respect and neighborliness.
199. Biomechanics is an interdisciplinary formed by the mutual pervasion cross of mechanism, bio 1 og mechanics and medicine.
200. I believe the measure would redound to our mutual benefit and reputation.
201. Profession, particularity, faithfulness mutual - benefit and innovation are our development guidelines.
202. Recission may be brought about by decree or by mutual consent.
203. Where women love each other , men learn to smother their mutual dislike.
204. When two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction.
205. Do you only consider the operating expense ratio when selecting a mutual funds?
206. The author explore the mutual flow practice model with the hospital - sanitarium join - service condition.
207. How do multiple users reach consensus to create a mutual playlist?
207. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
208. This flux does no link with the primary winding and is therefore not a mutual flux.
209. But there are still signs of caution and mutual suspicion could easily resurface.
210. Analyzing the mutual function of social psychology provide a wide - thinking platform for design methodology.
211. It is a mutual relationship, a true reciprocity we are now engaged in building.
212. They mutual shirk responsibility, you can well communicate with them.




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