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单词 Profile
1. His handsome profile was turned away from us.
2. Dani has a lovely profile.
3. The painting shows her in profile.
4. He drew her profile.
5. The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
6. Jack runs a department with a high public profile.
7. He presented his best profile to the camera.
8. We need to increase our company's profile in Asia.
9. The star has a high profile in Britain.
10. I only saw her face in profile.
11. His psychological profile is revealing.
12. He sat in profile to me.
13. The deal will certainly raise the company's international profile.
14. This picture shows the girl in profile.
15. The Queen's head appears in profile on British stamps.
16. Dr Hayward intends to raise the museum's profile .
17. The actor is photographed in profile, smoking a cigarette.
18. Commercialisation has given many sports a higher profile.
19. In profile she is very like her mother.
20. I advised her to keep a low profile for the next few days .
21. The data will enable us to construct a profile of the firm's customers.
22. We could see the profile of a distant hill if it is very clear.
23. We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.
24. The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry.
25. The magazine published a short profile of the new mayor.
26. The story was given a low profile in today's papers.
27. He touched off the girl's profile with a few stokes.
28. The consultant who suggested using spamming to raise the company's profile has been fired.
29. In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
30. He's been in a bit of trouble recently so he's trying to keep a low profile.
1. His handsome profile was turned away from us.
2. Dani has a lovely profile.
3. The painting shows her in profile.
4. The consultant who suggested using spamming to raise the company's profile has been fired.
5. In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.
6. He drew her profile.
7. The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
8. He sat in profile to me.
9. We could see the profile of a distant hill if it is very clear.
31. Every week in the books section of the paper they profile a different author.
32. He's not the sort of politician to keep a low profile for long.
33. We want to improve the profile of women's health issues.
34. She decided to keep a low profile until the scandal had died down.
35. The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values.
36. This issue has had a high profile in recent months.
37. Muriel shot a look at Lily's downcast profile.
38. Police picture, Lenin, full face and profile.
39. Their political profile and financial value is increasing.
40. During the event Clinton will keep a low profile.
41. We would have to keep a low profile.
42. Unlike Demirel, Sezer likes to keep a low profile.
43. The two teenagers fit the profile perfectly.
44. Duration is a linear approximation to the present-value profile.
45. Since then, Bishop has maintained a comparatively low profile.
46. A departmental profile is available on request.
47. They have always retained a low political profile.
48. Two aspects of this profile deserve brief attention.
49. She glanced sideways at Daniel's profile.
50. Already the game has a higher profile.
51. The heron profile that she saw through the grille.
52. His nickname, which he despises, illustrates his low profile.
53. Lesbians' low social profile may partly account for this.
54. Meanwhile, McCracken is again raising his profile.
54. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
55. The Profiles section gives details of profile changes.
56. This profile fit with her academic performance in school.
57. The First Lady had maintained an exemplary civic profile.
58. Apple kept a low profile for the first few days of the conference, making no major announcements or product introductions.
59. Depending on what profile you want to achieve, you may also need to improvise with lengths of dowel or similar implements.
60. That is interesting because the kind of scholarship is a dimension in the community service profile designed for the academic scholar.
61. After one recent ad campaign the chairman of Mexfam stepped down, insisting that Mexfam adopt a lower profile.
62. So keeping a low profile avoids getting embroiled in political controversy, which is the proper province of the elected Diet.
63. A score was assigned for a given profile, and computer facilities played a key role in the development of this area.
64. The merit of the Record of Achievement movement lay not in the graded test profile therefore, which proved impractical.
65. Sun will keep a low profile on the suit lest it catch flak from other Sparcsystem builders.
66. It is likely that these coherent structures originate through an intermittent instability of the velocity profile.
67. One man who was keeping a low profile in the first race was newly-crowned champion Colin Edwards.
68. An abnormal coagulation profile and raised portal pressure then tend to enhance longitudinal and circumferential expansion, resulting in submucosal dissection.
69. First, an economic and social profile of the Teifi Valley was drawn up.
70. The profile of this population was generally quite different from that of infected homosexual men.
71. The state chapter is likewise determined to keep that profile high, with a membership including various emerging and professional artists.
72. I tried to keep a low profile, but people gave me all sorts of unsolicited comments.
73. This saves a bit of space and avoids giving a whole profile where only one characteristic is actually used.
74. Any set of search keys for a document can be described as a document profile.
75. The Commissioner has adopted a higher profile recently by exhibiting at various professional gatherings.
76. In addition, computer-aided guidance packages will be available, which will generate career and job suggestions, matching your computer profile.
77. They were capped by flat discs and had a smooth surface without any semblance of an aero dynamic profile.
78. In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
79. Western visitors to the region are asked to keep a low profile.
80. His high profile in recent months and obvious bid for the party presidency have amounted to nothing.
81. Firstly, the mean velocity profile may be liable to local instability, somewhat analogous to instability of laminar flow.
82. They were unable to determine whether this risk profile reflected cultural inheritance or difficulty in becoming pregnant.
83. The new London store will have much in common with the Paris emporium, but will give men's fashion a much higher profile.
84. E Encourage international Branches and Centres to develop strategies for enhancing the profile of the Institute, and promoting membership growth.
85. But in addition, despite controlling their staff by maintaining a high personal profile on political issues, proprietors also act directly.
86. H are the highest profile and most hotly contested items on the Nov. 4 ballot.
87. She cast a murderous look over his hard male profile.
88. Instead it is argued that the unusual social profile of lawbreakers did reflect social reality.
89. The building is covered by a reinforced concrete roof of mansard profile, which houses the seventh storey.
90. Job holders A profile of job holders shows a degree of resemblance to job seekers.
91. In profile his face, with the long, slightly hooked nose and jutting eyebrows, was impressive.
92. One solution would be to shut up and keep a low profile.
93. The car's low profile and rounded edges reduce its drag.
94. Kendall keeps a low profile, refusing to grant on-the-record interviews with the news media.
95. The height may be reduced and the other buildings will be lowered and not much else will show in profile Voice over.
96. Sun is believed to be keeping a low profile on the suit lest it catch flak for restricting the clone trade.
97. Look out for our forthcoming profile of Sir Richard Body, and articles on farm animal welfare.
98. There was nothing she could do about it, other than keep a low profile and stay well out of his way.
99. With police apparently keeping a low profile, the violence intensified during the night.
100. A bookshop's customer base might well change as a result of changing stock profile.
101. Like every really smart lobbyist, Boggs knows the importance of being subtle and of keeping a low profile.
102. It has raised the profile of solicitors that when we act for clients, we act in a professional capacity.
103. The overall profile of Clio customers during 1992 makes an interesting comparison to the average for the supermini sector.
104. Yellow looks away, black cap, face in profile, eye a line, orange cheek, lips open.
105. However, equally I believe that it should be spearheaded by teachers and others should keep a low profile.
106. He's young, supremely talented and an integral part of a successful, high profile side.
107. Nobody inside the movement was permitted to acquire enough power or a high enough profile to challenge de Gaulle successfully.
108. Does your nearest neighbour have a higher profile in the area?
109. Its profile was an irregular parallelogram, and it appeared to be made up of interlocking blocks of crystalline metal.
110. Charlie looked at the perfect profile beside him and sighed at his own sense of frustration.
111. Lothian Catering Services decided to launch its own cookbook to raise its profile both inside and outside the Region.
112. In chapters 15 to 17 we apply to the individual profile components the principles set out in chapter 14.
113. A cell that will respond to somebody in full face will fail to respond to the same person in profile.
114. This acquisition, which complemented the group's sales profile,[ ] has been well integrated during the year.
115. The Pump Wagon is heavily constructed and has the same basic profile as a chariot.
116. The consultant then carefully observes the anchors and reporters to determine if they fit the viewer profile.
117. The profile format caters for 17 specific language skill areas, which can be assessed at 5 levels.
118. Another service attracting a growing number of subscribers is Commercial Payment Profile.
119. Up to now they had kept a low profile, but they were becoming more militant.
120. So much modern merchandise is themed with bestselling books that it makes a logical extension to the stock profile.
121. The information obtained will enable the offeror and its advisers to build up a public profile of the target.
122. The final technique for producing a velocity profile involves a voltage.controlled oscillator with the controlling voltage generated by an analogue circuit.
123. Langford is pointing at him, his face in profile miming shock-horror: a lost joke.
124. His idea of success is based entirely on the growth of his budget, staff and political profile.
125. The company's next step is to try and boost its profile in an established market dominated by big-name players.
126. Calcareous soils are freely drained soils containing free calcium carbonate within the profile.
127. Gateways are available to online databases such as Profile and Kompass to support project work and research.
128. It is the price the arts must inevitably pay for a higher political profile.
129. This system also permits a very low centre of gravity for the total fin profile.
130. One method of displaying the data in a more usable form is the project profile, illustrated in figure 4.1.
131. Many of them reiterate the plea for a high profile personality to present a powerful voice on behalf of the Institute and its members.
132. It is evident from the above profile that baseball spectator disorder tends not to involve fighting between opposing groups of disorder.
133. Not so high profile are the centralised lenders, who operate through mortgage brokers and insurance companies.
134. Like most major issues where big money is involved, neither party is exactly a profile in courage.
135. Obviously, because the possession of heroin is illegal, users must maintain a low profile for fear of legal sanctions.
136. Unlike most societies, the social profile of persons treated as criminal was not weighted towards the poor and otherwise disadvantaged.
137. The latter assumes a low profile and concentrates on the pastoral approach.
138. This simplification is achieved through the aggregation of attainment target assessments into profile components, and into results on each subject.
139. With a hardened aluminium cantilever and parabolic diamond stylus profile it retails for £1,350.
140. This was achieved by turning half away with a repressed sigh so that the onlooker observed the profile which photographed very pleasingly.
141. The recent political activities of Haringey Black Action has succeeded in raising the profile of Black lesbians and gay men.
142. I decided to keep a low profile, after all I was a guest.
143. Despite her keynote address at the 1996 Republican National Convention, her national profile remains low.
144. In the last 12 months great strides have successfully been taken in maintaining a high profile and promoting the industry.
145. Overall, then, the main differences were in the social profile, and a greater number of social problems in women.
146. Low profile Usually campaigns against gambling are the prerogative of the fiercer Protestant denominations.
147. He edged his way to the kitchen door and could see a black profile through the frosted glass.
148. To enable waves to break some distance offshore it is necessary that the offshore profile should possess a very gentle gradient.
149. Throughout there has been a high profile given to safety procedures, under the control of safety manager.
150. The committee welcomed the police's higher profile and said it had improved the image of Darlington town centre.
151. This course has been experiencing a rising age profile in entrants and a particularly sharp increase in the over 35 age group.
152. This change is part of a concerted effort to raise our profile with our international customers.
153. As we predicted, the first movers have enjoyed the advantages of sound management expertise and an increase in their public profile.
154. Belinda risked a cautious glance at him, but met only an unreadable profile.
155. This information is then used to profile each area and identify the principal characteristics of the neighbourhood.
156. Virtuoso trombonist he is not, though his efforts to expand the instrument's profile must be admired.
157. But since then they have kept a low profile and not made their findings public.
158. Historical notes profile lady cigar smokers dating back to the 1600s.
159. So do it while you fit the bankers' profile of a good credit risk.
160. This is a serious loss; the movement has raised the profile of debt relief and poverty reduction.
161. Wattset al. 1982 have shown that lateral heat flow results in anomalies in the normal thermal subsidence profile following crustal stretching.
162. However, it does seem to be well-policed, and you can't beat the high public profile.
163. His face, always in profile, showed little expression when I glanced at it.
164. Second, the profile and responsibilities of management had been raised through the introduction of general management throughout the service.
165. The luminance profile of a typical grating pattern is shown in Figure 4.3.
166. Whispered epics in the bouncing back of war chariots, chanted louder as the warriors attack - entirely in profile, of course.
167. I was peeved to see Robert Kilroy-Silk credited with inventing the egg trick in a recent colour supp. profile.
168. With his group the Daintees,[] he was a high profile act with a major record company until quite recently.
169. His difficulties have lain less in the gaining of a political profile, than in the control of administration.
170. Many of the exiles have married, taken jobs, and generally kept a low profile.
171. One pitcher who fits that profile is Boston right-hander Aaron Sele.
172. Subsequently, a serious accident at the company's water-theme park in Surrey had a detrimental effect on its public profile.
173. Last year, as Weld sought to raise his national political profile by backing California Gov.
174. That perhaps gives us some idea of what the regional taxation profile will look like.
175. This social profile indicates that cattle stealing was not primarily a crime of the depressed classes.
176. Lines of tiles shimmered in the slivers of moonlight. Chimney pots stood out in black profile like squat,[sentencedict .com] ebony gargoyles.
177. Operation Gemini was set up as a high profile battle against criminals.
178. The Central Freeway campaign represents a broader issue with a higher profile.
179. His daughter Amanda sat at his bedside in stiff, pout-lipped profile, reading some piece of religious mumbo-jumbo.
180. Mrs Wexford had a magnificent figure and a fine profile although she had never been of the stuff that wins beauty contests.
181. A postal survey is being conducted to provide a comprehensive national profile of computer use in local authority planning departments.
182. Morrissey deliberately used his high profile to construct a public figure of some importance.
183. She had flawless olive skin, huge dark eyes, an almost perfect profile.
184. We got attention straight away, we got some kind of profile very easily.
185. Some charities with a high public profile, reap rich rewards, others find the competition far too stiff.
186. BIn his 1968 profile of California, disguised as a novel about an apocalyptic earthquake, Curt Gentry saw this passage coming.
187. The overall curved profile of this goggle is refreshingly different too.
188. Data used to produce the I9X binding profile was abstracted from reference 21.
189. I gave him a more complete picture of my risk profile.
190. Carroll did not choose to keep a low profile but spoke up on many issues, often against the officially established religion.
191. Whereas non-infected individuals respond with largely type-specific responses, infected individuals respond with a profile distinctly different from the normal individual.
192. Assess the interviewee under various headings to obtain a comparable profile score.
193. Still, I was determined to cash in on my success and maintain a high profile at the ground.
194. When time magazine made her the subject of a cover story, she encouraged them to include a profile of me.
195. The president has not shoved her out the Cabinet door, but she has adopted a very low profile.
196. Inpart, this is due to the higher profile of socio-legal agencies on working-class housing estates where the user is more visible.
197. When such an article rises above the level of a gossip column, the artist's profile can be a valuable format.
198. Note the different shapes, and use of a half profile for assured symmetry.
199. Please forward the profile to your client, together with the attached confidentiality letter.
200. And a passing glimpse of a profile clear as bronze, and at the moment of passing as aloof and serene.
201. But he is raising his public profile with newspaper interviews on issues such as black empowerment.
202. It is understood the security forces will keep a high profile along the parade route.
203. Their aim is to raise their game, but also to raise their profile amongst the sporting public.
204. Likewise,[] no chart recorded either a blood lipid profile or any laboratory test relevant to diabetes.
205. By virtue of its high profile, Magellan created a public relations nightmare for Fidelity.
206. Hospital buildings in particular take a high profile role in the history of Wimpey Alawi.
207. It can be useful to ask yourself whether the profile that emerges is one that suits the job you are applying for.
208. Britain - after the traumas of the 1960s - looked for a modest space policy, low profile and low risk.
209. It was just that they were all in profile and virtually identical.
210. It is, according to the Torstar 1983 business profile: a broadly based information and entertainment communications company.
211. The generally acknowledged leader of the cartel is Benjamin Arellano, who usually keeps a low profile.
212. The observed profiles were cross-correlated with a standard pulse profile appropriate for each radio frequency to obtain accurate pulse arrival times.
213. The birds are mostly static, and still shown in profile - a single figure on each page with no background.
214. Differences between the actual costs and cost profile and the budget are called variances.
215. Sun bosses kept a pilau profile yesterday - and said nothing.
216. The wall towered, impossibly high, its profile distorted by the hide-covered galleries.
217. The dark red Seneca changed profile as the undercarriage cycled down.
218. Over time, by watching and playing with your child, you can build a profile of his likes and dislikes.
219. It provides a high profile and public relations for the city.
220. These and other factors combined to give the elderly population a new and high profile in post-war public debate and social research.
221. She said there are no more psychological problems among Ipalook students than among those at any other school with a similar profile.
222. In both outward profile and interior decor the yacht bears a very strong resemblance to her smaller sister.
223. Figure 1 a shows the altitude profile of energy release in units of Mton high explosive equivalent per kilometre.
224. The pilot sat behind the gunner, offering a very small forward profile.
225. By then(), Time magazine had published a profile of me.
226. She's keeping a low profile until the scandal is forgotten.
227. This means that bilingual education must be focused on from an early age and given a high profile throughout the school system.
228. A variety of approaches should be adopted to build a profile of nurses resident locally.
229. The prefabricated avatar fetches bits of knowledge for you, based on a profile you create.
230. Cut edging profile to the height of the dado rail.
231. If that were the case then rugby, the high profile student sport, would lose out financially.
232. Luria and Nordin have a high profile in the arts community.
233. He was never one to keep a low profile.
234. Most Hong Kong tycoon families keep a lower profile.
234. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
235. Milling the notch and step face of transom profile.
236. However, in his profile, he was a married man.
237. Blood tests provide the urologist with a hormone profile.
238. Kept a low profile until the controversy had abated.
239. The methods of designing and repairing porthole die on large thickness profile are introduced.
240. It'should be a insert pocket with profile stitching, not patch pocket as sample.
241. Two , the safety profile of melatonin has not been seriously investigated.
242. We pick up the instantaneous information of Moho phase in typical segment of the profile.
243. Do our teachers know how to apply low profile classroom management techniques?
244. Their profile corresponded point for point to our wish list for an adoptive family.
245. The toolset you are using to build and use Profile - Guided Optimizations contains mismatched components.
246. EHarmony, for one , has consultants on how to tweak a profile.
247. The thrice married Young had a high - profile romance with Spencer Tracy.
248. The safety profile of XL was consistent with that known for . TAC.
249. When you are feeling happy, please enjoy it, but keep low profile.
250. The principle and device of machining logarithmic spiral profile shaft with form milling cutter are introduced.
251. Fiber, vitamin A, and the antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, add to the heart - healthy profile.
252. Belt: Reinforced Polyurethane light weight, high strength, low stretch trapezoid profile eliminates slip, greater accuracy.
253. Lighting and window treatments tend to be low profile and minimalistic.
254. The probe was equipped with a radio occultation experiment to profile atmospheric density.
255. The concentration profile equation in the fixed bed for nonlinear system with axial dispersion was derived.
256. The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue.
257. Keep a low profile until the trouble over your activities is past.
258. You can read more about Positron by viewing the Positron Company Profile.
259. The peripheral total white blood cell count , differential count, and coagulation profile were all normal.
260. Leadership Style: Task - oriented meritocracy: lead by high profile , sometimes autocratic , example ; management by objectives, cheerleaders for success.
261. You can change it from your Profile panel when you log in.
262. Microarray analysis is a new technology for high - throughput molecular profile .
263. The government is to keep a low profile on this issue.
264. The methods of studying flow profile of preparative chromatography were summarized.
265. Low DCR , lower loss,[] low profile package with large current design.
266. The Plates have a low profile design, with minimal soft tissue irritation.
267. To help visualise their impact, the application places a virtual garden in the user's profile.
268. Its somewhat old - fashioned profile, with branches in far - flung parts of China, plays to the new zeitgeist.
269. The surface profile of joints can be characterized by the waviness and unevenness components.
270. RESULTSL Three - dimensional data of facial profile was accurate and the images were reconstructed with verisimilitude.
271. Interesting values may be expected from the trailing edge, the profile centre and the leading edge.
272. In this paper , the formation principle of radar target range profile is analyzed at first.
273. Or do you try to keep a low profile about it?
274. It would be useful to avoid controversy and keep a low profile.
275. Drugs may be utilized to alter the pharmacokinetic profile of a toxicant.
276. The synthetical wind vector profile is standardization method in rocket design.
277. You should keep a low profile until the trouble passes.
278. The wind speed profile turbulence integral scale, and turbulence spectrum are simulated in wind tunnel test.
279. This is the document profile for the workspace settings object.
280. Why don't you give a profile, a little smile like the girl in the toothpaste ad?
281. The formed principle and CNC grinding machining method for polygonal profile are studied.
282. One of the characteristics of lava and debris valleys is a U - shaped transverse profile.
283. Lund University a strong international profile, collaborating with hundreds of universities all over the world.
283. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
284. In ground - penetrating radar profile, the image of subsurface structure is distorted and unfocused due to diffractions.
285. Profile: is a new environment - friendly paper, the paper surface smooth, pale yellow hand, strong color reduction.
286. Many usability practitioners use the terms persona and user profile synonymously.
287. Lithium - ion - battery fires have forced some high - profile recalls of laptops.
288. Historical profile from prehistory through revival. Contains glossary, links and a comprehensive bibliography.
289. Bank of America isnt the first marketer to hitch its wagon to athletes from low - profile sports.
290. Object : To prepare niacin sustained - release tablets and investigate in vitro release profile of the formulation.
291. The probe was equipped with a occultation experiment to profile atmospheric density.
292. Objective : To analyze the accuracy of linear accelerator beam profile characters measured by 2 D diode array.
293. Select Yes when prompted to create a new Sync profile.
294. The best way to keep good status is keep low profile.
295. You can read more about Physician's Trust, Inc. by viewing the Physician's Trust Company Profile.
296. Wu Sun - fu could see the speaker in profile - a long , narrow face with a wispy, drooping moustache.
297. Planar antenna has small size, light weight and low profile.




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