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单词 Folks
1. Lazy folks [people] take the most pains. 
2. Lazy folks take the most pains. 
3. Idle folks have most labour.
4. Idle folks have the least leisure. 
5. Idle folks lack no excuses.
6. Lazy folks [people] have the most labour. 
7. Lazy folks [people] have the least leisure. 
8. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. 
9. Idle people [folks] have the most labour [take the most pains]. 
10. I'd like you to meet my folks.
11. Greedy folks have long arms.
12. Well folks(http://), shall we go?
13. I'm going home to see my folks.
14. All right, folks, dinner's ready!
15. I've been avoiding my folks lately.
16. My folks are celebrating their 50th anniversary.
17. Is it OK if I call my folks?
18. Well, folks, shall we go out this afternoon?
19. The younger folks were in rapture.
20. Folks say that he is a hard man.
21. I decided to pay my folks a visit.
22. Thanks to the folks at NBC.
23. Wait till the folks back home hear about this!
24. 'Hi folks,' he said breezily.
25. Wait a minute, folks, something is wrong here.
26. That's all for now, folks.
27. What day are your folks coming to dinner?
28. Well, folks, what are we going to do today?
29. Have you ever met my folks?
30. Who minds his own business has no time to mind other folks
1. I'd like you to meet my folks.
2. Well folks, shall we go?
31. How are your folks?
32. The visiting team lost 3-0, dismaying the folks back home .
33. This is it, folks: the best record guide in the business.
34. I am going to visit my folks at the weekend.
35. We're taking my folks out for a meal next week.
36. The folks back home don't really understand what life is like here.
37. My folks were really angry about my grades.
38. There are no list servers for cricketing folks.
39. In fact, most folks avoided disputes with him.
39. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40. He's too ashamed to let folks see.
41. Freddy's folks were at the country club.
42. For these folks, temperature control is a delicate balance.
43. It also provides exposure to other folks, too.
44. So what the heck, folks.
45. Folks on the right side control the right paddle.
46. The old folks are at the movies.
47. Because I do know my job, folks.
48. Everybody knew, my folks always knew.
49. Folks in the Police Department are getting paranoid.
50. She is loath to encourage folks to sit tight.
51. The arch is a beacon for folks heading West.
52. My folks have had a long and happy marriage.
53. Soul Folks' nickname, Slow Folks, is not baseless.
54. But Avon folks possessed a flinty independence and pride.
55. Most folks will prefer the latter, which is the way Windows 95 is usually set up by manufacturers.
56. Folks of all races use this option all the time.
57. Meanwhile, folks, why not relax and enjoy the atmosphere: Jimbo alone in the tower.
58. Nearly 500 regular folks, assembled from around the country, questioned several candidates.
59. Compared to prior boards, these folks behave like a bunch of nuns.
60. The decent folks in that town are again starting to clean it up by themselves.
61. All of the folks here had a tremendous amount of fun.
62. How quickiy we learned to avoid those folks who promise you almost instant wealth by selling you foolproof kits and promises.
63. They had turned this whole state into a playground and an old folks home.. It should never have happened.
64. He is attracting all sorts of working folks, Ross Perot supporters, social conservatives and Reagan Democrats.
65. At least the folks who roast all those chickens know it for what it is-a tortured posturing, a feigned desperation.
66. The pro-incorporation committee folks argue that nobody who opposed incorporation should be appointed to the council -- once more demonstrating their exclusivity.
67. In other words, Schott gives smart folks the air of superiority they paid all that college tuition to obtain.
68. Through their eyes, a white woman traveling in a car filled with black folks looked like a hostage.
69. It was lobbied by folks on the payroll of legendary land speculator Don Diamond.
70. A line of folks hoping for returns snaked out the door to the pavement on Howard Street.
71. His folks never wed, but did remain close,(http://) even as both went on to marriages and divorces with other partners.
72. There are some folks who believe the two two-minute intermissions unnecessarily interrupted the flow of the film.
73. He asked the question sincerely, and sincerely believes his assertion that slavery was good for black folks.
74. The only folks who know where the mushrooms bloom in the woods are native sons.
75. You know, they have kicked black folks to the curb once again.
76. Most everyone likes a free bit of advice, and professionals like Lewis are valuable folks to exploit.
77. Folks have said over and over they have deep concerns about health problems there.
78. Hi folks, it's good to see you all here tonight!
79. Sometimes folks have to face ugly, nasty truths about themselves.
80. The same folks who brought you mass layoffs and glass ceilings?
81. If we did(), wealthy folks would be spending a lot more of their time doing good works.
82. Stanford is looking worn down and reminding folks that they staggered at the finish line last year, too.
83. Half the folks gazing placidly into the middle distance were too stoned to blink.
84. After a while your pulse rate slows and you come to think maybe these ordinary law-abiding folks ain't zombies after all.
85. Those same nice folks get awful upset when somebody goes out and jumps into the trenches and tries to make it work.
86. Even when all the falling in love and car chasing and mystery solving goes on among the white folks.
87. All these movies had those so-called positive images black folks claim we are dying to see.
88. White walk signals are timed to last about seven seconds before changing to a flashing red, said Folks.
89. San Diego is populated by folks whose natural instinct is to take to the beach, not to the streets.
90. A few folks probably got buzzed and the sale netted $ 125.
91. The Southwest Center folks want to see the jaguar listed and critical habitat designated for the salamander and owl.
92. I want to get to be buddy-like with my folks.
93. For other folks, though, Malibu just stands for a place on the beach in California.
94. Pretty soon the folks at New Hope were moving out of their little white church and building a bigger one next door.
95. Later that day Jim made some follow-up calls to the regional folks who had given him the sales updates.
96. You hear it over and over, talking with folks hereabouts.
97. The folks at the Discovery Channel are making the best effort at pioneering original content for the Web.
98. And judging by the prodigious pile of diatribes posted in the last year, a lot of folks are taking advantage.
99. These folks worked hard and sacrificed much,(http:///folks.html) and their businesses skyrocketed to success.
100. Small-town dwellers feel impervious to or removed from social danger and violence; big-city folks are presumed to be numb to them.
101. As the spirit of the day mounted, there would probably be horse races and wrestling matches to entertain the folks.
102. From grade school chums in suburban Chicago to motel managers in Sacramento, folks remember him.
103. Very friendly, all things considered: the old folks nod and smile; the children giggle at our white foreign faces.
104. Wisely, my folks did kick in another $ 25 for an electrical adapter.
105. For these folks, the images and text that are supposed to look cool appear as a confusing jumble.
106. Before buying one, though, try to find other folks who have them and ask about quality and reliability.
107. These folks, Raymond, are the nicest folks you could ever want to meet.
108. Some folks in the back have even started to dance.
109. In his eleventh month, one of the managers remarked: I think I can see my stamp on my folks.
110. The president considered these folks personal guests, and he appreciated their interest and support.
111. Folks walked to work, and young people strolled with their dates on a night out.
112. The question for folks there is will it be an expansion team or a relocated one?
113. Engineers are better than other folks at making meaning out of the shards of facts and statistics.
114. Even if she had the most plausible answers, there still would be folks wishing Clinton would continue to take political pratfalls.
115. I was living at my folks and then my parents found what they thought was a lump of cannabis in my pocket.
116. But I know exactly where these ground-floor folks are coming from.
117. In some cases folks are just mad and have a chip on their shoulder.
118. The only traffic is usually other neighbors, folks who drive slowly and watch out for children and pets.
119. One of the great truths of Washington life little known by the folks back home is the power of congressional staff members.
120. Furious, Honea is screaming about how that will inconvenience the folks in Old Marana, where he lives.
121. What a terrific idea, sure to help more folks find delight in the lives, colors and habits of birds.
122. Clearly, icy conditions are a risk factor for old folks.
123. I called Art again, whose broadcast career included insurance pitches to old folks.
124. He is as happy today as the folks who pay him.
125. Beyond these formal structures, the folks at Thayer challenge yet one more notion that often shapes the structures of schooling.
126. All right, folks, I'd like to introduce our first speaker this evening.
127. He's been presenting awards aimed at encouraging safety at work, a challenge taken up in Oxfordshire's old folks homes.
128. A group of elderly folks gather daily at the senior center to sing songs.
129. He was also approachable to folks in his hometown of Kannapolis, a rural mill town.
130. This other party passes on the notes and such to the folks with the cash.
131. You have to have good people doing these jobs, and you have to keep folks on their toes.
132. Suspecting the worst, editorial boards and other high-minded folks demand an end to soft money.
133. Musical value, needless to say, usually ends up being the last thing these folks consider.
134. The party's old guard -- folks like Mo Udall and Dennis DeConcini -- have passed away or moved on long ago.
135. It is no good trying to convince some folks, if they want pure wool they are going to have it!
136. All of these folks, to varying degrees, have contributed to the new album as well.
137. These are the folks who elect politicians who produce excessive regulation.
138. The careful attention of the kind of folks who read Hustler?
139. Folks are no longer amused by the group they once thought was kooky.
140. Surely these folks were great pals but that strikes me as a strange way to show it.
141. The locals, apparently, looked with gleeful anticipation to the coming of city folks with fat wallets.
142. Jack is down and so is Fogarty, so put on your kicking shoes, folks.
143. The folks who ran the place were nice enough, offering me a free meal next time.
144. The ticket counter folks refused to assign us a seat, sending us to the gate.
145. The major problem is that it is just another irresponsible tax cut in disguise that would mostly benefit rich folks like Forbes.
146. Folks in Montana tend to value their privacy, to the point that minding your own business is considered a virtue.
147. Last Spring five folks from the fellowship walked 10 miles around the South Side of Glasgow.
148. Yes, you've certainly scored a winner this month, folks, I hope you're over the moon about it!
149. I suppose that'd be to stop folks like Vern - like me and Vern - using them to doss down in.
150. As long as political parties are utterly dependent on monied donors, ordinary folks are unlikely to get in the gates.
151. As for new ideas, yes, the Apple folks cooked up a thick stew of them.
152. Then, suddenly, the folks up there in Maine started voting for some Democrats-too many from my viewpoint.
153. Though regulatory authorities send folks reports on their pension savings every four months, few people actually read them.
154. You folks, I dunno what you folks' ve heard about grand juries.
155. To a reasonably detached observer, the biggest difference between real estate folks and editor folks is the questions they ask.
156. It's the ordinary folks at home who vote you into office, remember - and out of it.
157. Down the highway from Fort Lauderdale, folks in Miami are talking about record numbers of tourists.
158. These folks clearly take this ballroom thing very seriously.
159. Jimmy Stewart would have loved these folks.
160. You know the folks in Culiacan and Cartagena?
161. I can't understand why folks complain about false teeth.
162. Do happy folks elicit greater attention from their teachers?
163. Now's the time to dig down deep folks.
164. The party's over, folks. . . [Censorship of the news] is a given in wartime,(http:///folks.html) along with massive campaigns of deliberately-planted "Dis-information".
165. Gwynn and I had a long drive to visit his folks this past weekend and to pass the time we started reflecting on the past week.
166. It's fun to watch folks ride since you do not see much "bike" as they glide by.
167. Some neuroscientists theorize that folks who jump from one new relationship to another are biochemically "hooked" on the intoxication of falling in love.
168. The trick is figuring out how much location transparency you're comfortable with before signing up for services like this and friending dozens of folks.
169. The compiler folks called this optimization "Frame Pointer Omission", and it went by the acronym FPO.
170. Plenty of noteworthy folks sat in on the action -- including director George S. Kauffman, humorist Robert Benchley, and actors Harpo Marx and Talulah Bankhead.
171. Brought pics of yard into work, posted in cubicle, folks came by, admired.
172. We had a lot of those folks back then and Johnson promised them and all the rest of us that when he got to the Senate there would be no more Commie shoes invading America.
173. What will you have, folks? -A large pepperoni pizza. -And a Pepsi, please.
174. Of course, certain folks will rail against this investigative approach.
175. So if a shuttle lands near you or sends abeam your way folks, use it!
176. His representation of rural folks and pastoral sceneries expresses his moral idealism.
177. No one would have skipped any sleep over it, but the military made a big to-do of hushing it up, and for a lot of folks, that sealed it: the aliens had landed!
178. This is the idyllic, almost mythic image of Australia cherished by so many folks, Aussies included.
179. Come on, folks; it's eleven o'clock - time to hit the sack.
180. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like Eskimos.
181. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch.
182. The folks who work there may do extraordinary things, but they tend to talk about them in the dry and uninflected tones of the engineers they are.
183. They offer me a full scholarship. It's much better than I've hoped for. It will cover tuition, room and board. With that I won't have to sponge off my folks.
184. " Ef you doan care'bout how folks talks'bout dis fainbly, Ah does,'she rumbled.
185. They had a different dim sum cart for the white folks. If it had been a soul food restaurant, we'd have had grounds for a lawsuit.
186. Lazy boned folks will still have to power up the unit via the power button on the front of the amp.
187. Old folks can calcify.
188. Yellow pea cake was originally popular among the folks, and was improved with the removal of Chinese dates after being introduced to the palace.
189. The folks at Archimedes initially built their stuff for CD ROM.
190. Just ask the mortified folks at the University of Florida.
191. It appears that Pepsi is partnering with some folks who have some experience so this may not be a popularity contest.
192. Welcome to New York Pingle folks to play, to my house guest. My family could live in a great many people,[] come on! Friend!
193. But even here, the ease of production is rapidly improving, and younger people who have grownup with video as part of their routine media toolkits are showing older folks(like me) new tricks.
194. Displays of wealth can also be misleading. Folks can appear wealthy -- but the mansion may be fully mortgaged, the cars might be leased and the landscaper may still be awaiting payment.
195. Make things easy for these folks by placing a registration link on your log-in pages .
196. Medevac and some explosives folks were on standby but they did not actually respond.
197. Like many of the other DIY processor folks, he started small but. Over time, the design and his ambitions for it grew.
198. Kendrick is convinced that I am a harbinger of a new species of human,[http:///folks.html] as different from everyday folks as Cro-Magnon Man was from his Neanderthal neighbors.
199. Now you just stand still so you can be a Christmas gift for the white folks.
200. It's Comer , folks, into the end zone for another Permian touchdown!
201. The "fine yellow pea cake" was made by the Qing imperial palace kitchen by improving on the coarse yellow pea cake from the folks.
202. I shall however , announce this blog in my fans'sites. It's been a while folks.
203. Ba People Spring: spring here is sweet, flow out whole year, it is the living spring of local folks in Carry Cangue Bridge.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:50:12