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单词 Prostate
1) An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.
2) Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer.
3) He has prostate trouble.
4) They are good for parasites and prostate trouble.
5) The study compared the annual blood tests of prostate cancer patients with those of men with no evidence of the disease.
6) Ten patients had been treated for prostate cancer and one had experienced a spinal cord injury.
7) The molecular properties of prostate cancer are being intensively investigated.
8) Prostate cancer can be cured if it is caught early.
9) Amaro developed prostate cancer nine years ago and had surgery to remove it.
10) They removed malignant tissue from his prostate during an operation last Friday.
11) Prostate cancer has risen by 200 %, testicular cancer in young men by 300 %.
12) A prostate cancer patient, Milken continues to search for cures for the deadly disease, Reese said.
13) Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States.
14) Even among men diagnosed as having clinical prostate cancer only one in three dies of the disease.
15) Radiotherapy for cancer of the prostate was also in two phases but with a 25 Gray phase two,(http:///prostate.html) in 15 fractions.
16) Medical experts said prostate cancer is not uncommon in men over 60.
17) Many researchers think that the drug may help prevent prostate cancer.
18) It might be much bigger if the drug could be used to prevent, as opposed to treat, prostate cancer.
19) Casodex is a drug that blocks the release of testosterone, a hormone that is linked to prostate cancer.
20) But he said that reports that Graham suffers from prostate cancer are untrue.
21) Before the hearings began, Cranston announced on Nov. 8 that he was suffering from prostate cancer.
22) Go to the bathroom every fifteen minutes, climbing over him, explaining each time that you have a prostate problem.
23) Of those cancers that seem to be limited to the prostate clinically, 25-35% will have lymph node metastases.
24) Other solid tumors associated with hypercalcemia arise from lung, kidney, liver, cervix, prostate, and thyroid.
25) The cancer, according to Allen, has not spread beyond the prostate.
26) No pressure group within the medical profession is lobbying for the right to save men's lives by regularly examining the prostate.
27) The largest and most important of these is the prostate gland.
28) Several times Lawrence and colleagues accentuate the damaging effect of treatment on patients with cancer of the prostate.
29) During our investigation of these patients, we diagnosed seven new cases of cancer of the prostate.
30) The adult rat provides another example: it has been found that cells in its prostate gland need the hormone testosterone.
31) Mobutu, undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, has been operating largely from his villa in nearby RoquebruneCap-Martin.
32) Mr Mitterrand, who had suffered from prostate cancer, spent his last days in his study near the Eiffel Tower.
33) Radiotherapy and radical prostatectomy are effective in treating locally confined prostate cancer.
34) The statistics show four men who worked there have died of prostate cancer.
35) Some men have an additional problem because an enlarged prostate gland can cause almost permanent incontinence.
36) The Government has increased research into prostate cancer twentyfold, to £4.2m a year.
37) The 60-year-old retired engineer was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January.
38) This calculation, often used in arguments about screening for prostate cancer by those critical of screening and early detection measures.
39) Examples are hip joint replacement, cataract extraction, prostate resection, and cardiac pacemaker insertion.
40) Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, wants a special stamp to raise funds to fight prostate cancer.
41) Mitterrand had been suffering from prostate cancer for several years, for which he underwent surgery twice.
42) On that day, Mobutu made a triumphal return from four months of convalescence abroad after prostate cancer surgery.
43) Mitterrand, a Socialist, had been ill with prostate cancer for several years.
43) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
44) Since 84% of apparently localised cancers of the prostate progress if left untreated some centres advocate radical prostatectomy for early cancer.
45) This includes massaging the prostate gland and massaging the urethra over a metal sound.
46) Objective To improving early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
47) Prostatitis, hypertrophy of the prostate, orchitis, premature ejaculation, impotent.
48) Prostatic disorder: Abnormality or disease of the prostate gland.
49) Conclusion: DNA heteroploid implies the emergence of prostate cancer.
50) Osteoporosis from androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer treatment.
51) For men, prostate cancer is the most common.
52) The researchers randomized 87 men with biopsy-documented prostate cancer to an experimental group or a nonintervention control group.
53) Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect of transurethral electric vaporisation of prostate.
54) Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of real-time biplane imaging in ultrasound-guided transrectal core biopsies of the prostate.
55) Objective To investigate the therapeutic eff ects of suprapubic ballistic vesicolithotrity followed by transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP) in patients with large prostate and bladder stone.
56) Methods : The clinic information of 26 cases in the dysuria for benign prostate hypertrophy was analyzed.
57) Because clinical case shows: 98 % for adenocarcinoma of prostate gland atrophy, often from peripheral.
58) Objective To evaluate nosogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of calculi of prostate.
59) We established an androgen-independent prostate cancer cell line induced by the combination of flutamide and androgen-free environment after long-term culture in vivo.
60) Similar subgroup analyses yielded inconsistent results for prostate and colorectal cancer.
61) The prostate is a gland, weighing 25 gram, below the bladder.
62) Many herbal remedies have saw palmetto as an ingredient, as it is thought to be able to reduce prostate swelling and relieve symptoms.
63) Prostate is an important male sex gland organ, which has internal and external secretion functions.
64) Objective To study improvements of transurethral resection of the prostate.
65) Methods Castration was performed on 8 patients with prostate cancer, followed by flutamide treatment.
66) In addition, researchers found that the IGS was also predictive of clinical outcomes in individuals with prostate cancer, lung cancer and medulloblastoma.
67) The celastrol long-chain alcohol ester has obvious prostate targeting property and stronger anti-tumor and anti-inflammation activity than celastrol.
68) The spreading part of the prostate was well-developed, and was clearly seenfrem the front of seminal colliculus to the back of bulbourethral glands.
69) Objective: To explore the method and effect of the combined use of transurethral vaporization of prostate (TUVP) and transurethral electroresection of prostate (TURP).
70) Early studies suggested that it had estrogenic activity and that it reduced levels of PSA in both hormone-responsive and hormone-resistant prostate cancer patients.
71) Objective: To extract Usnic acid from usnea longisima ach, and to evaluate the ability of Usnic acid to inhibit growth of human prostate cancer cells PC-3M in vitro.
72) The tumor in his prostate gland was caught at an early and very likely curable stage.
73) Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and unsalted help in preventing breast as well as prostate cancer in men.
74) Common prostate malignant tumor related genes include heredity susceptivity gene(), tumor suppressor genemetastasis genes and metastasis suppressor genes etc.
75) used a mouse xenograft model where a human prostate cancer cell line was implanted into mice to show that there were tumor-derived miRNAs circulating in blood.
76) Enhanced expression of Elf - 1 has been reported in prostate cancer 、 endometrial carcinoma and osteosarcoma.
77) Objective : To study the reason of dysuria after operation for benign prostate hypertrophy.
78) Conclusion MRI is the method of choice to the evaluation of the prostate cancer.
79) Objective: To evaluate the dose distribution of conformal radiotherapy in prostate cancer.
80) How to treat bifurcate of make water of prostate make water?
81) Spermatozoa are seen in approximately 1 % of prostate biopsies ( unpublished personal obsecration ).
82) Justice John Paul Stevens underwent radiation treatment for prostate cancer in 1992.
83) The Prostate Cancer Foundation agrees with the American Urological Association that PSA screening provides important information for men and their doctors.
84) For men, discuss testicular exams and prostate screening with a health professional.
85) One bottle taking will relieve the symptom of prostatauxe , and then the prostate will be getting small gradually and nocturia will disappear.
86) Objective: To evaluate the transurethral resection of the prostate( TURP ) for patients with the permanent cardiac pacemaker.
87) Researchers have discovered new small molecules that may prevent prostate cancer cells from turning off normal genes in a process that transforms normal cells into cancer cells.
88) To be understand the pathological characteristics of spermocytoma, carcinoma of penis, hyperplasia of prostate gland and carcinoma of prostate.
89) Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in male genitourinary system, it morbidity is increasing in recent years.
90) Rectum touch, but touch has no pain, fluctuation, asymmetric prostate enlargement.
91) In particular, it may prevent hormone - dependent diseases, such as cancer, prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
92) CONCLUSIONS Androgen - deprivation therapy for prostate cancer increases the risk of fracture.
93) Prostate element constituent is unusual, hemal easily outspread, plaque is hemostatic the function is abate, haemorrhage is measured namely grow in quantity.
94) Objective : To understand long - term survival after combined androgen blockade ( CAB ) in patients with advanced prostate cancer.
95) We observed apoptosis with terminal transferase deoxyuridine nick-end assays and tested NO of the prostate tissue with nitrite reduction test then calculated the activity of NOS.
96) "People used to think that B.P.H. was just a disease of the prostate, and that's not entirely true, " he said.
97) Objective To investigate the causes of bladder neck contracture ( BNC ) after transurethral resection of prostate.
98) Objective To investigate the effects of flutamide on hyperplasia of prostate and its mechanism.
99) To see how androgen receptors made from AR-V7 differ from others, the researchers forced lab-grown prostate cancer cells to produce only the AR-V7 sequence.
100) Objective : To verify the clinical effects of Qianlietongbao capsule on prostate hypertrophy ( BPH ).
101) Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of the transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP) on patients with high-risk benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH).
102) Removing a cancerous prostate gland reduces the chance of dying from prostate caner.
103) In particular, the scientists found one molecule, sarcosine ,(http:///prostate.html) was strongly linked to prostate cancer that was likely to spread around the body.
104) Hyperplasia median lobe of the prostate produces a polypoid mass that protrudes in the bladder lumen.
105) Decreased likelihood of developing certain hormone-dependent illnesses such as testicular cancer, prostate hypertrophy, prostatic cancer, mammary cancer and pyometra.
106) Saw palmetto extract contains substances acting as DHT blockers by much of the same mechanism as prostate medicines.
107) At 65, he may be pensioner, have a weak heart and have suffered from prostate cancer.
108) Prostate calcify, fiber is changed is the scar that after inflammation cicatrizations, prostate happening leaves, be prostate stone is augural.
109) Methods 41 BPH and 22 prostate cancer (PCa) patients had their serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) and free PSA levels measured by radioimmunoassay.
110) The observations and measurements of the dimension and weight of the prostate,() seminal vesicle and bulbourethral gland were made on 50 adult specimens.
111) In fact, sarcosine was a better indicator of advancing disease than the traditional marker, a protein called prostate specific antigen.
112) Saw palmetto, however, was recently found to have no effect in reducing the frequent urge to urinate or other annoying symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
113) Discover the film inside these patient uteruses is local finally prostate element constituent is unusual reach fibrin deliquescent system function is too strong.
114) Objective To investigate the effect of prostate specific antigen (PSA) and levels of sex hormones as well as prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) on prostatic size.
115) Several studies have found that men who take aspirin and other NSAIDS have a decreased risk of prostate cancer. The prostate is part of the male reproductive system.
116) The researchers are now testing the biomarker panel in 1,700 samples drawn from prostate cancer patients, cancer-free controls, and patients with other cancers or with other prostate diseases.
117) And there are young writer Han Han, artist Ai, cynic and ironist ProState In Flame, independent blogger Bei Feng and many more.
118) Sweden's University Hospital urologist that chronic prostate pollen a very high efficacy.
119) Samples of tissue are removed by inserting a needle through thethe rectum into the prostate gland.
120) It is suggested that transurethral resection of the prostate is effective and safe to deal with the patients with BPH in senior and high risk.
121) I head for the kitchen and line up the pills he's supposed to be taking: the alpha-blocker for prostate, the blood-pressure meds, the simvastatin for high cholesterol, the vitamins, the baby aspirin.
122) The diagnosis value of BAP and PSA in prostate cancer with bone metastases was studied and its application in the classification of bone metastases was investigated.
123) Other men do have prostate cancer, but have normalPSAs, allowing the cancer to spread undetected.
124) Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy in the treatment of prostate cancer patients with HIFU combing with emasculation.
125) On December sixteenth, two thousand seven, fans of Dan Fogelberg lost an old friend. The American singer and songwriter died of prostate cancer at the age of fifty-six.
126) Such an enlarged prostate can obstruct urinary outflow from the bladder and lead an obstructive uropathy.
127) Objectives: To observe the effect of removal of testicular essence combined with therapy of Flutamide in patients with advanced prostate cancer .
128) The normal histologic appearance of prostate glands and surrounding fibromuscular stroma is shown at high magnification.
129) Objective:To observe the effects of transurethral vaporization for prostate (TVP) and suprapubic prostatectomy (SPP) on sexual function of the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
130) Poor dietary habits are strongly linked to prostate dysfunction as well.
131) Methods Serum prostate specific antigen and free prostate specific antigen contents were determined before treatment and 1,3,6 months after treatment.
132) The maleLikelihood already drag in prostate, spermary , epididymis, FemaleAlready drag in accessory, uterus.
133) Method: 32 patients with prostate hyperplasia were chosen and treated once a week with prostata electrified fluid transportation therapeutical instrument. Each course of treatment Lasted 3 weeks.
134) This fascia is most prominent and dense near the base of the prostate and the seminal vesicles and thins dramatically as it extends caudally to its termination at the striated urethral sphincter.
135) The authors concluded that citrate(http://), myo-inositol and spermine are potentially important markers of prostate cancer in human EPS.
136) It could help the Reproductive System, the male prostate and other related reproductive system helpful.
137) Objective To investigate the causes and treatment of bleeding after transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP) for benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH).
138) PSA is prostate specific antigen, a protein produced by prostate cancer cells.
139) Methods: 165 BPH patients at high risk. treated with transurethral resection of prostate.
140) Methods: Pathological examinations were conducted on 134 benign prostate hyperplasia specimens by means of series microtomy after TUPVP.
141) Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of thulium laser resection of prostatetangerine technique in treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia.
142) Darvill added "it's no surprise" that fewer gay men die of prostate or testicular cancer.
143) Objective To investigate the cause of unsuccessful prostate stent therapy for benign prostatehyperplasia ( BPH ) disease .
144) The bilateral renal pelvis and ureter were markedly dilated, the prostate gland was lifted up.
145) At higher magnification , the enlarged prostate has glandular hyperplasia.
146) The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer is caused by mutating cells that multiply out of control.
147) Such an enlarged prostate can obstruct urinary outflow from the bladder and lead to an obstructive uropathy.
148) Objective : To discuss the treatment and prevention of bladder neck contracture ( BNC ) by transurethral resection of prostate ( TURP ).
149) In an international study of 1000 men with moderate enlargement of the prostate, two-thirds benefited from taking saw palmetto for six months.
150) I learned this morning with regret that Andrew Lloyd Webber was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
151) The link between teenagers who were overweight and later cancer was particularly strong for lung, skin, oesophageal, kidney, bladder, prostate and testicular cancers.
152) Objective:To study the relationship between the expression of pS2 protein, prostate specific antigen(PSA) and breast carcinoma with neuroendocrine (NE) cells differentiation.
153) The forms of prostate cancer included radical prostatectomy external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy.
154) Objectives : To describe the operation procedure of intercavernous embedding of bulboperineal urethra and evaluate its efficacy in treating male urinary incontinence after prostate operation.
155) Objective To determine the clinical value of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) imaging in detecting VUR consequent upon benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH).
156) An enlarged prostate, or benign prostate hyperplasia ( BPH ) , usually affects men over 60.




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