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单词 grown-up
释义  ˌgrown-ˈup1 ●●○ adjective  1  ADULTfully developed as an adult 成年的 Before you know it, the children will be grown-up and leaving home. 转眼之间,孩子们就会长大成人离家而去。 I’ve got two grown-up sons. 我有两个已经成年的儿子。2  ADULTbehaving in a responsible way, like an adult 〔行为〕体现成年人责任的,成熟的 SYN mature, → childish5You are old enough to know better, and I expect more grown-up behaviour from you.你长大了,该更懂事,我希望你能更像个大人。n I expect more grown-up behaviour of you.Examples from the Corpusgrown-up• She was talking to him as if he was grown-up and it made him feel uncomfortable.• Mr Morgan, who was married with three grown-up children, had returned briefly to school after a period of illness.• They have three grown-up children who live in other states.• She lives in Thames Ditton with her husband, Paul and three grown-up children.• Her husband and grown-up daughter also work on the place.• But what is it doing in a grown-up hotel bar?• Our children are all grown-up now.• This was the first grown-up party she'd ever been to.• But he was the first grown-up person who assumed I could discuss ideas.• The channel has lost its amateur status and become a grown-up, professional outfit.• She has three grown-up sons.• The movies deals with grown-up subjects such as sex and domestic violence.• Not one word about the butterfly, or her cleverness - only grown-up talk.ˈgrown-up2 ●●○ noun [countable]  ADULTan adult – used by or to children 成年人,大人〔儿语〕 If you’re frightened, tell one of the grown-ups. 如果你害怕,就跟大人讲。Examples from the Corpusgrown-up• Grown-ups are so boring! All they ever do is talk!• At home there was always a grown-up to turn to if you were in trouble.• Most of all, Lieberman spoke as a grown-up.• I wish my parents would treat me like a grown-up for a change.• Do grown-ups naturally help children learn in their everyday lives?• Their unity made them seem like grown-ups.• For example, the child considers it wrong to lie to his parents and other grown-ups but not to his comrades.• All the grown-ups clapped their hands.• All the grown-ups smiled in that boring way they have when little girls are being exceptionally sick-making.• July Good month for the grown-ups.• So give the kids cash for a pizza delivery, and let the grown-ups enjoy a relaxing meal in the shade.ˌgrown-ˈup1 adjectiveˈgrown-up2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  adult an developed Corpus as fully




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