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单词 Spacecraft
1. The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth's atmosphere.
2. A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.
3. They scanned the sky for the spacecraft.
4. Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.
5. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.
6. The spacecraft is now in free fall towards the Earth.
7. The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.
8. The spacecraft lost contact with mission control.
9. a linkup of two orbiting spacecraft.
10. The design of the spacecraft is undergoing extensive modification.
11. The costs involved in building a spacecraft are huge.
12. There're three astronauts in the spacecraft.
13. Scientists are carefully charting the progress of the spacecraft.
14. Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.
15. Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.
16. How many spacecraft have orbited the moon?
17. Spacecraft Columbia touched down yesterday.
18. The two spacecraft will link up in orbit.
19. The spacecraft is nearing the end of its useful life .
20. Spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.
21. The spacecraft will fly round the Earth to gain/gather momentum for its trip to Jupiter.
22. The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.
23. The spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earth's atmosphere.
24. These spacecraft may send back data about the outermost reaches of the solar system.
25. Bad weather has frustrated plans to launch the spacecraft today.
26. The spacecraft and its crew were incinerated by the billion-degree temperatures generated by the fireball.
27. Unlike other spacecraft, the shuttle can glide back through the atmosphere, land safely, and be reused.
28. The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere.
29. If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the earth's gravitational pull.
30. The force of friction affects the speed at which spacecraft can re-enter the earth's atmosphere.
1. The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth's atmosphere.
2. A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft.
3. They scanned the sky for the spacecraft.
4. Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.
5. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.
6. The spacecraft is now in free fall towards the Earth.
31. In thirty years from now the United States should have a manned spacecraft on Mars.
32. The reflector is held onto the sides of the spacecraft with a frame.
33. The spacecraft will fly through the innermost rings of Saturn.
34. His job was to chart the progress of the spacecraft.
35. Once in space, the spacecraft will go into orbit around the Earth.
36. The drag on low-altitude spacecraft increases.
37. But thenceforth the spacecraft is already in space.
38. Right now we're concentrating on retrieving the spacecraft.
39. The Magellan spacecraft has mapped the surface of Venus.
40. Spacecraft and rocket upper stages for unmanned missions to the Moon, Mars, and Venus were all initiated.
41. The Soviet Union, in preparation for manned landings, then concentrated on landing automatic unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface.
42. The mapper will use components from existing spacecraft to cut costs.
43. On the grounds of minimizing risk, many of them had decided on a direct flight that did not involve docking spacecraft.
44. It is an actual spacecraft from the Soviet space shuttle program, owned and operated by former cosmonauts and space program employees.
45. The charged particles produced by flares can disrupt communications and present hazards to spacecraft and astronauts.
46. A spacecraft returning from an asteroid is not limited to carrying water.
47. Over the next hours the spacecraft is in free fall toward the lunar surface, constantly accelerating in the lunar gravity.
48. The astronauts were more than 13, 000 miles from the spacecraft when they lifted off early Thursday.
49. Docking manoeuvres were thought to be needlessly risky as they required delicately flying two spacecraft in close proximity.
50. A small bus with an extension tube like a stubby elephant trunk was now nuzzling affectionately up against the spacecraft.
51. During the flyby, the spacecraft will measure gases in the atmosphere.
52. The five Lunar Orbiter spacecraft, launched at three-month intervals in 1966 and 1967, were all outstandingly successful.
53. The Hulk was a towering, ruined spacecraft adrift in black void, wreathed with ... spewed-out gases?
54. I imagine that the summit of this kind of programming is achieved in the chambers used to train aeroplane and spacecraft pilots.
55. It also provided the main propulsion system for the Apollo spacecraft.
56. These include the deployment and retrieval of a NASA-owned spacecraft called Spartan, which carries a half-dozen experiments.
57. The two spacecraft should pass within 70 miles of one another early Tuesday.
58. Real understanding comes with the realization that a spacecraft can not remain in orbit unless the force of gravity is acting.
59. Believers say the government has captured alien spacecraft and used the technology gleaned from them to make their own spaceships.
60. But power for activities in the belt and for propulsion of spacecraft is harder to find.
61. Of the production run of nine, only three Ranger spacecraft remained.
62. Astronauts have problems moving around in the spacecraft because they are virtually weightless.
63. Short-term forecasts are required day-to-day in spacecraft management for orbit prediction.
64. These signals falsely indicated to the on board systems that the spacecraft was safely on the surface.
65. Pressures and temperatures in the Jovian atmosphere have largely been determined by spacecraft, using a variety of techniques.
66. There was no alien spacecraft, and there were no alien beings and no secret autopsies in the desert in 1947.
67. The spacecraft has sent back new data about Jupiter's atmosphere.
68. Decreasing the velocity will mean that the spacecraft moves away from perigee less quickly.
69. The most significant of these may be the use of helium-3 in spacecraft propulsion, in a fusion rocket.
70. That book contained a proposal for electrical propulsion of spacecraft, a technique we would now call ion propulsion.
71. Nova was developing in parallel as a booster capable of hurling a spacecraft to the Moon on a direct flight mission.
72. If executed close enough to the Moon, this maneuver can place the spacecraft on a collision course with the Moon.
73. Then, with a single powerful engine burn, the spacecraft can decelerate to a soft landing on the lunar surface.
74. The gravitational field has been explored in some detail by observations of the satellites and of the paths of fly-by spacecraft.
75. Endeavour also will carry a Satellite Test Unit to try out a new laser-based attitude system for positioning spacecraft.
76. Even so, the system on board the spacecraft retained some independence should contact with ground control be lost.
77. At any point on the ellipse between apogee and perigee a spacecraft will have both a horizontal and a radial velocity.
78. Meanwhile, the Soviets had launched two Luna-type spacecraft at the Moon in early 1963.
79. NASA officials found a way to work around the technical glitch on the Galileo spacecraft.
80. The spacecraft results also confirm that ground-based observations can indirectly tell us about fluctuations in the solar constant.
81. In late 1958 the United States launched three Pioneer spacecraft on missions to the Moon.
82. Spacecraft electronics systems are vulnerable to damage by high-energy charged particles and are at particular risk during magnetic storms.
83. A somewhat similar process could he used to produce thrust for a spacecraft.
84. During shuttle spacewalks, pilots can maneuver their spacecraft quickly to chase an astronaut whose security line has snapped.
85. The fully fuelled Saturn V sitting on the launch pad had a total mass some 56 times that of the Apollo spacecraft.
86. In September a second Luna spacecraft impacted on the near side of the moon.
87. Inside a spacecraft in orbit round the Earth an astronaut could float weightless, hardly in contact with the floor.
88. The Moon in a cloudless blue sky is visible directly above the spacecraft.
89. As part of the bicentennial festivities of the United States, two Viking spacecraft were landed on Mars in 1976.
90. The first spacecraft missions to the Moon were launched surprisingly soon after the dawn of the space age.
91. The number of trips that can be expected for a spacecraft that transports water back from an asteroid is difficult to estimate.
92. For example, consider a spacecraft flying in an elliptical orbit and burning its engines at the moment it reaches perigee.
93. Posi gave the warning - spacecraft approaching - and the screens flashed up the images.
94. A spacecraft passing through its perigee point is moving faster than an equivalent craft on a circular orbit of the same radius.
95. Ground-based data as well as the latest information from the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft are used in developing both physical descriptions and theoretical understanding.
96. A spacecraft at point A carries out a burn that increases its horizontal velocity.
97. A great tearing sound and the rocket section at the rear of the spacecraft pulled away.
98. Long before spacecraft missions first explored the Moon, speculation on the origin of the lunar craters abounded.
99. The 975-kilogram Magellan spacecraft was launched in May of 1989 and arrived at Venus in August of 1990.
100. The spacecraft enters into a more eccentric orbit, however the height and position of perigee remains the same.
101. In February of 1961 two more spacecraft of this type were placed in closely similar orbits.
102. Ross ever. the principle of nuclear engines was successfully tested and they remain good candidates for long-term development in interplanetary spacecraft.
103. Apolune is the point on the orbit where the spacecraft is furthest from the centre of the Moon.
104. From 1960 to 1965 the Soviets launched twenty-six known spacecraft into deep space.
105. Only incoming or outgoing spacecraft were allowed in its air-space.
106. In terms of the demands placed on spacecraft propulsion systems, Uranus is easiest and Neptune is second.
107. The spacecraft is covered in a material that acts as a heat shield.
108. Under normal circumstances the spacecraft would not be manoeuvring so violently that this would be a problem.
109. But full acceptance of the importance of large impacts on Earth had to await the exploration of the solar system by spacecraft.
110. No spacecraft has ever moved faster than a small fraction of this speed.
111. A rocket motor failed and the spacecraft did not reach its intended orbit.
112. Mission designers are very thorough in eliminating any excess weight from the spacecraft.
113. The need to use range-Doppler methods is obviated where radar equipment is carried near to a planet by means of a spacecraft.
114. The two Viking spacecraft reached Mars successfully.
115. How do you power a spacecraft in deep space?
116. The spacecraft a successful reentry into the earth's atmosphere.
117. The spacecraft was fitted with a heat shield.
118. I'm detached and moving toward the derelict spacecraft.
119. The Viking spacecraft consisted of two orbiters.
120. Spacecraft control laws for volte-face reentry motion are explored.
121. The two spacecraft are the most distant human-made objects, out at the edge of the heliosphere -- the bubble the sun creates around the solar system.
122. Due to total angular momentum conservation about the system centre of mass, a torque-free spacecraft system with space manipulators becomes the nonholonomic control system.
123. The Russian Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft lifted off in clear weather from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on the Kazakh steppes just after 1:00 pm local time.
124. These spacecraft can be launched by electromagnetic mass drivers from the Moon to the planets, their satellites, and to the asteroid belt.
125. The methods of accelerated life tests for long-life spacecraft mechanisms, both in China and abroad, were reviewed.
126. Selecting a strong, reduced-carbon dioxide stout, the researchers have created a space-safe beer called "Vostok" (in honor of the first manned, Russian spacecraft flown by Yuri Gagarin in 1961).
127. Russian ground control center planned for the flight out of its orbit on the 26th, and then the spacecraft will fall in the South Pacific.
128. The distance between the Earth and the Moon about 38 million kilometers, the U. S. had launched the "Apollo" series of spacecraft arrived at the moon with only three days.
129. Low temperature environment a cascade refrigeration system in the thermal vacuum test facility of spacecraft subassembly.
130. As each spacecraft orbits the Earth it emits a carrier wave.
131. This paper analyzes radar resolution and multi-target information acquisition and processing in test of the miss distance of spacecraft based on a single radar.
132. China's Chang'e 1 spacecraft is already in lunar orbit, as is Japan's Selene.
133. The researchers also are working on a wish list of sorts for the spacecraft.
134. The Copenhagen Suborbital founders have said that their motivation for building a spacecraft was partly personal.
135. Mars Global Surveyor has operated longer than any spacecraft ever sent to the red planet.
136. Secondly, spacecraft for deep space exploration flies a much long time, even years.
137. The HEAT 1X rocket and Tycho Brahe spacecraft stand assembled and ready to launch in an undated picture.
138. This system, depicted in figure 1 - 8 , is usually referred to as the Apollo Spacecraft.
138. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
139. Meanwhile, NASA has begun financing research for intermediate crew-only spacecraft to be produced and launched by commercial companies, probably no sooner than 2016.
140. Lidar is very important in military field and civil field, which includes military reconnaissance , military weather service, spacecraft dockage, research of earth science, and so on.
141. Scientists first saw these somewhat wedge-shaped, transient clouds of tiny particles known as "spokes" in images from NASA's Voyager spacecraft.
142. Celestial navigation is basic model of autonomous orientation navigation of the spacecraft around the earth.
143. The satellite-to-satellite range and time difference measurement were necessary to distributed spacecraft and formation flying systems.
144. Company officials say it will be able to transport satellites or spacecraft weighing up to fifty-three metric tons into orbit.
145. The charge accumulation phenomenon on the surfaces of a spacecraft at a high altitude or geosynchronous orbit would appear.
146. A degree in aerospace or aeronautical engineering can be used to design aircraft and spacecraft, of course.
147. Still, by January 11 sun-staring spacecraft SOHO should be able to offer web-based views as the comet heads toward a perihelion passage inside the orbit of Mercury.
148. Structure vibration control is of great importance for the melioration of spacecraft dynamic property.
149. It is vital for the development of astronautics cause to make a decision of new spacecraft launching site site selecting.
150. Mariner 10 is the only spacecraft ever to have visited Mercury ( 1974 - 75 ).
151. Data from the spacecraft found the lunar soils became increasingly damp during sunlight hours, but dried out again at the end of the lunar day.
152. Meech even considered marshaling robotic planetary spacecraft for the campaign.
153. But the satellites will arrive with less relative speed than spacecraft making the trip in three days, which means less fuel will be needed to brake and drop into lunar orbit.
154. His research for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a geophysicist helps launch spacecraft at the correct time and position to reach their exact destinations.
155. The Deluge sweeps over the Earth; the Anunnaki witness the total destruction from their orbiting spacecraft.
156. The spacecraft will provide in-depth analysis of Vesta, which scientists believe is the source of a large number of meteorites that fall to Earth.
157. A maintenance control strategy for formation spacecraft flying in a near-circular orbit with fixed along-track distance tolerance was presented.
158. Automatic measure and calibration system is developed for 3595 multiplexer used in spacecraft environment test.
159. Russia has more than 100 satellites in orbit. Two-thirds of them are military or dual-purpose spacecraft, RIA Novosti said.
160. A virtual proto - type HIL simulation system for spacecraft docking was established.
161. Also, according to the local current balance model, the shaded-side spacecraft potentials under the condition of no photoelectrons are calculated.
162. Vriable emittance thermal control device is one of the focus of the future spacecraft thermal control.
163. The LCROSS spacecraft, which slammed into a perpetually shaded lunar crater last fall, turned up evidence of water ice on the surface, but that ice was presumably deposited by an ancient comet impact.
164. According to the requirements of modern spacecraft control, this paper presents a hierarchical intelligent adaptive control system based on the description of plant feature model knowledge.
165. In this paper, two concepts—spacecraft materials outgassing acceleration test and acceleration factor are described.
166. Each spacecraft had two parts: an orbiter and a lander.
167. Aerospace, gas turbines, rocket motors, spacecraft, space shuttles, nuclear reactors, turbo pump seals and cryogenic storage tank.
168. Or it could mean that Voyager 1 has already crossed the heliopause. Either way[http:///spacecraft.html], the spacecraft becomes the first object in interstellar space created by intelligent life. That we know about.
169. Whereas chemical rockets waste too much propellant to reach a net change in spacecraft velocity, electric thrusters can do exactly the same mission using just a small fraction of the propellant.
170. Spacecraft simulation technology utilization for our country astronautics measure and control enterprise development huge function.
171. Russian, European and Japanese cargo spacecraft will continue their resupply and waste disposal flights to the orbiting laboratory.
172. Neil Armstrong was the commander of the spacecraft. He was a test pilot.
173. As the spacecraft went around and around Jupiter, mission controllers would turn on the tether near periapsis to produce drag (and usable power) and turn it off elsewhere.
174. Orion will be similar in shape to Apollo spacecraft but much larger.
175. Seen from above, the spacecraft Tycho Brahe is settled onto the HEAT-1X rocket engine.
176. ScienceDaily (July 18, 2011) —NASA's Dawn spacecraft on July 16, 2011 became the first probe ever to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
177. Sunlight illuminates the deep cut of 1, 000-km-long Ithaca Chasma on Saturn's moon Tethys. Seen by by NASA's Cassini spacecraft on June 2, 2010.
178. It is presented in this paper a multivariable generalized predictive adaptive controller based on CARMA model and its application in the orbit control of spacecraft.
179. Meanwhile, as the launch of Atlantis draws near, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration still hasn't decided on the designof a replacement rocket and spacecraft combination.
180. In this paper a method for measuring the relative position and attitude angle of the spacecraft during rendezvous and docking.
181. Since then, forces emergency evacuation of the spacecraft, leaving the vanguard in the Blue Star.
182. This is the first time that we have ever chosen to repoint the spacecraft to look at an interesting flaring object.
183. planethood at different distances from the sun, according to Stern, who is principal investigator of NASA's New Horizons mission, which is sending a spacecraft to Pluto.
184. Now the Cassini spacecraft appears to have found a ring system around Saturn's second - largest moon, Rhea.
185. According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), Tiangong 1 is an 8.5-metric-ton "space laboratory module", capable of docking with manned and autonomous spacecraft.
186. Director of the Russian Federal Space Perminov told "Voice of Russia" radio interview that the Russian scientists are developing nuclear propulsion spacecraft assembly.
187. Spacecraft reentry trajectory optimization is a kind of optimal control problem.
188. The precision index for the carrier rocket that carries the spacecraft entering the orbit is highly upgraded; besides its life-span in the orbit is increased by a big margin.
189. I aman antelope from highland, I can keep up with spacecraft.
190. The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch.
191. Instruments aboard the spacecraft suggest that a cubic metre of soil on the lunar surface could hold around a litre of water.
192. This paper discusses the method to obtain the position information of targets by fusion of tracking and telemetry data from point of view of safety control in spacecraft test.
193. Visible in the above image as light ghostlike impressions, spokes were first discovered by the Voyager spacecraft that buzzed by Saturn in the early 1980s.
194. Atmospheric reentry generates tremendous heating on the undersurface of spacecraft (a couple of thousand degrees Celsius) caused by the friction of the air rushing by at hypersonic speeds.
195. With the rapid development and more and more complicate of the spacecraft avionics system, ita networking mode should be improved to meet the requirement of more advanced avionics system.
196. The images were obtained with theCassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on Nov. 4, 2009, at a distance ofapproximately 808,000 miles from Saturn.
197. Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus.
198. The spacecraft is expected to fly past Phobos about six months from now.
199. The results show that the inverse transfer function matrix is a normal matrix,[sentencedict .com] and this fact is independent of the spacecraft dynamical parameters.
200. The new launch center aims to serve the next-generation rocket carriers that do emit poisonous and pollutive gas and new-type spacecraft.
201. John Glenn climbed into his tiny spacecraft on top of the huge Atlas rocket.
202. In order to cope with the clock skew, a design principle of sequential circuit in FPGA for spacecraft has been provided.
203. One of the most important characteristics of single access link scheduling of TDRSS lies in that there was time windows constraint between tracking and data relay satellite(TDRS) and user spacecraft.
204. After the explosion of the alien spacecraft possessed by aliens. She is follow Legend of Heroes all the way, looking for Energon Crystals to go back home.
205. It is now the matriarch of a veritable family of Mars spacecraft.
206. The test bed can simulate different spacecraft docking dynamic tests by adjusting the simulator.
207. Like two strangers in the night, a US spacecraft and a speeding comet will dash by one another on Valentine's Day, NASA said Wednesday, and skywatchers are eager to see what happens.
208. Within the coming decades, unmanned spacecraft will land on the Moon and begin experiments with in-situ resource utilization(ISRU).
209. The dynamic equation of spacecraft with extensional flexible appendages is derived.
210. Once a year for about 50 days, the spacecraft turns back on for a checkup and recalibration.
211. Rick looked through the blister, down at Tirol and the expanding ball of gas that had been the Pursuer, and the far-off spacecraft that had been parts of the Sentinels' battlewagon .
212. In this thesis, a brief review and analysis of the development of spacecraft telecommand system has been given and Packet Utilization Standard(PUS) suggested by ESA has been studied.
213. Finally, a diagnosis case for spacecraft power system is exemplified combining the above with a powerful expert system development tool G2.
214. As for the ship, it fits no profile known to my data banks, although certain portions of it bear resemblances to the spacecraft of various spacefaring cultures.
215. The main research direction of Professor Zhan Jialiang is: Propulsion system of spacecraft.
216. [ Together ] That's ever been installed in every spacecraft on my hangar deck.
217. That story about three beautiful girls in a spacecraft is pure escapism.
218. After those six seconds, a shuttle?s twin solid rocket boosters ignite, explosive bolts holding the spacecraft down are severed and the entire stack soars spaceward.
219. The Pleiades won, and Maldek was shattered by spacecraft thus becoming your asteroid belt.
220. NASA is providing the LDCM spacecraft, the instruments, the launch vehicle, and the mission operations element of the ground system.
221. The main flight strip system is an important part of manned spacecraft project for callback the return modules and rescuing the astronaut in time, and the communication is the information pivot of it.
222. WASHINGTON, 23 April 2008. NASA has selected General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Inc., to build the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) spacecraft.
223. On the edge : the Voyager spacecraft are on the verge of interstellar space.
224. How does the slingshot effect work to change the orbit of a spacecraft?
225. For the crew of a spacecraft ramping up to light speed, interstellar space would appear highly compressed, thereby increasing the number of hydrogen atoms hitting the craft.
226. Thermoelectric materials have been used by NASA to power for far - away spacecraft.
227. The spacecraft is expected to arrive at Jupiter in 2016 to investigate the gas giant's atmosphere and aurora.
228. Rocketry is a mature technology, and NASA has always relied on using contractors to build its rockets and spacecraft.
228. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
229. The Apollo spacecraft, supplied with their own low-powered rockets, could brake on approach to the Moon and go into lunar orbit.
230. The eighth and ninth missions had Centaur boosting the spacecraft into an 80, 000 - kilometer deep - space orbit.
231. A real - time synchro - division set is provided, that can receive high speed telemetric baseband signals from spacecraft.
232. This paper is concerned with the dynamics and control for planar, large angle rapid slew maneuvering of a flexible multi body spacecraft, consisting of a rigid central body and a flexible beam.
233. Chaos and its control in the planar libration of a magnetic rigid spacecraft with internal damping in an elliptic orbit are investigated.
234. When they are floating forward by touching the wall of space capsule, they feel as if the spacecraft are moving rather themselves moving.
235. High velocity impact on spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation, that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.
236. This icosahedron of Mercury was created from a map of the planet taken from image data by the Mariner 10 spacecraft.
237. NASA's Kepler spacecraft is on its way to the launch pad and will soon begin a journey to search for worlds that could potentially host life.
238. Both the spacecraft charging and the floating potential rising make the spacecraft damaging interaction with space plasma enhance.
239. All space craft re-entering the atmosphere get covered in space debris and gases which affect communications between the spacecraft and the ground control center.
240. Spacecraft which are re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.
241. European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Angelo Nespoli sits inside Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft in the assembling hangar at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Russia.
242. The environmental requirements for spacecraft and the EMC design technique used for the intersystem and intrasystem are included.
243. The two spacecraft will link up ( with each other ) in orbit.
244. With gravity assist, a spacecraft can be accelerated or decelerated without the need for additional fuel.
245. The control problem of a flexible spacecraft during a large-angle maneuver is studied and a direct output feedback control method is proposed.
245. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
246. A well-established way to get more energy from a gravity assist is to fire a rocket engine at periapsis where a spacecraft is at its maximum velocity.
247. An ion engine designed to power future spacecraft has achieved its optimal design via software that simulates Darwinian evolution.
248. After being charged with fuel on Sunday, the spacecraft will be connected to the rocket, and transferred to the launch site for a final check before blast-off .
249. Alan Shepard reported: "Everything is A-Okay. " A helicopter pulled him from the spacecraft and carried him to a waiting ship.
250. Like the Apollo spacecraft, which landed 12 men on the moon, the MPCV will splash down in the Pacific Ocean upon return to Earth.
251. An autonomous optical navigation scheme for landing of spacecraft on a small celestial body based on navigation camera and laser range finder measurements was studied.
252. Earlier the Voyager spacecraft had discovered Jupiter's rings as well as two small moons, Adrastea and Metis , close to the main ring's outer edge.
253. Dr. Glenn tells me you saw a spacecraft in a cornfield last night?
254. High velocity impact on long duration and large size spacecraft by meteoroid and space debris is a threat to its safety operation, that can in turn lead to significant damage and catastrophic failure.
255. This mosaic of M31 merges 330 individual images taken by the Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope aboard NASA's Swift spacecraft.
256. If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life.
257. The Russian space agency may build a nuclear-powered spacecraft with the blessing of the country's leader, Russian and international media reported Thursday.




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