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单词 Continually
1 She's continually gloating over/about her new job.
2 She is continually abusing her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.
3 He continually cracked his whip and shouted at the mule.
4 She cried almost continually and threw temper tantrums.
5 His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons.
6 They argue continually about money.
7 The US is continually building up its armed forces.
8 The newspapers are continually tilting at the government.
9 We are continually reassessing the situation.
10 I continually have to remind him of his responsibilities.
11 He was continually late for work.
12 The child continually disturbs the class.
13 The parameters of the job are being continually negotiated.
14 The desert continually encroaches on the fertile land.
15 Japanese camera makers continually introduce whizzy new electronic models.
16 The other kids continually taunted him about his size.
17 The shadows of the dancers wavered continually.
18 Languages develop continually through usage.
19 Malcolm was continually changing his mind.
20 She goes on at her husband continually.
21 Both men continually bad-mouthed each other.
22 It's useless to continually hark back to the past.
23 New products are continually being developed.
24 This cycle of events continually repeats itself.
25 The horses were continually pestered by flies.
26 Our convoys are being continually harassed by enemy submarines.
27 She continually harps on lack of money.
28 I'm continually pondering how to improve the team.
29 He continually abuses her, and she just sits there and takes it.
30 The novel centres around a witless father who is continually being conned by his three children.
1 She's continually gloating over/about her new job.
2 The novel centres around a witless father who is continually being conned by his three children.
3 She is continually abusing her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.
4 He continually cracked his whip and shouted at the mule.
5 The US is continually building up its armed forces.
6 The child continually disturbs the class.
7 She continually harps on lack of money.
8 A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.
9 She is continually abusing her position by getting other people to do things for her.
10 I had continually pushed my doubts to the darker recesses of my mind.
31 Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of jobs.
32 Sarah had been plagued continually by a series of minor illnesses.
33 On the chilly seas, Keats became feverish, continually coughing up blood.
34 I can't even walk down the street without being continually pestered for money.
35 A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.
36 She continually failed to gain promotion because of her sex.
37 He was a rebel who continually bucked the system .
38 She is continually abusing her position by getting other people to do things for her.
39 He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.
40 I had continually pushed my doubts to the darker recesses of my mind.
41 The procedures are continually revised?it is very difficult to keep up with the latest version.
42 The telephone has been ringing continually in the office all morning.
43 To spite me, Edusha talked of him continually.
44 Our records are continually updated.
45 Groups were continually dividing over minor points of doctrine.
46 Does not empty space whirl continually about us?
47 It snowed continually for three weeks.
48 It's like a dark cloud continually hovering over us.
49 Basically, we continually covered the brigade area of operation on a daily basis.
50 But the growth of the population continually undermines their efforts.
51 New tax havens New locations are continually being attracted to the role of tax haven.
52 Emperor Charlemagne was so obsessed with her beauty, he continually harassed her.
53 Learn the Net is continually updated and tastefully devoid of commercial content.
54 I used to have a boyfriend who continually confounded me by his ability to remember the most trivial remarks weeks later.
55 These aristocratic tribes were continually at war: the stronger drove out the weak.
56 I continually demanded my right to have hormone treatment and operations, to become a man physically as much as possible.
57 Consequently, the managers have to develop and continually update agendas for the work unit.
58 As success follows on success, the beliefs and fears at the core of high performance are continually validated.
59 This distinction is crucial, especially for entities such as financial conglomerates, which continually deal in information.
60 It is not easy in a country as hierarchically inclined as ours to continually question authority in a constructive way.
61 For example your own columns continually describe Equitable as if it is bankrupt, in trouble, or in crisis.
62 The Parents' Action Committee was continually frustrated in its attempts to seek a dialogue with the Council.
63 And since it is an evolving language, always changing its expressions, it is also a continually disruptive influence.
64 His eyes continually flickered towards the rear view mirror as he monitored the Mercedes' progress with mounting apprehension.
65 Throughout a mediocre regular season, the Suns have continually sung the same tune.
66 His school work suffered because he was continually worried about his mother.
67 Why were the photographic plates in Roentgen's laboratory continually becoming blackened?
67 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
68 There is no need to pay high salaries to people who will continually agree.
69 If you devote yourself to God, then He in turn will continually stay with you, as an eternal candle flame stays with a wick, feeding off the overflow of wax; yet reshaping into something better. Anthony Liccione 
70 Several dozen phone lights flashed continually on our telephone boards.
71 Transend are continually looking for shareware that spans a wide spectrum.
72 Marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventories are continually being converted into cash in the normal course of business.
73 Daily life at home was often like a scene from the Rocky Horror Picture Show with transvestites and transsexuals continually visiting.
74 Police had continually opposed bail applications by Tindell who spent a year in custody.
75 She adopted a hectoring tone and continually interrupted in debates.
76 But as I settled into Campbell Hall, I saw illustrations continually, ones that complicated easy judgment and expectation.
77 One of these historic trends is the continually increasing communication among the world's diverse cultures.
78 His mien and his manners continually expressed his sense of himself as an important personage.
79 All over the world measurements are continually being made on quantum mechanical systems.
80 That has continually happened when other hon. Members have sought to move the carry-over motion.
81 In this way, gas is continually being fed ever closer to the centre from larger radii.
82 We are constantly aware of changing market conditions and the need to continually update our marketing plans.
83 The technique can continually measure how much pressure is being exerted.
84 However, this suggestion depends on the assumption that prostacyclin is continually produced by arterial wall to prevent platelet aggregation.
85 It is a random arrangement of all the colors imaginable, with continually different color combinations at every glance.
86 Pupils can continually be encouraged to ask simple questions to make this link.
87 No one feels they are a team member, much less a partner, if decisions are continually made without their consultation.
88 He had continually kept the people stirred up over the prospect of reconquest and had demanded loans for that express purpose.
89 Marketing management must continually reappraise its channels of distribution in an attempt to effect cost savings.
90 Their meanings change continually to suit the circumstances in which they are used.
91 Plants in their natural environments are continually damaged by animals and by weather conditions such as floods.
92 States and ruling orders continually seek to manipulate religion to political advantage.
93 To insist on this would cancel out the mature, trustful, open and continually self-reviewing benefit of a good management team.
94 The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. Elbert Hubbard 
95 There was nothing so boring, she thought, as some one who was continually bewailing her lot.
96 It looks best worn casual and scruffy, but everyone seems intent on continually dressing it up.
97 But their professional debates were continually being penetrated by these extra-discursive conditions.
98 In a civilized world, hours of work should not be continually excessive.
99 Twisting and turning, roiling and churning, the core and mantle were impinging on one another continually.
100 The surfaces of these planets were very hot and continually battered by meteorites, which prevented much cooling taking place.
101 Business no longer understands the examination system and its grades and it bemoans the continually changing scene.
102 In truth, the price of the solid-state lasers and photo receptors needed in the termination hardware is continually falling.
103 This eliminates the need for an operator at the machine itself to intervene continually in the production process.
104 This was continually increased over the lifetime of the Canberra force, with several B.2s being converted to T.4s.
105 Continually feeling bad about how your body looks limits your self-esteem, which eventually undercuts your immune power.
106 The Clown Loach are continually fighting; they emit a clicking sound which I know is territorial.
107 As a result, the databases of prohibited sites in these filtering programs must be continually updated.
108 It argued that work is continually de-skilled and degraded through the interaction of technical change and international patterns of capital accumulation.
109 You have to continually be pro-active to address issues of racism.
110 As an actor operates in this economic order, she continually attempts to expand the total package of resources that she controls.
111 This, unlike the first one, makes interesting reading, and is referred to continually.
112 Gillette has managed to grow by continually introducing new products and successfully persuading consumers to switch to its more expensive premium products.
113 Water had to be continually directed, rivers deepened, dikes checked, canals dug, and conflicting interests reconciled.
114 For a hundred years prior to 1924 the lake was present continually, and has appeared and disappeared again several times since.
115 A quick learner and a creative entrepreneur, he was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.
116 The fight to control the business has been deadly, as Akundzadeh has had continually fight off rival contenders.
117 Small earthquakes occur continually but relieve only a negligible portion of the accumulated strain energy.
118 Fluka's product line is continually increasing as its own research and development bring new products on stream.
119 One which is likely to rear its ugly head continually during this piece.
120 Associative feminist psychologies make unstable, continually changing liaisons with these social objects; and so they are associative in two senses.
121 You could create an ongoing system by continually updating the network and removing old data.
122 The law is continually changing, and solicitors are required to undertake continuing education as long as they practise.
123 Action should focus on the training needs of all new recruits and continually developing and improving the skills of existing employees.
124 I've seen my daughter work continually over the past two years - and I mean work - to achieve her grades.
125 Then we went for a walk, with him continually flying on and off my shoulder.
126 The light filtering in was enough to reveal a darkly gleaming surface of water, turbulent, continually rising.
127 They were continually spreading the message that the library is an integral part of the school's operation.
127 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
128 We continually look for ways to break brewing barriers and set new industry standards.
129 Our experienced editors comb the publishers' lists continually for the very best books for children - of all ages.
130 He replaced eating cornflakes with continually inviting Angela out to dinner in an effort to win her away from his old rival.
131 Years of drought, crop failure and migration have meant that land is continually withdrawn from active production.
132 Characteristic activity: necessarily occurring with adverbs like always and continually.
133 They resented the fact that they were continually invited to the parties and were unable to refuse.
134 Continually, they stand at the Dispatch Box and repeat the mantra that they are committed to the guarantee.
135 And they have tried to ensure that the reading level continually advances.
136 Summary of section 1.2 Although the economy is continually changing, some periods experience marked upheavals as structural change occurs.
137 We therefore continually try to correct one philosophical perspective about it against another.
138 It found itself amongst the stockwork of veins and rich ore was being found continually.
139 The inescapable conclusion was that people were continually managing to think it up for themselves.
140 One part of me was contemptuous of the scribblers continually rescuing the world with their paper prescriptions.
141 He noticed that they continually moved in a zigzag fashion.
142 Responses to natural challenges thus continually free humanity from its environment and at the same time subject it to the resultant solutions.
143 The school board has continually ignored the complaints of parents.
144 We continually talk to ourselves about them, losing force all the time, and feel that we are very badly treated.
145 Lightning played across the front almost continually, and thunder rolled over the catamaran.
146 Humankind needed to orient itself Continually by Signs, or by an address.
147 But their efforts to climb back out were continually thwarted by brittle rock, which made hand and foot holds difficult.
148 Apart from desertion the other force which continually sapped and depleted the strength of every navy was disease.
149 It sought continually to encourage teachers to reevaluate classroom practice - both in curriculum content and methodology.
150 You must continually assimilate new information into the context of your earlier knowledge.
151 These she carries to and from school daily in a distressed plastic bag and uses continually.
152 Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. Plato 
153 During the lesson the male member of staff was continually engaged in a physical interaction with a number of pupils.
154 This holding-back plays havoc with bodily functions, and research is continually showing us new relationships between stress and our physiology.
155 Charles rocked with the motion of the coach, falling gently against Sarah, their shoulders and legs continually touching.
156 You must continually create the performance commitments and contexts that give people a chance to experience change.
157 She had been continually up the spout, or over the moon, about some one or something.
158 Rather, they will be required to continually sell it to bidders, including other utilities.
159 The surface was constantly moving, as if some unseen force were continually hurling large rocks into the water at the quayside.
160 Full and part-time courses are continually running so call for up-to-date information.
161 Governments and their agents, the monetary authorities, are continually changing course in the conduct of their monetary policies.
162 For six weeks after our arrival it rained almost continually and the wind howled melancholy dirges around our chimneys and doors.
163 Fire security measures are continually updated and improved so that the chance of fire has been even further reduced.
164 It had continually opposed socio-political change and had had little understanding of the industrialization process up to that time.
165 They all agree that it is, and that death and misfortune hover about whaling continually.
166 Continually adepts are warned that they must not strain themselves or try to experience these unnatural things.
167 Until recently new pits were continually being excavated while others are being filled with refuse.
168 As the other books in the series have shown, social and physical environments are continually developed, abandoned and changed.
169 The authority and task boundaries that define his position, however, continually shift like sand.
170 So the depths of the oceans are full of lights moving rhythmically around and continually turning off and on.
171 She began to crawl forward again, her eyes continually flickering between the tracks on either side of her.
172 He fought with his siblings and was continually into mischief.
173 By continually switching positive for negative in sequence down the line, a stream of protons can be accelerated.
174 I find they continually jam - ludicrous on the garment of this price and an area needing urgent attention by the manufacturers.
175 Claudino, on the other hand is a miserable, conniving person who continually exerts his poor influence on Leonardo.
176 Since most tables are also used for dumping, leave space so that the arrangements aren't continually being disturbed.
177 Summary statements are useful in everyday speech, where we are continually describing people as intelligent or aggressive or generous or nice.
178 Book displays are continually changed so that the room is filled with literature about the environment.
179 But his wedge shots continually left him in 2-putt range.
180 This, again, ensures that the pool of breeding stock is continually improved with the introduction of non-related bloodlines.
181 The Steady State Theory floundered on for a few more years, being continually revised, but eventually its three proponents conceded defeat.
182 It continually updates so that you can see the exact amount of bytes free along with a graphical representation of the percentage free.
183 We should bear in mind continually that the whole field is controversial.
184 Time allowed 00:20 Read in studio Trade unions at Rover Cars have attacked plans to penalise staff who continually report sick.
185 As soon as she got home, the telephone began ringing continually.
186 Herbivores have a large root canal in the teeth, which grow continually throughout life.
187 Industry has continually wanted devaluation to sell goods and because of this short-sighted attitude, what now do we make and sell?
188 This can not be an exhaustive list since, like other financial intermediaries, insurance companies are continually developing new products.
189 Central administration has been continually adapting itself to the new demands made upon it by the creation of services.
190 Learning / Training Researchers are continually seeking better learning and training algorithms.
191 Above all I loved the feeling of great mobility, of continually heading off to new and different places.
192 As the oldest trunks fall over, they are replaced by new shoots which appear continually around the base of the tree.
193 He was seventy and continually engaged in frenetic schemes to bolster up his old age.
194 During this period of rapid territorial expansion the empire was almost continually at war.
195 The emission charge may have to be continually adjusted until the air quality which society deems acceptable has been achieved.
196 People change and so do opportunities; there is a need continually to make choices to accommodate these changes.
197 He adopts Harsnett's premise that possession is a theatrical performance - Edgar continually brings attention to his madness being a pretence.
198 The training needs of historians need to be continually discussed in the context of information technology.
199 This is so hot that it melts both the steel and the electrode, which is continually eaten away.
200 These were the rugged and fearful places the men continually returned to in search of a skilled and brave enemy.
201 But the plant continually produces new stalks through the year, so there always should be some new stems to pick.
202 A brisk trade in newspapers was kept up almost continually.
203 Q I am taking a course of antibiotics and continually take anti-histamine tablets.
204 But my attention was continually pulled toward that deep malt aroma filling the air.
205 He was chained to a rock and his liver, though continually devoured by an eagle, never diminished.
206 Because they are unsure of their male identities, they feel constrained to prove them continually.
207 In general, groups and sub-groups continually form, reform and dissolve within informal settlements.
208 Sabraxis was a stern mistress, but she was very imaginative and continually updated the traditional pieces.
209 Her body glistens with a special polish for she is continually groomed by her servants.
210 It is of the utmost importance that we continually experiment with things such as venue, lighting, perfumes etc.
211 In the long run the dollar must continually fall until the current account deficit has been eliminated.
212 To work, your strategy must continually increase the number of people joining you in taking responsibility for change.
213 We were continually mending punctures ... It was really rough going on those jobs.
214 She cleaned her teeth every three hours and had Juicy fruit continually at the ready in case he wanted to kiss her.
215 With continually varied climbing it proves interesting and improbable to the last.
216 That is to say that every individual lives according to a highly structured set of personal obligations which he or she must continually fulfil.
217 A: To get the most reliable information(http://), consult a travel agent who has access to continually updated fare information.
218 Gerald had asked his tailor to sew little loops into his tailcoat so that the Order did not have to be continually readjusted.
219 Leckie, who continually went splat in the mud, always seemed surprised that he did so.
220 Feare noted that where the capsules were continually submerged in seawater, 100% of them hatched.
221 However, that process is continually evolving and we are always looking for suggestions to aid its development.
222 Trapp continually makes these stupid plays, and he does little to contribute to the team play.
223 If a person continually inhales odorous air, fatigue sets in, due to the adaptation of the nervous responses to the stimuli.
224 They also blitzed continually on first and second downs, putting the Raiders in more predictable, long-yardage situations.
225 Time is a finite input to household production, whereas market goods can be continually expanded.
226 However, away from the cameras and microphones, the couple argued continually.
227 Unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path.
228 The ICD will continually monitor your heart rhythm.
229 The large rotating fans whirred continually.
230 Interest is continually charged on the unpaid balance.
231 There was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually.
232 He continually made little, chilling differences between us.
233 My brain is continually on the rack about the means of living.
234 Professionalism was continually invoked as the primary means of improvement, whereas amateurishness was mocked as a laughable relic.
235 Whether using break bulk vessels or containerized shipments, we will continually strive to meet the needs of our clients by bring world-class service to their doorstep.
236 This way of operation in which new life realms are continually created in the interaction and interfusion of the Dao entity and the De entity is the operation principle of the moral mystery mechanism.
237 Instead, their role was played by evanescent photons continually popping into existence around the strong pulse.
238 She grew cross and wearisome, snapping at and teasing Catherine continually.
239 Ever since a long time ago, the continually worsening of Hongze lake ecological environment is due to the evolution of the natural environment and human activity.
240 In troth, recently the bad news about teachers happened continually; even some teachers were hit by students.
241 Big Bend is a park that continually draws me back to its lush (by desert standards) Chihuahuan Desert.
242 He was continually fancying that a cannon ball was swooping down upon him with a fearful whiz.
243 Mercury is a planet of travel, not always in the literal sense of the word, but in the metaphorical sense; that is, you like to be continually exposed to new ideas and experiences together.
244 After 10 years, "rolling development", and continually optimize the investment environment, Fukuda Bonded Area has become world famous transnational corporations favored by a hot spot for investment.
245 New ideas are continually being adapted to fit in with the old.
246 Gross profit continually occupies first place amongst every domestic financial organization.
247 At the receiving end of asynchronous serial data link system, the receiver continually monitors the line.
248 Until now, throws the dangerous sale to draw back guaranteeing rate is the normal value continually.
249 In the recent years, the economic gap between national minority areas in west and developed regions is continually extending.
250 It continually changing from the financial audit services for owner to the operating audit for manager to the corporate governance audit for stakeholders .
251 Taiwan is currently enveloped in the cold air mass with temperatures continually dropping as expected.
252 Ultimately, responsibility for maintaining and continually updating the reference architecture rests in the hands of front-line project management and the architecture group.
253 Art as an open concept revises ambit continually and takes on new member.
254 In order to reduce the influence of the global economic crisis on the export industry of WuHan, The government has continually increased the export rebate rate seven times since August 1 st2008.
255 She broke continually into shouts of a wild , inarticulate, and sometimes piercing music.
256 CACI also helps the unit continually evolve its signals warfare solutions to meet ever-changing IED threats.
257 The shape and perigee of artificial satellite orbits shall continually variate due to caused by the atmospherical drag and the earth gravity.
258 Good programmers continually work to create more robust, more maintainable and efficient code.
259 Their clock rate are continually improved and their embedded memory and peripherals grow fast, but the performance of the transfer between I/O channel and the memory is still poor.
260 Objective To observed the effects of pain-killer combined with sedatives were continually used in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients.
261 We continually wage war on them, for they contaminate our food, carry diseases, devour our crops.
262 But in the meantime we were perishing in the ice, and continually attacked by the Cossacks.
263 Moreover, roasting and basting operations were continually carried on in front of the genial blaze.
264 Thomas Mugridge, on the other hand , considered it a laughable affair, and was continually bobbing his head out the galley door to make jocose remarks.
265 The power load is added gradually along with expanding the production devices, meanwhile the line and transformer loss increase continually which bring about the power factor decreasing.
266 "Henry, " an alcohol-dependent homeless man in East Harlem, continually rebuffed efforts by Yu's outreach team to help him.
267 With the application of modern control theory, new control strategies appear continually.
268 In order to meet the demand of different control systems, the function, capacity, operation rate and communication capability of programmable logic controller were enhanced continually.
269 The head of the American Petroleum Institute, Red Caveney, says there is a simple way to counteract expectations of continually higher fuel prices that drive market speculation.
270 On August 26-27 1883, Krakatoa erupted and continually sent enormous plumes of ash and dust into the sky.
271 The system of proportional representation has led to the minority parties continually holding the balance of power in the parliament.
272 Hence, many scholars have continually been proposing some graphical analysis charts which can simultaneously monitor all quality status for a product with multiple characteristics.
273 Continually improve and develop services skill of the field service team.
274 Shall they therefore empty theirand not spare continually to slay the nations?
275 The interpretation of the law and ineffectiveness of the revised law are continually mentioned by bloggers.




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