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单词 Redundancy
1. Redundancy notices have been sent to 200 workers.
2. They chose to take voluntary redundancy.
3. He took voluntary redundancy.
4. It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.
5. Many workers can only eke out their redundancy money for about 10 weeks.
6. You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance.
7. Redundancy can be a demoralising prospect.
8. The threat of redundancy was still hanging over us.
9. Natural language is characterized by redundancy .
10. The threat of redundancy was suddenly removed.
11. Most of the companies' losses stemmed from redundancy costs.
12. 500 workers have been issued with redundancy notices.
12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
13. Two thousand workers now face redundancy.
14. 200 workers have been issued with redundancy notices.
15. Workers are being encouraged to take voluntary redundancy.
16. The really heavy redundancy costs have been accounted for.
17. Thousands of bank employees are facing redundancy as their employers cut costs.
18. John had taken out redundancy insurance but when he tried to claim, he was refused payment.
19. He's lost his job, but the redundancy money will cushion the blow.
20. We decided to use Fred's redundancy money to pay off the mortgage .
21. An employee is not eligible for a redundancy payment unless he has been with the company for two years.
22. She took voluntary redundancy.
23. The redundancy of skilled and experienced workers is a terrible waste and a clear sign of an unhealthy economy.
24. Generous redundancy terms had triggered a stampede of staff wanting to leave.
25. The company hopes the job cuts will be made through natural wastage and voluntary redundancy.
26. We were offered a £3,000 cash bonus to take voluntary redundancy.
27. The company is offering large pay-offs to anyone accepting voluntary redundancy.
28. My worst suspicions were realized when I received my redundancy notice.
29. The term "early retirement" is nearly always a euphemism for redundancy nowadays.
30. The government has called new talks in an attempt to break the deadlock over the issue of redundancy money.
1. Redundancy notices have been sent to 200 workers.
2. They chose to take voluntary redundancy.
3. He took voluntary redundancy.
4. It is absurd to be discussing compulsory redundancy policies for teachers.
5. Many workers can only eke out their redundancy money for about 10 weeks.
6. The company hopes the job cuts will be made through natural wastage and voluntary redundancy.
7. The threat of redundancy was suddenly removed.
8. Sixty workers at a clothing factory face redundancy because the firm is relocating.
31. Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness and redundancy.
32. Sixty workers at a clothing factory face redundancy because the firm is relocating.
33. Those choosing to take redundancy will receive the company's standard redundancy terms.
34. The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal.
35. Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy in the New Year.
36. Unemployment due to resignation or voluntary redundancy.
37. There is too much sentiment and emotion about redundancy.
38. Redundancy is not a social evil.
39. Thirty five nurses are also facing redundancy.
40. The man from Bicester who blew his redundancy pay on a Rolls Royce.
41. Central to the research, therefore, is the study of redundancy in the context of how labour markets adjust.
42. They have seen what it is like to be unable to meet their mortgage repayments and be faced with redundancy and unemployment.
43. Management won and this official himself took redundancy in November 1986.
44. Employment Redundancy is a predominant form of adjustment to changes in the demand for labour.
45. Usually there will be some redundancy in the system so that other mechanisms can take over.
46. Hospitals in financial difficulty are shedding staff and some districts are opting for staff redundancy.
47. Make sure you have arranged mortgage Protection Cover and, if possible, insure yourself against sickness, redundancy or accident.
48. Jobs threat: Five teachers at York's Lowfield School could face redundancy unless the opted-out school can balance its books.
49. Some have worked at Bentley pianos for forty years, but they haven't been offered a penny in redundancy pay.
50. With data filtering one pays the price of decreasing the effective library redundancy and increasing the number of hybridisations.
51. This problem is much worse for those who are forced into premature retirement through redundancy.
52. Seven centres will close as part of a nationwide redundancy package, with the loss of 1,000 jobs.
53. These figures highlight the low level of statutory minimum redundancy payments for both men and women.
54. The result - we have beautiful new homes and centrally heated redundancy!
55. The new contracts would also abolish the current 12-month redundancy notice.
56. She applied to her employer for a redundancy payment, but she was refused.
57. They can not police the place for themselves or teach for themselves, yet 400 teachers face redundancy this year.
58. Voluntary Redundancy A topic of interest to many companies at present is voluntary redundancy.
59. The redundancy money would be quite a bit but that was not the same as having a wage coming in.
60. The firm has been put into liquidation by it's owners, who say they can't afford to pay redundancy money.
61. One approach the ecologists favored was building redundancy of pathways into the food webs.
62. In effect, therefore, the redundancy payment is based on final earnings.
63. To me it was immediately apparent, a tautology, a verbal redundancy.
64. More than two-thirds of those aged 60 or over when interviewed had received a redundancy payment of £3,000 or more.
65. The simplest example of redundancy is to imagine a personnel record held in a computer system.
66. Staff costs amount to 60-80% of total costs, yet redundancy remains rare.
67. He got his redundancy money but heard nothing about his pension.
68. The redundancy payments legislation allows employees a four-week trial period in which to make up their minds.
69. Marconi wants to slash 4,000 more jobs, on top of the 4,000 through voluntary redundancy since April.
70. Some 31,700 took voluntary redundancy and a further 5,400 disappeared as the result of disposals.
71. They feel threatened by the two alternative prospects - move or take redundancy.
72. The elimination of redundancy means that database searches do not return duplicate sequence information.
73. If Sandie does not want it she will still get redundancy pay.
74. Time allowed 00:22 Read in studio Sixty workers at a clothing company could face redundancy because the firm is relocating.
75. They paid for the holiday out of her redundancy money.
76. Jack was offered voluntary redundancy in late August and it was confirmed that there was suitable accommodation at the Kings Lodge base.
77. Since data compression relies on redundancy in the information to be compressed,[] performance is affected by the nature of the data.
78. Thus the absence does not reduce accrued rights to redundancy pay or to notice entitlement.
79. The scheme was subsidised by the taxpayer in the granting to employers of a sizeable rebate on each statutory redundancy payment made.
80. As far as possible, the job losses will be implemented through voluntary redundancy and early retirement.
81. The advert is aimed at doctors threatened with possible redundancy by the Government's programme of London hospital closures and mergers.
82. His pit was earmarked for closure, his redundancy money would not pay off the mortgage and other work was scarce.
83. The company had insisted the last 88 job cuts in a 2,200 redundancy programme had to be found before yesterday's deadline.
84. Everyone will, as per standing Union agreements, receive outplacement counselling, redundancy payments.
85. Second, in some industries the employer may fear sabotage from disgruntled redundancy candidates.
86. All employers used to receive a rebate of 35 percent of their redundancy bill from the Redundancy Fund.
87. They are among 1,500 staff of the bank who are facing compulsory redundancy.
88. Similarly the redundancy package was geared to match the relocation package so that staff would not base their decision on financial matters.
89. As a result, a volunteer remains entitled to his statutory right to redundancy pay.
90. Although each chapter discusses many applications, the editors carefully cross reference subject matter within the diverse chapters to reduce redundancy.
91. The incidence of indebtedness continues to rise due to redundancy, unemployment and inflation.
92. The qualifying period for the right to statutory redundancy pay is two years.
93. The 20 members of staff were offered alternative employment but accepted redundancy payments instead.
94. The sale had been postponed in September amid court cases challenging its constitutionality and violent demonstrations by union members facing redundancy.
95. Equally, the right to a redundancy payment is subject to the rules about offers of alternative employment mentioned above.
96. Is redundancy, early retirement, or any other major change possible or likely in the foreseeable future?
97. Even if it took every penny of his redundancy money.
98. When people stop working through redundancy, retirement or maternity they need to find other ways of getting their needs fulfilled.
99. All those who retired prematurely were forced by redundancy to make a decision about their future employment status.
100. The relatively high levels of unemployment and redundancy payments in the north are important factors to consider.
101. The tribunal ruled that all three women were entitled to redundancy pay.
102. He could take the redundancy money and put it in a separate account!
103. Now they are on the dole with no compensation[/redundancy.html], or redundancy and their pensions have been lost in the Maxwell maze.
104. None the less, many employers wish to concentrate for redundancy purposes upon only a particular segment of the work-force.
105. Relocation or redundancy At the outset R.S. had no idea of how many staff would relocate or how many would choose redundancy.
106. All claims by the employee, whether they be for unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal or redundancy are claims against the vendor.
107. In my redundancy / outplacement counselling experience, these are the key things I have found that help.
108. Another warning - don't be tempted to blow all your redundancy money.
109. There is no such thing as redundancy in the House of Lords.
110. It therefore seems to be necessary to look carefully at the contract terms before deciding whether or not there is redundancy.
111. Furthermore, a statutory redundancy payment will be offset against the basic award.
112. Given that redundancy is a fair reason for dismissing an employee, a redundant employee can not usually claim unfair dismissal.
113. It blamed increasing competition and the costs of its redundancy programme.
114. Two thousand car workers face the grim prospect of redundancy.
115. Those unemployed were to receive 100 percent of their former wage during the first month of redundancy and 60 percent thereafter.
116. They were told also that half of them would face redundancy.
117. Ford wants to shed more than 1,400 jobs through voluntary redundancy, but Mr Adams said there were unlikely to be enough volunteers.
118. The staff are being offered the choice of moving or taking redundancy.
119. The Secretary of State maintained that because of section 82 the applicant was not entitled to a statutory redundancy payment.
120. Today, the redundancy legislation is used to reduce the labour force because of economic decline.
121. The bank provided him with £40,000 which, coupled with his redundancy money, provided the £70,000 he needed to get started.
122. The second problem is the prejudice which redundancy and long-term unemployment may create in the mind of the interviewer.
123. She applied to her employer for a redundancy payment but was refused because of lack of funds.
124. A husband who tells his wife about his redundancy does not always meet with the right kind of sympathy or support.
125. The spectre of redundancy has been raised, and morale from top to bottom has become a cause for deep concern.
126. Redundancy An employee will not be eligible for a redundancy payment unless he has had two years' continuous employment.
127. However, women receive lower redundancy payments than men and a larger proportion of them are ineligible for payments altogether.
128. Early retirement and voluntary redundancy schemes often result in the loss of some of the best people.
129. If the redundancy package is too generous many staff will opt for that and not even consider relocating.
130. You are being forced to change career due to unemployment, downsizing, ill health, outplacement / redundancy.
131. For those who've faced redundancy, it's also restoring their pride in a job well done.
132. Let's hope your redundancy cheques gave you the last laugh.
133. He, meanwhile, was feeling thoroughly middle-aged, and worried about his health and the possibility of redundancy.
134. Thus, Crown servants are not entitled to statutory redundancy payments, but most have the right not to be unfairly dismissed.
135. However, for the majority of those that eventually retired early, redundancy appears to have been the deciding factor.
136. However, reorganisation provisions necessarily include provisions for operating costs, such as redundancy costs and administrative expenses.
137. As a result of this change, no statistics are now available on the size of redundancy payments made directly by employers.
138. His redundancy pay and bar work supported him while he did this.
139. The nature of the redundancy provisions should therefore be examined in order to select the most appropriate standard heading.
140. It can occur when age is used as a criterion for redundancy or early retirement.
141. Those unable to transfer will be offered a redundancy package and career counselling.
142. This makes women cheaper to dismiss and makes them more vulnerable to redundancy.
143. The distinction is borne out by the Report's own reference to the disclosure of information, and prior consultation on redundancy.
144. The last time I saved any money was my redundancy pay, but that soon went.
145. Redundancy payment, or a golden handshake in lieu of notice, up to the value of £30,000.
146. The employee may thus bring an unfair dismissal complaint or claim a redundancy payment.
147. Money from a redundancy payment should not affect your right to this benefit.
148. We hope to achieve staffing cuts through voluntary redundancy and a freeze on recruitment.
149. Dryden spent his £13,000 redundancy money on the plot of land where he illegally built the bungalow.
150. To take a causal circumstance as having no redundancy is obviously to exclude things wholly irrelevant to the effect.
151. Quite unaware that he had a month's redundancy money coming, Cornelius finished his breakfast.
152. There is an erosion of the specialized character of regional economies and redundancy of big plants and associated big industrial cities.
153. Non-redundancy dismissals By no means every dismissal occasioned by the need to restructure the business or to make economies is due to redundancy.
154. The company hopes that it can persuade most of the surplus employees to go quietly, accepting voluntary redundancy.
155. This redundancy extends to the number zero itself, which can be written 000 or 00 just as well as 0.
156. If there are not enough volunteers, the company has warned, compulsory redundancy notices will be issued.
157. You can also insure your payments in case you're unable to work due to sickness, accident or redundancy.
158. Some 65 percent of respondents provided career counselling services irrespective of any redundancy situation.
159. Compensation for unfair dismissal or redundancy may be available to you if you have lost your job and fulfil the qualifying requirements.
160. Redundancy is more than an unfortunate habit, however, and results from four factors: 1.
161. The commission will advice the Secretary of State and local authorities on the appointment, transfer, retirement and redundancy for staff.
162. Relocation counsellors - occupational psychologists who are paid by companies to see their senior executives through periods of redundancy - recognise this.
162. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
163. As unemployment rose in 1992, redundancy ceased to be a taboo subject.
164. For an example of how the amount of a redundancy payment is arrived at see case no. 2 outlined below.
165. And, you can usually arrange sickness or redundancy benefit to cover your monthly repayments, for a small premium each month.
166. A picket was organised last week after receivers Robson Rhodes refused to withdraw redundancy notices issued to 67 staff.
167. In the new liberal framework, however, both system redundancy and public service culture are inexorably fading.
168. Such dismissals may lead to claims for unfair dismissal and/or redundancy payments.
169. If an employee refuses the offer of another identical job he loses redundancy entitlement.
170. Profits still tumbled from £68m to £33m but that includes £8m of redundancy costs.
171. Redundancy payments are tax-free up to £50,000.
172. Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy.
173. I stuck out for a handsome redundancy package.
174. This system adopts dynamic redundancy structure, using software to switch hardware redundancy system waiting and in function.
175. Classing and coding the materials, we can simplify data structure and reduce data redundancy.
176. It is implemented with dual network redundancy and dynamic channel switching capacity, and is independent of specific DCS systems.
177. The aim of cyberinfrastructure putting forward by America is to reduce the information redundancy and to increase the efficiency of study and science.
178. This paper discusses various methods of test of nonlinearity of time series. Real-life sea clutter data are tested with the IAAFT method combined with redundancy.
179. Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.
180. Besides the previously mentioned redundancy, this method is even more complex to author and it uses an ugly workaround that may complicate the process of generating code using server-side languages.
181. Using the method of binary system in association rule data mining may produce some redundancy patterns.
182. The relationship between the redundancy number and the reliability measure has also been discussed in detail.
183. Its corrupting effects can be diminished to an arbitrarily small degree by the use of redundancy.
184. This design realizes the data communication between the main controller and accessary controller in MIC bus redundancy system.
185. Overcoming some faults of IBR, this method can realize the exact image filling and keep better model's integrity and lower redundancy.
186. Time redundancy is used to reduce faulty alarm rate for transient faults of nodes in WSNs.
187. Addressing hardware redundancy: Hardware redundancy includes items such as redundant routers, servers, disks, and power supplies.
188. As to software, the method of modular design, the use of software redundancy and fault-tolerant technology enhance the readability of program.
189. But its drawback is the low rate of the hard drive, redundancy of 50 %.
190. Interframe prediction is key to video compression and can effectively eliminate the time redundancy of video coding, reduce coding rate and enhance coding efficiency.
191. The optimal allocation designs of the reliability and redundancy of the serial-parallel system and complex system are given.
192. Firstly, rough sets is used to reduce condition attribute and remove redundancy attribute, and then, C4.5 is used to build decision tree, rule knowledge is extracted by decision tree pruning.
193. Yesterday the cash-and-carry chain Makro said that 400 workers faced redundancy.
194. The purpose of good database logical design is to eliminate data redundancy and insertion and deletion anomalies.
195. Presumably, this redundancy reduces petty embezzlement and pilferage, albeit at staggering costs.
196. The object-oriented implementation of media- tor pattern may easily lead to code scattering, heavy code redundancy and lower maintainability.
197. Compression of data is possible because there are all kinds of redundancy in signals of images and sounds.
198. For long time linguistic redundancy has been seen in its negative effects.
199. The fixed length format, data echoplex, data sum and dual redundancy checking was adopted in data transmission to avoid the communication errors.
200. The Error-Correcting Code technology obtains higher reliability through the redundancy information.
201. The purpose of a good database logical design is to eliminate data redundancy and insertion, deletion and update anomalies.
202. Information redundancy is the most obvious defect of current audit technologies.
203. In video coding system, motion estimation plays a very important role in eliminating inter-frame redundancy and improving the performance of video coder.
204. An incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ ( HARQ ) scheme based on structured semi - random LDPC codes is introduced.
205. For the purpose of calculating convenience and overcoming redundancy, discreteness always is adopted in the application of reconstructing signal through wavelet transform.
206. Because there are lots of noises in plant, so the control system takes some Anti-Jamming measures, such as shield, watch dog, code redundancy, etc.
207. Manchester code was used in data coding, each frame of data included synchronous head, valid data bits and cyclic redundancy parity bits.
208. One of the current methods is improving the ability of recovering from failure, whose implement way is providing hardware redundancy.
209. The company has had to make redundancy payments of £472 million.
210. This method can support share of module level design and share of thin granularity and it's very efficiency for web resources to solve data redundancy, coherency and dynamic updating problems.
211. A LDM creates an enterprise view of data, helps to reduce data redundancy, improve data quality, and speed up integration and green-field projects.




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