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单词 Boarding school
1 It was an eminently respectable boarding school.
2 I was sent to boarding school, where I spent six years of unremitting misery.
3 There is a small boarding school in the little town.
4 He was placed in a boarding school.
5 Both their children go to boarding school.
6 He found the transition to boarding school excruciatingly painful.
7 She absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend.
8 He was bundled off to boarding school.
9 The children were shipped off to a boarding school at an early age.
10 Years of abuse at boarding school had made him insensitive to others' suffering.
11 Teachers at a boarding school are acting much more in loco parentis than at a day school.
12 We were sent to boarding school at a tender age.
13 When she was sent to boarding school,()[] she felt as though her parents had rejected her.
14 Nicholas was sent to boarding school at the tender age of seven.
15 He was sent off to boarding school at the tender age of seven.
16 He sent me to a Jesuit boarding school.
17 He had an especially bad time at boarding school.
18 They have a son who is at boarding school.
19 He was sent away to boarding school at Ampleforth and from there went to Trinity College, Cambridge, to read architecture.
20 The better pupils then went off to a boarding school.
21 She attended a Catholic boarding school somewhere in the bush and had managed to sit on a needle during an embroidery class.
22 It's a Roman Catholic boarding school attached to a Benedictine Monastery.
23 It was nice to read that the Duke will not be sending his son off to boarding school.
24 It's his parents' choice to send him to a boarding school, rather than a convenient day school.
25 She got a first at Girton and taught, for most of her life, in a girls' boarding school.
26 That's really why Aleena, who's only thirteen, goes to boarding school in Sanderstown.
27 We moved around a lot, until we were old enough to go to boarding school.
28 Stephen ate like a hungry boy on his first day home from boarding school.
29 Once she told me about sending her kids to boarding school and asked me what I thought.
30 She hadn't been the only one to be quietly expelled from the eminently respectable boarding school after being caught smoking cannabis.
1 It was an eminently respectable boarding school.
2 I was sent to boarding school, where I spent six years of unremitting misery.
3 There is a small boarding school in the little town.
4 He was placed in a boarding school.
5 We were sent to boarding school at a tender age.
31 I went to boarding school and so am used to living in close quarters.
32 So what happened was my parents came to me with a brochure of a boarding school.
33 In an ill-advised effort to improve matters, they sent him to boarding school.
34 He became the campus wit for a growing contingent of former boarding school chaps who arrived at Harvard the same autumn.
34 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
35 I spent six of the happiest years of my life at a boarding school where the regime was spartan.
36 He willed us to do it. At my boarding school, I learned to be ashamed of him.
37 I was eight when I went to proper boarding school for the first time.
38 She looked after some children in their last year before they were packed off to boarding school.
39 In July 1950 he asked her to drive down to Cambridgeshire and collect his son from boarding school.
40 She even took your photograph when she went away to boarding school.
41 It was when he was seventeen and living for a while at a special needs boarding school.
42 Sons William, 10, and eight-year-old Harry will be at boarding school in Wokingham and will not see their father.
43 The latter group was in fact Jack's choir who were from a religious boarding school.
44 She chose to go to a different school, a true boarding school.
45 Thomas was sent to £2,500-a-term boarding school in Norfolk, where with specialist help he has made an enormous improvement.
46 H., a boarding school for students in the seventh to ninth grades run by the Legionaries.
47 Lucy had the decency and zest of a boarding school prefect, the kind the Lower Third would swoon over.
48 Poppy : Yawn! The boarding school treat again!
49 Of course, now she is away at boarding school.
50 "Stargazer" is the second in Gray's "Evernight" series that first came out last year and is set at Evernight Academy, a creepy, Gothic boarding school.
51 Ruins of the copper smelting works were, of course, the favorite theme for pictures. Voskresenskoe has another reason to be proud of : a boarding school for children with development lag.
52 When I was growing up, the only way to raise a truly international child was via an exorbitantly priced Swiss boarding school.
53 The best bits are about childhood. There might be a novel in his recollections of a freezing low-rent boarding school, particularly dealing with homoeroticism and religion.
54 And the movie audience, like the 19th-century novel-reading public, can relish, with only slight queasiness, the sadomasochistic spectacle of boarding school cruelty.
55 Pity the poor Nebraskan teenagers, stuck in state hospitals because their parents have had enough (in Britain we call it boarding school).
56 She sent her son to a boarding school in the East.
57 You are the executive producer of a new reality television show about boarding school.
58 I found myself sitting in a cabin between a Zulu couple from Soweto and a white mother taking her son to his first day at a boarding school near Cape Town.
59 The girls demanded to be sent to boarding school, so Haggis enrolled them at the Delphian School, in rural Oregon, which uses Hubbard's Study Tech methods.
60 Blue Ridge School is a private, all-male boarding school for students grades 9-12 in Saint George, Virginia, near Charlottesville.
61 Shona tales and Shona lore, wild animals, bush adventures – this Eden was interrupted by the cold unhappiness of boarding school.
62 Bunbury Cathedral Grammar is an Anglican coeducational day and boarding school south of Perth, Western Australia.
63 I went to a boarding school from nursery school to senior high school.
64 In his small studio on West 37th Street, Mr. Wu, with close-cropped hair and a lineless face, wore a cardigan and a necktie and looked like a truant from boarding school.
65 Volunteering to drive his girl friend's son home for Thanksgiving to Chicago from his boarding school in Georgia, little does Dutch expect the picaresque adventures in store for him.
66 As advertising guru David Ogilvy has said of the British upper-class lifestyle, "You have a shooting stick, a spaniel, an Aga, and you send your kid to some ghastly boarding school."
67 A boarding school is a school where some or all students not only study, but also live during term time, with their fellow students and possibly teachers.
68 Taking his place at a new boarding school, he's immediately befriended by a range of unlikely suspects, including his housemaster and the school bully.
69 Now that her daughter is attending private boarding school, being groomed for entrance exams for an elite junior high school, Chen has gone back to work as a middle manager in an oil company.




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