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单词 Shifting
1. He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.
2. Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.
3. He was shifting about uneasily in his chair.
4. Daniel was shifting anxiously from foot to foot.
5. It's hard work shifting snow.
6. His new book has been shifting like wildfire.
7. People were shifting in their seats, looking uncomfortable.
8. Shifting that wardrobe must have taken some doing!
9. Public opinion is shifting in favour of change.
10. Opinion is shifting in favour of the new scheme.
11. They lost their way in the shifting sands of the Sahara.
12. Public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of the imprisoned men.
13. He's annoying to argue with because he keeps shifting his ground.
14. Public opinion is shifting in favor of the new law.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. He kept shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other.
16. The goal of shifting freight from road to rail has been quietly abandoned.
17. These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand.
18. But there is no shifting the swashbuckling McInerney.
19. Those shifting attitudes bewilder me.
20. Poor sullen-faced campesinos shifting uneasily on their seats.
21. Governments are shifting the way they fund highway construction.
22. They therefore provide the best evidence for shifting settlement.
23. However, the bullet in Rocio brain is moving, shifting.
24. Now it is shifting fast into electronic publishing.
25. There was much nervous shifting in seats.
26. The middle-ground certainties of life are shifting.
27. There was some shifting of positions.
28. It's impossible to prove him wrong because he keeps shifting his ground.
29. The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations.
30. In cars that are automatics, you don't have to bother with shifting gears.
1. He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand.
2. Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.
3. He was shifting about uneasily in his chair.
4. Daniel was shifting anxiously from foot to foot.
5. It's impossible to prove him wrong because he keeps shifting his ground.
6. These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand.
31. In other words that they were shifting the blame.
32. Alison sat back, shifting hastily away.
33. Shifting sands might have been a more apt title!
34. A clownish mosaic of shifting hues attired the Harlequin.
35. Investors were shifting funds from U.S. to Asian stocks.
36. Peter was obviously nervous and spoke fast and loudly, shifting about in his chair.
37. In this respect any shifting of corporation tax would counter this argument to tax corporations perse.
38. A third means of avoiding responsibility consists of shifting the blame to even higher officials.
39. There's good torque for clean response and brisk pick-up after shifting gear, but high-end engine output is nothing startling.
40. Their limbs moved in naked smoothness, shifting against each other, intertwining.
41. It would be premature - and misleading - to try to translate these slowly shifting attitudes into a readiness for dramatic change.
42. As the permanent workplace becomes a shifting work space, daily face-to-face contact with fellow workers is increasingly sporadic.
43. An unfavorable change in consumer preferences will cause demand to decrease, shifting the curve to the left.
44. The Mamberamo is constantly shifting its channel and has formed hundreds of oxbow lakes.
44. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
45. He walked further into the hall, shifting the cone of yellow light.
46. She experimented with her new optic, shifting her patch to her right eye and perceiving the world through heat patterns.
47. In a world of shifting political alliances, it has always been true that where you stand depends on where you sit.
48. The development of the motor car is an excellent example of these shifting standards and expectations.
49. For shifting material with a horse and cart James Bell was paid £1: 12s.: 0d. for eight days' work.
50. In a world of shifting boundaries, vanishing borders, and proliferating frontiers, security is even more difficult to achieve.
51. He also conceded that public attitudes about smoking are shifting.
52. Rodriguez hesitated, his eyes shifting from Ward to the silent faces of the other diners, all watching us.
53. Soft ground, trodden flat by uneasy, shifting feet not so many hours ago.
54. When he reached the stone he stood looking at it, shifting it with his foot.
55. Nevertheless, they modified the forest by nomadic behaviour and shifting cultivation, if they became truly independent.
56. In a constantly shifting scene it must go down as the most important symbolic change imaginable.
57. Shifting to drive, she gunned the engine, and the wheels sank deeper.
58. He was frantically shifting his weight from side to side.
59. If the rug is pulled from beneath your feet, learn to dance on a shifting carpet.
60. Shifting round the table, squashing up against Jo to make room for them all.
61. By the time he'd finished shifting the chairs, he was wearing grey gloves and a wig.
62. The shifting of continents has an impact on the volume of water the oceans can contain.
63. The judiciary does not and can not exist in a vacuum, immune to civic concerns and shifting realities.
64. His shifting standpoints, however, were invariably based on genuine conviction.
65. The general concept of work is also shifting from man-machine interaction to man-man interaction with machines as aids. 10.
66. Furthermore, the shifting definition of an Elandsklower included and later excluded certain individuals from the register.
67. Compared with shifting coalitions of Independent councillors, party groupings can make for coherent policy planning and administration.
68. It has been subtly shifting the goalposts of what can be done in and through art.
69. The slimy floor of shifting sediment is useless to young oysters in search of a hard sea bed for a lifetime's home.
70. Observers say economic issues may get a more serious airing in Eastern states, which have been roiled by the shifting economy.
71. She could hear the sea thrashing about in the dark; for a moment the darkness looked as if it was shifting too.
72. It is also desirable to have the possibility of shifting staff between design and operational duties.
73. But for most of us our native tongue is alive and constantly shifting.
74. If the rate of interest changes, there will be relatively little shifting between money and financial assets.
74. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
75. The shrine and the whole house shook and the ground beneath it seemed to be shifting away as though in an earthquake.
76. We could hear them banging about, shifting things and wondered nervously if we were in for another move.
77. It is not the intention of this book to discuss in any detail the shifting politics of the Catholic population.
78. This points to shifting the emphasis away from direct tax on people's incomes and on to taxes on wealth or on spending.
79. The norm for knowledge work is shifting in the fishnet anytime / anyplace organization.
80. That is to say, certain action schools were successful in changing attitudes, while others were successful in shifting option choices.
81. Shifting winds blew clouds of spray over the rocks, trees, and shrubs until they seemed to be sheathed in alabaster.
82. Barnhorne was not quite so impressive, set as it was on the shifting, sea-threatened, marshland east of Pevensey.
83. They were areas with a shifting working-class population, and ideal for putting down bohemian roots.
84. Smallholder agriculture has led to the concentration of people being three times that that would support shifting cultivation in some areas.
85. Within months, immigrants and their smuggler guides began shifting their routes east, into the mountains near Tecate.
86. The lights dimmed, and we all got comfortable, shifting around on our hotel chairs.
87. If these researchers are right, the ramifications of this continental shifting may also extend beyond the oceans and solid ground.
88. Recently, however, investors have been shifting into high-tech industry and property development, which demand more capital.
89. The parakeets were at it again, their squawks rising like shifting clouds.
90. These changes are shifting the character of the dialogue between the course team and the validation panel.
91. What may appear in their presentation as polar opposites are in reality shifting points on a continuum.
92. The real problem with assessing popular sentiment over the 1790s is the interplay of contradictory forces shifting it between radicalism and loyalism.
93. Our understanding of nature is now radically shifting, how-ever, because of recent discoveries in the new sciences.
94. You can make the bike move up to 1.5 metres in a corner just by shifting your weight.
95. Co-workers may be a permanent team or a constantly shifting flux of diverse people.
96. Shifting tides have subsequently resulted in conflict among various segments of Arab society, none more potent than the struggle of women.
97. In Edinburgh Haynes's time was running out, and his attention shifting elsewhere.
98. I know of cases where the law has been violated by one jurisdiction shifting a leper into another.
99. Such subtle shifting could be enough to reverse the Republican congressional gains of the 1990s.
100. Above the house, the rising wind moaned through dark cables, shifting them from side to side.
101. Prosecutors said the Freemans panicked and began shifting millions of dollars in investors' money from bank to bank.
102. The 1980s witnessed a significant shifting of the boundary between the public and the private sectors in many Western countries.
103. But on flexible, bending, shifting Hsu Fu the canvas had been nibbled away in less than twenty-four hours.
104. A shifting constellation of part-time jobs is becoming the middle-class norm.
105. Legal troubles are piling up for President and Mrs Clinton just as his campaign for re-election is shifting into full gear.
106. After shifting through hundreds of pics of your gorgeous guys we found one that was in real need of a Hollywood make-over!
107. Still,[http:///shifting.html] on-the-move shifting was simple and even a small gearing drop helps.
108. The automatic transmission also allows the driver to select either of two sets of shifting points to emphasize power or economy.
109. Instead they illustrate better the shifting balance within conglomerates between one media interest and another and secondly, the trend toward internationalization.
110. A familiar street hawker, usually shifting lighters at two for a pound was offering three for a pound.
111. To keep shifting the target all the time makes life impossible and a sort of random walk develops.
112. These are not just the shifting form of the economy and the rise of financial capital at the expense of productive capital.
113. The continents sit on shifting plates that form the outer crust of the Earth; and the oceans fill the spaces in between.
114. Now, the focus is shifting to washes, the dry stream beds that carry water only after a heavy rain.
115. Nonprofit organizations and government agencies must effectively implement programs that further their causes or policies within budgetary constraints and shifting public priorities.
116. Although the balance of power is shifting against the commission, in absolute terms it will gain power.
117. But like the people of Hawaii, our communities are also perched atop a constantly shifting platform.
118. Then they are quiet, and we are left with the crickets and the soft shifting of birds in the almond trees.
119. Crouching, Yeremi contented himself with firing his bolt pistol at the athletically shifting targets.
120. By shifting blame to their consumers, these industries have deftly evaded financial accountability for unsafe products and irresponsible marketing.
121. Because it's a loose filling there can be problems with it shifting in a poorly designed bag.
122. The historical process is therefore likely to be more like a shifting see-saw as the balance of development switches between different regions.
123. Sitting there he would often hear strange sounds echoing around him; the shifting of books or the faint creaking of shelves.
124. There are square miles of shifting, sinking sand where the normally clean-cut edge between sea and land has become blurred.
125. He has continued to cling to the middle ground, but that ground has been shifting.
126. Certain operations do not require the specification of a store address; an example is shifting the accumulator left or right.
127. That failure will most likely be papered over with creative accounting, shifting definitions of carbon sinks, and so on.
128. He notices, on the outer surface of the ashtray, a diagram of the shifting pattern of the four-speed transmission.
129. Yet even as those words appeared in the local newspaper, county authorities were shifting uncomfortably in their chairs.
130. There were indeed frontiers between the classes, but these were constantly shifting.
131. Governments will dread the prospect of funds shifting capital abroad.
132. In the fluctuating combination and recombination of groups, old friends and old antagonists come across one another in shifting social contexts.
133. They were barely visible against the shifting darkness of the clouds.
134. Economic dominance can not be viewed in a static framework but as a dynamic process with a continual shifting of dominance.
135. He is the principal member of his ensemble, the shifting ocean of percussion on which his instrumental group rides.
136. Off on the freeway I hear a diesel coming, shifting down as the hill steepens.
137. But this interruption also blocks the passage of ideas by shifting emphasis away from the signified.
138. I believe that the focus of attention is shifting from curriculum content to how best to teach science.
139. The neck itself is subject to a form of clinical exposure, its bone structure shifting and projecting.
140. Moreover, shifting cultivation was still being practised in Czechoslovakia, for example, until the late 1970s at least.
141. Over the next two years the battle raged, with relatively little shifting in positions.
142. They may watch the sand shifting as they tunnel their hands into it.
143. She felt a giddy sensation of ground shifting under her feet.
144. But there was nothing in the shifting canyons of frozen carbon dioxide to tell her.
145. But analysts were skeptical of the shifting calendar explanation(), especially with the standout performance of some industry giants.
146. The others are in various states of distraction: Eddie is shifting from foot to foot.
147. They are actually shifting social mores of what is considered beautiful.
148. Opinions changed slowly in these wide-open spaces; they were not subject to the shifting whims of urban taste.
149. Our apartment was generating serious energy, shifting from its usual somnambulism to a flushed and slightly kinetic mode.
150. Rivalry was a rivet piercing through their bones, uniting those in a dansemacabre, a shifting pas de trois.
151. Then impulses travel down both branches, and so on, until shifting the presynaptic voltage at a thousand different synapses.
152. For most of this week the landscape has been draped on shifting fog patches.
153. She was shifting from one foot to the other; she felt as if she was going to wet her pants.
154. California leads the nation in shifting to managed care, with San Diego County in the vanguard.
155. The woman keeps shifting her gaze from Cote to stare at the pads with a kind of fascinated horror.
156. They keep shifting around and getting moved on and everyone acts like they're a general nuisance.
157. She kept shifting around, tucking now one leg under her and now the other.
158. We are therefore shifting some of our attention to exploring the opportunities for reducing morbidity.
159. In the cool northwest, shifting demographics have nudged Washington state's 11 votes into the undecided column as well.
160. Two-thirds of wing chun's active principle is based upon hand manoeuvres and subtle, shifting footwork.
161. The didactic emphasis, she continues, is now being questioned and shifting towards a more patient-centred involvement.
162. A note on her office door explains that shifting heavy loads without the help of porters brought on muscular back spasms.
163. The shifting mist was choking. Without the mask, her eyes were dry and sore.
164. Our company's adaptation to shifting consumer tastes has been a great success.
165. Consider Figure 2.2 where we illustrate the shifting by one bit position of a six-bit binary number using two's complement representation.
166. So the company is shifting its attention from selling individual products to selling a range that can work easily together.
167. However divorce is as effective as dieting for shifting stubborn weight!
168. Now surgeons can remould entire bodies by shifting adipose tissue.
169. High-level ministers have talked openly about increasing aid to agriculture and shifting economic policy from one of stabilization to one of growth.
170. But memory is fickle and its criteria are constantly shifting.
171. What causes offence is that he merely represents a shifting of values for the mass of young people.
172. By shifting the emphasis to treatment,[] the wrong message is broadcast: that drugs are the solution to this terrible problem.
173. This year, two tectonic plates are shifting in a fashion that could cause economic earthquakes.
174. Perhaps local politics needs to be seen as a series of shifting alliances, varying over time and from issue to issue.
175. Leaving the abusive marriage, or divorcing him, will be branded desertion or a sin, shifting the blame to her.
176. According to the official blurb, it means more consistent and comfortable shifting with improved performance and fuel economy.
177. In fact(), the serious exploration of the surface was just shifting into a higher gear.
178. That has been changing, with contracts shifting a growing responsibility for premiums and / or costs to workers.
179. With modern methods of communication throughout the world, our perceptions are constantly being enlarged and our attitudes and values are shifting.
180. The audience was silent, shifting in their seats, looking at their shoes.
181. Shifting my weight left on the layoff to get a better grip I pulled again.
182. The speaker's ambiguous pronouns, shifting their referents, helped foster this feeling of harmonious identity.
183. The sky was low and constantly shifting as different layers of grey and black cloud were dragged around by gusty winds.
184. The elegant constitutional structure he is trying to create could rest on shifting economic foundations.
185. Effortless and fast shifting with power shift gearbox assembly.
186. Men and women hurried by in long, shifting lines.
187. Historically, shifting cultivation was not limited to the tropics.
188. It was an edging, shifting, pushing throng.
189. To put it bluntly , this is shifting responsibility.
190. Based on Lanzhou town gas plant, an analysis and comparison are made of different CO shifting programs, and a reasonable program is recommended.
191. Meanwhile, the focus is gradually shifting to the reform of IMF and new international economic order.
192. The sequential process of SI is, at the macro-level, mapped onto three major linear phases: speech comprehension, concept shifting and output production.
193. This shifting demographic poses new challenges to today's Canadian media.
194. Responsible for log curve splicing, editing, depth shifting, normalization and log curve process,[] such as environment correction.
195. Important function is played by identification of engine no-load mode in simulation of power transmission system, starting and automatic shifting control of motor vehicle.
196. Phase Distortion. The shifting of RF/microwave or digital waveforms due to signal paths of different lengths and different propagation delays through test systems.
197. By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes , he prevents the enemy from anticipating his purpose.
198. The shifting register is a D trigger and the controlled current source is a current steering circuit.
199. It is time you started shifting your MLM Success into Success OVERDRIVE.
200. The strategy that gives the taxman nightmares involves shifting profits from high - tax to low - tax jurisdictions.
201. The action of a mutual fund or portfolio manager shifting investment assets from one sector of the economy to another.
202. So shifting to a forefoot running style, as people do when running barefoot, may lessen your risk for a stress fracture, and up your chances of developing a muscle strain or tendinitis.
203. In this paper, basing on the maneuvering mathematical model, we consider the influence of environments, then choose the optimum rudders shifting time by the use of optimum seeking method.
204. Should the buyer require discharging the goods at two berths in the same port, the fee and charges and laytime for the shifting between two berths shall be at Buyer's cost and expenses.
205. From shifting narrative perspective, the way of narration and epiphany. this article proves Katherine Mansfield's remarkable contribution to the forming of modern short novel techniques.
206. Given the fragile and unbalanced global recovery, countries should resist the temptation to engage in finger-pointing or blame shifting.
207. They would more radically transform the system by ending the income tax entirely and by shifting to taxes on consumption .
208. In this paper, a frequency shifting function theory is developed.
209. It analyzes the improved LCL phase, shifting modulation resonance power source by use of control system theory and deduces the transfer functions in different levels.
210. The simulation is performed with motor active synchronistic control strategy during shifting process.
211. China's education system is shifting from exam - oriented mode to diathesis mode.
212. American troops are shifting from leading operations, to partnering with Iraqi forces, and, eventually, to a protective overwatch mission.
213. Some scientists have warned that Australia was facing a ten-fold increase in heat waves as a shifting climate increases temperatures.
214. For any vessel in anchorage needs to heave up anchor for sailing or for shifting, the Master should request for permission 30 minutes before from the Port Control Station of the area concerned.
215. As you can see, shifting the roles of each element also eliminates the small amount of dead space we mentioned in Part I, because the anchor now contains the entire tab.
216. Global Change and the Boreal Forest: Thresholds, Shifting States or Gradual Change?
217. The simultaneous phase shifting function is realized by an orthogonal grating, a diaphragm, an analyzer array, and a 4-quadrant detector.
218. The consensus view among neo-Darwinians continues to be that evolution is random variation plus structured environmental filtering, but it seems the consensus may be shifting.
219. The deviation introduced by reference phase shifting errors on four-steps and five-steps algorithm are analyzed.
220. Every year at around this time I hand out awards for paradigm - shifting, best - in - class management guff.
221. Conclusion Mending the perforation of nasal septum by shifting the mucoperiosteal flap and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone under nasal endoscope is an effective method.
222. Shifting bars are a hazard to navigation and expensive to regulate.
223. Bridging the divine and mundane, shape shifting, divine gifts, personal growth.
224. This is also true even for the healthiest banks, with financial institutions shifting away from loans to other earning assets.
225. In this case, shifting winds have formed a cirrostratus fibratus cloud into a herringbone pattern.
226. This paper describes the use of phase shifting for automatic analysis of fringe patterns resulted from photoelasticity , the fringe pattern and all of the points stress can be get automatically.
227. Public attention is inexorably shifting to the 2008 presidential race.
228. For the state sector, its role is shifting from provider of limited and fragmented services to subsidizer, regulator, monitor and provider in some fields.
229. Shifting now from Engels to Marx, Marx's whole attitude and conversation were Satanic in nature.
230. In addition, the trilobite said, the shifting of tectonic plates, and with them, the birth of new mountain ranges, river valleys, and coastlines, seemed to be coming along great.
231. The change of strip crown is in direct proportion with work roll shifting distances and roll bending force and the square of strip width.
232. SHIFTING consumer tastes and changing regulations have forced even the clumsiest of retail behemoths to be more fleet-footed.
233. The direction of the pitch shifting sequence is determined by the relative delay between the two digital inputs.
234. The meshing force of the gearbox was computed by writing the sub-routing of contact force and the shifting process was realized through script control.
235. With the deepening of the opening-up and reform policy, China is gradually shifting from a closed economy to an open economy.
236. Every step forward requires testing the ground ahead for shifting sands.
237. The ship was overbalanced by the shifting of its cargo.
238. He had been a rock in the shifting sands of her existence.
239. Buddhists say pretty much the same thing. They believe in an impermanent and illusory self made of shifting parts.
240. In corporate terms, the focus of the aluminium market is also shifting eastwards.
241. Restless, shifting, fugacious as time itself is a certain vast bulk of the population of the red brick district of the lower West Side.
242. How to assess and test the capability of peak-load shifting of cool storage air- conditioning is always the emphasis of the government and industry concerns.
243. We have planted trees as a hedge against shifting sand.
244. Prospective studies may provide a better understanding of the reason for the shifting epidemiology of enteric fever in Guangxi province.
245. It also helps to keep the crossover point from shifting due to impedance variations.
246. As pertinently, Chinese savers are shifting more money into higher - yielding term deposits, again increasing funding ...
247. The crew pulled the flying fox hard against the bus, raising Hughes above the raging water. He could feel the bus shifting in the current.
248. The cam in the transverse shifting mechanism of the tufted machine is a contact - diameter conjugate cam.
249. Ancient name for an area of shifting boundaries but centered on Palestine.




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