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单词 Debtor nation
1, In 1950 the UK was the world's largest debtor nation and the US the largest creditor.
2, The U. S. is the world's largest debtor nation and only digging itself in deeper.
3, Louis Hyman is an assistant professor of history at Cornell and the author of "Debtor Nation: A History of America in Red Ink."
4, The government had promised as much and a debtor nation could not afford to antagonise its lenders.
5, As I said, the US is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.
6, The US is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.
7, Student loans, utility rates and the tax man got you feeling like a one-person debtor nation?
8, At the beginning of the 19905, the United States was the largest debtor nation in history.
9, By contrast, America is now, as it was then, the world's biggest debtor nation.
10, S. problem is less one of government debt than of sustained international trade imbalances, which have transformed America into a debtor nation.
11, If we're going to bend over and let them do what they are doing then we will reap the rewards and be not only a debtor nation but,(http:///debtor nation.html) also a non-respected one as well.
12, Anyone who knows what is going on, already knows that the U. S. is now the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world.
13, A creditor nation could get away with an outspoken policy of creating inflation—but not a debtor nation.
14, The U.S. can continue as the consumption engine that fuels all the world economies even though it's a debtor nation that borrows this money to consume.
15, Since this involved restricting the rights of surplus nations, his plans were circumscribed by Washington, a nice irony now that America is a debtor nation.
16, Debt-nature swap----The purchase and cancellation of developing country debt in exchange for environmentally related action on the part of the debtor nation.
17, HRN: You mentioned that the US is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.




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