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单词 Persecution
1, These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.
2, It is worthwhile to note that both suffered persecution.
3, She was diagnosed as suffering from persecution mania.
4, They suffered persecution for their beliefs.
5, Despite persecution, she remained faithful to her beliefs.
6, They left the country out of fear of persecution.
7, She had delusions of persecution.
8, For pity's sake try to stop this persecution.
9, Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.
10, They fled to Europe to escape persecution.
11, It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.
12, I had a persecution complex and thought people were conspiring against me.
13, Left-wing opposition leaders, in flight from persecution, went across the border.
14, She started to have a persecution complex when she couldn't get a job.
15, In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India.
16, Their persecution only serves to arouse the opposition of the people.
17, Those individuals fleeing persecution, however, deserve special consideration.
18, The monks protected Jews in flight from Nazi persecution.
19, In the persecution of 1665, he was banished with other missionaries to Canton.
20, Some students returning to the country may face political persecution.
21, He had to show that he had a well-founded fear of persecution on religious or political grounds to qualify as a refugee.
22, He had fled from France at the time of the persecution.
23, There's a law to protect refugees from forcible return to countries where they face persecution.
24, Yet, as often as not,[http:///persecution.html] they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise.
25, He always cleaves to his principle in spite of persecution.
26, At least one creature, however, has been subjected to persecution unmotivated by financial considerations.
27, Now the Government is trying to sue me, and that is persecution.
28, St Mark was writing at a time when the early church was under terrible persecution.
29, It is a testimony to the fundamental nature of pagan beliefs and practices that they have survived centuries of persecution.
30, Persons leaving a Communist country were normally presumed to be fleeing persecution.
1, These people are seeking/taking refuge from persecution.
2, It is worthwhile to note that both suffered persecution.
3, Some students returning to the country may face political persecution.
4, For pity's sake try to stop this persecution.
5, He had fled from France at the time of the persecution.
6, Their persecution only serves to arouse the opposition of the people.
31, Many refugees risk death or arrest in their attempts to flee persecution.
32, Why would anyone wish to seize the symbolic power in such a hounded institution and risk exposure and persecution?
33, After years of persecution by colonial rulers, Orisha worshipers only recently had their religion officially recognized by the government.
34, Over the following weeks, Portadown loyalists harassed the police in retaliation for what they claimed was police persecution.
35, By the Edict of Milan, promulgated in 313, he forbade persecution of all forms of monotheism in the Empire.
36, She speaks of the persecution suffered at the hands of her father and her yearning for liberty.
37, The government contended that most of the refugees were fleeing poverty, not persecution.
38, The evidence for the feelings of persecution came from the discussions of the fixing of wage rates by personnel managers.
39, They claimed to be victims of political persecution following the military crackdown on student protesters.
40, Instead they seem to close ranks against any criticism and label it persecution.
41, He used laughter as a way of placating persecution in advance.
42, The Gospel contains a large amount of material concerned with the theme of suffering and persecution.
43, Quindly Quot used to tell the story of the Spiggies, their persecution by the Jingoes and how they got their revenge.
44, By virtue of this, there does not appear to have been in Ireland any large-scale persecution of heretics.
45, But neither persecution by the state nor condemnation from their fellow Christians stopped them.
46, The original case was brought by three men who said they fled Pak istan in fear for their lives or from persecution.
47, Migration, for example, may be an enforced personal tragedy following persecution or a voluntary choice for a more prosperous life.
48, Most of Britain's birds of prey are only now recovering from this long persecution.
49, Cranmer shared the Tudor passion for religious uniformity, but was mild in persecution.
50, For three hundred years the persecution of witchcraft was to continue until the advent of our modern scientific world.
50, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
51, However, fellow evangelical pilgrims claimed they were victims of religious persecution.
52, Home Office guidelines suggested that refugees from religious, racial or political persecution had the strongest case for a C registration.
53, Yet foreign support can not justify persecution of house churches and other heterodox sects.
54, Many people who came to the colonies were escaping religious persecution.
55, Wolfenden had come and gone, but persecution was still abroad in the streets and back lanes of Tyneside.
56, For the cynic will always say that the scientists of the past simply feigned their belief in order to escape persecution.
57, His biographer has stressed the consistency with which he avoided extreme political alignments and maintained a steadfast dislike of religious persecution.
58, The constitution guarantees freedom from persecution on grounds of race, sex, or sexuality.
59, She was swamped by a wave of impotent anger at and violent dislike for the man whose dogged persistence bordered on persecution.
60, The Christians faced fierce persecution and opposition, especially from a more numerous religious group known as the Gnostics.
61, Governor Quintianis used the persecution of Christians as a way of possessing her.
62, Religious Persecution I shall devote very little space to this subject.
63, The music, by Brecht's contemporaries Weill and Eisler, adds atmosphere and reinforces the strong protest against tyranny and persecution.
64, I was dealing with the definition of refugees under the 1951 convention, and concentrating on the well-founded fears of persecution.
65, Episcopal persecution, however, drove them to flee to the relative anonymity of London at the end of the 1620s.
66, In all the persecution lasted for about 250 years, being at its height during the reign of Diocletian.
67, Many of our friends' lives have been shattered by intolerance,() persecution and torture.
68, Indeed they seemed to invite persecution by preaching openly in public places.
69, But in order to win refugee classification, migrants had to convince an immigration officer that they were actually fleeing from persecution.
70, The bill also contains measures that would make it more difficult for refugees from persecution to seek asylum in the United States.
71, Persecution had also brought many of the dissenting groups together in a greater unity than they had experienced before the troubles began.
72, Herrera, personally, took no part in this mild form of political persecution.
73, Bomb Tokyo wilful persecution of Fujiyama!
74, Political intimidation and persecution are rife throughout the country.
75, Persecution only rendered them more resolute in their struggle.
76, The object of persecution is persecution.
77, The butt of whimsical persecution.
78, The dissidents went abroad to escape political persecution.
79, The heretic met with severe persecution .
80, As a devoted monarchist, Hobbes feared persecution if he stayed in an England run by Parliamentarians.
80, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
81, Student Red Guards, who worshipped Mao, led the persecution of "class enemies". They were urged on by the ultra-leftist "Gang of Four"
82, Questioning the status quo carries the danger of ostracism, possibly persecution.
83, Saudi Arabia – Pray for the mighty hand of God to move upon leaders in this nation to legalize Christianity and stop the persecution of Believers.
84, Unlike the Puritans, they had no hope of reforming England's established church. They refused to participate in its worship and thus suffered fierce persecution in England.
85, And let all know we will extend no special privilege and impose no persecution.
86, Now is there persecution side dish Section Manager on a seat?
87, 50But the Jews incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region.
88, The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews.
89, The students had intended to mark this day in a general manner: by parades against food reduction, against kidnaping, against intellectual persecution and mass dismissals.
90, With ROC political persecution of Roger Lin by the KMT, the co-plaintiffs in the Lin case are now justified in their fears of persecution because their Formosan nationality.
91, The results showed that:Under the high temperature and drought stress, with the sharp decline in soil moisture, two Eragrostis showed obvious signs of persecution.
92, Christian prelate and martyr who led Christians in North Africa during persecution by the Roman emperors Decius and Valerian.
93, I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.
94, The Pyrenean ibex's population declined due to a "slow but continuous persecution" and disappeared from the French Pyrenees and the eastern Cantabrian mountain range by the mid-nineteenth century.
95, Facing the frame-up and persecution of the 'powerful' criminal gang, I, a weak old retired man, can hardly live in Switzerland. I beg you to uphold justice!
96, Thus the coming of Islam may be seen as a providential occurrence that allowed the Jews to slip between the cracks Islam made in Byzantine Church persecution.
97, Melancholia, sleeplessness, fears of persecution—he writes to Pepys and to Locke and no doubt to others letters which lead them to think that his mind is deranged.
98, Penal trial court transact normal penal cases and private persecution penal cases; other relevant business.
99, Nothing matches the persecution of believers in such totalitarian places as Belarus or Turkmenistan.
100, The persecution of Diocletian failed completely to suppress the growing Christian community.
101, This persecution heralds the rise of the hate-mongering wolf dressed up in the sheep's skin of sexual prudishness.
102, Hallucination-delusion syndrome usually appeared in the form of auditory hallucination and delusion of persecution.
103, A patient suffering from Creutzfeld - Jakob disease ( CJD ) complained of optical hallucinations, followed by feelings of persecution.
104, In this way, Shakespeare not only wit combat, suppression of this mistress 's husband, Also has shunted the violence hierarch to Shakespeare's persecution.
105, Kim Dae - Jung's greatest political capital was his persecution Shim Jae - hoon .
106, Do you think he will be immune from the religious persecution because of the personal relation with the Bioship?
107, The persecution under the fifth seal parallels the "great tribulation" that fell on "Thyatira" (Rev. 2:22) and the "war" that the little horn made with the "saints" (Daniel 7:24, 25).
108, A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.
109, Paranoia: Mental disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, usually without hallucinations.
110, In the interview, he also compared the obloquy directed at WikiLeaks by the Obama administration and other critics with the "persecution" endured by American Jews in the 1950s.
110, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
111, Traits common in psychotic and schizophrenic patients, such as delusions of grandiosity, persecution and religion, are very common in dreams.
112, It is a story of faithfulness amid apostasy and persecution.
113, The wrath of Mr. Arthur Pendennis rose at the poor old fellow's feeble persecution.
114, Confessor: One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom.
115, Pen was bewildered with wonder, perplexity, fury, at this monstrous and unreasonable persecution.
116, The Catechetical School of Alexandria was originated in Egypt. Egypt is the birthplace of Christian monasticism, also has experienced in the Christianity history the most serious persecution.
117, Fawkes:English conspirator executed for his role in the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to kill James I and blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605, to avenge the persecution of Roman Catholics in England.
118, Pray that during this time of persecution, as in the Book of Acts, the believers will grow stronger, God will move supernaturally and that the church will multiply.
119, It is not enough that ecclesiastical men abstain from violence and rapine and all manner of persecution.
120, These English colonists were a pious, self - disciplined people who wanted to escape religious persecution.
121, Certain Wiccan mythology holds that Wicca has come down from the stone age, surviving persecution in secret covens for hundreds of years.
122, If your legal name was not on the Lin case petition, then refugee status could become more difficult to prove if you have any well-founded fear of political persecution by the KMT (and DPP proxies).
123, The Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has made a personal appeal to the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe for an end to what he called the persecution of Anglicans in Zimbabwe.
124, And be in 4 days before, this maritime space is in " Sang Mei " below typhonic indulge in wilful persecution, gobbled up hundreds fisherman and nautical life.
125, To the poet Emma Lazarus, who saw refugees from persecution arriving on a tramp steamer, following incredible sufferings, the Statue was " The New Colossus" or the "Mother of Exiles".
126, In the past, centralized information processing was used for persecution.
127, As the Great War commence in 1618, the strongest one of the German Catholic princes, Ferdinand II, further inflamed the situation by launching a large-scale religious persecution.
128, A life of foreignness imposed by poverty or persecution or exile is unlikely to be enjoyable at all.
129, The burden of proof of the persecution rests with the refugee.
130, Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania ( madness , mental disorder ) .
131, This persecution was to be the last, as Constantine I soon came into power and in 313 legalized Christianity.
132, The persecution of my followers, the early Christians, is one example of this violent counter reaction.
133, During the Roman emperor Diocletian's bloody persecution of Christians in 303, Nicholas was imprisoned./persecution.html
134, The refugees fear persecution if they return to their own country.
135, On this day in 1838, in order to avoid anti-Mormon persecution, Latter Day Saint movement founder Joseph Smith, Jr. and his followers fled Kirtland, Ohio for Far West, Missouri.




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