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单词 Managerial
(1) Tim was being groomed for a managerial position.
(2) With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.
(3) He has also had managerial experience on every level.
(4) Excessive managerial control is inimical to creative expression.
(5) Does she have any managerial experience?
(6) She was promoted into some kind of managerial job.
(7) The clerk was elevated to a managerial position.
(8) A portfolio approach would keep entry into the managerial profession open and flexible.
(9) Cuckney regards such managerial mobility as healthy.
(10) Responsibility and accountability are coupled with managerial authority.
(11) This is her first managerial job.
(12) Thus, an efficient managerial labour market would be enough.
(13) This is the biggest crisis of his managerial career.
(14) Managerial, which similarly needs data for day-to-day working.
(15) Women are attaining powerful and prestigious managerial positions.
(16) Loyalty-obsessed companies have grasped two important managerial truths.
(17) Let's take a managerial position as an example.
(18) The airline cut 600 managerial jobs in December.
(19) Finally, we come to the managerial labour market constraint.
(20) Today, managerial and professional workers have become increasingly vulnerable.
(21) Every managerial decision required trade-offs among competing interests.
(22) They liked managerial work less than they expected.
(23) The cancellation of the popular show was a result of managerial myopia.
(24) His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance.
(25) The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.
(26) This course aims to prepare students for middle and senior managerial positions.
(27) I don't claim to be a feminist, but I'd like to see more women in managerial posts.
(28) Some see themselves as the provider of ideas, while others view their role as essen-tially managerial.
(29) He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know - how.
(30) Mr Lal has been asking for more responsibility, but has had to content himself with a minor managerial post.
(1) Tim was being groomed for a managerial position.
(2) He has also had managerial experience on every level.
(3) The cancellation of the popular show was a result of managerial myopia.
(4) His treatment of his secretary was a blatant example of managerial arrogance.
(5) She was promoted into some kind of managerial job.
(6) The clerk was elevated to a managerial position.
(7) He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know - how.
(31) All the best traditional managerial approaches are principle based.
(32) Balancing the budget dominated managerial agendas in practice.
(33) A considerable injection of resources will be required to provide the managerial and technological expertise called for in the White Paper.
(34) There is, therefore, a preponderance of lower paid posts, and a lack of professional and managerial posts.
(35) What we need is managerial hierarchy that understands its own nature and purpose.
(36) The managerial labour market thus has both an internal and an external dimension.
(37) The Bush team's depth of managerial expertise has been rightly praised.
(38) The research, therefore, studies the implications of these trends for individuals and their families within selected professional and managerial occupations.
(39) Densan tended initially to limit managerial discretion much more and thus seemed to offer a better alternative for labour.
(40) Alan Milburn smart young executive seeking managerial post in progressive company.
(41) Most military jobs are essentially desk-bound and technical, clerical, or managerial in nature.
(42) Mr Kasyanov, a deputy prime minister in the outgoing government, is urbane, polished and managerial.
(43) They became anxious and returned again to their preconceptions about the managerial role: they were supposed to be experts at everything.
(44) At a deeper level, the problem is far more than a kind of glorified managerial challenge.
(45) Knowledge of their applications is vital to upgrade managerial skills and to enhance advancement opportunities.
(46) CatleyCarlson said Pike had signed documents agreeing not to reinsert himself into the project in any managerial capacity.
(47) None the less, the concepts are powerful and provide a way into understanding the more detailed managerial explanations that follow later.
(48) These pressures were built into the managerial job and could exhaust and paralyze if not confronted.
(49) But as we will see, the superiors' point of view about the managerial role also reflected their biases.
(50) Nor is there much evidence pointing to their general education as the origin of their vision and managerial skill.
(51) The managerial emolument and incentives discussion in section 3.3 starts in general terms and then moves to questions of alternative institutional structures.
(52) Strikes, in other words, represent a challenge to managerial authority.
(53) I introduced above the idea of a managerial labour market in the context of the salary package setting procedure.
(54) In the years to come they had much to learn about themselves; their managerial identity was just beginning to take hold.
(55) Space programmes also highlight contrasts in administrative and managerial elites.
(56) Role Strain A number of sources of role strain are built into the managerial role: overload, ambiguity, and conflict.
(57) This approach can only be created on the basis of managerial trust in the professional skills and attitudes of teachers.
(58) In time, they realized that the culprit was just managerial work.
(59) The first real managerial position might be as project manager, programming supervisor, systems supervisor, or software manager.
(60) They had to achieve managerial recognition that accountability to colleagues in the team was important alongside accountability to individual agencies.
(61) It justifies managerial power by showing that those who are affected by it are involved in making managerial decisions.
(62) The managerial dilemmas Managers are paid more than workers because they face constant dilemmas which they have to resolve.
(63) To provide information useful for evaluating managerial and organizational performance.
(64) That method depended, as we have seen, on managerial power being limited in two ways.
(65) Another loss would be another nail in Branfoots managerial coffin.
(66) Managerial control over information allows the railways to manipulate the public presentation of results to political effect.
(67) And the prevailing compensation structure in practically all businesses reinforces this attitude because it is heavily biased towards managerial positions and titles.
(68) An unforgiving managerial continuum reaching from the father to the oldest remembered paternal relative sits in stony judgment.
(69) The literature concerning professional - managerial relationships is reasonably clear in overall direction if not in degree.
(70) If you develop good habits they will stand you in good stead in your business and managerial career.
(71) In the following two sections the two strategies employed by this model to legitimate corporate managerial power will be examined more closely.
(72) Like the others in the managers' networks,() their peers defined the managerial role according to their own priorities.
(73) Their model of managerial work had been at once broadened and refined.
(74) I am constantly astonished by the way he is able to cut through the guff even in managerial and political issues.
(75) Perhaps their struggles with delegation, a fundamental managerial skill, best exemplified how much they had left to learn.
(76) Critical Right now, though, he faces the most critical time in his managerial career.
(77) Given the power of the managerial hierarchy to dispense or withhold rewards, open acts of defiance expose individuals to reprisal.
(78) Modern agriculture demands not only scientific and biological knowledge, it also requires managerial competence.
(79) The managerial role of senior bureau workers is increasingly recognised.
(79) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(80) Where job ladders are created, further managerial work is involved in managing the operation of the internal labour market.
(81) There have been marked increases in professional, managerial, and routine non-manual work.
(82) Unlike his predecessors, Norvm had managerial experience, having formerly held the reins at Railway Sidings Malmo.
(83) The completeness in such lengthy expositions might provide useful checklists for managerial reviews.
(84) Imagine that we are interested in the effect of a new managerial style on output.
(85) The raising of morale has been imposed by management in pursuance of surplus value and the maintenance of managerial authority.
(86) Their discoveries about managerial work and their feelings of impotence made it a very unnerving prospect.
(87) A managerial perspective on organizations presents them as social entities with a collective purpose.
(88) He has obvious managerial qualities, a clear head and quick feet.
(89) Our policy is to recruit at the lower levels and train those staff who show aptitude for managerial responsibility.
(90) It had two primary characteristics: multiple operating units and managerial hierarchies.
(91) Too many people, a declining economy and global competition began squeezing the new managerial class.
(92) Of graduates, more than 80% have ended up in the professional and managerial classes.
(93) Much evidence shows that interpersonal competence is a prerequisite for a successful managerial career.
(94) The complex man will respond to no single managerial strategy, but will consider its appropriateness to circumstances and his own needs.
(95) Their decisions are binding on industrial tribunals and have had a significant impact on managerial practices by major employers.
(96) Thus, when the managerial control of labour is thwarted by industrial action, ultimately the employment relationship itself is being undermined.
(97) Secondly, if the managerial labour constraint is powerful, performance may not be very much worse.
(98) That is to say, they are designed as tiers of managerial levels.
(99) It is instructive to compare the new managers' expectations about management with descriptions in the literature on managerial work.
(100) Staff at executive and managerial level were expected to speak at least two foreign languages.
(101) Secondly, some forms of work design - autonomous group work in particular - appear to threaten traditional managerial decision-making prerogatives.
(102) Many executives who leave their jobs transfer to other executive or managerial positions, limiting openings for new entrants.
(103) But defining the basic nature of the managerial role reveals only part of what a managerial layer means.
(104) For some schools, especially primary schools, it will be the new managerial responsibilities which will bring the most daunting challenge.
(105) Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
(106) If the organisation did all customer liaison work from head office it might need fewer managerial staff.
(107) By opting out one decides to delegate some of the managerial decisions to a lower level.
(108) Cheryl is a prime candidate for the new managerial position.
(109) We consider their initial motivation for management and then follow as they evolve a new professional identity and managerial character.
(110) As an organizational system,(http:///managerial.html) managerial hierarchy has never been adequately described and has just as certainly never been adequately used.
(111) In my experience, most specialists see their strengths in terms of their technical education and expertise, not their managerial skills.
(112) In formal work groups, the structuring process is affected by the hierarchy of authority and the managerial behaviour of the boss.
(113) To regard them as a formal but irrelevant accoutrement of educational reform would be a severe managerial mistake.
(114) In an important sense, the expansion of managerial responsibilities was the corollary of the move towards a more flexible process operator.
(115) Chrysler has already suspended production at one of its main assembly plants and cut back on managerial staff.
(116) The two major components of these new managerial powers and responsibilities are financial delegation and staffing delegation.
(117) But as they acquired managerial competence, the balance began to shift.
(118) However, managerial approaches are often perceived to be less effective than physical action.
(119) Management's need for accountability is not satisfied and doctors are uncertain about the balance between their clinical and managerial roles.
(120) Ideology is an important part of the apparatus of managerial control.
(121) More field work studies of systems analysts and how they relate to managers should illuminate this little known area of managerial work.
(122) Have aims and objectives been identified in the early stages and are these goals related to managerial issues? 3.
(123) Some, used to a more old-fashioned top down managerial style are cynical about such an approach.
(124) Avoid implying that you would like to see the other person adopt your own managerial style.
(125) But all the evidence is that increased managerial accountability lies behind the big-bucks phenomenon.
(126) Rather they are emphasizing the need to let go of managerial means that get in the way of the performance and change.
(127) We simply have to be aggressively restorative and aggressively managerial about our trees and forests.
(128) Thus, a major managerial responsibility was dealing with the problem employee.
(129) It was a four week course, aimed at refining our understanding of the managerial role.
(130) Focusing on class situation enabled us to assess the significance of the challenge that the information specialists might pose to managerial authority.
(131) Technical and functional expertise, in addition to hierarchy provide the basis for managerial authority People learn by being trained.
(132) The managers motivations appeared to be ones consistent with traditional assumptions about the appropriate reasons for pursuing a managerial career.
(133) But it is hard to persuade voters that you have managerial skills if you have been out of office for 11 years.
(134) They should speak to as many managers as they can about what the managerial role entails: What are your primary responsibilities?
(135) Most others had decided to pursue a managerial career only after years of experience as a producer.
(136) In fact, most began to acquire not only managerial knowledge and skills, but also managerial interests and a managerial temperament.
(137) Of course the stresses inherent in the managerial role persisted, but most no longer felt debilitated by them.
(138) Managerial skills and technical expertise are often in short supply.
(139) They had erroneously assumed these needs could be met in a managerial position.
(140) In fact(sentence dictionary), nearly half of the superiors explicitly mentioned agenda setting in defining the managerial role.
(141) Instead they prefer simply to tinker with the particular mechanisms advocated for controlling corporate managerial power.
(142) For them, the managerial role was mainly one of formal authority and managing the task, not the people.
(143) There are two elements to this, first the composition of nationalized industry boards and secondly the managerial incentive package.
(144) The problem is that our managerial hierarchies are so badly designed as to defeat the best efforts even of psychologically insightful individuals.
(145) Perry, a successful businessman, brought a brisk and decisive managerial style to the Defense Department.
(146) The managerial controls and the strict guidelines have played their part.
(147) Developing managerial skills in nurses will make them more equal and effective members of the multidisciplinary team. 3.
(148) Consequently, managerial roles in both companies were becoming more complex and demanding.
(149) The second is a managerial tradition deriving from F W Taylor's theory of scientific management and his studies of work administration.
(150) Chapter 8 takes up another theme from chapter 6: why managerial strategies concentrate on particular issues rather than others.
(151) Luthans et al. would say that they conceived of the managerial role primarily as traditional management activities, and routine information.
(152) As well as creating major development opportunities for team members this shift has a profound influence on managerial work.
(153) In fact, similar managerial characteristics have continued to prevail in larger, technologically-advanced firms.
(154) At root the managerialist approach assumes that private sector managerial techniques can be smoothly implanted into the public sector.
(155) This requires individual motivation and managerial support, but benefits both the individuals concerned and the service itself.
(156) Two years later, the establishments ceased to play a major managerial role.
(157) Why the new managers chose to pursue a managerial career was one of the first issues they considered in our earliest conversations.
(158) None the less, competition for top managerial jobs will be keen.
(159) The only reason for defining abuse is to ensure that incidents are identified and reduced by good professional and managerial practice.
(160) Still, they had come a long way since their managerial debut.
(161) It is essential to recognise and develop managerial skills in registered nurses for three reasons.
(162) Is my technical background solid enough to build a managerial career on?
(163) The managers did come to see that acquiring managerial competence actually meant sacrificing some of their technical competence.
(164) The subordinates alternately described the managerial role as providing sales leadership and as maintaining an efficiently run organization.
(165) Recently, my managerial integrity has been called into question by a number of directors and supporters.
(166) Improvisation is at odds with the legitimate caution in managerial concerns over decision making, strategy organization design, and compliance.
(167) Firstly, the justification given by the model for vesting substantial managerial power in the hands of the directors will be investigated.
(168) They have also led to improvements in the managerial skills of staff in these organisations.
(169) Management development opportunities through shadowing managerial roles and processes provide a contrast and comparison for reflection on the management of education.
(170) In the case study, the movement to a formula-based capitation system has had a profound managerial effect.
(171) In such situations the most effective managerial strategy may be for the ReD unit to try to gain power within the organization.
(172) As we saw in discussing managerial character, many were pleased to discover internal resources they never knew they had.
(173) Even the newly arrived probationer needs managerial skills - for working with colleagues and participating constructively in meetings, for example.
(174) Am I being realistic about what, as far as I can discern, the managerial role entails?
(175) There is an hierarchical structure, but managerial authority is respected as a benign guardian of company interests.
(176) As well as these basic relationships, formal structure is identified with the major areas of managerial responsibility.
(177) Most claimed that staffing and training were especially important managerial responsibilities in building an efficient organization.
(178) The problem of how to legitimate managerial power must be tackled from an entirely new perspective.
(179) Many managerial positions involve the employee being both a representative of the capitalist and a worker who is in some degree exploited.
(180) At Shell Chemicals 30 women take up 9.3 percent of the managerial positions.
(181) There will also be two books and a series of training courses for head teachers and others with managerial responsibilities in schools.
(182) When they were feeling more magnanimous, the new managers defined administration as a secondary, yet essential, managerial function.
(183) There was, of course, already a thriving managerial class-particularly in East Asiayears before the cold war ended.
(184) The former provide the managerial and administrative framework for moving products from supplier to customer.
(185) Women are systematically excluded from top managerial and professional jobs, as well as from skilled manual labour.
(186) The other commonly assessed abilities have not been found to relate to managerial performance.
(187) New equipment and processes would never be tested in manufacturing environments; new strategies and theories would seldom cloud managerial horizons.
(188) This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
(189) They also acquired higher proportions of managerial and professional jobs than the other parts of the country.
(190) Managerial authority, and indeed the whole edifice of organisational power, represent the rights of ownership delegated to management.
(191) Iberian Motors' managers followed managerial approaches more suited to stability than to change.
(192) By the age of twenty-one he had a managerial post in charge of fifteen people.
(193) Distinguished practitioners and academics have produced volumes about managerial work and proposed a variety of conceptualizations.
(194) The new managers still had much to learn about managerial control.
(195) Health authorities are currently appointing some health professionals, mainly doctors, into managerial positions with nursing as part of their remit.
(196) Graduates, after all, pass into society and take up significant posts of managerial or professional responsibility.
(197) Only about 4 percent of the sons in manual work had professional or managerial fathers, but 70 percent had working-class origins.
(198) The Tampa Bay Devil Rays conducted their first interview of a managerial candidate last week.
(199) And unlike traditional managerial expertise, most managers and leaders have neither learned nor experienced these skills yet.
(200) There was a lack of managerial and technical know-how in the steel industry.
(201) The wives of prosperous burgesses also had a good deal of managerial responsibility and authority.
(202) The analysis stresses that managerial strategy in public enterprises develops by a process of negotiation between the enterprises and the state.
(203) Finally, Work place 2000 will move away from managerial control to employee self-control.
(204) There is a need for the establishment of a managerial system to plan, coordinate and control the exhibition mix.
(205) The perception of women's inability to take on managerial positions are almost universal.
(206) Venables relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive, with Peter Shreeves recalled as manager.
(207) This is especially true if the company is looking for key managerial expertise or rare technical skills.
(208) Entrepreneurial strategies - as distinct from their managerial implementation - centre on investment, marketing and the form of company organisation.
(209) At present, managerial decisions are guided by the quest for economic security.
(210) The drive towards numerical and managerial performance indicators has already been mentioned.
(211) They were eleventh in Division Four when he began his managerial career as a frowned-upon caretaker twelve months ago.
(212) In spite of their established qualifications as individual contributors, many new managers never adjust successfully to managerial responsibilities.
(213) This study is examining the managerial process by which organisations develop a market-orientation.
(214) Although the various managerial tasks are interlinked, they are described discretely for ease of reference.
(215) Another difficulty is that the time perspectives used for managerial evaluation have changed very little over the years.
(216) He believes that the Bulls are an executive brainstorm, a tribute to the managerial skills of himself and owner Jerry Reinsdorf.
(217) Ranieri was impulsive in a way that business school case studies seldom account for when they analyze managerial decision making.
(218) Furthermore, there is an emerging tension between professional aspirations and managerial imperatives.
(219) Consistently, those elderly from the professional and managerial classes experience better health than their contemporaries from the manual occupation groups.
(220) The second stage is a set of interviews with those managing the fast growth businesses to investigate the process of managerial recruitment.
(221) Traditional managerial approaches do not work because they assume that most people already possess most of the capabilities required for performance.
(222) Despite that, its challenges in overcoming prior managerial conditioning were like those experienced at Irving.
(223) Because they had thought little about managerial exigencies of daily life, when confronted with them they made some interesting discoveries.
(224) And, if they do, how should their organisational structure be incorporated into the managerial hierarchy of the hospital?
(225) Both reasons for fragmenting work imply the creation of a managerial hierarchy to co-ordinate and control the various fragmented jobs.
(226) Managerial candidates will need to call upon people who know them in different capacities to assist in their self-diagnosis.
(227) Obtaining equity financing, by contrast, could be accomplished through more traditional managerial approaches.
(228) He attributed his decision to pursue a managerial career mainly to this experience.
(229) Finally, some fresh methods by which managerial power might be justified will be explored.
(229) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(230) He gets his deviants back into line with a firm, fair and consistent managerial approach.
(231) Managerial staff will get 3.5 percent, plus a bonus of up to 10 percent depending on performance.
(232) Do current practices reflect a real distinction between administrative and managerial activities? 3.
(233) Consistently those older people from professional and managerial occupations experience better health than their contemporaries from the manual occupation groups.
(234) Initially, at managerial level, an educational programme was undertaken by outside consultants.
(235) The emphasis is clearly on the probation officer as part of the criminal justice system with a managerial role in supervising punishment.
(236) The courts' own role in reviewing managerial decisions is in turn defined by their own expertise.
(237) However, there are several indicators that supervisory development has not progressed as far as the development of the managerial team.
(238) Opportunities for the development of clinical and managerial skills, with a clearer role for the specialist nurse practitioner and adviser.
(239) Neither the market nor the internal structuring of power within the company is accepted as a viable means of constraining managerial power.
(240) The partnership has the advantage of pooling managerial talent.
(241) He also thought of his managerial position.
(242) They kept extolling my managerial skills.
(243) Managerial Incentive and Recovery from PFI Project Insolvency.
(244) Finally, Matsushita promotes managerial continuity through long job tenure.
(245) A single managerial job cannot be arbitrarily spilt.
(246) We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity.
(247) We may quarrel with the correlation of media notoriety and managerial excellence.
(248) Planning logically precedes the execution of all other managerial functions.
(248) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(249) All the managerial personnel at the factory are hired on contract.
(250) I really love the area and see it as an ideal place to start my managerial career.
(251) The demographic characteristics of age and education wererelated to managerial risk preference.




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