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单词 Offence
(1) Offence is the best defence.
(2) The best defence is a good offence
(3) The possession of stolen property is a criminal offence.
(4) Driving without a licence is an offence.
(5) New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns.
(6) Cathy was fined for her first offence.
(7) The offence carries a jail/prison/life/5-year sentence.
(8) Police punished him for an offence of theft.
(9) She takes offence at the slightest thing .
(10) Robbery is an indictable offence.
(11) Do you know it is a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer?
(12) It is an offence to sell intoxicating liquor to anyone under the age of 18.
(13) It was silly of Grace to take offence at our innocent remarks.
(14) It's an offence to hop the children up with drugs.
(15) The offence carries a maximum prison sentence of ten years.
(16) Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.
(17) He committed another offence while he was out on bail .
(18) Because it was his first offence(), the punishment wasn't too severe.
(19) The Act states that anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment.
(20) The offence is punishable by up to three months' imprisonment.
(21) Although it was only his first offence, the court handed down an eight-year sentence.
(22) She takes offence too easily.
(23) A fine for this offence is automatic.
(24) Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.
(25) He is due to appear before magistrates in connection with a public order offence.
(26) Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty.
(27) By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark had caused offence.
(28) Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.
(29) Sometimes taboo words are written with asterisks to avoid causing offence.
(30) He was not aware that he had committed an offence.
(1) The possession of stolen property is a criminal offence.
(2) Driving without a licence is an offence.
(3) New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns.
(4) Cathy was fined for her first offence.
(5) The offence carries a jail/prison/life/5-year sentence.
(6) Police punished him for an offence of theft.
(7) She takes offence at the slightest thing .
(8) Robbery is an indictable offence.
(9) Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.
(10) Do you know it is a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer?
(11) It is an offence to sell intoxicating liquor to anyone under the age of 18.
(12) It was silly of Grace to take offence at our innocent remarks.
(13) It's an offence to hop the children up with drugs.
(14) He is due to appear before magistrates in connection with a public order offence.
(15) The offence carries a maximum prison sentence of ten years.
(16) Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty.
(17) Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.
(18) He committed another offence while he was out on bail .
(19) Because it was his first offence, the punishment wasn't too severe.
(20) By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark had caused offence.
(21) The Act states that anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment.
(22) Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.
(23) The offence is punishable by up to three months' imprisonment.
(24) Although it was only his first offence, the court handed down an eight-year sentence.
(25) Sometimes taboo words are written with asterisks to avoid causing offence.
(26) He was not aware that he had committed an offence.
(27) Only later did he realize the full seriousness of his offence.
(28) I agree with the theorem that the best defence is offence.
(31) She never takes offence at anything.
(32) Espionage is a capital offence in this country.
(33) She takes offence at the slightest criticism.
(34) It's an offence to park on double yellow lines.
(35) She has not committed a criminal offence .
(36) The dog is an offence to the eye.
(37) Sorry, I didn't mean to cause offence .
(38) Don't take offence at what I said.
(39) He compounded the offence by calling his opponents liars.
(40) It's an offence to harbour the criminals.
(41) He was convicted of a serious driving offence.
(42) Does such an activity constitute a criminal offence?
(43) Punishment for a first offence is a fine.
(44) Driving under the influence is a very serious offence.
(45) This is a very serious offence.
(46) Both men were dismissed for a second bookable offence.
(47) Giving false informationis a punishable offence.
(47) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(48) Possession of explosives is an extraditable offence.
(49) It's an offence to harbor the criminals.
(50) The offence carries a maximum sentence of five years.
(51) She is quick at taking offence.
(52) No one will take offence if you leave early.
(53) I'm sure he didn't mean to cause offence .
(54) Such an offence will lead to a summary fine.
(55) He is quick to take offence.
(56) The offence carries a mandatory life sentence.
(57) The offence carries a maximum fine of £500.
(58) It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors.
(59) In some countries, importing drugs is a capital offence.
(60) They fined her the maximum possible for the offence.
(61) Punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence.
(62) I didn't mean to give offence to anyone.
(63) The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence.
(64) The offence carries a penalty of 2 years' imprisonment.
(65) He takes offence at the slightest joke against him.
(66) Their behaviour is an offence. It's no laughing matter.
(67) Don't be so quick to take offence.
(68) Dad, you need a bath. No offence.
(69) The offence carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison.
(70) Mrs Lynn Smith, prosecuting, said the offence took place on January 27.
(71) Misleading the court in a trial is a serious offence.
(72) He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence.
(73) Let's work on the supposition that she meant no offence.
(74) Company directors may be deemed guilty of an offence their company causes pollution.
(75) It was just a thought, Duncan. I didn't mean any offence.
(76) As it was his first offence, the store agreed not to press charges .
(77) Never had she seen him so tense,(http:///offence.html) so quick to take offence as he had been in recent weeks.
(78) Giving false information to the police is a punishable offence.
(79) Civil contempt is not properly regarded as a criminal offence.
(80) I think he took offence at my lack of enthusiasm.
(81) The court has the power to impose an unlimited fine for this offence.
(82) I'm moving out—no offence to you but I just don't like the atmosphere.
(83) Once your name has been linked with a drug offence, the police keep a close watch on you.
(84) He suggested that tangling fishing gear should be made a criminal offence.
(85) We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence.
(86) I'm sure he meant no offence when he said that.
(87) No offence intended, but are you sure your calculations are right?
(88) I'm moving out no offence to you or the people who live here, but I just don't like the atmosphere.
(89) They made him pay for his offence by giving him the sack.
(90) This was the defendant's third court appearance for the same offence.
(91) We apologize unreservedly for any offence caused by his remarks.
(92) She has not yet been formally charged with the offence.
(93) The punishment should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence and the degree of culpability of the offender.
(94) In Britain the Consumer Protection Act makes it a criminal offence to sell goods that are unsafe.
(95) He is serving 11 years for robbery, and did time for a similar offence before that.
(96) As it was her first offence, she was only given a caution.
(97) Only later did he realize the full seriousness of his offence.
(98) Possession of cannabis will no longer be an arrestable offence.
(99) The problem was how to say 'no' to her without causing offence.
(100) It was the first time he'd been convicted of a motoring offence.
(101) This will be a criminal offence under the new legislation.
(102) I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark.
(103) I think he got off quite lightly considering it's his third driving offence.
(104) She carried on merrily, not realizing the offence she was causing.
(105) No offence, but I'd really like to be on my own.
(106) Failure to obey a policeman's instructions may amount to an offence.
(107) If I've caused any offence over something I have written,(http:///offence.html) I will happily apologise.
(108) Don't take offence. Roger says things like that to everybody.
(109) The penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence.
(110) They tried to prevent the inclusion of any wording in the statement that would cause offence.
(111) The maximum penalty for the offence is a $1000 fine.
(112) The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence.
(113) The bill makes it an offence to carry a knife.
(114) He had been accused of a drug offence but police had been unable to serve a summons on him .
(115) According to the criminal law murder can be a capital offence.
(116) The photo on the cover of the book may cause offence to some people.
(117) Don't be upset by what he said; he meant no offence .
(118) It is an offence to let your dog foul a footpath.
(119) For an offence of this gravity, imprisonment is the usual punishment.
(120) I'm sorry; I intended no offence when I said that.
(121) I don't think you realize the extreme gravity of this offence.
(122) I must ask you to tone down your remarks; they are giving offence to some of our visitors.
(123) Privilege determined by birth is an offence to any modern sense of justice.
(124) It is an offence to travel without a valid ticket penalty 100.
(125) For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine.
(126) She felt she had committed an offence against the right of others.
(127) This offence is so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified.
(128) What is the best way to stop someone who has offended from repeating the offence?
(129) We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence.
(130) The soldier received a dishonourable discharge for a disciplinary offence.
(131) His solicitor said he committed the offence because he was heavily in debt.
(132) Because of one minor offence he was branded a common criminal.
(133) Seeing that the story had given offence to some people,he attempted to pass it off with a joke.
(134) The prison sentence seemed rather harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.
(135) The court was told that he was under the influence of alcohol when he committed the offence.
(136) Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence.
(137) Because of one minor offence he was branded as a common criminal.
(137) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(138) It's the third time that he's been convicted of a drug offence.
(139) I agree with the theorem that the best defence is offence.
(140) His case should be subsumed under the title of criminal offence.
(141) Have X, Y or Z committed an offence?
(142) Did W commit an offence under section 1?
(143) He compressed his lips in silent offence.
(144) Cruelty to animals is a criminal offence.
(145) Eviction without a court order is a criminal offence.
(146) In three months he hasn't committed a single offence.
(147) Gallon Drunk are an aural offence.
(148) The old offence of buggery has, however, been retained.
(149) No offence meant, honest, old chum.
(150) A youngster may have committed the offence only once.
(151) Performed in Shiraz it aroused enormous anger and offence.
(152) The imprecision of this offence has caused concern.
(153) Any civil servant who talks to his or her spouse about work would be committing an offence.
(154) That is a statutory offence or, more bluntly put, a criminal offence.
(155) Conviction for such an offence carries a five-year prison sentence.
(156) The only defence is that the estate agent took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid committing the offence.
(157) Euthanasia technically remained a criminal offence subject to a minimum prison sentence of 12 years under Article 293 of the penal code.
(158) On the down side, domestic broadcasters decided to ban any songs or plays that could cause offence.
(159) The archbishop came back under papal orders to avoid giving offence to the king.
(160) Organising or participating in a march in breach of any such condition constitutes an offence.
(161) The offence merited the second yellow card that would have put Ferguson off the park.
(162) Women nevertheless do commit crimes and contribute to the tariff of most offence categories.
(163) One traditionally impoverished group - women - have become more represented in this offence than elsewhere in criminal statistics.
(164) It now seems likely that Mason was sent to prison for an offence he never committed.
(165) The word from Lilongwe now is that Chihana will be charged with sedition, a capital offence.
(166) The fact that a parent is at risk of criminal prosecution for an offence against the child will not justify exclusion.
(167) Moreover, such a requirement would discourage prosecutions for the aggravated offence and would exclude private prosecutions.
(168) West Yorkshire police statistics suggest that the peak age for the offence of taking a vehicle without consent is 15.
(169) It would also be an offence to cause suspicion or undermine the confidence of the people.
(170) Section 4 makes it an offence to carry on investment business in contravention of section 3.
(171) Loss of privileges in peacetime; in war, a capital offence.
(172) I hope I didn't cause offence to anyone when I left early.
(173) Police activity centred around the offence and the apprehension of a perpetrator.
(174) Thus he may decide that although the investigation discloses a criminal offence, no action should be taken in the criminal courts.
(175) He caused many an offence during the Christmas period by openly stating his hatred of the Geldof coup.
(176) His most serious offence in that time was taking part in a robbery while armed with a crossbow.
(177) He risks being charged with an offence that carries up to five years in jail.
(178) It was, he said, an offence of quite astonishing incompetence.
(179) The brothers, aged 24 and 27, agreed to be bound over after denying the offence.
(180) So far their offence has gone unpunished. Illegal activity is not limited to the depths of the forest.
(181) It is an offence to demolish or to alter a listed building unless listed building consent has been obtained.
(182) In singling out gay men, the offence bears the hallmarks of homophobic prejudice, and belongs to the less tolerant era.
(183) The distinction between the intermediate and the aggravated offence has also given rise to adverse comment.
(184) He was cautioned after his first offence when he was 13.
(185) All of the existing types of offence were reduced to three categories, classified by the method of trial.
(186) He warned Evans that they were both guilty of a criminal offence, and advised him to leave London.
(187) The public order essence of the offence has been wholly lost, and affray has become a form of aggravated assault.
(188) A remark that is considered humorous in one culture can cause great offence in another.
(189) Whereas the offence under section 1 is a summary offence, a charge under section 2 is an either way offence.
(190) But the magistrates chairman said the offence was so serious, they may have to send both men to jail.
(191) It became an offence for anyone in charge of children to allow them to bet in public places or to enter brothels.
(192) Further detention can only be authorised in the case of a person who is suspected of having committed a serious arrestable offence.
(193) On third Reading, he moved a second amendment to make racially discriminatory behaviour by the police a specific disciplinary offence.
(194) Middlesbrough fans feared the worst when central defender Nicky Mohan was sent off for a second bookable offence.
(195) Nor is the offence under section 5 expressed to be committed by the distribution of offensive matter, as opposed to its display.
(196) For example, they can not impose a custodial sentence that is longer than six months in respect of a single offence.
(197) Where reductivism is forward-looking, retributivism looks backwards in time, to the offence.
(198) Failure by a trader to comply with a prohibition notice or notice to warn is a criminal offence.
(199) Note the offence of making a bomb hoax call etc. under section 51 Criminal Law Act 1977.
(200) The boy, from Witham, Essex, is too young to be charged with a criminal offence.
(201) It was held by the Divisional Court that his appeal against conviction of the obstruction offence must be allowed.
(202) And cut-throat rivalry, especially after the market is deregulated in 1994, would indeed cause offence.
(203) Publication to a single person is, impliedly, insufficient to constitute the offence.
(204) Dismissal following automatically if a third serious offence was committed.
(205) The prosecution does not have to show that the weapon of offence was intended to be used during the burglary.
(206) We might also note that what constitutes an offence in legal terms also changes over time.
(207) It's now proposing to make it a criminal offence to park a caravan on land without consent.
(208) They may prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection may cause offence or may prolong the sales interaction.
(209) It's not a criminal offence, is it, sending information to the police?
(210) Also, falsely describing goods can amount to a criminal offence under the Trades Description Act 1968.
(211) They saw red when he got away with the offence by waving his warrant card at a traffic warden.
(212) Note: Failure without reasonable excuse to comply with these requirements is a criminal offence.
(213) Using a vehicle in contravention of the relevant statutory provisions constitutes a criminal offence.
(214) For the driving offence and the assault charge Penn was thrown in the pen for two months.
(215) Turner was arrested after the first offence but released on bail and then carried out the second offence.
(216) From next month, it will be a criminal offence to give false or misleading descriptions of property for sale.
(217) I quite understand that this implication has caused offence or distress to some people, for which I apologise.
(218) Contravention of one of these orders is a criminal offence of the same type as those in the Trade Descriptions Act.
(219) He made a complaint that the record of his interview in relation to that offence contained fabricated admissions.
(220) This could take the form of compensating the victim of the offence or doing something else to assist the victim.
(221) At Mansfield a 20 year-old miner went to prison even though unconvicted of any offence for alleged breach of bail conditions.
(222) When an alibi was produced, they said the offence took place in May 1992.
(223) The official reason was that the painting was obscene and constituted an offence against religion.
(224) Consequently there are no cases in our books which show what the appropriate determinate sentence is specifically for that offence.
(225) The offence should be regarded as rape and carry the equivalent penalty and anonymity.
(226) Black people have always known racial violence to be a criminal offence and Black people always reported incidents to the police.
(227) A failure to comply with the Order is an offence under the above Act.
(228) The offence under s.47 is relatively serious,(/offence.html) carrying a possible sentence of five years.
(229) Also receiving determinate prison sentences are those whose offence is reduced to manslaughter on a combined plea of provocation and diminished responsibility.
(230) Derby's Coleman was sent off late for his second bookable offence.
(231) Mr Macdonald had also been charged with a drink driving offence the previous evening.
(232) So long as the defendant does not communicate his intention, he commits no offence.
(233) One might well ask how important the element of criminal damage is to the rationale of the aggravated offence.
(234) He would then have reasonable cause to believe that an offence had been committed.
(235) Would Bonaventure return or take offence at not being fed by him and disappear for ever into the stinking alleyways?
(236) If there is an offence at all in such circumstances, it is probably under section 5 rather than section 4.
(237) Thus where the advertisement constitutes a criminal offence, it would seem pointless to complain to the Director General.
(238) They are men who will have committed an offence within the confines of their family and community.
(239) The offence would be committed by a single act of distribution, and the recipient may be a single person.
(240) The commission accepts that the basic offence might not lead to many convictions.
(241) Failure to comply with this requirement is also a criminal offence.
(242) Khasbulatov later appeared on television to apologize for having caused offence.
(243) He may still plead not guilty while admitting that he is the person concerned in the alleged offence.
(244) What causes offence is that he merely represents a shifting of values for the mass of young people.
(245) This does not mean that we shall shy away from tackling difficult subjects that may cause offence.
(246) Indecency is a much broader and more widely used category of offence.
(247) That is, they must convict him of the offence which they think he probably did not commit.
(248) The King's religious policies, strictly applied by Archbishop Laud, gave offence to the Puritan merchants and artisans.
(249) The question is: have they on those facts alone committed an offence?
(250) A person who organises a procession without complying with the notice requirements is guilty of a level three offence only.
(251) The indictment is the document which charges the defendant with the offence.
(252) The other type of offence involved in effect a preconceived and premeditated pitched battle, often accompanied by the use of weapons.
(253) No plea was taken from Mr. Bell in respect of the alleged offence of drunk and disorderly behaviour.
(254) Let us consider the problems that there may be in proving the more serious offence of criminal damage.
(255) Drugs include any intoxicant other than alcohol therefore even solvent abuse and driving may be covered by this offence.
(256) He later appeared on television to apologize for causing offence.
(257) Walking on a footpath has become a criminal offence, with fines of up to £5,000.
(258) Publication in contravention of this provision is an offence punishable on summary conviction with a fine not exceeding £1,000.
(259) If defendants decide to commit an offence, they must take the consequences.
(260) Development carried out in contravention of a stop notice constitutes an offence.
(261) The other is how to define their offence without blocking the flow of information from companies to investors.
(262) Breach of an ASBO is a criminal offence.
(263) This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence.
(264) The offence will make him the most popular man in all Florence.
(265) Such an offence shall be punished by detention in prison or at hard labour.
(266) This was a serious breach of trust quite apart from the gravity of any offence.
(267) Germany still has no insider-dealing offence in its statute books.




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