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单词 Dependence
1. The country has a growing dependence on foreign aid.
2. He was freed from financial dependence on his parents.
3. The company needs to reduce its dependence on just one particular product.
4. Their relationship is based on a strong mutual dependence.
5. The government wants to reduce industry's dependence on coal.
6. He is his mother's sole dependence.
7. Drug dependence led to her early death.
8. Our relationship was based on mutual dependence.
9. Many sufferers have been reclaimed from a dependence on alcohol.
10. Find a job and end your dependence on your parents.
11. Doctors keep trying to break her dependence of the drug.
12. The fish-feeders' dependence on it is obvious.
13. Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.
14. Diligence on the dependence takes two forms.
15. The clinic treats people affected by drug dependence.
16. We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
17. If anything a mutual dependence was growing.
18. Tacitus more astutely emphasized their dependence upon tillage farming.
19. But it also had the effect of increasing dependence.
20. Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.
21. Nature's Services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.
22. The literary implications of economic dependence must be observed.
23. Morphine and Valium, for example, regularly produce physical dependence.
24. This dependence is demonstrated in the subsidiary status of their churches, which were daughter churches to the minster.
25. The kind of dependence that marriage creates between adult spouses raises substantive questions of status and power.
26. For example, the total dependence on imported equipment in all the plants magnified the consequences of a broken sewing machine.
27. One of the distinguishing features of modern banking is its dependence on computers.
28. McKee suggests that it was important to them that they did not return to a pre-adult state of dependence upon their parents.
29. Unfortunately, our modern philosophy of art does not always recognise the dependence of art on this balance between tradition and change.
30. Short-term treatment is not associated with significant tolerance or physical dependence.
1. The country has a growing dependence on foreign aid.
2. He was freed from financial dependence on his parents.
3. The company needs to reduce its dependence on just one particular product.
4. Many sufferers have been reclaimed from a dependence on alcohol.
5. Doctors keep trying to break her dependence of the drug.
31. Dependence was imposed and the rest is history and green beans, cotton tee-shirts, patronage, and serfdom.
32. The greater its dependence on others, the less its ability to issue credible threats or to mobilise for sustained hostilities.
33. But other changes, especially economic ones, have tended to increase their dependence on their families.
34. The result for the middle-class child was an increased state of dependence, longer than that experienced by the previous generation.
35. Such integration did not, however, mean identity of interest. Mutual dependence also contained the seeds of conflict.
36. Physiological dependence on benzodiazepines can occur and is accompanied by a withdrawal syndrome.
37. The 830s offer two particularly clear examples of aristocratic dependence.
38. The argument for the pre-emption thesis proceeds from another, which I shall call the dependence thesis.
39. The U.S. needs to reduce its dependence on insecure foreign oil supplies.
40. The themes of dependence and danger are ubiquitous in Semai life and are intricately intertwined.
41. It is particularly susceptible to external control leading to dependence rather than internal growth.
42. The dependence thesis does not claim that authorities always act for dependent reasons, but merely that they should do so.
43. Three myths can be identified: the myth of unalterable dependence, the myth of independence, and the myth of hope.
44. Non-readers show a greater dependence on television for political information.
45. This brings dependence on those who fix the price on the international market.
46. Moreover, the growing dependence of local government on central grants that so concerned the Layfield Committee has been reversed.
47. We depend upon it completely ... and our dependence makes us so vulnerable to its dark side.
48. Accordingly, contractual obligations are not limited to agreements, but extend to cases of mutual reliance and financial dependence.
49. Whitelegg said that any less severe measures would fail to break the cycle of dependence on road transport and consequent congestion.
50. When two parties live in harmony, neither makes much fuss and mutual dependence may pass unobserved.
51. This gave both parties greater flexibility, while increasing their dependence on money.
52. Fromm connects the fear of abandonment with the frustration arising from a necessary dependence upon others.
53. In a way, it has to be put down to mutual dependence.
54. That final dependence may be experienced as distressing or peaceful, but it is not socially problematic.
55. These figures, which are not untypical, underline a school's dependence upon parental and non-state support.
56. Another consequence of the war and economic crisis has been an increasing dependence on external aid.
57. She admits her dependence on the other and remains in a state of receptive responsiveness to the desire of the other.
58. A modern statue of a shepherd carrying a ram on his shoulders symbolizes the place's dependence on the wool trade.
58. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
59. Presumably, this is a politically expedient decision; but how long can this car dependence be sustained?
60. Childebert's legislation is remarkable not only for its range, but also for its clear dependence on Roman Law.
61. Lydgate returns to Middlemarch, overjoyed now with what he once sought to avoid, a dependence upon Bulstrode.
62. The newborn child can suffer from physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms or even serious birth defects.
63. But this reopens the issue of national dependence on Uncle Sam.
64. The main priorities are: A comprehensive transportation study with a view to reducing the level of dependence on private cars.
65. But, as Townsend suggests, structured dependence is not only about macro-economic and social issues.
66. Dependence Tolerance and withdrawal are the classic signs of physical dependence on a drug.
67. Bertha displays a strange dependence on this maid, a Mrs Archer.
68. They accumulate the trust and dependence of lawmakers, who increasingly use lobbyists to do research on technical bills.
69. These demographic variables are experienced in addition to high levels of physical dependence, frailty and mental health problems.
70. Without detailing these problems and their solutions in a reduction in dependence on car use, one can make certain observations.
71. Logistical problems of corporations operating outside their home countries increase this dependence.
72. The hysterical woman was the middle-class woman of leisure deprived of productive labour and imprisoned in dependence on her family.
73. Greenpeace is deeply concerned that this development will lead to monopoly control over genetic resources and an even greater dependence on herbicides.
74. Other topics on which findings are ambiguous are the effects on leisure activity, crime, and degree of dependence on parents.
75. Having children could condemn a woman to a lifetime of economic dependence.
76. Dependency and conflict From a Marxist perspective, the relationship between the major social classes is one of mutual dependence and conflict.
77. What the officials of these states ignore is that the age of fetishism is over, and importing military hardware increases dependence.
78. For most of the women, paid work had been a route out of the family and domestic and financial dependence.
79. The meal, like a ritual communion, had confirmed the curious, unspoken, mutual dependence which bound them.
80. If he was exploited by landowners and the merchant and artisan classes, this did not result in total dependence on them.
81. Under the treaty, exceptions are granted to countries who have a traditional dependence on a particular species.
82. The consequences of this dependence were seen when the flow was cut off so abruptly after 1982.
83. The heavy dependence on foreign technical assistance has had many disadvantages.
84. In the first case, therefore, the woman has had to shift her economic dependence from her husband to the state.
85. Engineers could also reduce their dependence on strategically important metals by redesigning components.
86. That first post-natal subservience, bred of physical dependence, was too ingrained ever to be totally eradicated.
87. His father says that David accepts the sentence, and is getting treatment for his drug dependence.
88. Most people make the change from occasional social drinking to alcohol dependence gradually.
89. In political terms this failure forced heavy dependence on indirect revenue sources.
90. With long-term use dependence and withdrawal effects can become major disadvantages.
91. Where extreme physical dependence is present, every aspect of daily living has to be planned and managed.
92. Even if there is no dependence on human performance in the on-line operational mode it is bound to exist in the maintenance mode.
93. For its part, the royal government was fully conscious of its dependence upon the pomeshchiks.
94. Other poets, however, had the strength of mind to escape dependence.
95. Every facet of the signal can be studied at leisure, including amplitude, frequency, phase and detailed time dependence.
96. In no real sense does such direct dependence or influence exist.
97. Can energy efficiency and a greater dependence on natural gas cut carbon emissions sufficiently on their own?
98. But it was a remarkable demonstration of allied unity and mutual dependence.
99. The infant can not continue its own existence without dependence on others.
100. Tranquilliser Dependence Many local drug treatment centres provide services to meet the particular needs of people dependent on drugs such as tranquillisers.
101. The marginal dependence of d can also be seen as a virtue once it is fully understood.
102. Feelings of dependence and loss of control were a persistent theme in the new managers' discussions throughout the first year.
103. This example clearly illustrates the theory dependence and hence fallibility of observation statements.
104. The opposition coalition criticized the tax-free zones as exploiting women textile workers and as creating dependence on foreign countries.
105. The systematic study of this dependence has recently been made feasible by the development of the theory of sequential games.
106. The therapist regarded this behaviour as resulting from Janet's dependence on her and fear of losing her support.
107. The imposition of the retirement condition constituted a novel form of institutionalized dependence.
108. This source is internalized in the sense that dependence on it for guidance in life is implanted early.
109. Codeine, which occurs with morphine in opium, relieves pain, but more feebly, and rarely causes dependence.
110. Similarly, professional groups possessing key skills can often rely on employers' dependence upon them.
111. This increased temperature dependence can not be explained merely by additional carbon conduction, as graphite conduction is nearly independent of temperature.
112. The method has been used to study the frequency and temperature dependence of viscoelastic moduli for many years.
113. An obvious route to reducing dependence on outside sources is to become more self-sufficient.
114. Ultimately the individual attempts to attain maturity or mature dependence on other objects in the environment.
115. Neither high levels of endemic unemployment, nor its corollary, mass dependence on benefits was envisaged.
116. The clinical symptoms of magnesium excess or deficiency can be demonstrated to relate to this dependence.
117. Thus, humans' heavy dependence on present sources of electric power has many undesirable aspects.
118. And the woman, because of her great dependence,[http:///dependence.html] is usually the loser.
119. The Reagan New Federalism also signalled an increased dependence of urban areas on state government.
120. Most people dread dependence and have no understanding of the very limited extent of total dependence in old age.
121. In contrast, there are the old crystallized forms of dependence on the State and the productive system.
122. Democrat policy on energy includes plans for the development of alternative energy sources and a reduction in dependence on imported oil.
123. The country's dependence on motor vehicles appears to be the main cause.
124. The allocation of land to men means that women's dependence upon husbands is exacerbated despite an increase in material well-being.
125. Treatment was aimed to reduce Maria's dependence on the bottle by providing it only at bedtime and in the morning.
126. There is a lot of leadership that comes out of fear, dependence, and guilt.
127. There is much cooperation, co-existence and mutual dependence - but there is also dynamic and ruthless competition.
128. Studies of twins and of alcohol-dependent patients point to an inherited vulnerability to alcohol dependence, too.
129. As the proportion of central support began to fall dramatically, local authority dependence on it became clearer.
130. The dependence and the normal justification theses are mutually reinforcing.
131. Dependence on charity is just as debilitating as dependence on the state, if not more so.
132. The mutual dependence of profitability and growth, as we will see, makes the assessment of management motivation particularly problematical.
133. But still the principle of dependence on organic evolution proves the most satisfactory.
134. The higher figures came for such easy-to-call labels as bulimia and alcohol and drug dependence.
135. Though originally encouraged to reduce their dependence on civil servants(), the soldiers could not govern alone.
136. There was excessive dependence on foreign borrowings and the banks were poorly supervised.
137. Rather than helping their children become more in-dependent, parents become overly involved and promote further dependence.
138. This dependence on the state was well appreciated by Reith.
139. The Pre-emptive Thesis From the dependence and normal justification theses it is but a short step to the pre-emption thesis.
140. This dependence upon parental support, though necessary if schools are to survive, is socially divisive.
141. The white working class had been weakened by their dependence on these leaders.
142. The dependence of the Reich Chancellor on coalition support sharply restricted his prerogatives.
143. This confirms that both countries feel troubled by their heavy dependence on oil.
144. There was the justified belief in external manipulation - and yet there was dependence on those same manipulators.
145. This was a logical outcome of her avowed poverty and dependence on providence for all things.
146. Clinical trials have shown nicotine replacement therapy is the only treatment which can effectively treat tobacco dependence.
147. Perhaps such physical dependence is not unwelcome, recalling memories of childhood which are tender and warm.
148. Hence dependence, not interdependence,[] characterizes the relationship of the South to the North.
149. These two themes - danger and dependence - are inextricably interwoven in individual cognitive and affective orientations.
150. Their mutual dependence was destroying Luke as much as her.
151. The relationship between general practitioners and district health authorities needs to be explicitly recognised as one of mutual dependence rather than competition.
152. The weight of import dependence on Middle East oil supply has shifted from west to east.
153. To what extent does its dependence on charitable donations make it an involuntary party in the game of denial?
154. He also believed that scientists' excessive dependence on instruments increases our alienation from nature.
155. The business dimension of family is essentially about cooperation between adults and between generations in dealing with the dynamics of: dependence.
156. The dependence upon oil during peak seasons, when coal use is impeded by the derating problem is quite significant, however.
157. Dependence on alcohol can have a serious effect on your relationships and career.
158. You can get treatment for drug dependence, mostly as an outpatient.
159. The notion of complete dependence upon a Higher Power is the major impact of step three.
160. his dependence on his parents.
161. We cannot forget our dependence on our fellow men.
162. But dependence is not an easy relationship.
163. That country disengaged from military dependence on its neighbor.
164. This dependence takes many forms, some of which are visibly economic.
165. The mechanical property of polymer depends on the factors such as temperature, hold time of stress, speed to load and condition , one of the most important is the dependence of temperature and time .
166. Prison hotel: this was military prison in Austria-Hungary and Jugoslavia until the in dependence of Slovenia in 1991. Now it renames Cerica, means Prison.
167. And if the velocity, if the speed is way larger than the critical speed, you are in regime two and then you have a dependence r with the square root of r.
168. Melanie turned childlike eyes of gratitude and dependence upon him.
169. French doctors tend to regard drug dependence as a form of deep-rooted psychological disorder.
170. Insertion Loss, Polarization Dependence Loss, Return Loss and Wavelength Dependence Loss are primary parameters of MEMS optical switch.
171. Nutrition that involves dependence upon performed organic molecules is called heterotrophic nutrition.
172. The height of macro tax burden is not only the dependence of specific tax policies made by the government but also the overall expression of carryout of the tax policies.
173. Both the inertance and capacitance effects are time - dependence.
174. Conclusion NO may play a role in rats tolerance and dependence to the anticonvulsant action of flurazepam.
175. He lived in a state of dependence on his friend's help.
176. We shall take a closer look at the concept of functional dependence.
177. The president called foreign aid a handout that fosters dependence on wealthy nations.
178. Do you look forward to old age, or do you dread frailty,[] loss of memory and dependence on others?
179. The dependence of exports on national income is more complex.
180. The interval OC is known as the domain of dependence.
181. Repeatedly using alkohol, or certain other drugs, produces physical dependence.
182. Marianne's eagerness to be gone declared her dependence on finding him there.




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