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单词 Genus
1 The daffodil belongs to the genus narcissus.
2 The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus.
3 This genus of plants differentiate into many species.
4 That genus of plants differentiates into three species.
5 This genus of plants differentiates into many species.
6 The genus Luronium is rarely cultivated.
7 Science is a genus with many species and varieties.
8 Anomalous ammonites: the Cretaceous genus Nipponites.
9 These are mainly large species of the genus Echinodorus.
10 The genus contains only a single species.
11 We nonetheless welcome this particular representative of the genus.
12 In nature plants of this genus are propagated mainly from the seeds.
13 The genus as a whole shares its virtuous qualities with few others in the marine aquarium hobby.
14 Fishes of the genus Dascyllus are usually found in large groups,[] often hovering around a coral head or steep coral face.
15 This species is one of a fairly large genus that survives today.
16 The genus Alternanthera with about 170 species contains only very few aquatics.
17 The members of the genus Amphiprion are known collectively as anemonefishes.
18 The true cats of the genus Felis have a different attachment of the larynx that robs them of this ability.
19 These may be included in the same genus - Tyrannosaurus - but will be given a different specific name.
20 The genus Barclaya is very seldom seen in association with Cryptocoryne species.
21 The genus Cryptocoryne has been revised recently by the senior author.
22 Cultivation: It can be planted as with most others of its genus in a good rich mixture.
23 They may form a continuous series with the oral papillae as in the genus Ophiopristis.
24 This name covers a group of Aponogeton plants forming the great majority of aquarium representatives of this genus.
25 Therefore many local forms have evolved, giving rise to the predominance of endemic species within the genus Cryptocoryne.
26 It would be perfectly reasonable to keep them all in the same genus.
27 Species: In the Latinized name for a plant, the genus comes first, then the species, a subdivision.
28 Based on their high sequence similarity, it is reasonable also to place parthenogenesis bacteria within this genus.
29 The substrate may be richer than usual for the genus because this plant grows out of the water.
30 Several specialists questioned whether there is enough fossil evidence yet to support a claim for a new genus.
1 The daffodil belongs to the genus narcissus.
2 The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus.
3 This genus of plants differentiate into many species.
4 This genus of plants differentiates into many species.
31 The paper concludes with some speculations about the history of the species which inevitably raises questions about relationships within the genus Nucella.
32 There is only one living genus of horsetails - Equisetum - although its many species are very widespread.
33 Successful aquarists often cultivate this species on decorative roots together with fish of the genus Aphyosemion.
34 In the genus Echinodorus there are distinct groups of self-fertile and self-sterile species differing in the leaf petioles.
35 Miscellaneous Fishes Batfishes of the genus Platax are among the most handsome and majestic of marine imports.
36 Most of the mushroom-like leather corals belong to this genus,[http:///genus.html] as do some encrusting species.
37 The genus was sufficiently unlike other bacteria to arouse curiosity.
38 My mind was quick and clear, yet all physical movement fell into a lingering genus of departure.
39 The firm glossy green water mosses with ovate to lanceolate leaves belong to the genus Fontinalis.
40 The jaw is typical of the genus with multiple spine-like apical papillae and oral papillae along its edge.
41 This genus is the major cause of parasitic gastritis in ruminants in temperate areas of the world.
42 A revision of genus Dipsacus in China.
43 A taxonomic study on the genus Boschniakia (Orobanchaceae).
44 New taxa of genus Fritillaria L. from China(cont. ).
45 A study on the genus Gentiana of China II.
46 New taxa of the genus Rosa from Guizhou.
47 New discoveries of the genus Hippophae L. (Elaeagnaceae).
48 A preliminary study of the genus Chloranthus in Anhui.
49 Cordaites is the chief and typical genus.
50 New taxa of the genus Bauhinia L.
51 Pharmaceutical plants of genus Ardisia in eastern China.
52 A study on the genus Chrysosplenium L. from China.
53 The genus Veronica (Scrophulariaceae) in China.
54 Studies on the genus Ligustrum (Oleaceae) of East Asia.
55 Describe the excretory system of the genus Nereis briefly.
56 Karyotype analysis of 5 species of genus Astragalus.
57 Hymenoptera Braconidae Braoninae new genus new species China.
58 A scallop of the genus Pecten.
59 Tricostularia (Cyperaceae), a newly recorded genus from China.
60 A genus is superior to a species.
61 Any plant of the genus Centaurea .
62 A study on the genus Berberis L.
63 Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus.
64 New taxa of the genus Coniogramme Fee from China.
65 A new species of the genus Pyrola from Xinjiang.
66 New taxa of the genus Aspidistra.
67 A taxonomic discussion on genus Carex L. sect. Boernera.
68 Paleozoic plants; Cordaites is the chief and typical genus.
69 New taxa of the genus Vaccinium.
70 On the genus Corydalis in Zhejiang and nearby areas.
71 The study of genus Macropanax Miq. (Araliaceae).
72 Notes on the genus Potentilla in Gansu.
73 New taxa of the genus Valeriana (Valerianaceae).
74 Nouelia Franchet is a monotype genus of Compositae.
75 Some additions and corrections to the fern genus Phanerophlebiopsis.
76 New taxa of the genus Ligustrum (Oleaceae).
77 The floristic analysis of genus Caragana.
78 A study on the genus Gentiana of China.
79 New taxa of the genus Carex from Hubei.
80 Wood anatomy of four species in the genus Magnolia.
81 A shrub of the genus Pyracantha; the fire thorn.
82 Paramanglietia,[] a new genus of Magnoliaceae.
83 A new variety of the genus Alnus from Hunan.
84 A new species of the genus Musa from Sichuan.
85 Any of several herbs of the genus Centaurium, especially a Eurasian species(C. erythraea) that has clusters of pink flowers and has long been used in herbal medicine.
86 The large cosmopolitan genus Senecio, a perennial medicinal herb of the family compositae, has been utilized as a anthmicrobial agent.
87 A study on the genus Rhododendron subsection Fortunea in China.
88 Any of various plants of the genus Syringa having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers.
89 The vegetation on Cangshan, Yunnan and the distribution of genus Rhododendron.
90 New distribution of three species of genus Malus in Sichuan Province.
91 Any of several large, edible flatfishes of the genus Hippoglossus and related genera, of northern Atlantic or Pacific waters.
92 About 450 species of this genus and 300 of Lithocarpus in the temperate zone, the subtropical zone and the tropics. Small quantities imported from Sabah, Sarawak and Indonesia.
93 Any of several wild goats of the genus Capra, especially C. ibex, native to mountainous regions of Eurasia and northern Africa and having long, ridged, backward-curving horns.
94 Any of several herbs of the genus Abronia, of western North America, having fragrant, usually red, yellow, or white flowers that are grouped in long-stalked heads.
95 North American cat of the Miocene and Pliocene; much earlier and less specialized than members of the genus Smiledon.
96 This articles reported the characteristics of these 10 kinds of sonagraph of Garrulex formosus and compared with calls of some other species in the genus Garrulex.
96 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
97 Any of various tropical American trees of the genus Lecythis, having a large, woody, urn-shaped pod that dehisces by a lid.
98 In this paper, the origin and evolution of genus Camellia was discussed by cytogeographical method.
99 The larva of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other products and are often for bird feed .
100 The results showed that there are few plants species in the Leucaena leucocephala community. Its family and genus are scattered composition.
101 Species classification and identification in this genus has been based mostly on conidial morphology.
102 In this paper, it is indicated that Nei Monggol area is the distributional center of the genus Pulsatilla in China.
103 This paper reports the chromosome number and karyotypes of 10 species of the genus Lactuca and its allied genera, of which 6 are reported for the first time.
104 The existing problems were discussed, and the suggestion on the taxonomy of the genus Oryza was given.
105 Asiatic black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus.
106 New taxa of the genus Podocarpium and a new name of Desmodium.
107 This thesis also reviewed advances of the chemical and pharmacological studies of the genus Ferula and the genus Zygophyllum.
108 The genus Sonchus is composed of 8 species in China.
109 Females of the genus Falco are larger and Bolder than males and are preferred for falconry.
110 The distributions of rare actinomycetes in different mangrove in this research showed that Micromonospora and Actinoplanes were of predominant genus.
111 But new species also turn up in less exotic places—a slender salamander 30 miles from Los Angeles, or a new genus of tree that grows up to 130 feet tall two hours from Sydney(), Australia.
112 A large extinct European deer of the genus Megaceros of the Pliocene Epoch and the Pleistocene Epoch, having very large palmate antlers.
113 The pathogen of this disease is belong to Reoviridae Fiji genus.
114 Teratological variations of stamen in Lawiella chinensis Chao in relation to the taxonomic position of the genus.
115 Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona, especially A. reticulata, having large, nearly heart-shaped edible fruits with white to yellowish flesh.
116 The Hengduan Mountains is regarded as centers of origin , differentiation and endemism of the genus. W, NW and NE parts of Yunnan may be closely related to or part of the center of differentiation.
117 It is assumed that the geographic distribution of Henipaviruses overlap with that of Pteropus genus.
118 It inhabits a larger area than the megascolecid genus Pheretinca.
119 The ecological distribution of genus Glycyrrhiza and its utilization in Xinjiang.
120 Some characters indicate that the pollen aperture of genus Osmanthus is on the transitional stage from simple to compound apertures in Oleaceae.
121 Any of various ferns of the genus Adiantum, having purplish to black stalks, usually feathery fronds, and delicate fan-shaped leaflets with marginal sori.
122 Any of several large marine game fishes of the genus Seriola, having a yellow or yellowish tail, such as S. dorsalis, of coastal waters of southern California and Mexico.
123 Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Leonurus, especially L. cardiaca, a weed having clusters of small purple or pink flowers and spine-tipped calyx lobes.
124 Any of various perennial plants of the genus Uvularia in the lily family, native to eastern North America and having solitary, nodding, yellow bell-shaped flowers.
125 Any of several short-tailed monkeys of the genus Macaca of southeast Asia, Japan, Gibraltar , and northern Africa.
126 Any shrub or small tree of the genus Rauwolfia having leaves in whorls and cymose flowers; yield substances used medicinally especially as emetics or purgatives.
127 There are 7 genus, 42 species and 9 varieties of woody plant Saxifragaceae in Gansu province,[sentence dictionary] most of which distribute in natural forest area and a few species are cultivated.
128 Any of several spiny shrubs of the genus Ulex, especially U. europaeus, native to Europe and having fragrant yellow flowers and black pods.
129 The results are as follows:the pollen morphology is characteristic of Spiraea L. in support of the genus and each class of the under genus for classic Taxonomic.
130 RVF virus is a member of the Phlebovirus genus, one of the five genera in the family Bunyaviridae.
131 The studies on evolution and geographical distribution of the genus Hordeum in China.
132 A taxonomic study of the genus Salix L. in Guangxi and it adjacent region.
133 Any of various plants of the genus Coreopsis in the composite family, especially the North American species, having showy radiate flower heads with yellow or, rarely, purplish flowers.
134 Conclusion:This is the first report of the isolation of 1-5 from Spiraea genus, and 6 from this plant.
135 Pollen grains of 20 species of 5 subgenera in the genus Rhododendron L. were observed by scanning electron microscope(SEM). Most of them(16 species)were examined for the first time.
136 This paper reports the effect of drought on growth, physiological and phytochemical of 6 species of genus Malus seedlings.
137 Recent model-based estimates assume a single transition to a new ploidal level within a genus and provide a lower bound of the polyploidy speciation rate: 2 to 4% in flowering plants and 7% in ferns.
139 The genus Lespedeza (Leguminosae) has about 60 species distributing from east Asia to northeast of Australia and in north America.
140 Any of various chiefly tropical trees of the genus Diospyros, having hard wood and orange-red fruit that is edible only when completely ripe.
141 The study of botany of the genus Aquilegia in Nei Mongol.
142 CONCLUSION Except compound 5 and 6, the others from Picrorhiza genus were obtained for the first time.
143 By comparing manyembryological characters, Saururus is considered as the most original genus, Houttuynia the most derived in Saururaceae, Gymnotheca and Anemopsis on the middle evolutionary level.
144 Background: Ureaplasma urealyticum is a member of genus Ureaplasma , family Mycoplasmataceae, order Mycoplasmatales, class Mollicutes.
145 Karyotype studies of 3 species of genus Iris in China.
146 Aspidistra is a genus mainly found in eastern Asia, with its distribution and differentiation center in Guangxi of China.
147 CONCLUSION Compound 1-5 were all isolated from the genus Pterocarya for the first time, 1 and 5 were reported as the antitumor constituents of this plant Dode. for the first time.
148 Brazilian palm of genus Euterpe whose leaf buds are eaten like cabbage when young.
149 A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers asgarnish.
150 Any of various shrubs or trees of the genus Viburnum, having opposite leaves, showy terminal clusters of small white or pink flowers, and red or black drupes.
151 Any of several plants of the genus Trollius having palmately lobed leaves, solitary, usually yellow flowers, and many follicles.
152 ITS pseudogene has been detected in the genus of Quercus L . and misled the phylogenetic reconstruction , which made this genus frequently focused in the related studies .
153 Any of numerous often hairy plants of the genus Hieracium, having yellow or orange dandelionlike flower heads.
154 Citellophilus tesquorum is now recognized as the main fleas on the animal of genus Citellus and has proved to be chief vectors in the natural foci of plague with Citellus as reservoir.
155 On the basis of their morphological observation and physiological and biochemical tests, the five strains of ammonia-oxidizers were classified as the genus of Nitrosomonas.
156 Artiodactyla Camelidae non - humped camel ( alpaca ) 1 species of the genus.
156 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
157 A new combination of the genus Gymnosphaera (Cyatheaceae) in China.
158 Russula is a kind of important ecotomycorrhi zal fungi. Many species of this genus have edible and pharmaceutical value.
159 Any of several flat-jointed tropical American cacti of the genus Opuntia, which includes the prickly pears , especially O. tuna of Jamaica, having yellow flowers and edible red fruit.
160 Galapagos land iguanas belong to the genus Conolophus, of which there are currently three recognised species.
161 Any of various evergreen plants of the genus Yucca, native to the warmer regions of North America, having often tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers.
162 A reclassification of the genus Clematoclethra (Actinidiaceae) and further note on the methodology of plant taxonomy.
163 A genus of ruminants. including the red deer and other allied species.
164 Any of the Brown algae that make up the genus Sargassum.
165 The genus Trichogramma(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidea), as an important agent of biological control, includes more than 180 species in the world.
166 The name is sometimes restricted to the more than 35 species of true falcons, genus Falco.
167 CONCLUSION Compound ~ are isolated from Clematis genus for the first time.
168 There's a very distinct group of them and they're a very distinct size which is typical of this genus, Nephila, " Professor Selden explained.
169 The genus Aconitum L. , containing plenty of species, is one of the very important medicinal plants in China.
170 Studies on the pollen morphology and seed coat of the genus Cistanche (Orobanchaceae) in China.
171 Creatures that have feathered wings are classed as a genus under the name of 'bird'; the other two genera, the leathern-winged and membrane-winged, are as yet without a generic title.
172 Any of various shrubs of the genus Syringa, especially S. vulgaris, widely cultivated for its clusters of fragrant purplish or white flowers.
173 The article has summarized the chemical constituents and biological activities of the genus sophora.
174 The 4 tree species in genus Larix introduced into the Loess Hilly Region in northwest China grew normally though the growth rate was small because of water deficiency.
175 A taxonomical study on plants of genus Panax in Sichuan.
176 Any of several principally arboreal carnivorous mammals of the genus Martes, related to the weasel, mainly inhabiting northern forests, and having a slender body, bushy tail, and soft fur.
177 Wood anatomy of the new genus Manglietiastrum Law of Magnoliaceae from China in relation to allied genera.
178 Any of various New World plants of the genus Tropaeolum, having pungent juice and long-spurred, usually yellow, orange, or red irregular flowers.
179 Analysis of respective chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 20 varieties of genus Nelumbo.
180 Any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex; holly.
181 New supplement and eco-geographic distribution of the genus Oryzopsis in China.
182 The Indo-Chinese Peninsula and Malaysia may be considered as two modern centers of diversity of this genus .
183 Its genus name, hydrolagus, means “rabbit teeth” “water rabbit” after the chimaera’s crab- and clam-munching dental work.
184 About 10 % ~20 % of erucic acid is contained in the seeds of all species of genus Acer.
185 Frankincense is fragrant gum resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia (family Burseraceae), particularly several varieties found in Somalia , Yemen, and Oman.
186 The dominant bacteria in the oxidization zone of gold ore bodies are mainly the Bacillus cereus of the genus Bacillus.
187 Any of several shrubs of the genus Forsythia,[] native to Asia and widely cultivated for their early-blooming yellow flowers.
188 A single - celled microorganism, especially a flagellate protozoan of the genus Monas.
189 Sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus '.
190 Any of numerous tall trees of the genus Eucalyptus, native to Australia and having aromatic leaves that yield an oil used medicinally and wood valued as timber.
191 Compound I was found as a novel compound. Both Compound I, III and IV were firstly found in the genus of Lespedeza.
192 Classification and distribution of the genus Galium L. in Inner Mongolia.
193 Any of various fierce, mostly tropical marine fishes of the genus Sphyraena that resemble pike, have a projecting lower jaw with fanglike teeth , and include some edible species.
194 This paper studies the maximum genus of a graph $G $ only in term of some embedding of $G $ in an orientable surface, not of its other invariants, and gives the maximum genus of this kind of graphs.
195 Any of several tropical American palm trees of the genus Roystonea having a tall, naked trunk surmounted by a large tuft of pinnately compound leaves.
196 Any of a genus (Simulium) of black flies, several species of which transmit the parasitic filarial worms that cause onchocerciasis.
197 Most species of harrier are included in the genus Circus.
198 The streptomces genus accounted 99% of the actinomycetes in the soil of the North-china defoliate pinewood and the dominant group was Roseosporus.
199 Any of the cyanobacteria that make up the genus Nostoc.
200 Hawaiian tree of genus Pipturus having a bark ( tapa ) from which tapa cloth is made.
201 North American perennial herb; leaves are used medicinally; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
202 Any of various plants of the genus Thalictrum, having compound leaves and clusters of small white, yellowish, or purplish apetalous flowers.
203 The subdivisions of genus Camellia with a discussion on their phylogenetic relationship.
204 Four new species of the genus Begonia L . ( Begoniaceae ) from Guangxi, China are described and illustrated.
205 Tetrathyrium is a monotypic genus endemic to China and is thus of great scientific importance. This species was first discovered in Hong Kong Island between 1857 and 1858.
206 Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger.
207 A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered shell in a .
208 Viola L. (Violaceae) is a genus of 525?600 species mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and the Andes in South America.
209 The databases can provide convenience for sufficient description, development, application and protecting rationally filbert genus germplasm resources.
210 Any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Cupressus, native to Eurasia and North America and having opposite, scalelike leaves and globose, woody cones.
211 Studies on leaf epidermal features of the genus Salix L.
212 With the availability of polyphasic taxonomical method, functions of chemical and molecular taxonomy have become increasingly important in the taxonomy of Bacillus genus.
213 Human bocaviruses (HBoVs) are small, non-enveloped, single-stranded DNA viruses, which have been provisionally classified in the family Parvoviridae, subfamily Parvovirinae, genus Bocavirus.
214 A new species of the genus Cycas Linn . ( Cycadaceae ) Cycas shanyagensis G . A.
215 A conspectus and phytogeography of the genus Carex subgen. Vignea (P. Beauv. ) Kirsch. in China.
216 Any of various plants of the genus Veratrum having large leaves and green flowers.
217 The study on classification and distribution of genus spiraea in Hebei province was carried out when the author compiled "Spiraea" in " Flora sh-rud Hebei" .
218 The genus Salvelinus has diversity and classification is very difficulty in the genus.
219 The dynamics of accumulatively appeared family, genus, and species in the vegetation succession process were well described by logarithmic function.
220 Equisetum ramosissimum is species of Equisetum genus of Equisetaceae, widely distributed all over of China.
221 Crossing experiment of 62 combinations within and between genus of Magnoliaceae were made in the Kunming Botanical Garden based on the conventional methods of crossbreeding.
222 Spore morphology of 44 species of the genus Athyrium from China was examined by SEM.
223 Any of several monkeys of the genus Alouatta of tropical America, having a long, prehensile tail and an extremely loud, howling call.
224 This article can provide scientific basis for studying and protecting of medicinal plant resources of Lindera genus in Henan province.
225 The natural host of the virus are fruit bats of the Pteropodidae Family, Pteropus genus.
226 Corydalis:any of various herbs of the genus Corydalis native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having finely divided leaves and spurred, often yellow or pinkish flowers.
227 Any of several small new World freshwater fishes of the genus Fundulus, related to the killifishes.
228 Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) is a disaster agent to aquatic animals, which belongs to genus Aquareovirus, family Reoviridae.
229 This papereports 2 genera, namely genus Culicoides and genus Lasiohelea, and 47 species sucking-blood midges in Liaoning province in China. Thereinto Genus Culicoides includes 7 subgenera .
230 Any of several dark-gray aquatic birds of the genus Fulica of North America and Europe, having a black head and neck, lobed toes, and a white bill.
231 Lucy, also found in Africa, thrived a million years after Ardi and was of the more human-like genus Australopithecus.
232 Any of several North American plants of the genus Grindelia, especially G. squarrosa, having sticky leaves and bracts and yellow, rayed flower heads.
233 By comparing with other cytological data of Campanulaceae , this species is probably tetraploid and the genus Homocodon maybe close to Campanula and Adenophora in phylogeny .
234 Any of about 40 species of evergreen ornamental and timber trees that make up the genus Picea (pine family), native to temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
235 A preliminary research on the numerical classification of the genus Panax from China.
236 The mites belong to the family Demodicidae, genus Demodex by taxonomic characteristics, but they are different from other species described before Further study would be needed.
237 The results may be used as a reference to the proper use of this medicine, the exploitation and use of the resources, and classification of the plants of the genus Panax.
238 Variola virus belongs to the genus of orthopoxvirus, and there are some other infectious members, such as Vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, and monkeypox virus.
239 European cress having stiff erect stems ; sometimes placed in genus Turritis.
240 ResultsThe phylogenesis in a genus based on ITS was reliable.
242 Any of various Australian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Casuarina, having jointed stems, scalelike whorled leaves, and small fruits grouped in woody, conelike structures.
243 Classical swine fever (CSF) is an important disease in pigs caused by the CSF virus (CSFV), which belongs to the genus Pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae.
244 CONCLUSION This compound is firstly obtained from the genus Lonicera.
245 A preliminary study on the taxonomy of the genus Echinochloa Beauv. in China.
246 Jining Red Naliford is an old kind of wild red naliford, belonging to the water lily family of the genus of lotus.
247 The species of Genus Taxus are more geographically than morphologically separable.
248 Provided valuable chemical information for Lindera and offered reference for estimating medical effect of the genus in an all-round way.
249 Furthermore, we focused on the genus Pterygiella to explore the species' circumscription by molecular phylogeny, DNA barcodes and morphological studies.
250 Two new species of the genus Criotettix Bolivar from Guangxi ( Tetrigoidea: Scelimenidae ).
251 Any of several New World plants of the genus Gaillardia in the composite family, having red or yellow florets grouped into large solitary flower heads.
252 Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Malus, native to North America and Eurasia and having clusters of white, pink, or reddish flowers.
253 Any of various plants of the genus Plumbago; leadwort .
254 Any of several trumpet-shaped, ciliate protozoans of the genus Stentor, living in dark freshwater pools and feeding chiefly on smaller microorganisms.
255 Any of several perennial herbs of the genus Actaea, native to northern temperate regions, having terminal clusters of red, white, or blackish berries.
256 Chiefly British A hawk of the genus Buteo, having broad wings and a broad tail.
257 Medicine and pharmacology have been proved that polysaccharides of the fungus in genus. Aphyllophorales are used as biological response modifiers. They also play a great role in restraining tumor.
258 Objective : To review the chemical studies progress of genus Dryopteris.
259 The Karyotype analysis of Aegilops with special reference to the relationship between the genus and Triticum.
260 Any of numerous chiefly North American plants of the genus Solidago, having clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall.
262 Karyotype analysis of 3 species of genus Podocarpium and chromosome numbers of 2 species of genus Desmodium.
263 Materials for the study on the genus Picea Dietr. in Northeast China.
264 Any of various large ants of the genus Camponotus that nest in and are destructive to wood.
265 On the origin and distribution of the genus Salix in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.
266 The Aceraceae is closely related The Acer L. is advanced genus in Aceraceae.
267 Any of several small insects of the genus Phylloxera that are related to aphids, especially P. vitifoliae, a widely distributed species very destructive to grape crops.
268 The paper not only presents the status of the Genus Paris L. resources and its distribution characteristics in Yunnan, but also gives feasible measures for protection.
269 Any of various rod-shaped, spore-forming, aerobic bacteria of the genus Bacillus that often occur in chains and include Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax.
270 A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish.
271 Nine new species of the genus Begonia are described from Yunnan, China.
272 A species of genus Lycodon (Colubridae Family) was collected from Shangcheng County, Henan Province, on May, 2004, which was identified as Lycodon ruhstrati.
273 Any of various Eurasian herbs of the genus Eranthis, especially E. hyemalis, having palmately dissected leaves and a solitary yellow flower that blooms in winter or early spring.
274 Any of various American plants of the genus Agave, especially the century plant.
276 In addition,[http://] the chemical and pharmacological researches on the genus Panax were summarized.
277 A study on the pollen morphology of genus Illicium L.
278 The classification and distribution of the genus Spiraea L. in Nei Mongol.
279 In the present paper, the advances in ecology, evolutionary biology and taxonomy of the genus Plantago were reviewed.
280 Most peashurb plants of the genus of Caragana are good fodder legumes. The genus contains more than 50 species in china.
281 This paper studied the floristic characteristics of Tsuga dumosa community in Lancangjiang Nature Reserve respectively from the levels of species, genus and family rank.




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