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单词 Ivory
1. My shirt is more ivory colour than white.
2. The beads were carved from solid ivory.
3. They don't really, in their ivory towers, understand how pernicious drug crime is.
4. The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers.
5. Steps were taken to ban the trade in ivory.
6. Trade in ivory has been banned since 1990.
7. The export of ivory is now strictly controlled.
8. My grandmother has some jewelry made of ivory.
9. The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer.
10. He sports an ivory - handled cane these days.
11. He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece.
12. The EU is demanding an end to the ivory trade.
13. The ivory gull often follows polar bears to feed on the remains of seal kills.
14. There is no legal market for African ivory, which is good news for the elephants.
15. Elephants used to be hunted for the ivory from their tusks.
16. Academics sitting in ivory towers have no understanding of what is important for ordinary people.
17. Joseph Lewis, an ivory turner, suffered excruciating poverty.
18. Elephant ivory is banned in the U.S.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. There has been widespread corruption in the ivory trade.
20. The ivory toothbrush is 3/4 of an inch long.
21. Bone decor was used instead of ivory.
22. His skin smelled of Ivory soap.
23. "Two gates there are for dreams," said Penelope to Odysseus after his ten years' wandering had ended. "One made for horn and one of for ivory.
24. In the centre of the hall stood a colossal wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold.
25. Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.
26. The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory.
27. It's a very emotional issue. How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants?
28. We will campaign hard for an end to the ivory trade.
29. The top of the wooden chest was inlaid with ivory.
30. The rebels have opened the road from Monrovia to the Ivory Coast.
1. My shirt is more ivory colour than white.
2. The beads were carved from solid ivory.
3. They don't really, in their ivory towers, understand how pernicious drug crime is.
4. My grandmother has some jewelry made of ivory.
5. He sports an ivory - handled cane these days.
6. The ivory gull often follows polar bears to feed on the remains of seal kills.
31. The bride wore a veil made of ivory net.
32. I think you live in an ivory tower.
33. The looking-glass and candlesticks are made of ivory.
34. Trading in ivory had become an institution in this part of Africa.
35. Departmental barriers and ivory tower attitudes are detrimental to good results.
36. This can be the case with ivory, which is pretty nearly tooth material.
37. They passed through two gates, one of horn through which true dreams went, one of ivory for false dreams.
38. It shone with gold and gleamed with ivory and sparkled with jewels.
39. Since tusks continue to grow throughout an elephant's life, the amount of ivory carried by the herds will also increase.
40. Finally, the show ended with an ivory satin bustier covered in ivory lace, with an ivory duchesse satin full skirt.
41. Substitutes have been developed in the past but failed to absorb water to the extent that ivory does.
42. Carmine had a man who washed his pocket money in Ivory liquid to keep it germ-free.
43. A friend of his father said he could get Isaac a job making cooking pots in Ivory Coast.
44. But she had turned away from her high window and demanded he scale the ivory walls without her help.
45. At least five people died in clashes in Ivory Coast's main city, Abidjan.
46. One of the more unusual pieces is a late Ming amorous couple in ivory, around 4 inches long.
47. And as the elephant population falls, so the price of ivory rises.
48. An ivory quiver hung upon her left shoulder and in her hand was a bow.
49. This head once formed part of a small figurine carved from mammoth ivory.
50. But it is generally thought in the trade that the agreement has been abrogated by the Ivory Coast.
51. Out he went[/ivory.html], his blue and ivory feet crushing the wet salad of the lawn.
52. Fog had slipped through a crack into the ivory tower.
53. He slouched into the passenger seat of the ivory Ford sedan and shut the door hard.
54. Northern Whites Cream chenille sweaters, warm oatmeal jackets and ivory cocktail dresses guide the way into winter.
55. The bride wore a gown of ivory raw satin, with the bride and groom's initials embroidered on the train.
56. There was the big brass bed with its snowy white sheets, its marshmallow pillows and top-cover of fringed ivory lace.
57. In the Silver Vessels Sanctuary at Knossos there was an ivory of a griffin biting a bull's leg.
58. The dressing table set is made of ivory and there are bottles of hair wash and rose water.
59. Ivory was certainly carried as far north as York during Anglo-Saxon times.
60. The Centre supports the continuation of limited ivory trading, in defiance of an international ban.
61. The page wore an ivory silk shirt and trousers with a blue cummerbund.
62. A similarly close relation ship may be seen between ivory and some of the most important precious stones used in antiquity.
63. Notable among these are ivory, shells, rhinoceros horn, coral, amber and jet.
64. The mouth yawned open.Canines and incisors were long sharp fangs, the canines hollow like hypodermic syringes carved of ivory.
65. In civilized societies social considerations further intensified the value attached to ivory, as is the case of other materials.
66. Their gold band design on ivory, white, and black backgrounds is very well suited to living room areas.
67. Now to return to my dusty library at the top of the ivory tower.
68. It is the stuff of ivory towers and only clever boys and girls are expected to reflect upon its themes.
69. There is still an illegal but lucrative trade in ivory between Africa and South-East Asia.
70. I argued in Chapter 5 that the image of the ivory tower in no way describes the contemporary position of higher education.
71. They were long wheelbase four wheeled cars in a dark green and ivory livery.
72. A high regard for ivory has been part of the human heritage since the first appearance of modern man.
73. The tulip's inside petals are canary yellow on ivory white.
74. Because it was easier than a bra and panties she had donned an ivory(), gossamer-light teddy.
75. A tall boy in a shrunk-up ivory sweater strolled by, hands in his pockets, singing.
76. Thorunn shone in an ivory silk off-the-shoulder gown with full train and matching headband.
77. The craft of the ivory carvers has attracted more attention.
78. Ibanez Musician bass, thru-neck, pearl ivory, active, excellent condition, £195.
79. The city suits and ivory silk dinner jackets she gave to Franky.
80. Prices were sky high, with rhino horn worth four times as much as ivory, and still rising.
81. These nations are demanding an end to all trade in ivory.
82. Why did I not practice taxation or company law, for example, and live in an ivory tower?
83. The bald dome of a head emerged first, cast by the moonlight as dull ivory.
84. The form of the Minoan town house is known from several ivory and faience plaques depicting house elevations.
85. A delightful unguent jar from Mostagedda carved from ivory in the form of a hippopotamus argues that the animal attracted favourable attention.
86. Sucden and Phibro contracted this year to buy 500,000 tonnes of cocoa from the Ivory Coast, the world's biggest producer.
87. Zenobia wore a crown of thinly sliced shaped ivory leaves.
88. They have suffered wholesale slaughter for the sake of the ivory trade.
89. That, say friends of Gbagbo and independent analysts, shows the modesty of Ivory Coast's new president.
90. Ivory is an arcane substance with the properly of rendering flesh incorruptible.
91. Tourist souvenirs like furs, ivory, animal skins, coral necklaces and shells can devastate wildlife.
92. Dark-haired and dark-skinned, a pale blue dress and ivory sweater.
93. The long track wound behind me, past dark, high-gabled houses, the hard-packed snow winking in the ivory moonlight.
94. For example, the origin of ivory can be identified by its strontium isotopic composition, which reflects the diet of the elephant.
95. Ivory was used, like shell, to decorate wooden boxes and other pieces of furniture.
96. True ivory is one of the few substances to have been highly esteemed for symbolic purposes wherever it could be obtained.
97. You and your fellow physicists should look out from your ivory towers from time to time.
98. She in turn threw a hairbrush at him, her favorite hairbrush, ivory white, with an embossed back.
99. A small table stood nearby on which ivory chessmen stood poised in combat on an inlaid board.
100. Ivory continued to serve many of the same purposes in Christendom as it did in Classical antiquity.
101. Ivory Coast's government accused supporters of former prime minister Alassane Outtara of attempting a military coup.
102. Both countries are being bled dry by the poachers who supply the ivory trade.
103. Another example of an imported good with a widespread distribution is ivory, which normally occurs as rings.
104. Opt for ivory and pretty pastel shades and mix subtle patterns and textures together.
105. For example, ivory carvers and stone vase makers worked in premises along the Royal Road in Knossos.
106. She tucked her ivory satin shirt tighter into the waistband of her fawn moleskin trousers.
107. First its value was enhanced because, despite being an organic substance, ivory is remarkably durable.
108. The Ivory Coast is a fearful example of what can result from full scale exploitation.
108. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
109. For heaven's sake, you've been breathing the rarefied air of the ivory tower for as long as I can remember.
110. For real life, visit Moila, the island of the ivory tower.
111. Walrus tusks were essentially substitutes for ivory in territories remote from supplies of elephant tusks.
112. Drastic, unprepared liberalisation can lead to economic chaos, as in the Ivory Coast in 1988.
113. Last month Ivory Coast for the first time missed several key payments on foreign loans.
114. In 1989 he confessed at a show trial to trafficking in gold and ivory, and was shot.
115. Most of the seals were nevertheless made of bone, ivory, steatite, banded agate, or orange carnelian.
116. Generally, though, ivory seems to have been concentrated in and near the temples.
117. She wore an ivory silk blouse, frothing at neck and cuffs.
118. At his hip hung a massively heavy sabre with an ivory hilt.
119. The casket is in rosewood, brass and ivory marquetry.
120. a ban on the ivory trade.
121. They view colleges as an ivory tower.
122. What exquisite [ delicate ] ivory carvings these are!
123. She wore clinging ivory silk jersey.
124. But the walls of the ivory tower remain formidable.
125. May I see that ivory horse ?
126. Elsa McMahon wore clinging ivory silk jersey.
127. The panel had a veneer of gold and ivory.
128. He has a clear view from his ivory tower.
129. His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet.
130. Historically, snooker balls were made exclusively from heavy ivory.
131. It is carved from ivory.
132. academics living in ivory towers.
133. He lived in the ivory tower of speculation.
134. Your neck is like an ivory tower.
135. African elephant having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks.
136. The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculptor, is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size.
137. Mali is not a coast coastal country with ports like Ivory Coast and Gambia.
138. His lean body was engulfed in an ivory white afghan coat.
139. But some parts of the ivory tower have proved harder to occupy than others.
140. As legal importation became impossible and legitimate dealers abandoned the business, the price of ivory dropped by as much as ninety-six per cent.
141. In the upcoming completion of their studies will soon be taken the ivory tower and into the social occasion, I need to find a suitable development.
142. Benin , Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of Buruli ulcer disease.
143. Thy mouth is like a band of scarlet on a tower of ivory.
144. Anne Hathaway accessorized her ivory fishtail gown with silver pumps, diamond earrings, diamond bracelet and a diamond ring.
145. Living in an ivory tower, Sally had no understanding of politics.
146. The professor be shut up in the ivory tower all the time.
147. He also used touches of lead white and a little ivory black.
148. Ivory Coast rookie Salomon Kalou, 21, will partner Didier Drogba in attack instead of Shevchenko.
149. Living in an ivory tower, he had no understanding of politics.
150. The Monarch left Buckingham Palace in Queen Victoria's 1842 ivory carriage, seated next to Philip in his red tunic and bearskin hat.
151. Cargo unloaded in the port was spectacular in both volume and quality. Marble, papyrus, jewels, gold, spices, silk, ivory, fur and linen arrived by the shipload.
152. The research was Cameroon, Ivory Coast, South Africa and Zambia.
153. To him, the lab was the tower of ivory, in there, he can explore the theory science contently.
154. Her ivory tulle veil, fixed by a Cartier 1936 "halo" tiara lent to her by the queen, was modest.
155. Its counterpoint was a dramatic ivory smoking jacket with satin lapels , worn with long, full pants with permanent creases.
156. It is like a pomegranate cut in twain with a knife of ivory.
157. These pale gray and ivory "tufa towers," located in California's Mono Lake, may look like eerie art instillations, but they occur naturally and are made of limestone.
158. The early Inuit (Eskimos) produced such utilitarian objects as harpoon shafts and bucket handles out of ivory and often etched them with geometric or curving patterns. See also scrimshaw.
159. One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago?The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged.
160. Ivory Dickerson pleaded guilty in 2007 and possessing child pornography.
161. Success is the most desirable thing, and everyone wants it, especially for those students who just gradate from ivory tower.
162. Pale ivory taupe with lavender shimmer that show up when the light hits it.
163. To resume the ivory trade would sound the death knell for the African elephants.
164. For him, the lab is his tower of ivory, there he can explore the science theories satisfily.
165. The Tooth Fairy is a burglarizing fetishist specializing in black-market ivory trade, and she must be stopped.
166. But he is also a sculptor, he Shenmiao the skills of an ivory carving of the female image, so this is a beautiful statue, Pygmalion appreciate their own achievements, the last Jingzhi in love with it.
167. Ivory is a South American fruit tree Coconut palm in Ecuador.
168. Ivory Coast hitman Drogba has also hinted at leaving despite suggestions he could partner Shevchenko.
169. The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk,[Sentence dictionary] rose - tinged.
170. Benin , Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of ulcer disease.
171. A prizewinner at international expositions, Gatti specialized in decorative objects with elaborate, inlaid ivory ornament.
172. Here is a list of them: Ivory, Monkeys, peacocks, jewels, pink elephants, little blue dogs, gold insects, and the feathers of angels.
173. King Solomon also made a large ivory throne which he overlaid with fine gold.
174. If this is artificial or imitation ivory, it must be from a false tusk.
175. A nearly 3,700-year-old ivory cat statuette from Israel suggests the cat was a common sight around homes and villages in the Fertile Crescent before its introduction to Egypt.
176. Benin, Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of health officals current cases of Buruli ulcer disease.
177. He was as white as ivory, his lips were like the petals of a red flower, his eyes were like violets by a river of pure water, and his body was like a young tree in a green field.
178. College age still should is in tower of ivory, also be more Utopian to social understanding.
179. Pale green bottom color of skin, red tinges all over. Ivory white sarcocarp , gentle and juicy taste, sweat and a little sour. Comfortable smell. 12% concentration of soluble solids. Freestone.
180. Pearls in nature come in white, ivory, pink and black with an opalescent glow.
181. Tanned, gym - sculptured bodies, ivory colored sand and crying out for film all part the attraction.
182. The professor shut up in the ivory tower all the time.
183. An elaborate inlay of tortoiseshell, ivory , and metal, used especially in decorating furniture.
184. These kingdoms will hold all tones that are pale ivory to gold in vibration in the 144 note scale to augment a complete synthesis of vibrations of the Language of Light.
185. Zimbabwe, which says it sits on 34 tonnes of ivory - estimated to be worth billions of dollars - stockpiled in a heavily-guarded warehouse, pushed for a downgrading of the ban.
186. Enchase mother-of-pearl inlay, wood, stone, bone, bamboo, ivory, jade, enamel, glass and gold, silver-colored, metal is acted the role of etc.
187. Ivory remains a favorite among consumers, too , and no wonder.
188. African Union officials say Mr. Gbagbo told Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz that he is ready to give up power and recognize Mr. Ouattara as Ivory Coast's president.
189. Arsenal Football Club is delighted to announce that Ivory Coast international forward Gervinho has finalised his switch to the Gunners, joining the Club on a long-term contract for an undisclosed fee.
190. Xiao Yu is like a princess who lives in an ivory tower.
191. NIV Then the king made a great throne inlaid with ivory and overlaid with fine gold.
192. Owing to the promotion of the two academic revolutions, universities begin to get out of the "Ivory Tower" and enter into public life, and redetermine their roles in the direction of socialization.
193. A whole mob of men were jabbing at the ivory button, one after the other.
194. The patient presented with ivory white scars, telangiectasis, hyperpigmentation and ulcerations on the both lower legs.
195. Last year's legal ivory sale, authorised by CITES in 2007, remains controversial.
196. In March, Coke announced that it would jointly invest with USAID $7 million in water projects in Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana and Ivory Coast.
197. Later, ivory plant gradually replaced by plastic, because plastic lower production costs in addition to making some small souvenirs, plants ivory almost been forgotten, but now it slowly back.
198. A third-century Chinese text describing Western cultures included a list of treasures that might be extracted from the Roman Empire: ivory, gold, carnelian, pearls[Sentencedict], kingfisher feathers.
199. In fact, my experience is skin - deep because I always stay in the tower of ivory and know little story about the realistic subsistence.
200. Some miniature carvings are so exquisitely done, which are small pieces of ivory with long text or landscapes carved on them in strokes as thin as hair.
201. But by 2002, it was clear Ivory Coast in deep trouble, as Mr Ward had predicted.
202. Your neck is like a tower of ivory , Your eyes like the pools in Heshbon By the gate of Bath - rabbim; Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, Which faces toward Damascus.
203. When they come downstairs from their ivory tower, idealists apt to walk straight into the gutter.
204. I love better than any theory the sound of the Gate of Ivory, turning upon its hinges, and hold that he alone who has passed the rose-strewn threshold can catch the far glimmer of the Gate of Horn.
205. Sabina Vigani directs the Carter Center's field office in Ivory Coast.
206. In nineteen seventy-one, he was arrested in Ivory Coast for "subversive teaching."
207. We didn't sit in our ivory tower and make "our" game without external feedback.
208. White, off white, ecru, ivory, mushroom, cream and variations of white being the most used and widely available.
209. The Huffington Post reported Thursday the cable written in January 2010 focuses on the behavior of Beninese peacekeepers stationed in the western town of Toulepleu in Ivory Coast.
210. An analysis of virus-infected maize from Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Namibia and Zambia will begin this month and be placed in a database.
211. The research was done in CameronCameroon, Ivory Coast, South Africa and Zambia.
212. Here are some brides of ten compelled to seat themselves on the fascinum, the virile ivory in the temples of classical scholarship.
213. Accidentally, I saw on TV the fowl run of chicken, various colors, red, ivory and lovely.
214. I was wondering what the current time is in the Ivory Coast.
215. Pearl has a well - known commodities, horn , hawksbill , ivory and so on.
216. The beverage is ivory yellow homogenous and savory . Its protein content and sugar content is 8.92 %.
217. Scrimshaw is the decoration of bone or ivory objects, such as whale teeth and walrus tusks, with fanciful designs.
218. In ancient Egypt ivory clappers were made with just that purpose in mind.
219. Gervinho is expected to represent Ivory Coast in the Africa Cup of Nations in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea from January, and is likely to miss up to four weeks of the Premier League campaign.
220. Half chest that appear Tibet holds the ivory body that makes according to lanai concurrently practical with beautiful effect.
221. China is now the primary market for tiger bone, rhino horn, elephant ivory, live snakes,(http:///ivory.html) pangolins and a whole host of wildlife products.
222. The professor lives in an ivory tower; he doesn't pay much attention to current events.
223. Now we are entering the space age, yet these hand – made ivory carvings hold still greater allurement.




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