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单词 Inverted
1 He inverted the glass and the water ran out.
2 Cover the bowl with an inverted plate.
3 Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas.
4 In questions, the subject and verb are often inverted.
5 Inverted flight is an acrobatic maneuvre of the plane.
6 Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane.
7 The shape looked like an inverted V.
8 Her friends, in inverted commas, all disappeared when she was in trouble.
9 His dismissive attitude towards the rich is just inverted snobbery.
10 They're asked to make objective, in inverted commas, evaluations of these statements.
11 Attributes will normally be displayed within single inverted commas.
12 She taps on the desk with an inverted pencil and clears her throat.
13 I put the word in inverted commas to highlight a mystique about parenthood.
14 The aircraft had come to rest inverted in a ploughed potato field with the sail and engine on top of the pilot.
15 I was nicknamed Pune, an inverted pun on puny, a physical status I retained, nomatterhow many press-ups I did.
16 We pass half-finished buildings, the inverted roots of reinforcing rods sprouting from concrete columns: the opposite of ruins.
17 B Fashionable trousers with inverted front pleats, belt loops and turn-ups.
18 These small copper alloy balances had an inverted T-shaped beam supported from its centre by a suspension arm.
19 Why does this inverted racialism not persecute Siamese kittens, I wonder?
20 Alternatively the violation can be inverted; like a black comedy, or the assertion of a stark revenge or retribution.
21 I as if see the level of the lake two person's happy inverted images.
22 Sick prisoners in the camp were 'cared for', in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.
23 The manager showed us to our 'luxury apartment', in inverted commas.
24 Needless to say, she was not in the chorus as she had legs like inverted beer bottles.
25 He criticized Bevin for lack of imagination - surely an inverted compliment given its implication of positive contributions in the past.
26 The aft tank pump feeds the engines via an accumulator to give thirty seconds of full-power inverted flight at sea level.
27 An underpowered helicopter will rapidly decelerate as soon as you apply any control input and the model will come to a dead stop-probably inverted.
28 The interiors of these churches are tall and dark and bear strong similarities to inverted ships.
29 Yes, in the sense that the lens produces an inverted image of the world on the back of the eye.
30 According to Dawes, an untrained Parametric Avalanche can balance an inverted pendulum on the first try.
1 He inverted the glass and the water ran out.
2 Cover the bowl with an inverted plate.
3 Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane.
31 He has inverted the traditional precepts governing the photographic image, demonstrating the value of visual contradiction.
32 These are serial, which was described briefly above, and inverted.
33 They should be shown how to set out and punctuate direct speech, using inverted commas and commas.
34 For this reason it is not often possible to achieve a reduction in space requirement by using an inverted file.
35 The whole group of ribs is made into an inverted concave cone.
36 Fructose is inverted in the liver and follows after a brief interval.
37 You can solve this problem by putting such terms in inverted commas when you first introduce them.
38 Think of an inverted ocean liner whose hull is transparent.
39 Here and there it was bubbled slightly in the shapes of inverted rowboats.
40 Kelpies may be readily identified by their hoof-marks, for their strange inverted pad leaves the reverse of those of normal horses.
41 Unfortunately in 1971 I was not protected from that most pernicious word by those inverted commas.
42 As the model rolls from inverted to normal flight, move the throttle stick back to the normal position.
43 Far down the inverted telescope he saw the faint white figure of May Welland-in New York.
44 An inverted, pirouetting helicopter can make even the most hardened flyer turn into a quivering jelly!
45 Balloon blind A shade or blind with deep inverted pleats which create a billowing balloon-like effect.
46 On completion of this operation, the assembly was lifted by overhead crane and placed in the inverted position of carriers.
47 The second violin plays the inverted melody in A, and the first violin the inverted accompaniment in E.
48 Attendants immediately give you cup of the new inverted.
49 Single inverted pendulum is a non-linear, unstable system.
50 Milk and coffee cream for a fabulous "inverted" cappuccino.
51 Remove the plug gauge and complete the inverted flare.
52 To avoid this the assembly has sometimes been inverted.
53 Morphology of HSV-1 was identified by inverted microscope.
54 A quotation mark is sometimes called an inverted comma.
55 A superficial layer of benign ciliated columnar epithelia focally overlies multiple layers of dysplastic cells underneath, an observation in support of a pre-existing inverted Schneiderian papilloma.
56 With the helicopter inverted hovering over the landing area, start pirouetting clockwise while the helicopter is pirouetting fly the helicopter in a Figure of Eight to the right.
57 This paper discusses the basic principle which the inverted firing angle of thyristor inverter has the influence on power factor of a cascade connected device.
58 It's hard to program safely; programs that manipulate threads are prone to inconsistent data, deadlocks, unscalable locking,() and inverted priorities.
59 In the proposed index structure, term and element tag based on inverted list, in addition to a horizontal term-based index, a vertical index based on GID of element identifier is added.
60 Amnion-ureters were enclosed by their peripheral tissue, and abundant in blood vessels and showed normal ureteric lumina without significant contracture through the inverted microscope.
61 Inverted Index: The map function parses each document, and emits a sequence of pairs.
62 Inverted postures can increase pressure in the eye and so are dangerous for those with eye problems such as glaucoma and detached retina.
63 At last, it discussed the Pseudolite - inverted positioning system as supplement.
64 This is why it is so important to acknowledge the inverted use of perspective in the structure of anamorphosis.
65 This paper introduces test materials, equipment and results in the application modeling test of rubber water sealing to inverted siphon building in South-to-North water transfer.
66 The essence of the theory is Nietzsche's inverted Platonism deeply rooted in the problematics of "real existence vs deprivation of real existence".
67 The invention relates the carboy inverted station mechanism, belonging to transportation mechanical technology field.
68 But I find it a sign of the surface casing is an inverted comma , would ...
69 Purpose : To explore the value of ultrasonic diagnosis of the inverted nipples.
70 The failure pattern of the soil around the pile changed from inverted truncated cone slip-surface to local failure around the enlarged base with the increase of embedment ratio.
71 Although transnasal endoscopic medial maxillectomy (TEMM) is effective for the treatment of inverted papilloma (IP) in maxillary sinus (MS), it involves resection of the inferior turbinate (IT).
72 Two-wheeled self-balancing robot, composed of main body and two independently driven wheels, is a simple structure of the wheeled mobile robot similar to the inverted pendulum in principle.
73 Inverted pendulum system is multivariable, nonlinear, strong - coupling and instability naturally.
74 With different layout of inverted siphon pipe, requirements for inlet flow pattern and submergence are various.
75 The core module of search engines, namely indexer, is usually based on inverted file.
76 It may appear that the list structure can handle only linearly sequenced values, but they can also handle "inverted trees" by using shared sublists -- this is not what I'm discussing here.
77 Objective To analyses the misdiagnosis reasons of inverted papilloma of the nose and sinuses by CT.
78 The design is tested by the GLIP2003 inverted pendulum system of the Googol Technology CO. Ltd. Its performance is satisfying.
79 Speech analysis has two kinds of operating forms, while the analysis of speech instrumentality state may be inverted into the analysis of speech reciprocal state.
80 Objective Some severe cases of the inverted nipple cannot be corrected by simple method, especially if the nipple never comes up from the areolar level by manipulation.
81 Variable structure control of inverted pendulum is designed by constant switch and proportion switch . 4.
82 The structure and design key points of oil immersed inverted current transformer are introduced. Some problems that must be paid attention to in its design are pointed.
83 The effective range of linearized equation is examined. A set of radiosonde data is numerically inverted. Several factors that influence the inversion accuracy, and the limitation of remote sensing ...
84 The improved design is increased in the fixed mold core, which change first parting into second parting and demould the inverted cone mandatorily.
85 Inverted bucket type traps to schedule the air, not afraid of water hammer, fouling performance.
86 Comb - like breakwater and rubble mound breakwater with pressure - relieving inverted - L breast wall are innovations of breakwater structures.
87 A step (2.1) is arranged on the outer edge of the joggling die bush, and the inner hole (2.2) of the joggling die bush is an inverted truncated conical hole.
88 Methods:Cut across the frenulum in the middle point. Made an inverted "V" shape incision along the skin between prepuce and glans penis. Then sutured up the incision into an inverted "Y" shape.
89 La Pyramide Inversee-a huge inverted skylight that hung from the ceiling like a stalactite in an adjoining section of the entresol.
90 In the inverted index structure, the posting list of each term is partitioned into linked blocks, whose sizes form an arithmetical series .
91 You push forward and fly the second half of an outside loop till you are in horizontal inverted flight.
92 An optical phenomenon that creates the illusion of water, often with inverted reflections of distant objects, and results from distortion of light by alternate layers of hot and cool air.
93 Though line and arc separation, sharp angle and arc end judgement, and segmentation of inverted tangency arcs, various basic metas can be well recognized.
94 One inverted, belly top, equestrian, scorpions crawling acrobatics is more realistic.
95 In addition, the parallel bars and pull often inverted walk.
96 Inverted pendulum motion simulation, and can draw the corresponding phase diagram, in particular image, especially intuitive.
97 The magician inverted the bag to show it was empty.
98 In order to support dynamic update, we mend the data structure of inverted index, and take a new update strategy of inverted index based on extendible hashing to make inverted index extendible.
99 Based on concepts extracted from the Web pages and inverted file, the algorithm built a model which shrank the scale of the Web pages processed.
100 It shows that micro-discharge extinction potential drops along inverted catenary with the reduction in angle of contact.
101 By analyzing inverted color perceptions and ostensive definition, this paper proves that our sensations are also symbols and a symbol is totally different from the material property reflected.
102 Based on data-distort method, we propose privacy preserving association rules mining algorithm IFB-PPARM using efficient data structure namely inverted file.
103 In the project, the SSBD was applied to a harmonic drive system and a new-type inverted pendulum system, demonstrating the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
104 Firstly, the simplified model of the single inverted pendulum system is analyzed, and then designed a digital optimal controller with integral function.
105 Federal Reserve Notes, the legal monopoly of cash or "standard, " money, now serves as the base of two inverted pyramids determining the supply of money in the country.
106 If a measured medium is placed in a coaxial line loaded by conducting short, the permittivities and thickness of each layer can be inverted by measuring electromagnetic reflection coefficients.
107 Since I had an extra 4069 gate, I used it to obtain an inverted output .
108 A block organization of inverted file is proposed. It integrates the effects of the document identifier data and document weight data to improve the efficiency of retrieving process.
109 Multi - episodic rifting and inverted tectonism caused complicated structural styles and geology structure.
110 In Wright's early plans for the Guggenheim, the right half was a ziggurat; he inverted it to get the present shape.
111 Wooden club known as a fire tower fire, inverted wooden club is taking shape and name.
112 There was no inverted vascular bundle developed in the bract scale of Thuja occidentals.
113 Morphological changes including chromatic agglutination, karyopyknosis, and nuclear fragmentation could be observed in some of the cells under inverted microscope.
114 Just like the broom - stick, an Inverted Pendulum is an inherently unstable system.
115 This paper analyzes in detail the performance of executing join operation by use of the Link Inverted File (LIF).
116 The shape of ADSC before and after coculture was observed by inverted microscope and transmission electron microscope.
117 The mathematical model on the quintuple inverted pendulum is presented, and its controllability is verified.
118 In case 6, the heart looks "inverted" compared to normal (Figure 8). This phenomenon is called dextrocardia, and it results from a looping anomaly during embryologic development.
119 It actualizes stability control in the Googol linear Inverted pendulum system, and analyses the advantage and disadvantage through the simulation result.
120 Analyzing the igniting method of LC resonance and considering the control of the inverted main circuit, this paper designs an igniting circuit with transformer coupling controlled by logic.
121 The inverted pendulum, folded pendulum, X pendulum and conical pendulum ultra-low frequency vibration isolation systems, which are developed from single pendulum, are introduced.
122 Applying the inverted triangular distribution of lateral force to the cantilever column with variable section, and the displaced shape of it is regarded as initial lateral displacement mode.
123 The Inverted High Priestess is active in events where she should be more passive.
124 Methods Two opposing rhomboid incisions were designed on both sides of the inverted nipple within the range of areola .
125 Methods On the standpoint of the peculiar anatomic structure and the pathological changes of complex airway stenosis, we designed the inverted Y-shaped self- expandable metal stent.
126 The stable control of the inverted pendulum system is studied with the nonlinear tracking control method.
127 Methods Osteoblast were obtained from rat calvaria bone and cultured with PLGA material, cells were observed under inverted microscope and environmental scanning electron microscope and recorded.
128 The unit consists of an inverted bell or cylinder immersed in a sealing liquid.
129 All the pre - Shamvaian rocks in the Selukwe area lie on the inverted limb of this fold.
130 The inverted nine - spot rhombus pattern has two adjustable directions of well array.
131 The inverted umbrella surface aerator is a kind of special equipment for Carrousel oxidation ditch, and the selection design is very important.
132 The algorithm only need scan the transaction database once, and all the transaction operations are carried out on the inverted file mapped from transaction database.
133 When a pterosaur walked or remained stationary, the fourth finger, and with it the wing, could only turn upward in an extended inverted V-shape along each side of the animal's body.
134 The Environmental Kuznets curve(EKC) assumes that there is an"inverted U "relationship between environmental pollution and per capita income.
135 Based on the electron density profiles which were inverted from digital ionograms, a Chapman function is used to give a fitted model of ionosphere.
136 The index storage models of the hybrid index mechanism have three models:tree model, hash index model and inverted file model.
137 The cross section of the tank body presents a funnel-shaped inverted pear structure.
138 Some patterns are regular four spot, skewed four spot, five spot, seven spot, inverted seven spot, direct line drive, staggered line drive, and peripheral.
139 This model includes an algorithm based on inverted index table and set operations.
140 In the respect of the index of video features, an inverted structure based on the visual vocabulary is designed, by which the retrieval speed is raised.
141 We made several simulations under various conditions, and proved that the proposed reinforcement learning system has the ability to cognize the motor balance control skill of the inverted pendulum.
142 A set of radiosonde data is numerically inverted. Several factors that influence the inversion accuracy, and the limitation of remote sensing of water vap...
143 The results showed that heavy metal appeared inverted "W" on longitudinal distribution characteristics in the trunk stream .
144 The emulsion of inverted core shell structure potential use as an adhesive for degradable food container.
145 Bacterial action was favourable for organic matter to be inverted into immature oil, and thermal effect was an important condition for the formation of immature oil.
146 The carafe is tall, tapered and elegant, yet quickly and contemporary like an inverted rocket.
147 At some point I hopped off the train near an inverted top hat.
148 The effective range of linearized equation is examined. A set of radiosonde data is numerically inverted. Several factors that influence the inversion accuracy, and the...
149 When steam enters into the drain sump and into the inverted bucket in valve cavity through the admission pipe, the discharge valve is closely shut.
150 Finally, insist on the use of inverted pyramid approach, low - cost sharing.
151 This sentence is in the inverted order. Can you change it into the natural order?
152 A new algorithm is proposed to detect the phase of sinusoidal voltage output from the inverted power supply so as to make the high-precision control of power supply inversion easy to implement.
153 Inverted pendulum itself was a naturally unstable system, the system performance was deteriorated by the existence of time delay.
154 This model can be used to analyze thermal-hydraulic transient behaviour of inverted U-tube steam generators in PWR power plants.
155 When the last bit of the checked field is sent, the CRC in the generator is inverted and sent to the checker MSB first.
156 This paper studies the keyword search for XML in relational databases, presents two inverted list indexes: extended inverted index based on containment relationship and inverted index based on schema.
157 Parallel triple inverted - pendulum system is a high - order nonlinear large scale interrelated System.
158 Inverted Magus seeks, but has not yet found, his inner power.
159 This paper analyzes Chinese full-text retrieval technologies based on compressed inverted file, including data compression, file storage, searching and ranking mechanisms.
160 Before analyzing Lucene's index file structure, you should understand the inverted index concept. An inverted index is an inside-out arrangement of documents in which terms take center stage.
161 The pressure foot lifting and inverted material feeding device solves the technical problems of complex structure, high producing cost and the like existing in the existing sewing machine.
162 Once the aquifer disconnect from the stream, the inverted saturated zone of the rectangular streambed show a hemicycle, and that of rectangular streambed show a vertical rhombus.
163 Objective To investigate the clinical value of inverted Y-shaped metal stent implantation in treatment of relapsing polychondritis (RP) with tracheobronchial malacia.
164 And she still hasn't. Glanda's wand is an inverted pentagram.
165 There were 1 case of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, 1 case of osteodysplasia fibrosa, 1 case of plasmacytoma, 2 cases of inverted papilloma and 1 case of cylindroma.
166 The helicopter, rocket flight, man-made satellite running, robot's weight lifting, doing gymnastics and hoofing are all similar to the stable controlling of the inverted pendulum system.
167 In each group, by an inverted phase contrast microscope, cells presented with long spindle-shaped fibrocyte -like adherent growth, but no remarkable morphological changes were found.
168 The inverted portion of the channel region ends at a pinch-off point before reaching the drain.
169 English version suits the basic outline is also inverted trapezoid, or on both sides there is called riding Cha SLIT Raphe nucleus behind design, this fact and the British equestrian sports related.
170 The Inverted Magus seeks, but has not yet found, his inner power.
171 The experiment results show that this method resolves the problem of inverted sequence engendered in the procedure of threat sorting.
172 A sediment model for large type inverted siphon in Shanghai Stage two wastewater outfall disposition engineering is described in this paper.
173 Skye is the spectacular rooftop pool of Hotel Unique, a luxury boutique hotel built in the gravity-defying shape of an inverted arc.
174 Also, a rough sinusoidal pattern can be seen in plotting average daily temperatures for each day of the year, although the graph may resemble an inverted cosine wave.
175 "Their skin turned a glowing red, " said the Staffordshire police inspector's report. "They saw a darkish silver inverted saucer shaped object in a field, which was glowing red beneath.
176 As an inherently unstable system by nature, the inverted pendulum has been used as the controlled device in a prototype real-time control system.
177 View a. This design, applied to a plain inverted compound die, is very simple.
178 The heavy fogs of Shangqiu are formed by the weather situations: continental anticyclone, warm zone in front of cold front, uniform pressure field, and low pressure with an inverted trough.
179 The design is tested by the GLIP2003 inverted pendulum system of the Googol Technology CO.
180 Algorithm inserts new item one by one with inverted list of items to build frequent tree, then transfer count between branches and make all branches relatively independent.
181 Excisional biopsy was performed and histopathologic examination reported an inverted papilloma.
182 The hierarchical order can be best illustrated with a tree diagram of constituent structure, so called because such a diagram looks like an inverted tree.
183 Beaten by the police, sent to jail, Gandhi inverted the principle of nonviolent resistance.
183 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
184 This paper analyzes data retrieval of XML currently, and proposes a kind of path index technology which have been combined with inverted file to implement retrieval both on context and structure.
185 Morphological observation under inverted microscope, endothelial cells were spindle-shaped or polygonal, the size uniformity.
186 The projectile body under consideration is either an inverted truncated cone with a cylindrical portion or a cylindrical one.
187 The baby inverted the cup and spilled her orange juice.
188 Most lovable is the mountain peak inverted image, several point dimness, several point clear.
189 This provides the sugar in batches admission, the inverted pyramid Jiancang hedging opportunities.
190 The ground state energy. effective mass and inverted radius of PCIP are strongly depends on temperature.
191 The utility model is composed of an alcohol lamp body and a lead base seat in an inverted ball table shape.
192 The utility model is convenient in use, the erasing head doesn't fall out easily, and the liquid in the bottle can not overflow because of external pressure extrusion, collision or inverted placement.
193 The reasons of redislocation is the bigger abducent angles of the hip, shallow acetabulum filled with more fat and fibrous tissue(), and labrum inverted.
194 This paper constituted a suit of experiment system for double inverted pendulum.
195 Gargantua and pantagruel emancipated the personality and the epic distance because it inverted the position of Latin and contained Bacchus spirit.
196 Inverted Mariolatry is a trope of the French erotic tradition, which endlessly retells the same story of defilement.
197 The indented form requires the first word of each line to be indented one or two blocks, thus shaping the form of the inverted ladder.
198 Finally, did comparing cutting experiments on the cutting ability and quality of the digitized inverted plasma arc cutting power whose cutting current was 200A.
199 Adjusted the well pattern from inverted nine-spot to five-spot will improve the oil production and recovery.
200 Methods Cells from senile cataractous lens were cultured using modified tissue explant technique in vitro. The differentiation of LEC cultured were observed by the inverted microscope.
201 Mr. Cunningham approaches a large, chromiumplated machine with rows of inverted glasses arranged on shelves.
202 Simulation results for the application in inverted pendulum validate this control algorithm.
203 A kind of automatic welding equipment with the tracking system for horizontal welding line in inverted construction of vertical storage tank is developed.
204 Objective Research for the treatment of recurrent inverted papilloma inside paranasal sinus and nasal cavity.
205 Markedly inverted nipples may be troublesome, as may fissuring or cracking of the nipples, but the latter can usually be avoided by preventing engorgement.
206 Maoism, thus, inverted the Marxist (and Leninist) conception of the relationship between town and countryside in the making of modern history.
207 Unbound aggregate base can efficiently retard the reflexion of cracks to asphalt pavement surface, which is aroused by the shrinkage crack of semi-rigid base in the inverted structure.
208 Railway tracks form an uneven inverted U and, at their northernmost point, pass immediately south of Avignon’s old city walls.




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