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单词 Intensive
1. Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training.
2. Intensive care is given to the seriously ill.
3. Intensive negotiations between the main parties preceded the vote.
4. She needed intensive care for three weeks.
5. The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
6. I'll make an intensive study of a subject.
7. She needed intensive care for several days.
8. The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
9. The man is in the hospital's intensive care unit .
10. The south-west of the country suffered an intensive bombing campaign .
11. She spent the night in intensive care after the operation.
12. They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week; it's quite an intensive few days!
13. They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Rice production is very labour intensive .
15. An intensive search failed to reveal any clues.
16. He is critically ill in intensive care.
17. Intensive cultivation has impoverished the soil.
18. Last night she was critically ill in intensive care.
19. The baby was in intensive care for 48 hours.
20. New employees are sent on an intensive training course.
21. His investigations were intensive and thorough but revealed nothing.
22. She's still critically ill in intensive care.
23. His disappearance has been the subject of intensive investigation.
24. Intensive bombing had reduced the city to rubble.
25. He acquired greater proficiency after a three-month intensive course.
26. Police drivers have to undergo intensive training .
27. Despite intensive publicity, Channel 4 failed to maintain interest in its expensive new show.
28. The accident victims are in/have been taken into intensive care.
29. You have to do a year's intensive training to become a paramedic.
30. The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
1. Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training.
2. Intensive care is given to the seriously ill.
3. Intensive negotiations between the main parties preceded the vote.
4. She needed intensive care for three weeks.
5. The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
6. I'll make an intensive study of a subject.
7. She needed intensive care for several days.
8. The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border.
9. The man is in the hospital's intensive care unit .
10. The south-west of the country suffered an intensive bombing campaign .
11. She spent the night in intensive care after the operation.
12. They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course.
13. Last night she was critically ill in intensive care.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. His investigations were intensive and thorough but revealed nothing.
15. You have to do a year's intensive training to become a paramedic.
16. In " It's a bloody miracle! ", " bloody " is used as an intensive word.
17. Intensive care in hospital is given to the seriously ill.
31. In " It's a bloody miracle! ", " bloody " is used as an intensive word.
32. She is in intensive care, where she remains critical but stable.
33. Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today.
34. The soil has been so heavily leached through intensive farming that it is no longer fertile.
35. He was brought into intensive care shortly after the crash and immediately put on a ventilator.
36. The intensive training she had done gave her the edge over the other runners.
37. He was taken in a coma to the intensive care unit of Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
38. Doctors put her on a respirator and wheeled her downstairs to the intensive care unit.
39. As agriculture became more capital intensive, many farm labourers moved to the towns and cities to look for work.
40. In some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods.
41. They spend several weeks each year undergoing intensive treatment which enables them to coordinate their limbs better.
42. The course compresses two year's training into six intensive months.
43. Intensive care in hospital is given to the seriously ill.
44. Intensive farming has brought about an increase in outbreaks of food poisoning.
45. Intensive farming in the area has caused severe degeneration of the land.
46. The show is the product of two years' intensive work.
47. He nearly died in the accident and was in intensive care for over a month.
48. Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.
49. He was put on a life-support machine in intensive care.
50. Traditionally reared animals grow more slowly than those reared under intensive farming conditions.
51. He is still in intensive care in Bristol General Hospital.
52. E coli is a by-product of intensive livestock practices.
53. Our purpose-built intensive care unit is well equipped.
54. Initially, however, an intensive marketing effort will be required.
55. The program includes intensive instruction in English.
56. Intensive training is making many activists a trifle monosyllabic.
57. In this way also farming is becoming more intensive.
58. It's an oil-free, weekly intensive conditioner.
59. The baby subsequently died in intensive care.
60. The research is an intensive study of one hospital.
61. The most intensive theoretical development began during the 1940s.
62. I've done some intensive market research.
63. Major events, not surprisingly, have very intensive volunteer efforts.
64. And some may choose to participate in less intensive forms of school-to-work.
65. They were replaced by cities dependent on intensive farming to feed them and on great armies to defend them.
66. Knowing whether the nodes are malignant, they say, allows them to offer less intensive chemotherapy to women with negative nodes.
67. Hospitals are being squeezed to provide more intensive care at less cost.
68. Studies using this method are more intensive and less extensive since they encompass more of the nuances specific to each country.
69. The results are now being followed up with an intensive programme for new technical literature an an advertising campaign.
70. Usually they linger for a few days in intensive care and then we lose them.
71. Mrs Carrington takes up the account from the time when her husband was admitted to the intensive care unit.
72. It was a while before Samuel's eyes got used to the low lighting of the intensive care unit.
73. As far as the motor is concerned the software.intensive approach makes it easier to implement more sophisticated control schemes aimed at maximising motor performance.
74. The girl remains in serious but stable condition in the intensive care unit at Broward General Medical Center.
75. After a brief period of intensive training,(/intensive.html) I was allowed to make my first parachute jump.
76. The event attracted a record number of passengers who enjoyed an intensive steam train service and additional vintage train service.
77. It concludes that intensive analysis of individual schools and classrooms is required.
78. Video showing rapid and intensive change, for example, will need frequent reference frames to maintain an intelligible motion sequence.
79. The hedgerows and pasture where the owls hunt their prey are disappearing as farmers create bigger fields for intensive arable farming.
80. This is labour intensive and a suitable flat roof site has to be found.
81. The Marchioness is in intensive care after a fall from her horse.
82. Some have occurred as a result of lime and fertiliser applications coupled with more intensive grazing of livestock.
83. It is used by the laboratories of Boots and Glaxo, and in the intensive care units of Bupa hospitals.
84. Yet it was clear that intensive farming was not possible on the poor Pomeranian soil.
85. The 1979 decision was taken after two years of intensive study.
86. In addition to spray drift, intensive farming has a destructive effect on the surrounding fauna and flora.
87. When intensive care or emergency surgery are used inappropriately doctors sometimes offer as an excuse their uncertainty about the law.
88. In the intensive care unit the patient was managed with central venous pressure monitoring and direct arterial pressure monitoring.
89. Flint, who had just received an intensive coaching from Matthews and Mulholland, began a passionate appeal.
90. Our increase in intensive farming has brought with it an increase in outbreaks of food poisoning.
91. The second is, if there are to be intensive care units, what share of resources should they have?
92. The current landscape of the site is bleak, suffering from the effects of intensive farming.
93. It had gone remarkably well; his intensive training had paid off handsomely.
94. That was fine when manpower was cheap and farming was labour intensive, when families worked in the fields man and boy.
95. Accordingly, they have been the subject of intensive research and fierce controversy.
96. Which is why I am studying very hard, taking an intensive course with other students younger than my son, Charles.
97. They said they didn't have strong views on intensive farming.
98. Her predecessor, Karl-Heinz Funke, was himself a farmer and an enthusiastic supporter of intensive agricultural methods.
99. Jensen remains in the intensive care unit of the hospital, she said.
100. However, Lee survived but spent 16 days in the intensive care unit and a month in hospital.
101. As in other parts of the continent, land in the Pantanal is under pressure from intensive farming.
102. Once Shamir had rejected this invitation, Peres entered into intensive negotiations in an attempt to achieve a majority.
103. The most intensive studies on the field have been made on populations of three species of Ranunculus and on Trifolium repens.
103. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
104. It may therefore become economically and politically expedient to encourage a shift to more labour intensive methods of primary production.
105. The mayor then ordered the police to launch an intensive attack upon the convention.
106. These procedures will also make the database available for the more intensive study of local communities.
107. We now realise the importance of hedgerows, of small fields, of clean rivers and of less intensive agriculture.
108. The increasing adoption of less intensive agriculture should further encourage a hare recovery.
109. It was at this stage that the intensive training in navigation paid off.
110. Also of concern is not only the cost but the amount of fossil energy subsidy required for intensive agriculture.
111. Includes a special Protein Intensive Treatment which is mixed with the waving lotion to protect and restore hair during perming.
112. Intensive political contact in what is a relatively small country, has tended to soften and shift policy disagreements.
113. Intensive Subject Assessment Have you had a subject assessor visit recently?
114. We have had public reports of a mortally ill little girl being unable to gain treatment in a paediatric intensive care unit.
115. The intensive use of capital for highly automated products leads to a reduction in the importance of manpower.
116. The isolation or bunching together of such pupils only provides them with poor role models and intensive interaction with other disturbed children.
117. It's put him in intensive care, dependent on an intravenous drip for nourishment.
118. He said he supposed it was and offered to show them into the Intensive Care room which had a hot drinks machine.
119. Children's hospital care condemned A report has shown intensive care facilities for critically-ill children are seriously lacking.
120. The production system is more capital intensive and rigid, making modifications expensive.
121. A countryside under intensive farming which depends on leisure and service industries is a cosmetic, lifeless countryside.
122. Intensive searches failed to find any sign of her, and her bank accounts and credit cards became inactive.
123. Most successful governing bodies send their entry away for at least ten days' intensive training prior to a world event.
124. The land is severely eroded as a result of widespread deforestation and intensive farming.
125. The concepts of purpose, relevancy and reasonableness can be used in an intensive or less intensive fashion.
126. By being able to hand a printer finished artwork the cost of several stages of labour intensive work can be virtually eliminated.
127. He is in stable condition in the intensive care unit at Kaiser Medical Center in Vallejo.
128. Before the transplant Rhys will face an intensive course of chemotherapy.
129. Short intensive courses in the above languages are available in S6.
130. The boxes are clearly aimed at data intensive applications downsizing from mainframes.
131. He'll need intensive physiotherapy.
132. It examines the relationship between fertility histories and household labour availability, and the consequences for labour intensive techniques of environmental management.
133. After the intensive twelve months support with the project, girls need somewhere to come with any problems that may occur later.
133. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
134. Intensive livestock production would be discouraged, and battery farming phased out, in favour of more open-air livestock farming.
135. Receiving such intensive medical therapy is highly unusual, allergists said.
136. Dawn was taken immediately to the nearest hospital and put on a life-support machine in the Intensive Care Unit.
137. Meant to be born in 1997, she spent her first Christmas in the neonatal intensive care unit with 16 other preemies.
138. The Thatcher government has opposed planning controls over agriculture that could have stopped the spread of intensive arable farming.
139. In treatment, he was guided through intensive work for his shoulder girdle to release the spasticity.
140. These are the decision to enter, the actual admission, the move to more intensive care, and death.
141. This increased as agriculture grew more intensive, and as the number of livestock and the application of fertilizer has been increased.
142. The Oxfordshire scheme aims to provide a 6-month intensive programme.
143. This kind of entertainment was computationally intensive, expensive to produce, and expensive to buy.
144. The corncrake and marsh fritillary have been the victims of intensive agriculture as ploughing and pesticides destroy habitat and insects.
145. Some of them are returned to normal prisons before they ever make the intensive group therapy regime.
146. It is not however so well suited to an intensive, detailed study of spoken language.
147. Facilities will include an intensive care unit and an oiled bird cleaning facility.
148. We are also looking at how we might make more intensive use of many co-products from our plants.
149. It also caters for those who want more intensive sessions.
150. The flying test was followed by an intensive oral examination on technical details.
151. One woman died despite intensive treatment and none had been exposed to radiation or other factors known to cause the disease.
152. We had five days of intensive work, much talk and discussion and the most beautiful summer weather.
153. This summer the bombing was more intensive than ever in all the rebel areas, according to what Jean-Pierre heard from the guerrillas.
154. His parents believe the intensive programme of treatment the clinic offers may open the door on a new life.
155. An intensive conditioner will work much better if you cover hair with a polythene bag after applying to seal in body heat.
156. It's an intensive course, highly satisfying, and it works very well.
157. Powys was an area of intensive agriculture, predominantly sheep breeding.
158. General practitioners have also found intensive courses in diabetes helpful in keeping them up to date and improving their clinical skills.
159. Worries about pollution levels from intensive indoor units and growing concern about animal welfare are also motivating factors.
160. These two studies will employ documentary, intensive interview and oral history techniques.
161. John spent two weeks in hospital and 10 days in the intensive care unit after receiving internal burns.
162. The secret to keeping the weight down and energy up is to serve meals that are calorie intensive.
163. None of us had foretold that our games would end up on life-support systems in intensive care.
164. It may be particularly difficult for small firms to provide highly structured and intensive work-based learning experiences.
165. About 90 percent of wildflower-rich meadows have disappeared since the Second World War due to intensive agriculture and drainage.
166. More intensive rehabilitation activities with chronic and elderly patients were ruled out.
167. The intensive study of demographic records through the technique of family reconstitution has dispelled many myths.
168. Blot wet hair with a towel to remove excess water before applying an intensive conditioner.
169. The land around here is poor because of years of intensive farming.
170. These are pitched at intensive Windows users and CAD specialists.
171. Enroll in a one-week intensive course in scientific remote viewing taught by a qualified teacher.
172. Intensive research has been directed to the ways in which early communities adapted to and utilized their environments.
173. Students' work-related experiences are much less intensive than in an apprenticeship program.
174. This is not reported in the available literature on intensive care and may be a unique finding.
175. But on many streams which mink have colonised, particularly those close to intensive agriculture(), fish are no longer abundant.
176. The focus on the single political actor has analytic advantages, since data gathering and analysis can be precise and intensive.
177. Before moving to Paris, Michael went on an intensive course to improve his French.
178. As a result, though the training may have been less intensive, it was probably more realistic.
179. For example, intensive care beds and their support is very important.
180. We often say that intensive farming ruins the land, but in my view any form of farming does so.
181. Subsequently, many opportunities exist to specialise, for example, in intensive care, in midwifery or in community psychiatric nursing.
182. For one year he had intensive treatment, with the physiotherapist and speech therapist attending his home three times a week.
183. Although no tax-payers' money was involved, the affair received intensive media coverage.
184. The two leaders had been doing most of the talking, thinking, and worrying over two long days of intensive negotiations.
185. The important breakthrough came late on Oct. 24 following a day of intensive negotiations.
186. The design of each of the new qualifications is currently being subjected to intensive scrutiny and consultation.
187. Bronzes are created by building sand moulds of a plaster original, in itself a skilled and labour intensive job.
188. Farmers may even switch their pattern of production in order to minimize the risks - from arable to intensive livestock farming, for example.
189. It is absolutely true that many forms of modern, intensive livestock production are extremely inefficient.
190. These problems demand intensive treatment - moisturising and nourishing but at the same time non-oily.
191. The new curricular teaching and examinations are very labour intensive and have considerable resource implications.
192. Human sensitivity to such fields is a subject of intensive research today.
193. Our baby was in the intensive care unit, and we didn't know whether she would live or die.
193. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
194. The system also allows parent firms to concentrate on more capital intensive processes.
195. The epistemological foundations of educational research have also been the subject of intensive scrutiny.
196. Finesse Intensive Conditioner is an ideal way of treating holiday hair, repairing damage done by sun, sea and chlorine.
197. After five years of intensive research, Schwarzkopf have developed Igora Botanic.
198. Parachuting, however, was only a small part of a most intensive programme.
199. This could be achieved in three years, using intensive cultivation.
200. The eight-point accord followed 18 months of UN-sponsored peace talks, ending in 10 days of intensive negotiation in New York.
201. The performance is easily good enough for heavy-duty disk intensive applications such as databases and large graphics applications, as well as Windows 3.1 work.
202. Will he accept that there is indeed an acute shortage of intensive care beds for children?
203. This has been shown to be an effective and rapid method of training but it does require intensive supervision from an adult.
204. The store manager said he found the new technology more labour intensive and less flexible.
205. Section A is an intensive language course for beginners or less advanced students.
206. In other less intensive areas there might be a direct effect.
207. Voice over Police motorcyclists have to undergo an intensive training course.
208. David was therefore offered inpatient care for up to 10 days to provide him with intensive support.
209. The stream will also be useful as a preliminary to degree work of a more intensive and independent kind.
210. The larger or very intensive farmers had generally used training to prepare themselves and their men much better than the smaller units.
211. Strangely enough, this question has not received intensive consideration in the literature of any major discipline.
212. Farming More intensive agriculture has led to increased concentrations of nitrate in groundwater in many areas.
213. It was discovered in the cardiac intensive care unit where 10 children were recovering from open-heart surgery.
214. We do not expect doctors to run an intensive care unit simply by measuring the pulse rates of their patients.
215. More complicated models for the simulation of cardiac arrhythmias are available for nurses specialising in intensive care work.
216. The difficulty here is that modern methods of farming are highly intensive and sometimes artificial.
217. Intensive negotiations are under way to try to prevent Mr Trimble from carrying out his threat.
218. Mr Dye is in intensive care with head injuries while Mr Nolan has chest injuries.
219. Environmental improvement would mean the closure of some labour intensive plants which could not be economically cleaned up, the company said.
220. We drove through one of the most intensive areas of banana cultivation on the way back.
221. Some natural sciences, confident of the uniformity of their objects of study, have adopted the intensive design.
222. The complex and intensive developments in this general field in the 1970s can be seen by taking this panel as an illustration.
223. This protocol differed from previous protocols, in that more intensive systemic antimetabolite therapy was given before and during radiotherapy.
224. Their intensive questioning, in fact, seems to coincide with two other developments in the lexicon.
225. For example, one cost centre may be highly mechanized whilst another may be labour intensive.
226. The concentration on intensive cotton and rice cultivation has led to a build-up of pollution from fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.
227. Last night Suzanne was critically ill in intensive care at Withington Hospital.
228. His contribution lay firstly in his intensive field research, quite novel by the standards of his time.
229. Applicability Intensive school-to-work experiences, such as apprenticeships, are not for every student.
230. After two days of intensive defensive-oriented workouts, the Celtics came out Wednesday night and again played appalling defense.
231. The report is the first of its kind and is the result of eighteen months of wide-ranging and intensive research and debate.
232. Infusion of 50 to 100 mEq per 12 hours requires very close monitoring, usually in an intensive care setting.
233. The brightest areas are those of intensive cultivation, and intermediate shades represent grassland and sugar beet.
234. With current trends emphasising the need for healthy hair, more and more women are including intensive conditioners in their haircare routine.
235. I had seen two of them in the intensive care unit during my tour.
236. A massive, intensive look at the schools[], it came to the same conclusions.
237. Her son remained in guarded condition Monday in an intensive care unit.
238. Before the days of intensive quarrying, natural rock outcrops were of great significance.
239. Pat is working as a midwife in an intensive care unit for premature babies.
240. For the moment, Becky remains in intensive care, after falling from her horse on Saturday.
241. The identification of the sub-tasks which are appropriate for intensive training with feedback is achieved by task analysis.
242. Women who are very depressed may need more intensive individual support before joining others with bulimia in a group.
243. This intensive investigative process revealed infection by a previously unrecognized hantavirus.
244. But back on the marshes and fens, who was really to profit from this continual process of ever more intensive cultivation?
245. The couple are still undergoing intensive treatment for injuries caused by the attempt on their lives.
246. There is a 16-bed intensive care unit and two operating rooms that can also be expanded.
247. They did so before and after the individuals involved had been on an intensive programme designed to improve their reading.
248. Local drainage authorities have continued to lower water levels for intensive arable and cattle farming despite warnings from environmentalists.
249. It might seem a daunting task, but in recent years climatologists have begun an intensive study of temperature changes on Earth.
250. This was labour intensive, more expensive and less effective than employing the bumble bee.
251. Pilots need years of intensive training in order to master them.
252. But even after six months of intensive study many other problems remain.
253. Meanwhile an intensive modernisation programme will attempt to lower production costs.
254. You may have noticed that I have not suggested any intensive practice specifically on vowels or their different combinations into diphthongs.
255. Due to popular demand, levels one to three of the original Fast Forward have been split(http:///intensive.html), producing six short intensive courses.
256. Regularly, where intensive cultivation succeeds, civilized people in the Far East occupy only small areas.
257. A neonatal intensive care unit is, on this view, a good example of special treatment.
258. She was in critical condition and was being treated in intensive care.
259. Andrews' ballet designs, created over eight months of intensive work, were much praised when premiered in Birmingham in June.
260. The second force defining the modern West has been the intensive and intense encounter with other cultures brought about by imperialist expansion.
261. This investigation takes a single case of such innovation and subjects it to intensive study.
262. What would you predict that the consequences of such intensive regulation would be? High fares.
263. Lonsdale was put under intensive surveillance.
264. I felt called upon to lead an intensive agitation against it.
265. The exchequer expense is a higher level accounting contrasted to intensive accounting.
266. Or as an intensive mask for deep cleansing and extra oil control.
267. Thus(), agencies may face intensive judicial scrutiny of their factual determinations.
268. Transparency would also work, but is still very computing - intensive.
269. In my opinion, we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves.
270. Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.




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