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单词 Intentionally
1. She would never intentionally hurt anyone.
2. I kept my statement intentionally vague.
3. Their team was penalized for intentionally wasting time.
4. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings.
5. I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just didn't recognize her.
6. She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.
7. The item he intentionally obscured would make several interpretations possible.
8. They would then be tagged as intentionally homeless.
9. Others avow that he intentionally distorted the trial.
10. I've never intentionally hurt anyone.
11. Pitchers intentionally walked McCovery 260 times.
12. For certain purposes gold was alloyed intentionally.
13. He had dishonestly and intentionally not fulfilled that obligation.
14. Indeed,(Sentence dictionary) editors were intentionally kept in the dark about finances.
15. The court held that they were intentionally homeless and so disqualified.
16. It is an intentionally achieved schizophrenia, with the expectation of a spontaneous remission-which, how-ever, does not always follow.
17. First and foremost, we are intentionally considering a limited subset of the potential causes of recent longer-term climate change.
18. It is a federal crime to intentionally disclose the contents of an intercepted telephone call.
19. The inequality in life chances has therefore intentionally been reinforced in old age.
20. Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
21. The current flow, however, had been intentionally interrupted by ground commands several minutes before the break.
22. Ethically, it is impossible to redistribute income intentionally in a developing country to see if civil strife erupts.
23. Brown Inc. and other investment banking firms intentionally overcharge municipalities millions of dollars in fees while underwriting bond offerings?
24. It is a federal crime to intentionally intercept a telephone conversation or to disclose its contents.
25. Most leaders understand this; few intentionally mislead people about meaning.
26. The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused.
27. Once in a while pilots would actually penetrate Soviet airspace, intentionally or unintentionally.
28. We all lie at one time or the other, impulsively or intentionally, magnanimously or maliciously. We lie in personal relationships, social conversations, work places for good or bad reasons. Dr T.P.Chia 
29. It evidently included an assertion that the local authority had wrongly decided that he was intentionally homeless.
30. People, he thought, could move in different paths yet harmonize and help each other, but not intentionally.
1. The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused.
31. Precedent 3 is intentionally a minimalist document, which contains little boilerplate, and little by way of exclusion clauses.
32. Neutrons from any nuclear reactor can be used, either intentionally or inadvertently, to make heavy isotopes of almost any element.
33. In Spratt, though interpretations vary, the Court of Appeal seems to have required intentionally or recklessly occasioning actual bodily harm.
34. The teachings of Zen were encapsulated in very short anecdotes, koans, intentionally absurd, with unexpected moral lessons.
35. It is illegal to intentionally intercept phone conversations or knowingly distribute their contents.
36. Therefore, in throwing away his pipe, he intentionally cuts himself off from human pleasures and the ties of home.
37. Though designed by the master modernist, Richard Meier(), Getty Center appears intentionally tethered to the past.
38. Livingstone says there was no attempt to intentionally mislead the public.
39. Usually, users do not intentionally create recursive process models.
40. I didn't say it intentionally.
41. No one likes to be wronged, intentionally or otherwise.
42. The figures are intentionally misleading.
43. I had not intentionally tried to shock Uncle Tom.
44. The in bloodmobile blood plasma finds out has the virus, but remains the ID card , the contact method all is false , (cannot be intentionally).
45. Policy holder or the beneficiary intentionally causes the death, injury, or sickness of the insured to deceive insurance money.
46. The Reptilian folks that became Earth's gods intentionally to this day insert these very bad teachings, to keep you away from the journey to Godhood.
47. We report an 82-year-old woman who intentionally ingested about 300 ml of camphorated oil and developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and mortality.
48. Therefore, brave, don't always the afterlife when excuse and intentionally life.
49. One, deaf person encounter dumb person, entreat him intentionally to sing on one.
50. The responsibility of anyone who intentionally conceals the facts shall be investigated.
51. When we intentionally downscale our lives and possessions, it is because we're seeking something more in our lives, something more meaningful, fulfilling, free, and joyful.
52. Losses caused intentionally or negligently by the lessee shall be borne by the lessee.
53. Content that is intentionally commercial, advertising, spamming or of similar manner, as deemed by the Administrator or the Moderators. See forum-specific rules when posting at the TAW Market forum.
54. One theory was that a Guardsman panicked or fired intentionally at a student and that others fired when they heard the shot.
55. When the action that becomes you is representing Wu of kimono of Dow Jones publication, do not use anonym to have ill-natured story intentionally forever.
56. The outsider sees to him is happy, can I know that he is drinking bitterness wine and intentionally wants to inebriate.
57. Where the donor intentionally omitted to inform the donee of the defect or warranted the absence of any defect, thereby causing loss to the donee, he shall be liable for damages.
58. The dependence of dendritic growth behavior on intentionally varied thermal diffusivity DT is investigated.
59. In the modern era, women of the Nubia-Kush in Sudan are intentionally scarified with facial keloids as a means of decoration.
60. A chronic QUEUE_FULL condition had been "cured" by intentionally deleting the underlying file out from under the queue.
61. It may be used by illegal personnel, release false information intentionally with this, misdirect investor.
62. It happens quietly, increase gradually, until one day patients intentionally or unintentionally to notice pussy out there small verrucous substance.
63. Note: The Zodiac is known to intentionally misspell words and uses bad grammar in order to avoid identification and to presumably throw off professional code breakers.
64. The abdomen is anxious, is you contracts the musculi abdominis to create intentionally, why can you like this?
65. Where the donor intentionally omits to inform the donee of the defect or warranted the absence of any defect, thereby causing losses to the donee, he shall be liable for damages.
66. He intentionally looks for difficult to deal with ( ly ) .
67. The injurer not only injures the body, health and life of the injured,(http:///intentionally.html) but also hurts the spirits of the injured by conducting the injury intentionally or negligently.
68. Rumors has it that other players are bitten by the green-eyed monster and are intentionally trying to hurt him because he is such a high profile player.
69. Instead of assuming your co-worker is intentionally being rude or inconsiderate, assume he is unaware of how his actions are affecting you.
70. The rhetorical device-pun intentionally uses homophone ( phonogram ) and polysemous words which can possible generate equivocality in order to punningly express what the speaker is really driving at.
71. This measurability applies, quite intentionally, to all of these achievements.
72. Policy holder intentionally fabricates insurance object to deceive insurance money.
73. China could be characterized as playing "rope-a-dope" and intentionally exhausting the opponent by luring him into wasting his energy fighting back with blows that don't cause any harm.
74. Charges relating to collusion on Wall Street have been a rarity because of the difficulty of proving that firms intentionally sought to act together and acted nefariously.
75. For its part, Sony said it intentionally waited until now as part of its product planning strategy.
76. He intentionally leaked his company's confidential information to their competitors.
77. When a piton is intentionally removed It'should be replaced with a fixed hanger or ringbolt.
78. Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement.
79. He received a technical for intentionally hurting the other player.
80. The 73 rd minute , Xiao Zhanbo when penalty kick delays the time intentionally, by bright yellow - card warning.
81. The Civil Servants Recruiting System doesn't have a long history in China but it makes obviously and intentionally accomplishment.
82. These variations of the portraits and occasional areas of undyed paper is intentionally reminiscent of the mass-produced posters of Mao found throughout China in the 1970s.
83. He intentionally or by chance picked out extra ordinarily abnormal species.
84. To keep tables and chairs from blowing away, outdoor furniture was intentionally submerged in a beachfront hotel's swimming pool in Ocean City, Maryland, as seen on August 26.
85. He wishes ill to no one except those who intentionally offend him.
86. I never directly or intentionally insulted you or anyone else in this thread. totally uncalled for, and deserving of an apology.
87. To avoid this, he agrees to intentionally turn double agent.
88. Knowledge can produce equally powerful ways to destroy life, intentionally and unintentionally.
89. Gradually, it is complacent rise, often mix intentionally to the seaside seabird dally.
90. Drug selling and drug trafficking crime is knowingly and intentionally are drug trafficking, transport behavior.
91. During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another.
92. On this form, I intentionally and falsely certified under penalty of perjury that Bernard L. Madoff Investment and Securities had custody of my advisory clients' securities.
93. To test for this scenario, rig up an external phase-locked dual-clock source with a knob that intentionally adjusts the phase relationship of the two clocks.
94. Sometimes kept shaking table, sometimes intentionally or pencil eraser away to my presence.
95. When they immediately started in on him, I intentionally knocked my glass over, too.
96. But keeping in mind that the extravert is not being intentionally malicious, the introvert has at least two options for handling this in a polite way.
97. However, if they intentionally misspell the name four times, the DEATH NOTE owner will die.
97. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
98. All scenes have some amount of fill light — regardless of whether this has been added intentionally.
99. The service person did intentionally said surprisedly : what do you want the map to make?
100. Handheld microphones usually have their low frequencies intentionally rolled - off.
101. However, the intentionally or unintentionally extreme emphasis of utility is out of harmony with the original goal of moral education.
102. In boxing it is a foul to hit below the belt intentionally.
103. After a festivity attended by the Irish king, Wictred intentionally leads the British soldiers on a night horse ride to the spot where Tristan and Isolde are on a secret tryst.
104. NASA's flight directors intentionally have mals crop up in these stimulations . Tiger Wood's father used to yell at his son just as he was about to swing to try and distract him.
105. He intentionally became struck in the ice and traveled with it across the Arctic Ocean!
106. Innominate artery and left carotid artery were preserved, and left subclavian artery was intentionally occluded. (B) Endovascular repair in canine model.
107. Teaching factors and teaching contents affect the sex role of pupils from grade 3 to some extent. The school and PE teachers should foster students with di-sex character intentionally and directly.
108. The play, "Rain Drops on Phoenix Tree", intentionally avoiding the awareness of political criticism, is full of the impulses to dismember the standard ethic relations.
109. But Fine said the FBI did not intentionally violate the law.
110. The act of intentionally shooting the puck far out of defensive territory in ice hockey.
111. In accordance with the existing criminal law, rape is directly intentionally subjective.
112. A day, zhang San goes dealing with the formalities that lease farmland, store chicken intentionally rearward.
113. It is quite visible that there is quite a bit of segregation," Spearman notes, "not so much intentionally now, but it occurs.
114. Should we categorise people who intentionally spread HI as murderers?
115. From what I would call a biocidal species, one that whether we intentionally or unintentionally have designed our systems to kill life, a lot of the time.
116. A fourth line has been intentionally drawn across near the bottom of the figure to show where a scan of image brightness was made.
117. NASA intentionally avoided the complex, expensive business of two-legged mobility, instead fitting the robot with a single leg, designed to fit into the foot-restraints used by astronauts during EVAs.
118. To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.
119. Apparently that violates Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47 of the United States Code, which covers anybody who "intentionally accesses a computer without authorization or exceeds authorized access."
120. With a focus on clear ideas of functionality, Sebastian's products are left intentionally bare, undecorated and honest.
121. Leaf gu city is slightly wins, still intentionally crasher half raise.
122. The other two are for war crimes, for intentionally directing attacks against civilians and for pillaging.
123. But even though they will probably not intentionally veer off course, you should still check periodically.
124. any act inciting or of intentionally facilitating an act described in sub-paragraph (a) or (b).
125. Hunter and his team are not going to intentionally undermine the negotiating power of those players to appease an ownership group that desperately wants to get its cost structure in line.
126. Points : neck upright, lower jaw slightly backward-and not intentionally hurt or ergometer .
127. This incident is surpasses the Sanlu milk scandal in its seriousness, viciousness and intentionally subjectiveness.
128. Momentum of the injector effluent streams can contribute to lateral flow, either intentionally or unintentionally.
129. That he explains him is not intentionally doing this thing.
130. Subjectively, this crime may be committed either intentionally or negligently, but this crime must be intentional.
131. The action libera in cause is a crime that a behavior intentionally or faultily makes himself into no legal competence or limit legal competence and satisfies the constitution of crime under thereof.
131. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
132. Or some people have even suggested maybe he's intentionally writing in kind of a weird way as sort of almost a form of protest against people in power.
133. Since Google's Jan. 12 announcement that it might withdraw from the Chinese market, two knockoff Web sites have appeared in China bearing an intentionally uncanny resemblance to Google sites.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 21:10:26