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单词 Impatience
(1) He bit back a sigh of impatience.
(2) He waited with barely concealed impatience.
(3) She felt a growing impatience.
(4) A note of impatience had entered his voice.
(5) There was impatience over the slowness of reform.
(6) She showed impatience to continue the climb.
(7) There was a rasp of impatience in his voice.
(8) His narrow eyes betrayed his impatience.
(9) The children were beginning to show signs of impatience.
(10) He expressed impatience at the slow rate of progress.
(11) He shook his head in a gesture of impatience.
(12) Nothing could cure her of her impatience with Anna.
(13) He was trying hard not to show his impatience.
(14) There was a hint of impatience in his tone.
(15) She fussed about,scarcely able to hide her impatience.
(16) He gave a stamp of impatience.
(17) I think my worst fault is impatience.
(18) She shook her head with a gesture of impatience.
(19) She let out a sigh of impatience.
(20) Her tone betrayed her impatience.
(21) James began to show signs of impatience.
(22) He kicked the chair in a spasm of impatience.
(23) His impatience shaded into anger.
(24) Try to control your impatience when any unexpected problem arises.
(25) She was bursting with impatience to tell me the news.
(26) She was bursting with impatience to tell Natalia what had happened.
(27) There is considerable impatience with the slow pace of political change.
(28) "Well, I have shown you how to do this before, " she said, unable to disguise her impatience.
(29) He stamped his feet as he waited with barely concealed impatience for the telephone.
(30) He waited for her arrival in a fever of impatience.
(1) He bit back a sigh of impatience.
(2) He waited with barely concealed impatience.
(3) She felt a growing impatience.
(4) A note of impatience had entered his voice.
(5) "Well, I have shown you how to do this before, " she said, unable to disguise her impatience.
(6) He expressed impatience at the slow rate of progress.
(7) He was trying hard not to show his impatience.
(8) He gave a stamp of impatience.
(9) He kicked the chair in a spasm of impatience.
(10) He stamped his feet as he waited with barely concealed impatience for the telephone.
(31) 'What time do we have to leave?' he asked with a hint of impatience.
(32) There's a growing impatience among the electorate with the old two-party system.
(33) Bedford felt his impatience shading into anger.
(34) He settled down, trying to curb his impatience.
(34) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(35) His impatience was sharpened by the girl's frailty.
(36) Yet they paid for his impatience.
(37) She could see shrugging impatience in his shoulders.
(38) Some troops expressed impatience to get home.
(39) His lips were pursed, as if with impatience.
(40) So he awaited his summons without impatience.
(41) He tapped one of his canes with impatience.
(42) Mark tries to restrain his impatience.
(43) She sensed his impatience and tried to hurry.
(44) Wrong to fear fitzAlan's impatience or scorn.
(45) He had never shown impatience or eagerness again.
(46) But the price of party unity is youthful impatience.
(47) Now I could hear the throb of impatience in his voice as he waited for the curtain to go up.
(48) Arriving there, Joe found Soong in a state of great agitation and impatience.
(49) The receiver was snatched at the first ring and Massingham's disciplined impatience came across as strongly as his voice.
(50) We must accept the reality that the causes of impatience travel a two-way street. Allan Lokos 
(51) Each new revelation was greeted with raucous shouts of impatience.
(52) Captors and captives stood in dumb impatience for the roll-call to be finished.
(53) Cocooned in happiness, Leslie seemed to take it in his stride, his attitude one of cheerful impatience.
(54) Harriet hesitated, then her natural impatience won the day and she slipped quietly towards the exit.
(55) Riven stood alone on the eerily deserted ramparts, and chafed with impatience.
(56) Anya sits in the passenger seat, arms folded across her chest, making a pretty poor job of concealing her impatience.
(57) The first major teen icon whose work is grounded not in anticipation and impatience, but vacillation, resignation and looking back.
(58) And I like his doodles, follies and ideas toyed with and abandoned in impatience, the debris of a restless desire.
(59) I no longer left work with the same barely controlled impatience which had pushed me home through the streets three months before.
(60) The minister was not put out by the note of impatience in Cohen's voice.
(61) Henry was infamous for his impatience and his refusal to put up with nonsense.
(62) Cars were edging forward with barely controlled impatience to the steady whiplash accompaniment of their windscreen wipers.
(63) Negative emotions are such feelings as fear, anger, jealousy, hatred, impatience, worry, self-pity, etc.
(64) These expectations-and a lot of the ensuing disappointments-were heightened and exacerbated by my own deep-rooted impatience.
(64) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(65) This sense of pride, which in some black GIs manifested itself in justifiable impatience, led to many bloody confrontations.
(66) The general impatience among intellectuals, journalists ... And some of your ministerial colleagues?
(67) She heard his sigh of impatience, and squeezed past the speaker, groping her way through the darkness to his side.
(68) Perhaps not a single transcript of his testimony goes unmarked by sarcasm, impatience, or outburst.
(69) Loretta pushed her hair back from her face with a cluck of impatience.
(70) She opened the note in her hand, sighing with great impatience at its folds.
(71) And tonight, her desperate impatience to go out at a particular hour ... He was certain he was right.
(72) There we found Nina a mixture of puzzlement and impatience after being detained for five very boring hours.
(73) But the letters lapse into exasperation and impatience as it became clear that the plans were wildly over-optimistic.
(74) After the patience of the last few years, he wrote, why this sudden impatience?
(75) But time is tied to the wrist or kept in a box, ticking with impatience.
(76) It is very important that you don't allow impatience to tempt you into over-exposure and sunburn.
(77) There is growing impatience with delays in court and long trials.
(78) She had been waiting in his office with growing impatience for a full half hour.
(79) He'd come straight to her after leaving the theatre, and his impatience thrilled her to the core.
(80) Nell waited, struggling against her impatience and hunger for more information.
(81) People in charge of the investigation have expressed chagrin repeatedly at the anger and impatience expressed by those whose loved ones perished.
(82) He was surprised by his impatience for the party to end.
(83) Up with the lark and wanting to get out of town, I have to keep the lid on my impatience.
(84) Partnership continued to elude me, and it embarrassed and frustrated me, although objectively I knew my impatience was largely unwarranted.
(85) She saw him crumple them up in a sudden burst of impatience, and fling them across the parade.
(86) The upholder, rueful harbinger of death, Waits with impatience for the dying breath.
(87) But there is no popular demand, and no need, to overturn our institutions in a fit of impatience.
(88) All this is not to say that Basil was incapable of showing normal human impatience or intolerance.
(89) Only - wasn't there a hint of impatience inside his patterns too?
(90) All the strained confusions of the night are over, all the sleepless impatience to get on with the job.
(91) It is a tribute to our impatience and boredom that we are already asking this question three months premature.
(92) She longed to please, Davide noticed with sympathy commingled with impatience.
(93) Impatience is justified if theory moves off into the stratosphere, so to speak.
(94) They show the greatest impatience, and even disgust, when they hear a ranting resolution-maker berating slavery.
(94) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(95) All that day Jezrael was in a fever of impatience for Ember to come back.
(96) It was the Lemarchand woman who would be hurting and probably fuming with impatience.
(97) The reined-in impatience which so often emanated from Ian was absent, Theodora's gravitas mitigated and Julia's social nervousness sedated.
(98) But Gordon answered that one, too, betraying only the slightest hint of impatience.
(99) But then the ship idled there for hours, in its own sea mist of impatience and anxiety.
(100) But this week, you should try to curb your impatience with those who are slack in their work.
(101) Impatience and frustration are growing among those who want to see the state uphold the death penalty law.
(102) He waited, showing neither anger nor impatience - nor any shadow of doubt.
(103) In the mornings my husband walked the endless corridors of oil power, hoping for patience to overcome impatience.
(104) The impatience of the genius with the follies of littler men gives thrust and venom to Swift's satirical output.
(105) When I look back over the years I see impatience as the great sin of life.
(106) It not only distorts the face but gives the impression of anger or impatience.
(107) Once more the inhabitants of the northern forests showed their impatience of these delays.
(108) The train hastened through the flat Thames Valley fields and flat Western suburbs with single-minded impatience.
(109) He never really understood the anger and impatience of black activists in the 1960s.
(110) Claudia tugged at his shirt, sending buttons flying in her impatience to touch his magnificent body.
(111) He could only imagine the impatience of the thousands waiting in the late summer sun outside.
(112) The majority of rejected photographic claims are due to impatience - the photograph is taken before entering the zone.
(113) Americans in particular be prone to impatience.
(114) 'Enough!'said Defarge, with grim impatience.
(115) As it happens, I sympathise with the impatience.
(116) She fussed about, unable to hide her impatience.
(117) He was burning with impatience at all this waiting.
(118) He was gnawing his finger - nails with impatience.
(119) He awaited her answer with impatience.
(120) More often it was impatience that was ruinous.
(121) He was fretting with impatience.
(122) I share these writers' impatience with slack novelistic convention.
(123) Your long introduction has made me burn with impatience.
(124) The guardian is burning with impatience, delivers some Specialized hospital the baby, after the inspection discovery is the pneumococcal pneumonia.
(124) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(125) I inherit your resoluteness and diligence, also your impatience and roughness.
(126) A great wave of compassion had swept away his indifference and impatience.
(127) With an exclamation of impatience, but with his Unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out.
(128) As he reached deeper into the subject, Bethune went from impatience to exasperation.
(129) Whether it can deliver results fast enough to placate US impatience with China is another matter.
(130) His impatience with fools was legendary, and the amount of hagiography now being ladled onto his life with abandon would undoubtedly set his teeth on edge.
(131) Ase said with an impatience that made his mother blink.
(132) She began to show signs of impatience and snorted audibly.
(133) Some impatience was exhibited owing to the non - arrival of the speaker.
(134) Interestingly, Ma picks the good attributes of each animal: The speed of the rabbit but not the impatience and cockiness.
(135) The offer is seen as part of an effort to ease tension over U.S. military strikes recently on the Pakistan side of the border, and U.S. impatience with Pakistan's hesitance to fight insurgents.
(136) The Three Great Virtues of a Programmer: Laziness, Impatience and Hubris.
(137) Impatience is growing after three days in which nothing has been achieved.
(138) Inevitably, impatience will also overwhelm whatever high-minded arguments we might make in favor of the well-being of future generations.
(139) She was in a fume of impatience because she had to wait for the others.
(140) A "chastened" Obama promised compromise, but he viewed the "shellacking" as voter impatience with process more than with policy.
(141) I make some impatience on the condition of heavy work and busy hour.
(142) The cab crawled along, and she was in an agony of impatience.
(143) He awaited each stroke with impatience and - he knew not why - apprehension.
(144) Guy Kawasaki said it's the art of concealing your impatience, while Titus Plautus concludes that it's the best remedy for every trouble.
(145) The United Nations negotiators may sometimes have shown undiplomatic impatience. But they kept the disillusioning talks in being and they made important concessions.
(146) Time preference: the degree to which people prefer to consume sooner rather than later; a gauge of people's impatience to receive enjoyments.
(147) Impatience is often a precursor to self-punishment, so stop way before the red light hits.
(148) Many people think of depression as feeling sad, but depression can also bring feelings of moodiness, impatience, anger, or even just not caring.
(149) Wenger's side move the ball very quickly so good judgment and timing are vital. It's very easy to mistime tackles against them and impatience could be disastrous.
(150) Nay, impatience kills the fool and indignation slays the simpleton.
(151) He was unable to rein in his impatience any longer.
(152) The disquietude of his air, the somewhat apprehensive impatience of his manner, surprised me.
(153) Her impatience when she sometimes asked me to go on reading seemed to come from the hope that all this imbecility would eventually play itself out.
(154) He awaited each new stroke with impatience and -- he knew not why -- apprehension.
(155) Ultimately what drives trade conflict is when the trade surplus country cannot adjust quickly, while high unemployment in the trade deficit country creates impatience for rapid change.
(156) A puerile tear dimmed my eye while I looked a tear of disappointment and impatience.
(157) Hurry up, your father is beginning to fidget, ie show signs of impatience.
(158) She sat in an agony of impatience which affected every feature.
(159) There is a certain impatience among some of the soldiers.
(160) As she obtained the clue to their import, her impatience could not admit of delay.
(161) The surgeonexplained to Babilart with growing impatience that "seminal vapour"released during the sex act had moved up through the woman's uterus andinto the fallopian tubes.
(162) The horses were pawing the ground in their impatience to start.
(163) But insiders said no communication expressing impatience has been made to Liverpool as the board hunts for an investor to clear the debt, finance a new stadium and strengthen the playing squad.
(164) I saw the beauty of Shangri-la, the meretricious of Dali, the impatience of Lijiang, and the uneducated people of Yunnan.
(165) Impatience with extrinsic subject - matter has been characteristic of the modern movement.




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