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单词 Invisible
(1) She was invisible in the dusk of the room.
(2) He wished that he could make himself invisible.
(3) Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.
(4) The gun can fire invisible rays.
(5) The air is full of millions of invisible germs.
(6) The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.
(7) Bacteria is something invisible to the eye.
(8) Always wear your invisible crown.
(9) The gun can fire invisible.
(10) Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky.
(11) The house was surrounded by trees and invisible from the road.
(12) Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.
(13) Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye.
(14) It's a secret message written in invisible ink.
(15) That description captures perfectly the feeling of being invisible.
(16) These bacteria are invisible unless viewed with a microscope.
(17) Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export.
(18) The mends on your coat were almost invisible.
(19) Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries.
(20) She felt invisible in the crowd.
(21) Many stars overhead are invisible to the naked eye.
(22) Tourism brings in 40% of the island's invisible earnings.
(23) Many stars are invisible without a telescope.
(24) The mends were almost invisible.
(25) Selling insurance overseas is Britain's largest invisible export .
(26) Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
(27) And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.
(28) The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.
(29) As the boat picked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible.
(30) It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What's essential is invisible to the eyes.
(1) She was invisible in the dusk of the room.
(2) He wished that he could make himself invisible.
(3) Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.
(4) The gun can fire invisible rays.
(5) The air is full of millions of invisible germs.
(6) The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.
(7) Bacteria is something invisible to the eye.
(8) The gun can fire invisible.
(9) Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky.
(10) The house was surrounded by trees and invisible from the road.
(11) The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.
(12) As the boat picked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible.
(13) Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye.
(14) Many stars overhead are invisible to the naked eye.
(31) Infrared light is invisible to the human eye.
(32) The problems of the poor are largely invisible.
(33) When I called, he was invisible.
(34) It was so cloudy that the top of the mountain was invisible.
(35) Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
(36) The animals can become almost invisible by blending into the long grass.
(37) It's interesting how women are rendered invisible in these statistics.
(38) The police found traces of blood on his jacket that were invisible to the naked eye.
(39) Through his telescope he could see millions of stars that were invisible to the naked eye .
(40) It was as if an invisible force field kept us apart.
(41) the set of bands of coloured light into which a beam of white light may be separatedMany insects can perceive colours of the spectrum that are invisible to us.
(42) There's an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.
(43) The Stealth bomber is meant to be invisible to radar.
(44) Earnings from the sale of banking, insurance and other services to foreigners are described as "invisible exports".
(45) The particles are so small as to be almost invisible.
(46) Other species can perceive colours of the spectrum that are invisible to us.
(47) Dust mites are tiny creatures, invisible to the naked eye.
(48) The turtle's shell blended into the mud, making it almost invisible.
(49) It covered 14,000 acres, and it was invisible.
(50) Sometimes the heart sees what's invisible to the eye. Alfred Tennyson 
(51) The wait for an outpatient appointment is invisible.
(52) Most were invisible to the average citizen.
(53) The pull of the invisible creature grew stronger.
(54) There was an invisible, somehow natural, barrier.
(55) In the midst of winter, I find within me the invisible summer... Leo Tolstoy 
(56) The opposite defence is to sit dead still and try to be invisible.
(57) The candles on their hats burned with an almost invisible flame.
(57) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(58) It is very light in weight and its dark colour makes it almost invisible once in place.
(59) They work by forming an invisible barrier to prevent water loss.
(60) Knocked from its invisible supporting cradle of needle-thin tractor beams, the effigy swayed.
(61) The increase in efficiency promised by the apostles of reengineering and the apologists for the great merger wave remains invisible.
(62) The striped markings enable the beast to become invisible against a wide range of backgrounds by day or night.
(63) I run my fingers over this invisible object, and little by little curiosity gets the better of me.
(64) It was a risk for Invisible Theatre to choose a work whose success depends on the skill of teenaged actors.
(65) Market failure describes the circumstances in which distortions prevent the Invisible Hand from allocating resources efficiently.
(66) A cuckoo flew over, calling loudly, invisible above the canopy of leaves.
(67) The presence of a bodyguard was a constant reminder of the invisible veil which separated her from her family and friends.
(68) He preferred to remain aloof, an invisible presence worshipped from afar.
(69) It was a quiet process, invisible to those beyond the borders of East Harlem.
(70) I was scared of verbal abuse before, when I was bigger; now it's great to feel invisible.
(71) This contains an invisible watermark ... detectable only to electronic tills and cash dispensers.The company says it should be impossible to copy.
(72) He recognized each draught of icy air slicing through cracks in doors made invisible by crowding shadows.
(73) The strange standing stones, remnants of a burial chamber, are said to house an invisible living occupant - Wayland.
(74) Part of the reason commercials are effective is that they are, in a sense, invisible.
(75) Against their huge bulk, the pilgrims and mule toiling up the almost invisible pathways are tiny and humbled.
(76) The installed heron is already banking away on invisible air forces, away from the mayhem.
(77) The ring is virtually invisible around the central cornea which is the critical area for clear vision.
(78) Victorine perched in the darkness on a wooden bench with no back, feet dangling over the steep invisible ground.
(79) He also branded the idea of planetary motion caused by invisible epicycles as equally erroneous.
(80) The minority ethnic communities had been almost uniformly constructed as problem-ridden, undesirable and most of all invisible.
(81) It seems as if an invisible wall is involved, preventing the athlete from being touched by anything harmful.
(82) Many people are trying hard to be invincible, and most of the time they fail invisible, while few find their spotlight. But the remarkable person is one, who can be both invincible and invisible at the same time. Anthony Liccione 
(83) A hostile nation has attacked with the silent and invisible weapons of cyberspace.
(84) Although invisible to present probes, such preternaturally potent super-snakes are conceivably copulating throughout the icy blackness of outer space.
(85) In dOing 80, he had crossed an invisible line that separated the white and black beaches.
(86) He announces that there are invisible demons in the cellar, and that they claim that the house is legally theirs.
(87) Space was alive with ghostly curtains of light. Pale violet in colour, they waved gently in some invisible wind.
(88) Keols, invisible in the forest canopy, were calling to each other in their incessant woody voices.
(89) In fact, WordPerfect uses invisible codes for many of its functions.
(90) The bird travels to the invisible worlds above, and the snake slithers into the mysteries below ground.
(91) Invisible to the eye, these rays can be picked up by sensitive custom-built detectors.
(92) Before she had taken five steps she hit the chain link fencing that was invisible in the darkness.
(93) Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure. George Carlin 
(94) They asked: were there really no girls in youth cultures and street gangs or had sociological accounts made them invisible?
(95) Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. Jonathan Swift 
(96) It opens up into a fantastic cavern, which glistens and sparkles as though lit by an invisible Light.
(97) The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. Winston Churchill 
(98) Entering the village was like passing under an invisible triumphal arch, quite splendid.
(99) Then he straightened and dusted invisible grains of dirt from the knees of his coveralls.
(100) Women are simultaneously depicted by such structures as all-powerful and invisible.
(101) To pace yourself, doing enough to pay for a comfortable life and little enough to stay invisible.
(102) As if struck by invisible lightning, she felt her whole body tense and prickle with reaction.
(103) Belief is an invisible power emanating from the mind and the heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
(104) With a sense of destiny, I leaned forward and tapped upon it with an invisible finger.
(105) It can even include invisible codes such as carriage returns, tab stops, indentations, and format changes.
(106) A small dapper gentleman two seats away knocked back a shot of something and exhaled an invisible sweet cloud.
(107) Soon they may be virtually invisible except for a discreet beacon.
(108) He is concerned with the existence of invisible power within the state, creating a barrier between it and the people.
(109) To protect power station workers from this invisible threat the reactor core has to be encased behind many metres of thick concrete.
(110) Sypherd was described as arrogant, incompetent and hypocritical, and Pacheco was called ineffective, invisible and weak.
(111) The colour is very important and it's best to stick to a yellow toned powder for an invisible finish.
(112) I went to my room and calmed myself with some invisible mending.
(113) She poured herself more brandy and sat on the balcony, invisible against the dark room.
(114) A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor. Victor Hugo 
(115) Hidden in the Net is the mystery of the Invisible Hand-control without authority.
(116) And it was completely invisible, even at close range.
(117) That comet is invisible to the unaided eye.
(118) Invisible whether must glasses measure radian?
(119) It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.
(120) The main thrust of the tea ceremony is invisible.
(121) Almost invisible mirrored tree house built in Sweden.
(122) Let the invisible flame burn out cool.
(123) The problem is that dark matter is invisible.
(124) An invisible god can inoculate you against those failures.
(125) Can be trachoma used invisible glasses?
(126) Always , KGB officers try to remain invisible.
(127) See Invisibility. Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
(128) Extragalactic nebula is invisible to the naked eye.
(129) Invisible glasses and corporeal glasses which good?
(130) The scar at canthus after surgery is invisible.
(131) Insurance is one of Britain's most profitable invisible exports.
(132) How does judgement have trachoma? I should be taken invisible glasses ah ~!
(133) The slabs of standing stone point roughly toward the invisible notch.
(134) But to the eye of the ordinary, unimaginative traveler, they are invisible.
(135) Adam Smith's famous invisible hand theorem was predicated on the existence of competition.
(136) Undesirable automatic synchronizer and hand are moved and the net is a dynamo is invisible killer.
(137) Capricorn , Tuesday , 1 September 2009 Saturn 's rings are all but invisible now.
(138) Have the nearsighted patient of astigmatism, can you adorn invisible glasses?
(139) The invisible rays sliced and diced my entrails in search of metal.
(140) Oberon: But who comes here? I am invisible. And I will overhear their conference.
(141) Failure that is so mortifying and so devastating that it makes you try to become invisible.
(142) H . G . Wells " invisible man " was invisible and untraceable.
(143) Does the chest member invisible income that service savings bank labour service dispatches have a number?
(144) Invisible are eye and frame glasses crossing - over worn is Dai Hao bad?
(145) Patterns that are invisible on the ground can be the most striking part of an aerial photograph.
(146) Another senior residents of the enemy is invisible electromagnetic radiation.
(147) A Barman, a policeman, and a cabman awaited the Invisible Man's arrival after hiding Marvel.
(148) Body is opening with invisible coil zipper at centre back.
(149) Indoor pollution falls into two categories, that which we can see or smell, and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour.
(150) Children would bring them close together and break down this invisible barrier.
(151) They seemed to have the power to touch the incorporeal and see the invisible.
(152) As if cued by an invisible hand, both twins began crying lustily.
(153) The heat of the sun turns the sea water into invisible vapour.
(154) Rontgen went on to try to find out more about these strange invisible rays.
(155) The teachers are daily and hourly exercising an invisible , formative influence on the pupils'character.
(156) Invisible braces are made of translucent polycrystalline alumina ( TPA ).
(157) Unglamorous, usually unexciting and normally invisible , the world's financial plumbing is gummed up.
(158) The electron clouds are clearly visible as blurs surrounding the invisible nuclei.
(159) All seems to be covered by the invisible valance of night hide their track.
(160) The invisible powers of heaven seemed to militate on the side of the pious emperor.
(161) A continuous, invisible light beam is emitted from the OPTIMA Sensor.
(162) And roach droppings , while almost invisible, can trigger serious respiratory problems.
(163) The invisible infrared spectrum is also sensed by the multispectral scanner.
(164) In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.
(165) The invisible trade surplus was £200 million lower than reported.
(166) In de facto, image is invisible property, the key point.
(167) Miniature cable tucks neatly between carpet and baseboard for neat, virtually invisible cable run.
(168) Every time you open door, you whip up an invisible storm.
(169) I may be approaching that invisible point of no return.
(170) The invisible investigation can resolve this problem better and carry out the purpose repressing corruption.
(171) Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands.
(172) This website shows and invisible world and aspiring eyes of ladys.
(173) After the soldier of fortune embarks(), discovered that all passengers vanish entirely in invisible.
(174) Oberon: But who comes here? I am invisible. And I overhear their conference.
(175) From the point view of a firm customer value includes the countable value and invisible value.
(176) Invisible Man, writen by American black writer Ralph Ellison, is a typical picaresque novel.
(177) LIKE a deity , radio spectrum is invisible, omnipresent and commands awesome power./invisible.html
(178) His face crinkled in tenderness, and his hands cupped around an invisible object.
(179) Invisible is glasses degree big essentials lower than picture frame glasses how many degrees?
(180) The butler was almost invisible in the stream of an antiquated geyser.
(181) Invisible Man is the masterpiece of American black writer Ralph Ellison.
(182) In both it is impossible to deny the primacy of inner, invisible processes.
(183) He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
(184) He loved to find subjects in men's souls - to rule over an invisible and immaterial empire!
(185) Jagger was dancing on stage, and pretending to play an invisible guitar.
(186) 'The rat,'said O'Brien, still addressing his invisible audience,'although a rodent, is carnivorous.
(187) The invisible hand of Allah has given OPEC most of the world's oil.
(187) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(188) The mass of China lay before us, all - pervasive but invisible.
(189) Saw your, flowing through the flimsy skins, around the sheer perfume, reeking in your invisible smile.
(190) By the time the Sun's corona rays reach the Earth, they are weak and invisible.
(191) The coral absorbs the invisible light, then emits wild orange light.
(192) PLAINTIVE siren wails as a government unit , invisible in the darkness, patrols.




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