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单词 Tory
1. The Tory candidate received/polled 8000 votes.
2. Helen of Tory was beautiful beyond expression.
3. Helen of Tory was beautiful past expression.
4. She is a prominent Tory right-winger.
5. The minister's own seat is a Tory marginal.
6. Is this the new face of the Tory party?
7. The Tory candidate lost his deposit.
8. The Tory got 40 % of the vote.
9. Her husband is a true blue Tory.
10. His free-trade policies aroused suspicion among Tory stalwarts.
11. A newspaper called him "the thinking man's Tory".
12. The Labour candidate unexpectedly overturned the long-standing Tory majority.
13. Sir Leon lent his weight to the Tory campaign yesterday.
14. The Tory party always holds together in times of crisis.
15. The candidate is clearly on-message with the Tory party leader.
16. The marginal Tory constituency was held by 2200 votes in 1992.
17. A number of Tory rebels are planning to vote against the government.
18. The Tory candidate held the seat, but with a greatly reduced majority.
19. Shopkeepers would once have been pillars of the Tory establishment.
20. The Tory candidate stands a good chance of getting in.
21. The Tory Party called the bill "the most squalid measure ever put before the Commons".
22. Labour poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order.
23. The mood amongst Tory MPs seems to be swinging away from their leader.
24. The runner is now a Tory candidate.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. Utter shambles, said one Tory candidate.
26. Businessman Philip Goldenberg on the Tory election manifesto.
27. But the dealing room was not exclusively Tory.
28. Michael Fallon, the Tory candidate, has declined to sign.
29. His reception there shortened the odds that he might be the next Tory leader.
30. Once a socialist, she has now reverted to type and votes Tory like her parents.
1. Helen of Tory was beautiful beyond expression.
2. The Tory got 40 % of the vote.
31. There are three leading Tory contenders.
32. Tory, 26, admitted to frustration at recent results.
33. The Tory Right despise him.
34. In the end, the Tory majority remained virtually intact.
35. Chancellor Nigel Lawson's Tory conference speech had little impact.
36. As Ashbee grew older and more Tory, he became alienated from his family.
37. Gone are Tory promises of across-the-board tax cuts or scaremongering about Labour's tax bombshells.
38. The Balkans and the anti-Maastricht Tory rebels turned the statesman into an exasperated headmaster.
39. But Tory rebels still remain confident they can win the day and in doing so inflict irreparable damage on the treaty.
40. The Tory critics object that the Church is peddling left-wing politics as a religious message, while failing to assert moral values.
41. In reality, however, the Tory tactics simply had the effect of getting a deeply reluctant Labour Party off the hook.
42. Cecil resigned from the Cabinet and ever since has been playing to full houses when he addresses the Tory faithful.
43. What would be gained by being a bother to the selection committee of a twenty-two carat Tory seat?
44. Major is the first Tory prime minister since Winston Churchill without a university education.
45. New chairman, Tory councillor Keith Bland admitted that the council had made mistakes.
46. That notion is quite compatible with a certain residue of benevolent despotism exercised by Tory squires.
47. Instead John Major invites 200 carefully selected friends along for a cosy chat about how rosy the Tory garden is.
48. Moreover, a humane, liberal, decent sort of Tory Foreign Secretary.
49. In recent years, the Kirk's senior clergy have consistently attacked Tory policies.
50. In theory, the Tory constituency parties could come to the rescue.
51. The two men, the former a steadfast Tory, the latter a dedicated Whig, had crossed swords on several occasions.
52. Lord Tebbit, former Tory party chairman and right-hand man to Baroness Thatcher, is backing the plan.
53. The chairman of Cheltenham Conservatives discounts any fears of an independent candidate splitting the Tory vote.
54. Perhaps he ought to remember those days and get around to living up to the promise he made to the last Tory conference.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
55. The Tory party used cash and back channels and foreign donations to influence elections and change laws.
56. John Gummer was not even on the Tory platform for a press conference to defend the Government's record on animal welfare.
57. The Prime Minister rounded off his campaign by visiting two Tory marginal seats in south London.
58. But it produced critical evidence about how different designs of tax would hit marginal seats and heartland Tory ones.
59. How much Tory support has dwindled away following the community charge debacle is open to question.
60. As the Tory manifesto boasts, there are 18 mini-charters, covering health, public transport, education, local government and so on.
61. A bank is taking court action over the former Tory Party chairman's half a million pound overdraft.
62. If the Tories lose the looming Christchurch by-election, a new Tory refrain of Major-Must-Go may reach fortissimo.
63. Sarcastic cameos of barking Tory predators and their yelping spouses indicate his accomplices in this enterprise.
64. Race row flares again: Minister accuses Lib Dems of attacking black Tory.
65. Money markets fear a half point base rate rise on a Tory defeat.
66. Tory Derek Lamberth said closure plans had been on the agenda for two years.
67. Where on this conjoined road of shared experiences did the Prime Minister go so badly wrong and become a Tory?
68. The South Sea Company had been formed under a Tory administration in 1710.
69. These images were precisely the same as those invoked by Tory propaganda.
70. And they clearly hope to get them down further before the Tory conference next month.
71. This will cost about £120m. Tory backbenchers consider it money well spent.
72. The folk wisdom led Tory politicians to dismiss opinion poll findings suggesting the opposite.
73. When James challenged both of these, Tory Anglicans inevitably sought to oppose him.
74. At the Suffolk elections of 1705 and 1710, 80 percent of the clergy voted for the two Tory candidates.
75. He cheered Tory backbenchers, but they predicted that the Chancellor could also face a rough ride unless the plan works.
76. Behind the stern blue drapes of the Tory Conference you could feel the pocked walls mouldering to the loud applause.
77. He issued a libel writ after John Patten's comments at a Tory party fringe meeting.
78. In April 1939, under pressure from Tory backbenchers, the Government announced the introduction of military conscription.
79. The two men met yesterday at Tory command in another nearby marginal, Lewisham West, and enjoyed a chat.
80. Nineteen former Tory Cabinet members enjoy 59 directorships between them.
81. This is doubtful: the electorate, being composed of ordinary people, is less impressionable than Tory grandees.
82. He had sidled up to it crabwise but to his surprise Tory Central Office had welcomed him.
83. Mr Lamont has also put his mark on Tory budgets for the next three years, regardless of whether he remains Chancellor.
84. Do not forget Mr Hurd's record for soothing nerves and conciliating Tory antagonists.
84. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
85. Junior environment minister found careering at the wheel after midnight during the Tory party conference in Bournemouth.
86. But it was exasperated Tory backbenchers who sealed his fate.
87. Only the most foolish Tory would fail to make apologies to the electorate for his party's errors.
88. A Tory Transport Secretary pledging a national transport policy and oodles of public money for services that don't make money.
89. Tory politicians are also liable to misread the trade-off in voters' minds between taxation and spending.
90. The Government have reduced inflation only by imposing the second Tory slump in 10 years.
91. His was a campaign to warm the heart of the town's Tory candidate Michael Fallon.
92. A TORY councillor says Labour advertising on buses in Darlington will put people off using them.
93. If Walden carries out his threat, the Tory government would fall, leading to a general election.
94. Proponents of such a view owe us an apology for three avoidable Tory victories.
95. Cheltenham's Tory faithful welcomed the Lady and she returned the compliment.
96. If the Tory Euro-rebels had defeated the Government the whole treaty would have collapsed.
97. He was speaking for a Tory candidate at the election.
98. The remaining 275 hereditary peers state no preference, though they would mostly vote Tory if pushed.
99. When they met, the Tory chairman tried to soothe nerves.
100. Labour's stunning victory in 1997 left the Tory party in denial about the seriousness of its situation.
101. It will give the various groups and Tory Members who seek to play the race card the opportunity to do so.
102. Janet becomes a Tory, while Miranda grows up to be a very conscious feminist.
103. The only advice for a Tory chancellor in this position is, don't ever get into this position.
104. And he is believed to be more of a Tory than Lansley might expect.
105. It is by no means certain that the Tory tax offensive has gained much ground.
106. A Tory conference probably has more than its due share of savers.
107. The company which used to give £40,000 a year to Tory funds, launched a stinging attack on Government policies.
108. They live in the nine skinflint boroughs - mostly Tory authorities - which have scrapped their school meals service on cost grounds.
109. Least of all do I recognise the fairness and balance of the current Tory legislation which you claim.
110. Investors remained sceptical of Tory damage control and subsequent polls showing a closer race.
111. Mr Massow said the controversy had pitted the Tory leader, William Hague(), against his own party's liberal wing.
112. Another factor not taken into account before the election was the number of expatriate Tory voters registered in marginal constituencies.
113. Tory polices do not work and the tragedy is that, in Britain every month, 30,000 people join the dole.
114. Her mum would never had done anything so untidy or indiscreet, and she'd been a Tory all her life.Sentence dictionary
115. Up to 8,000 people would be detained under the Tory crackdown, she claimed.
116. The way to avoid this was to vote Tory and secure a majority government maintaining the existing system.
117. Is not it time for the Government to compensate the people whom they damaged in their first Tory recession?
118. It kills off lingering Tory hopes the economy is poised for recovery.
119. That was music to the ears of Tory Euro-rebels who planned to back the Labour amendment.
120. The Conservative government has made a half-hearted attempt to tax company cars - half-hearted because it fears upsetting natural Tory voters.
121. That is why the Tory Party always contests the Rhondda, for example.
122. Mr Brown's statement on Wednesday was designed to counteract Tory plans to reduce income tax.
123. But the expulsion did not pacify the Tory civil war, as the contenders traded recriminations.
124. Tory Trotskyism wants to create the revolutionary conditions that will justify its existence.
125. The haves plan to vote Tory: the have nots support Labour.
126. But Tory backbenchers are desperate for him to end the drift.
127. His statement was greeted with cries of mock astonishment and indignation by Tory back-benchers.
128. Du Cann's fundamental problem has been that he wanted to be seen as cross between a Tory grandee and country squire.
129. Less than 2 weeks ago, Mr Heseltine had the party faithful squirming with delight at the Tory Party conference.
130. Some Tories even forecast that Mr Major would quit voluntarily rather than face the humiliation of a Tory leadership challenge.
131. The only guarantee that I can give is that there will not be a Tory Government after the 1992 election.
132. Did you know that 30 Tory knights of shire and suburb are not standing at the election?
133. His limpid style and flashes of wit overcame Labour heckling, tickled the press and brought a smile to jaded Tory backbenchers.
134. Many Tory party cheer-leaders boast that there has been a cultural revolution.
135. Why should Britain's areas of highest unemployment suffer because of Tory party internal divisions?
136. He was inaugurating Labour's national crusade on jobs, which will be concentrated on marginal Tory constituencies.
137. However, Tory party central office says that the M25 will be widened to four lanes at a cost of £4 billion.
138. In giving her the chance to shine in front of an appreciative Tory audience Heath probably sealed his own doom.
139. The short, bitter election campaign is dominated by some unexpectedly useful economic statistics and a serious Tory gaffe over immigration.
140. Picture, page 4 Rethink call from Tory peers follows banks' pull-out Minister in corner over student loans.
141. Outside, there was arm-twisting and heavy pressure as the Tory whips rounded on potential rebels.
142. But the greatest contribution Mrs Thatcher made to selling the reforms was to lose the Tory leadership.
143. She not only got pregnant but also found it impossible to further her career in the Tory party.
144. Yet apart from a few scattered Tory voices, there is no public debate.
145. Their warnings came amid bleak forecasts that sterling will plunge to a new low during this week's Tory conference at Brighton.
146. James Pawsey, the Tory member for Rugby, also appeared to be hopelessly in love.
147. She began to re-write Tory policy on tax, on public spending, on welfare, on corporatism.
148. There's competition but also consensus of view: a lower Labour majority next time and a Tory advance.
149. Buxton, perhaps despite himself, grew anxious not to alienate Tory support, even if that meant silencing more liberal voices.
150. There is a certain amount of evidence to suggest that local Tory leaders played a part in inciting the unrest.
151. And the swing from Tory to Liberal Democrat was highest where turnout was highest.
152. Miners' leader Arthur Scargill's call to defy Tory union laws was rejected.
153. After this fourth successive Tory election victory, we think it would be better if a Labour Speaker had a turn.
154. In our original study, we assumed that Mr Major could hope to win roughly one by-election in three in Tory seats.
155. From the moment black barrister John Taylor was selected as Tory candidate.
156. The Tory rating has noticeably worsened since July on the issues of managing the economy, pensions and taxation.
157. And every year the report's findings are roundly condemned by Tory politicians for being excessively negative.
158. It will be screened in the first instance for Tory Party workers throughout Britain.
159. The strong integrationist call dominates two-thirds of the 37 resolutions on Northern Ireland affairs submitted for next month's Tory conference.
160. The Essex Men had mobilised on the Tory backbenches in strength.
161. Why should the Tory rebels vote for a wrecking amendment which has been rendered futile?
162. Tory ministers continue to watch Mr Smith's ascendant star with considerable nervousness.
163. And there is a serious deficit in the Tory accounts, as elsewhere.
164. Savouring her 1,440-vote capture of the Tory marginal, the double Oscar winner said yesterday her acting career was over.
165. The Tory victory means that the family will pay £46 less in tax and national insurance contributions.
166. More important, the younger Pitt, during his long tenure of office, laid the foundations of the nineteenth-century Tory party.
167. The Labour Party had put down a vote of censure and there was much rumbling on the Tory backbenches.
168. He harboured ambitions of becoming a Tory MP.
169. And the Tory manifesto in particular is a stunning gamble.
170. By 1696 ,(http:///tory.html) with Tory squires and Amsterdam burghers complaining about excessive taxes.
171. Ted Heath and the Tory Party offered a better deal.
172. Worst-hit areas were Tory heartlands in London and the South-East.
173. "This tax is a disaster waiting to happen," said an angry Tory backbencher.
174. The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government.
175. She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route.




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