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单词 Patronage
(1) We appreciate your patronage and...
(2) Without the patronage of several large firms, the festival could not take place.
(3) We give our patronage to local shops.
(4) Patronage is a potent force if used politically.
(5) Thank you for your patronage.
(6) We thank you for your patronage.
(7) Patronage of the arts comes mostly from businesses and private individuals.
(8) The Conservative Party enjoys the patronage of much of the business community.
(9) The theatre is under the patronage of the Arts Council.
(10) Their life tenure means they defy patronage.
(11) If so[http://], this seems a substantial concession to patronage.
(12) Not that their patronage would have necessarily ensured success.
(13) As before, patronage of the Cambrian Limited was exceptional.
(14) This step brought accusations of political patronage.
(15) As chief steward, Gloucester had access to significant patronage.
(16) His patronage derives from eating only grapes during Lent.
(17) More curious is the extreme catholicism of their patronage.
(18) His system of political patronage and agile intimidation of potential enemies reigns supreme in the economically depressed territories.
(19) Apparently partisan house cleaning and patronage pay-offs are considered routine at the Corporation Commission.
(20) As an economic structure, patronage had an effect on Leapor's poetry.
(21) Thomas' patronage stems from the many churches he built during his pilgrimages.
(22) The king's patronage as well as his jurisdiction were advanced and defended by prohibitions.
(23) Company patronage is tangible evidence that the companies are committed to high standards of professional management.
(24) We would like to thank all of our customers for their patronage in the past.
(25) Force Gill has two fine waterfalls which would earn an admiring patronage if they were better known.
(26) At home he was against the establishment, the royals and patronage.
(27) Dependence was imposed and the rest is history and green beans, cotton tee-shirts, patronage, and serfdom.
(28) Workers' organisations were then created and expanded, with the assistance of patronage, but in order to defend workers' interests.
(29) They therefore blame not the buddy system but political patronage for government inefficiency.
(30) On the other hand, some of the freeholders seeking patronage demurred at the price expected.
(1) We appreciate your patronage and...
(2) We give our patronage to local shops.
(31) An influential politician would command patronage, although one didn't like to think of it like that.
(32) But why should corrupt politicians voluntarily give up their powers of patronage and intervention?
(33) The comparatively large sums involved conferred on all these agencies a substantial power of patronage over recipient institutions.
(34) A golf tournament with royal patronage was too good an opportunity for a publicity-minded company to miss.
(35) John Major scholarship boy who made it to the local grammar school and was lucky to obtain patronage from the local squire.
(36) The Woodvilles' assimilation into the political community was further eased by a less aggressive manipulation of royal patronage on their behalf.
(37) Maurus saved the young Placid from drowning, which may or may not explain bis patronage.
(38) Meanwhile,[http:///patronage.html] organized labor and the thousands of new patronage jobs in the federal bureaucracy gave the president powerful political leverage.
(39) It is secondary to the political priorities of preserving specific presidents in power and the patronage system associated with them.
(40) Both she and Prince Albert believed wholeheartedly in the value of photography and through their patronage encouraged its early popularity.
(41) It is said that pregnant women were assured a smooth delivery when they drank from his cup, hence his patronage.
(42) The haute bourgeoisie saw themselves as the arbiters of taste and the artistic heirs of the system of patronage.
(43) Most of their business was transacted in the royal court, whose physical setting dictated the rituals of supplication and patronage.
(44) It was a clear case of personal patronage, but he was to remain executive head for thirty-three years.
(45) His access to patronage, too, was gained through privy Seal connections.
(46) In this poem patronage is seen as corrupting; those who strive for it must sacrifice essential human values.
(47) Cleese enlisted Royal patronage to work on the top-selling environment number.
(48) It is widely assumed that a patronage system results in a government run by unqualified people.
(49) Another reason behind the opposition to political patronage is the national disdain for politics and politicians.
(50) The important aspect of Johnson's statement is that he dismisses the whole phenomenon of labouring poets as misapplied patronage.
(51) Prior to the abolition of the heritable jurisdictions in 1747, those nobles who possessed extensive judicial rights controlled their own patronage.
(52) The socialists, not relishing the sudden loss of their patronage, are much identified with the regular street demos.
(53) The judges' deliberate promotion of the Second Empire can perhaps be explained from the standpoint of patronage.
(54) We obviously need some protection against patronage hiring and firing.
(55) Royal patronage and unexpected death also laid the foundation of the power of Edward's third son, John of Gaunt.
(56) The unwise patronage policy of the Santa Anna administration had been very costly.
(57) Many poor people were grateful for anything which lightened their burden, others were resentful of patronage which went with it.
(58) Any work which demonstrated ancient Germanic culture was seized upon and given official patronage.
(59) It was clearly patronage that they were seeking, rather than a confrontation with another class.
(60) The political motives that lay behind this patronage in no way detract from the superb aesthetic achievement that it produced.
(61) One corollary of that desire was that, apart from the Woodville forfeitures, little patronage became available for redistribution.
(62) The chemical industry must take a more active role instead of just being a supplier or involved in sponsorship or patronage.
(63) His patronage is due to the high recovery rate of hernia sufferers at his tomb.
(64) Eriugena himself was never part of the Carolingian ecclesiastical establishment and worked directly under the private patronage of Charles the Bald.
(65) Dependent on state patronage, Soviet official art was a public, epic, partisan art intended for mass consumption.
(66) Brook was not averse to extending his advice into the heartland of prime-ministerial patronage - the shape and composition of the Cabinet.
(67) He was a hustling precinct worker and brought out the vote, so he was rewarded with a patronage job.
(68) His patronage to confessors is attributed to the large crowds he attracted to the confessionals.
(69) Consequently,[] his statements about the patronage of Piero's works are generally more probing and trustworthy.
(70) He had a rich father, whose fortune he had slowly demolished through his patronage of the arts.
(71) For the church this surge in royal patronage had damaging effects, pastoral and political.
(72) In painting and music, especially, this kind of patronage was extremely important and lasted for many centuries.
(73) During the seven years of their previous patronage by Next, the brothers have reached the pinnacle of the sport.
(74) The boards and commissions that run these organizations are commonly appointed by ministers and so provide an increase in ministerial patronage.
(75) Service to a king or a great lord was often the key to patronage and status.
(76) In Britain, the old tradition of private patronage in the great provincial cities is reviving - but not fast enough.
(77) His patronage comes from boiling water spilled on his stomach as a final torture for his unyielding faith before being beheaded.
(78) He minted coins and his patronage of continental missionary activity is a noticeable feature of his reign.
(79) Will operator charges by Railtrack be reflected in higher fares and possible loss of patronage resulting from cross price elasticity?
(80) Moreover, many nonconformists achieved considerable professional reputations and financial gain through private patronage from the native intelligentsia and the foreign community.
(81) There is nothing which can better deserve our patronage than the promotion of science and literature. Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness. George Washington 
(82) He is not necessarily a typical patronage worker, but he is not unusual.
(83) His patronage came about when people suffering from rabies were cured at his grave.
(84) Divorced from any clear patronage, western artists were free to look inwards and to ignore the tastes of the masses.
(85) Many farms were let out to royal clerks and lay servants - another aspect of crown patronage.
(86) The flow of patronage towards them continued unabated, and some of their household expenses were financed by the king.
(87) This is deadly for a political machine that lives through patronage.
(88) Some 300,000 people work in state-owned enterprises, and many owe their jobs to political patronage.
(89) Nor had the courts outlawed most patronage hiring and firing and protected most employees from wrongful discharge.
(90) I do not believe in patronage even from the Labour front bench.
(91) The use of state posts as a source of patronage and control was reflected in the hypertrophy of the state enterprise bureaucracy.
(92) The letter is remarkable testimony to the importance of ecclesiastical patronage for the king's government.
(93) A lucky stalwart might gain the patronage of some powerful upper-hab clan or even of a noble.
(94) It was not long before the Princess proved that her patronage was not intended as a sinecure.
(95) Later, Daley would shrink civil service and expand the patronage army.
(96) Romanus' patronage stems from curing two madmen while on pilgrimage to Valais.
(97) Like Hope, he was immensely wealthy, and was able to combine passive politics with active art patronage and writing.
(98) For those who got such jobs colonial patronage brought considerable advantages in terms of income and prestige.
(99) The early introduction of merit systems deprived them of patronage,[ ] and nominations for public office were outside their control.
(100) On the contrary, patterns of patronage and marketing ensured that it was the most widely seen and reproduced of all.
(101) Indeed it can still be found in our own time, in some individual cases but also in new forms of patronage.
(102) We too rely on, if not the direct patronage, at least the goodwill of people in government and high places.
(103) Court politics were pursued within a context of competition between rival patronage groups.
(104) Intertwined with these were rivalry, power brokering, and patronage.
(105) We respectfully solicit your continuous patronage.
(106) We request a continuance of your patronage.
(107) We solicit a continuance of your patronage.
(108) Your patronage is cordially invited.
(109) The hotel has a large patronage.
(110) A thousand thanks for your patronage.
(111) Solicit a continuance of customer's patronage.
(112) The restaurant has a large patronage.
(113) Banks retain youngsters'loyalty and continued patronage in the future.
(114) The machine survived because it was held together by the twin cords of patronage and loyalty.
(115) How often he had winced at her patronage of strangers!
(116) To this caravanserai came the best of the political and social patronage of the State.
(117) This research investigates the effects of the refund depth and scope of price-matching on consumer perceptions of believability (), value and patronage intentions.
(118) Pension, A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronage.
(119) Those that live by patronage shall surely perish by patronage.
(120) His patronage, entwined with the ordinary deference, was not plain to them.
(121) The regional boards overseeing the river levees, once a patronage playpen, have been restructured and professionalised.
(122) Patronage of the arts comes from businesses and private individuals.
(123) Quietly but surely he retired Hanna as chief dispenser of patronage.
(124) Indeed, before its usurpation by Christianity Mithraism enjoyed the patronage of some of the most important individuals in the Roman Empire.
(125) I t was in a great measure supported by the patronage of the Government, and the Governors always exercised the right of forbidding the insertion of what they disliked.
(126) Although it is still dominated by elites and their patronage networks, the Nigerian political sphere is wide open.
(127) Enthusiasm waiting for the majority of new and existing customers patronage, the Jiangnan your company is willing to work with "hand in hand, hold open the market to create brilliant."
(128) It's also likely that your web presence is English language only,[] and you only receive patronage from English-speaking customers.
(129) The Vevey Festival was founded 12 years ago under the patronage of Oona Chaplin.
(130) Our fashionaBle dress shop has specially set up a popular clothes counter, and welcomes your patronage.
(131) He has a great deal of patronage in his hands.
(132) Bel-Air for the residents to residents free of charge on the ring bus service, the predecessor of the new bus line M49 line and auxiliary line in the vicinity of the Cyberport low patronage.
(133) In 1859 he made a third visit, this time under the patronage of the Czar , Alexander II.
(134) Welcome wholeheartedly new and old customers in the world your patronage, deign to inquire, direct.
(135) Unlike its brother, bourbon, whisky has never benefited from rock-and-roll patronage.
(136) We look forward to the future with confidence, business is business life of the project, which is a law that will never change. Welcome your patronage!
(137) old-style political bosses handed out patronage jobs here and there, he says.
(138) Although there is no doubt that Asoka 's patronage of Buddhism did much to spread that religion, his inscriptions recognize the Brahmans as worthy of respect.
(139) He knew that she was taking the patronage out of his hands.
(140) His translated poems were canonized in the historical process of interaction of ideology, poetics and patronage.
(141) It was nothing like the class of patronage which he had enjoyed in Chicago.
(142) From top Stuttgart is proud of its patronage of the arts.
(143) This shop specializes in making gold - lettered signBoard, and your patronage is welcome.
(144) It is patronage politics, said Harry Roque, a prosecution lawyer acting for a number of the dead journalists.
(145) Goo-goo , in case you're wondering, is a century - old term for "good government" types, reformers opposed to corruption and patronage.
(146) We welcome the broad masses of old and new customers and vendors patronage, any purchase, call letters come, Fair met.
(147) We in the coastal city of the major port and will provide you with a gas service, Welcoming the extensive customer patronage!
(148) I am sorry to say that my patronage ends with this.
(149) The Macclesfield Psalter is a revealing product of artistic and patronage exchange in the Middle Ages.
(150) Though it was not yet noon, there was considerable patronage.
(151) What will be the final result of this ever - expanding patronage?
(152) All this mawkish celebration, they maintain, merely bolsters an anti-democratic institution based on privilege and patronage, a costly anachronism that ought to be abolished.
(153) It is part of the Mae Fah Luang Foundation, set up under royal patronage to help the disfranchised ethnic minorities of northern Thailand.




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