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单词 Startling
1 Paddy's words had a startling effect on the children.
2 These myths have a startling likeness to one another.
3 The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance.
4 Her technical accomplishment on the piano is startling.
5 A startling cultural transformation occurred in post - war Britain.
6 He made some startling admissions about his past.
7 He was capable of writing things of startling originality.
8 The design is pretty startling and very boldly coloured.
9 Her skin was a startling white.
10 It is startling to read that his father never visited him in hospital.
11 The report has turned the spotlight on the startling rise in street crime.
12 She uses animal sounds to create startling effect in her music.
13 The effect was to be startling and highly visible.
14 Humanity is a startling exception to this rule.
15 Darden's examination of the witness produced no startling evidence.
16 The conclusion which is reached is quite startling.
17 Enter Bringhurst, stage left, with a startling proposition.
18 The most startling innovation was the introduction of juries.
19 A wild, startling, and often quite beautiful melange.
20 My phone rang just after eleven, so startling I broke my pencil on my notepad.
21 As she set down her cup, startling the sparrows, she thought she might even pack his belongings.
22 Her beauty was so startling that it mysteriously approached the comic.
23 The love of their country is with them only a mode of flattering its master; as soon as they think that master can no longer hear, they speak of everything with a frankness which is the more startling because those who listen to it become responsible.
24 Jane wrote a letter to a newspaper. This letter contained some startling allegations.
25 "Frankly I found it rather frightening." — "A little startling," Mark agreed.
26 He asked us to be quiet and then made a startling announcement.
27 He felt tempted to find out by inventing a number of startling discoveries made through lab tests on the chair.
28 The State of the Union address was a weighty and substantial occurence, though without startling new developments.
29 He still had enough rural conservatism to find this directness startling.
30 There's good torque for clean response and brisk pick-up after shifting gear, but high-end engine output is nothing startling.
1 Paddy's words had a startling effect on the children.
2 These myths have a startling likeness to one another.
3 The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance.
4 Her technical accomplishment on the piano is startling.
5 A startling cultural transformation occurred in post - war Britain.
6 He asked us to be quiet and then made a startling announcement.
31 This is a rather startling admission from a noted tough guy.
32 The startling image of a piano encircled by a wedding ring exemplifies the notion of affinities developed by Magritte from the 1930s.
33 It provides a startling point for a discussion of the widespread belief that Richard Nixon was a brilliant maker of foreign policy.
34 This startling discovery has supported the idea that cancer develops when a cell contains too much of a perfectly normal cellular protein.
35 They will cut office overheads by startling amounts and be the new cost leaders.
36 In a more general study researching the full costs of accidents at work during 1991/92 some startling figures were revealed.
37 Goldin made his startling announcement during a press conference that was otherwise devoted to the Mars Pathfinder probe.
38 And the consequences could be even more startling, for better or for worse.
39 One of the startling omissions from the maiden speech of the hon. Member for Langbaurgh was any mention of Teesside development corporation.
40 The effect of this vision on the handful of monks returning to the monastery might seem a little startling.
41 They lit the whole of the high table, startling the prince's grave face into gaiety.
42 For several blissful seconds she abandoned herself to his kiss, and to all the incredible, startling sensations exploding inside her.
43 Even within one country the variations between states or provinces with fairly similar cultural and value systems are startling.
44 The most startling example of how that power works is the story of Anna Chennault and the 1968 election.
45 He thoroughly searched the house and came up with some startling and damning evidence.
46 Their lives take a startling turn when a friend is murdered in the local park.
47 Curtis' incipiently multiracial ideas seemed at first rather startling to some other members of the Round.
48 What's the most startling stash you've found in some one's house?
49 I am sorry my voice is so startling to you.
50 A typically startling and ambitious novel of murder and other threats.
51 It's the combination of negative factors that makes this situation so startling.
52 There were two startling things about antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
53 Light came flooding into the room, startling her,(http:///startling.html) making her open her eyes again.
54 Why such a startling retreat from the nearly unanimous support for the free processing zone 18 months ago?
55 But giant tubeworms are 6-foot-long expletives, shouts of brilliance, startling in their vivid simplicity and exposure.
56 Meanwhile, thanks to a series of startling medical breakthroughs, his father was recovering from his debilitating strokes.
57 Her eyes were a startling violet colour that made her look incredibly strong-minded.
58 Perhaps even more startling, given the recent repressive climate, Zverev himself could also be seen working intuitively in public.
59 He could not do this with-out creating controversy, without startling the press from time to time.
60 So the debate is still raging about how to account for these startling developments.
61 Despite his empathy, the contrast between young men in earrings to the plain-talking, Midwestern senator was startling.
62 But it isn't just his translation from rebel into loyalist which is startling, it is also his physical change.
63 It is startling but true that no meteorite fall has ever been associated with a meteor shower.
64 Inspection of the comparative figures is both instructive and startling.
65 She had no make-up on and looked tired, but her eyes were still startling in their beauty.
66 These clouds took on startling devilish shapes, progressing towards us.
67 It's just a bit difficult to get used to the startling contrast, that's all ... Hey!
68 O'Connor's omission from the Wigan team beaten in Cup football at Hull, last season, was both startling and crucial.
69 Seeking vengeance, he employs two Dickensian thugs, with startling and bleakly hilarious results.
70 His best effort, ordered and systematized, seen through the prism of her own startling intellect.
71 Collymore use the fish to push me down, the child thought, arriving at a startling but logical conclusion.
72 In 1956, the contrast from conduct at all previous conventions was startling.
73 An even more startling species to arrive in numbers to Shetland is the great spotted woodpecker.
74 In perhaps his most startling and disturbing model, Thompson created two scenarios.
75 The history of how humans learned to love zero involves startling shifts in metaphysics, mathematics and science.
76 Having seen his ally overwhelmed in this startling fashion, Count Vulgrin decided that discretion was the better part of valour.
77 But Maria's presence actually begs a question since it's the sole moment when a startling presence swoops out of the mix.
78 Monolithic notions of sanctity reveal a startling reliance on hierarchical thinking.
79 It was a rigmarole, a muddled torrent of words, not easy to follow and yet startling.
80 But the most startling fact revealed in the survey even had an element of quixotic honour attached to it.
81 Attached to one side was an enormous circular blade; a startling silver against the gloom.
82 Similarly a private meeting with a person's current boss can produce startling revelations!
83 Either way, when seen through an electron microscope,(Sentencedict) the result is often one of startling and beautiful variety in miniature.
84 It is often startling how people's faces soften and their bodies relax after crying.
85 One of those youngsters was Horton, and he would later expose another crop of dreamers to that startling sense of revelation.
86 It is only the natural caution of paleontologists that prevents them from jumping to startling conclusions.
87 Startling the commuter is a game in which it is best to think so.
88 The programme documents startling new theories about the way the universe began.
89 The most startling and lyrical passage is the description of how Dolores was burnt as a baby.
90 Since then, it has made a number of startling errors of judgment.
91 He was a small man, with very soft, startling black hair and small regular features.
92 We proceed from A to B via a rather startling reductio ad absurdum.
93 What is startling is Pimlott's ability to create a plausible Elsinore through the simplest means.
94 On the other hand, some women were capable of the most startling changes.
95 Here's an early, and rather startling, example of the genre.
96 The one exception was her glasses, whose frames were a startling pink - perhaps an attempt to liven up her image?
97 The most startling and controversial aspect of the shooting had been the use of a Thompson sub-machine gun.
98 The sound of clothes tumbling on to the floor was a startling phenomenon, difficult to interpret.
99 And, most startling of all, it was an age when people did not kill each other.
100 Their non-media businesses included startling acquisitions such as the prestige Chateau Latour vineyard and the Royal Doulton china business.
101 It attempts, by tackling childhood thematically, across time, to stimulate new responses through sometimes startling juxtapositions of images.
102 It seems to have been a religion that was in transition, which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions.
103 The startling thing about the actor Hanks cast as Guy is how much they look like each other.
104 Sometimes relying on startling amalgams of stylistic influences, members of the Soviet vanguard mostly strived to find their own personal voices.
105 Little that is unfathomable or startling passes through the mind of a Minister preparing legislation.
106 These shy creatures may sometimes be seen and have been known to stray on to the road, startling passing motorists.
107 Many kinds of butterflies and moths perform similar startling transformations.
108 There is a startling split between men's and women's views of sexual harassment.
109 So it follows that the more startling or bizarre your murder is, within reason, the better.
110 One of the town's biggest modern factories makes a startling contrast on the opposite side of the road.
111 The Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act of 1984 had a startling impact on the state of new but troubled marriages.
111 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
112 Her brother Jonna bore a startling likeness to their father; so much so that he looked like a younger version.
113 Perhaps the image is just so startling that it sticks in our minds.
114 There is the potential here for a startling garden of exotic plants.
115 The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor.
116 There has been a startling increase in the numbers of homeless people.
117 She stepped toward me, so close that for a startling instant I thought she was going to kiss me.
118 That the bulk of the first new wave of Wirral's heroin users obtained heroin from a single source might seem startling.
119 Obviously if we close up the ocean again, the resemblances would not be so startling.
120 It was an extraordinary occasion, lively, moving, startling in its diversity and with much good humour.
121 DuPont's 1988 survey showed a startling change in the attitude of male employees.
122 I refer of course to Norman Lamont and the startling revelations that his Access card is £470 over its £2,000 limit.
123 It is startling to discover that many outdoor organisations are unaware of this proposal.
124 A loud crash could be heard from the room and the sound of wailing drifted into the courtroom, startling onlookers.
125 This exercise produces quite startling gains in a short time.
126 But on one such mission they came across a startling anomaly.
127 Sometimes the results may be rather startling.
128 We should draw a moral from the startling fact.
129 His hair was dyed a startling black.
130 There has been an instant of complete startling gratification.
131 Rory Carroll sets out Ecuador's startling oil proposal.
132 Cathleen's plight seemed to her more startling than catastrophic.
133 The juxtaposition of these two remarks was startling.
134 This seminal world gathering will hear of startling recent findings about the depth of animal sentience.
135 And the work class gets wages, man-hour length and the cruel exploitation of capitalist to low, life is very poor(), their miserable condition makes one startling.
136 Trials of the GlassesOff software have produced startling results, with people able to read more than two lines further down an eye chart after training.
137 The Frenchman Landois studied and experimented and finally came up with the startling discovery.
138 Adenauer's spirit is abroad once more as Germany, united now and infinitely more self-assured, prepares for a national poll in September with a startling lack of audacity.
139 The consistency and pervasiveness of this effect is startling, perhaps even disconcerting.
140 Just over 2000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield Health, Britain's largest health charity. The results were startling.
141 n January 6, 1973(/startling.html), the anthropologist Margaret Mead published a startling little essay in TV Guide.
142 Even more startling was a fantastic meal I enjoyed at Charlie Trotter s.
143 The area sits over massive fault lines whose dangers have been highlighted by a startling new scientific discipline that combines Earth science studies and analysis of ancient legends .
144 Scientists have uncovered startling new evidence which definitively show what color feathers certain dinosaurs had -- reddish-orange.
145 But on Friday, Oct. 29, Russia and the U.S. made a startling announcement: they had conducted their first-ever joint military mission in Afghanistan.
146 The reality of the burgeoning field of nanotech, however, is hardly less startling in its transformative potential.
147 The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight.
148 Since victimize square all mean not a wish again pursue, why do you want so startling statement creates a sensation?
149 Hitler's early'successes " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon.
150 All the other stuff was really startling, " Anthony Coleprete, lead scientist for NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission, told Discovery News.
151 Another startling discovery by our team was that the replaced semi-precious white marble was being dumped outside the Taj Mahal.
152 Minoxidil, taken orally, has been used for decades in the treatment of vascular hypertension. The most startling and unpredicted side effect was hair growth.
153 We think we've corroborated some startling first - hand observations.
154 There's an oceanographer in Hawaii, Mike Mottl by name, who's been measuring — or trying to measure — how much water we have on this planet, and his calculations are a little startling.
155 But Emerson always keeps us up—not less by his memorable terseness than by his startling habit of illustration.
156 Add to that fatalistic attitudes, inadequate emergency services, slack (or corrupt) law enforcement and an often startling array of human and motorised traffic moving at different speeds.
157 Shouts from the open window startling evening in the quadrangle.
158 The music of Wagner was distinguished by startling innovations in chord progressions and dissonance.
159 But in 1993 the startling answer is that a shutdown by banks might be cataclysmic.
160 Venter defied his critics and deciphered the human genome with startling speed about eight years ago.
161 Mr. Graham added a more startling note: Investors would be 'enviably fortunate' to benefit from the 'advantages' of a long bear market.
162 None of them looked at the defendants often a tipoff of conviction but it was their equanimity that was so startling.
163 But what was startling was the emaciation of his face. It was like a skull.
164 At Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Shanghai(), young Chinese are lining up to take pictures of themselves with a startling likeness of the 44th president of the United States.
165 London, England (CNN) -- Scientists have uncovered startling new evidence which definitively show what color feathers certain dinosaurs had -- reddish-orange.
166 The result is a design process that is disciplined, yet startling, combining discipline with adaptivity in a way that arguably makes it the most well developed of all the adaptive methodologies.
167 Drawing on newly discovered Nostradamus manuscripts, a startling new view of the world was revealed.
168 In "Under the Jaguar Sun" a couple tours Mexico to discover a startling combination of sublime and erotic love in the cuisine of fire-hot chiles and exotic spices.
169 The startling implication is that the real-life voters must also have based their choice of candidate on looks, at least in part.
170 In my reading about Jainism, however, I discovered a startling difference between Jains and other religions.
171 For a very good reason: he is the greatest artist who ever lived. Still(), the amount of news that can be generated about a long-dead polymath is startling.
172 In the afternoon hush the volume of sound was startling.
173 Stained - glass window panels rendered startling sun - dappled interior effects.
174 Even without the startling Chinese scores, the latest findings upend some traditional notions about education and should give pause for thought to policy makers everywhere.
175 The new hairdo effected a startling change in her appearance.
176 Though the region has allowed startling imbalances to develop, foreign - exchange reserves are generally stronger than in Asia ten years ago; and there is less light-footed "hot money".
177 One of the most startling proposals for amelioration, in fact, came from Wall Street.
178 As Chase progresses through the investigation, startling secrets about her past life begin to immerge.
179 Genghis Khan, the king on the horse has left startling quiver memory at the Eurasia with the iron heel like the whirlwind.
180 In five minutes we were the, and drifting with the most startling rapidity round the headland.
181 It has pushed a little-known painting and its story to wider attention – and dragged a startling character into the light.
182 His colorful life, like his profound surrealistic paintings, is extremely touching and startling to eyes and ears.
183 It is a startling sight atop one of the most recognizable structures in Washington: a rope rigger, climbing out on the tip of the 169-meter-high Washington Monument.
184 The transition from the terminal's warm snugness to the harshness of the night outside was startling.
185 The climax came when a young lady in startling deshabille appeared to pay the bill.
186 I had found the spell of the picture in an absolute life-likeliness of expression, which at first startling , finally confounded, subdued and appalled me.
187 Turn a corner and you will happen upon the startling green of the winter harvest, of men bending over paddy fields with nothing for tools but their bare hands.
187 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
188 It is the stuff of coal, soot, diamonds, radiocarbon dating, pencils, climate change, graphite lubricants, charcoal – and a startling number of Nobel prizes.
189 The results were quite startling -- a 77 % increase in six month.
190 As he spoke, the kettle with a startling noise boiled over.




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