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单词 Political party
1. The group has no affiliation to any political party.
2. The Society is not affiliated with any political party.
3. They affiliated themselves with the same political party.
4. The group is not affiliated to any political party.
5. The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.
6. He disaffil-iated himself from the political party he had once led.
7. Involvement with terrorist groups brought the political party into disrepute.
8. The political party is used as a cloak for terrorist activities.
9. The eclipse of the ruling political party was inevitable.
10. The breakaway group formed a new political party.
11. Have you ever belonged to a political party?
12. They have acceded to that political party.
13. The group gradually evolved into a political party.
14. Newspapers traditionally align themselves with one political party.
15. A political party should hold together.
16. Their political party is rebuilding.
17. They banded with people to form a political party.
18. The group reconstituted itself as a political party.
19. I don't belong to any political party.
20. He aggregated her to a political party.
21. Which political party is in office in your country?
22. They're a worrying political party because of their close links/ties with terrorist groups.
23. The inner life of a political party must be fascinating.
24. There was a short skirmish between the political party leaders when the government announced it was to raise taxes.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. The political party which governs the country is said to be in office.
26. Conditions after the war led to the emergence of a new type of political party.
27. It was a chance encounter that led to the setting up of the new political party.
28. They are still struggling to establish their identity as a political party.
29. A leader with real charisma is needed to revivify the political party.
30. The protest movement has evolved into a well organized political party.
1. The group has no affiliation to any political party.
2. The Society is not affiliated with any political party.
3. The group is not affiliated to any political party.
4. The National Front is an extremely right-wing political party in Britain.
5. Conditions after the war led to the emergence of a new type of political party.
6. Involvement with terrorist groups brought the political party into disrepute.
7. The political party is used as a cloak for terrorist activities.
8. He gave his adherence to the newly - founded political party.
31. A new political party usually poaches ideas from its rivals.
32. As a political party they are trying to effect a change in the way that we think about our environment.
33. A fringe group was separated from the main political party.
34. A lot of people think that most newspapers are biased towards one particular political party.
35. The ultimate aim of their political party is to rebuild the society.
36. There are signs of dissension within the ruling political party.
37. 'Solidarity' was born as a protest movement, not a political party.
38. The political party started the newspaper to propagate its ideas.
39. They are considering the launch of their own political party.
40. He refused to identify himself/become identified with the new political party.
41. He gave his adherence to the newly - founded political party.
42. The growth of the new political party upset the balance of power.
43. These rumours of a new political party are obviously a kite-flying exercise.
44. There are two distinct factions within the one political party.
45. Municipal mayors, heads of nonprofit social service agencies, government bureaucrats, contractors and political party officials have all faced charges.
46. Merbah announced his intention of forming a new political party to rally followers of the late President Houari Boumedienne.
47. It must never fall into the clutches of a political party again.
48. The new senator must come from the same political party as the old one.
49. It is a shameless form of payola for those who have helped a political party to get elected.
50. Organizing a political party, even a small and stupid one, must take at least a degree of native cunning.
51. Most newspapers are biased towards one political party or the other.
52. It was becoming an alliance of the trade union movement with a unitary political party.
53. She was the first black woman to make a keynote address to the national convention of a major political party.
54. Althusser offers as examples of ritual practices a funeral, a school day[http://], a political party meeting.
55. The Independent, launched in October 1986 with venture capital, seeks to be independent of political party dogma.
56. Usually it was a member of a political party; occasionally of a paramilitary organisation.
57. In a few cases, the continued support for a political party can be explained by reference to an historical connection.
58. The rise of these organizations reflects the trend toward special-interest politics that has accompanied the decline of the political party.
59. Meetings Involvement with a political party will at some stage inevitably involve meetings.
60. It allies itself with no political party, no outside cause.
61. Mr Hyslop said he had made it clear during the 1987 campaign that any political party was free to advertise.
62. Our editorial page, however, was no mouthpiece for any political party.
63. The political party offers a well-organized and obvious structure within which an individual can direct her political interests.
64. As he has no political party that can provide him with practical support, he is forced to play it by ear.
65. Clubs were affiliated to organizations ranging from church to political party.
66. They also rejected Mazowiecki's attempt to transform the civic committees into a single political party loyal to him.
67. Neither group competed as a political party in the elections, instead giving their backing to independent candidates.
68. The political party can encourage or require its members to work together to achieve shared policy goals.
69. The opposition movement, Birlik, was banned from taking part, as it was not officially constituted as a political party.
70. After he became vice president, Rutskoi decided to form a new political party on the basis of his parliamentary fraction.
71. The solution offered might not conform to the dogma of either political party.
72. Rather, it measures the respondents' estimates of the effects on family ties of marriage across political party lines.
73. A new constitution was adopted transforming a loose federation of affiliated organisations into a centralised national political party.
74. They do not fit in readily with any contemporary ideology or with the manifesto of any established political party.
75. The government has refused to recognise the far-right group as a legitimate political party.
76. The five were previously imprisoned from June until October 1990 for allegedly organizing a political party - all parties are prohibited.
77. The government ordered members of the banned political party to appear for questioning.
78. Separate legislation passed on the same day banned political party cells in state and government bodies.
79. The political party of all the candidates except the rare independents is indicated on the ballot paper.
80. Every major political party was faced with offering solutions to these problems and governments were measured by the effectiveness of their actions.
81. A new political party has come into power.
82. Perfect democratic system and political party system construction.
83. Meanwhile, because the political party emerges from the womb of the traditional tribal society, exists the obvious limitation.
84. The tribunal has recently come under heavy criticism by Hezbollah, amid news reports that members of the Shi'ite militia group and political party might be implicated in the killing.
84. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
85. A Huguenot political party was formed in 1573 to fight for religious and civil liberties.
86. Anna Arrowsmith, a former porn director, has been selected as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Democrats, the UK's 3rd largest political party, the Guardian reported Saturday.
87. Sympathizer, -iserbn person who sympathizes, esp one who supports a cause or a political party.
88. A" ward heeler " is an all-around political party aide in the different election districts, or wards.
89. Voters in Pennsylvania know in the end their choice will be historic, and for the first time a major political party will nominate either a woman or an African-American for the presidency.
90. So the question of dealing with Hezbollah, or whether they deal with themselves by becoming a real political party instead of a terrorist group, is obviously on the agenda.
91. News collecting, newspaper printing, issuing and other management tache are all in the control of political party. The newspapering itself has no self-determination, also, it bears no responsibility.
92. It is the Shiite Muslim political party, the banner is played in the armed struggle, the Israeli occupying forces out of southern Lebanon, to help refugees return to their homes as soon as possible.
93. There is absolutely no suggestion of any mainstream political party involvement.
94. Strengthen today to us hold the political party is built order to edify.
95. 1874 - The United States Greenback Party is established as a political party made primarily of farmers financially hurt by the Panic of 1873.
96. The political party that best represented progressive Protestantism in the three decades prior to the Civil War was the Whig Party.
97. The progressiveness of the Marxism political party is source to its advanced theories and thoughts.
98. It will remain as a pressure group, but no longer has any pretension to be a political party.
99. No individual or political party would have had the courage and farsightedness. Isn't that so?
100. In Ohio, a group of men decided to form a new political party. They called it the Free Soil Party, because they believed in free land for free settlers.
101. The certified audits shall be conducted by a certified chartered public accountant, not a member of any political party.
102. S. political party, and it just so happens that his speech will come on the 45th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's famous speech on racial equality, given in Washington in 1963.
103. Can say, it doesn't involve any existing political party of nation, or any problem with political deviationist .
104. Attempting to form a political party or joining an Islamic group were known as easy ways to provoke the security forces into action.
105. He rose fast , like Stalin and Mao , from within an ostensibly secular, progressive political party.
106. Burma's military-backed political party is pledging to practice multi-party democracy and market-oriented economics.
107. Emulative election is a political party play is due functional requirement.
108. What was the name of the political party that supported the beliefs of Alexander Hamilton?
109. A breakaway group within the old political party formed a new one.
110. Thu Wai said his party sent in a list of over 1, 000 members last month as required by the political party registration law and the Election Commission had shared the information with police.
111. Members of the Shining Path guerrilla movement in Peru say they intend to form a political party to stand in general elections in 2011.
112. In his appeals to the common man, his attacks on privileged wealth, and his help in building a new sort of mass political party, he advanced the causes of equal rights and majoritarian democracy.
113. China is relatively weak at the procedural construction of multi-party cooperation and political consultation system, which to a certain degree affects the full play of Chinas political party system.
114. No individual or political party would have had the courage and farsightedness.
115. Pace Will Rogers,[http://] I am not a member of any organized political party.
116. Then, man - hour case became the tool that the political party struggles animatedly.
117. In Congress, a caucus is a meeting of members of the same political party or special interest group.
118. African Americans are reacting with pride to Senator Barack Obama's becoming the first person of color to be the presumptive presidential nominee of a major U.S. political party.
119. Political party apparatchiks are appointed to every office of social authority.
120. His hopes for a new political party have little chance of reaching fruition.
121. If the apparent Republican victory is sustained, each political party would hold 20 seats in the next legislature, with the Republican lieutenant governor holding the tie-breaking vote.
122. Ideology, organization situation and executive system can influence the executive ability of the political party.
123. So they should establish and improve their political party systems in light of their respective realities.
124. Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky led the support for the bank. Clay was head of the opposition political party, the National Republicans.
125. A political party in the United States that was opposed to the Federalist Party and was founded by Thomas Jefferson in 792 and dissolved in 828.




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