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单词 Discharged
1 The dockers discharged a ship.
2 Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early.
3 She had discharged herself against medical advice.
4 He was discharged from the army following his injury.
5 She discharged all the responsibilities of a minister conscientiously.
6 The ship is being discharged of it's cargo.
7 They discharged waste into a lake.
8 The students were discharged early from school.
9 She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
10 He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.
11 A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.
12 Patients were discharged from hospital because the beds were needed by other people.
13 All authority was vested in the woman, who discharged every kind of public duty.
14 The policeman discharged his gun at the fleeing terrorists.
15 The officials discharged him from prison.
16 The boss discharged her because of her absence.
17 Sewage is discharged directly into the sea.
18 The weapon discharged when it hit the ground.
19 They discharged a cargo from a ship.
20 All 14 injured were later discharged from hospital.
21 He has discharged his debts.
22 The soldier discharged his gun at the fleeing enemy.
23 The prisoners were discharged from the detention camp.
24 He was conditionally discharged after admitting the theft.
25 He was discharged for dishonesty.
26 The boy discharged a stone from a sling.
27 He was readmitted only a week after being discharged.
28 The stove chimney discharged dark smoke.
29 The policeman discharged his gun into the air.
30 The accused man was found not guilty and discharged.
1 The dockers discharged a ship.
2 Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early.
3 She had discharged herself against medical advice.
4 He was discharged from the army following his injury.
5 She discharged all the responsibilities of a minister conscientiously.
6 The ship is being discharged of it's cargo.
7 They discharged waste into a lake.
8 The students were discharged early from school.
9 She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
10 He has a broken nose but may be discharged today.
11 A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.
12 Patients were discharged from hospital because the beds were needed by other people.
13 All authority was vested in the woman, who discharged every kind of public duty.
14 He has discharged his debts.
15 The boy discharged a stone from a sling.
16 The manager was discharged for inefficiency.
17 They discharged him from prison.
18 He discharged his second arrow.
19 The policeman discharged his gun at the fleeing robbers.
20 The pistol discharged accidentally.
21 The members of the jury were discharged from their duties.
22 All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt.
31 A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.
32 The judge discharged the prisoner.
33 The judge discharged the jury.
34 The members of the jury were discharged.
35 He discharged all his debts before he went abroad.
36 The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.
37 His boss discharged him for habitual absenteeism.
38 The pupils were discharged from school.
39 The manager was discharged for inefficiency.
40 He discharged a blow upon her head.
41 We discharged our duties faithfully.
42 They discharged him from prison.
43 He discharged himself of his duty.
43 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
44 We discharged the cargo at London.
45 He was discharged from office.
46 Five days later Henry discharged himself from hospital.
47 Dunning was conditionally discharged for two years.
48 He discharged his second arrow.
49 The court discharged its order.
50 The taxi discharged its passengers at the theatre.
51 The policeman discharged his gun at the fleeing robbers.
52 There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged.
53 He discharged himself from hospital against the advice of doctors.
54 He discharged his responsibilities.
55 The pistol discharged accidentally.
56 The members of the jury were discharged from their duties.
57 All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt.
58 Large amounts of dangerous waste are discharged daily by the factory.
59 The boats discharged their human cargo a little way from the shore.
60 Raw sewage was discharged from the treatment plant directly into the river.
61 He was discharged from the army on account of disablement.
62 The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals.
63 He was found guilty and dishonourably discharged from the army.
64 He was later discharged after an examination at Westminster Hospital.
65 Several of the recruits were discharged from the Army due to medical problems.
66 The police stated that some fifty rounds had been discharged.
67 But on the whole he discharged it badly.
68 Robert was treated in hospital but discharged.
69 Jefferson's gun accidentally discharged, killing him.
70 Larger gravel is discharged back into the river.
71 How can it be discharged on adequate funding?
72 Hazlett was medically discharged from the Army in 1989.
73 He discharged himself from the hospital.
74 I discharged myself and returned home, against everyone's advice.
75 This function is now discharged by departmental select committees.
76 Raw sewage was discharged into the ocean.
77 The defendants negligently discharged fuel oil into Sydney Harbour.
78 Two teenagers were discharged from a Boston hospital Saturday.
79 But he was later discharged after he was recognised.
80 Isiah Chestnut, has been discharged in lieu of a court-martial.
81 Twenty four hours earlier, Liverpool manager Graeme Souness had been discharged from hospital after a heart bypass.
82 This approach includes ensuring that patients are not discharged from hospital until adequate community care is available.
83 The discharged cartridge cases were in the roadway and the gutter, close to the back wheel of the taxi.
84 Dioxins from the process may be discharged in factory effluent and some traces remain in the paper goods themselves.
85 That's the judge's role and it's a role that the judge discharged in that particular case.
86 The waste from kitchen sinks also discharged into an open gully frequently the same one as the waste pipe.
87 The duty is personal as it can not be delegated and is discharged by the exercise of due skill and care.
88 When he was discharged from the hospital, he continued to attend for rehabilitation treatment as an out-patient.
89 He has been twice a Member of Congress, and in that office discharged his duty with ability and faithfulness.
90 On 11 February 1987 the plaintiffs succeeded in raising a sufficient sum to meet the liabilities and the receivers were discharged.
91 He started having fits and was discharged after the war for being epileptic.
92 Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. William Faulkner 
93 As a result of this report the caretaker was informed that if he did not mend his ways he would be discharged.
94 The forms include details of the process and quantities of waste discharged to land, water and air.
95 The hospital said one remained seriously ill on a ventilator while the third had been discharged.
96 They were conditionally discharged but each was ordered to pay costs of 750 pounds.
97 The other four, including the boy arrested, had earlier checked out or been discharged from local hospitals.
98 Mitchell was conditionally discharged for 12 months and ordered to pay £180 compensation and £85 costs.
99 He continued to improve and was discharged home 11 days after admission.
100 The injections led to him suffering epileptic fits-a condition which later led to him being discharged from the Army.
101 Patients should not be discharged without such arrangements, but nor should beds be blocked unnecessarily.
102 After about eight weeks he was discharged home, although he was still confined to a wheelchair.
103 Analysis of the radioactivity within the seaweed indicates that it had been discharged from Sellafield within the past 12 months or so.
104 Psychiatric hospital units for the treatment of anorexia commonly find that weight loss recurs after the patient is discharged from hospital.
105 Previous convictions: several as a juvenile for theft and taking without consent: conditionally discharged on each occasion.
106 The appellant's wife was acquitted of aiding and abetting the appellant on count 4 and discharged.
107 He had discharged one of them from the infirmary in no worse condition than when he had arrived.
108 The mercury is often discharged into streams, where it accumulates in the form of methyl mercury.
109 Sometimes much painful emotion must be discharged in the later life areas before basic-basic dis-closes itself.
110 Most deaths are caused not by catastrophic accidents but by fouling from oil that is illegally but routinely discharged from ships.
111 In doing so they had discharged their duty of care.
112 Bored soldiers were showing how various mechanisms operated and explaining the rate at which bullets could be discharged.
113 When he smiled his upper teeth settled on his lower lip, and he discharged air between them.
114 When Danny was discharged in 1961, he went to Los Angeles, looking for work.
115 A military career had fascinated the young Makarenko, though he disliked it and had to be discharged on account of poor eyesight.
116 Judge Richard Groves discharged the jury after it had considered the case for more than six hours.
117 The ram tried to return the salute, but owing to defective primers only one gun was discharged.
118 She was discharged from the rehabilitation centre, and returned to the original hospital for out-patient physiotherapy treatment.
119 White was discharged following her re-evaluation by the research team.
120 One of the four police officers injured in the explosion has been discharged from hospital.
121 In Washington, for example, a teacher was discharged from his contractual obligation because of his deteriorating eyesight.
122 I discharged my responsibility at the court, and that is that.
123 Effluent in rural areas is usually discharged visibly into watercourses and can often be traced without much difficulty to its source.
124 Domestic and industrial waste, discharged oil and millions of gallons of raw sewage are flushed into the sea every day.
125 They speculated on Luke's future standing in the community after he was discharged from hospital.
126 This role he discharged with great success and it was probably the most notable feature of his time as Treasury Solicitor.
127 If there is a Breach of Warranty the Insurer is discharged from liability from the day of breach.
128 I have discharged my duty, she thought, I can not be troubled by my conscience in that respect.
129 At present it is simply pumped into storage tanks for monitoring, and subsequently discharged into the open sea.
130 It was held that as the employer's duty was a personal one it could not be discharged by delegation.
131 He was discharged three weeks after admission, having recovered fully.
132 She was discharged from hospital within a week and by that time, could carry out the majority of her normal activities.
133 Along came a young soldier, recently discharged from the army because his wounds made him unable to serve.
134 A proximal hepaticojejunostomy with a Roux-en Y loop reconstruction was performed and the patient was discharged after three weeks.
135 The mercury had been discharged from a local chemical plant.
136 The plaintiffs were able to raise sufficient moneys to meet their liabilities and the receivers were discharged.
137 If a duty was held to be owed, then it would probably be discharged by the warning notice.
138 The discharged sheet is much easier to manage and does not attract dust and lint.
139 As usual the Dinner was used as an opportunity to say thank you to those from outside Convocation who had discharged some service.
140 She had forgotten the sidearm, which she had kept sand-free but not discharged in months.
141 No one should be discharged from this hospital against his will.
142 An order is automatically discharged if the child is adopted or a court makes a residence order under s8.
143 He discharged himself from Hartlepool General Hospital yesterday and last night detectives were waiting to question him as part of their inquiries.
144 The jurors were discharged, and the crown was given two weeks to consider applying for a retrial.
145 He denied firing a gun that day and insisted that he had not discharged a firearm in two years.
146 If it is discharged and a person is injured or killed, the appropriate offence against the person can be charged.
147 The ammeter can be left in but may show full deflection if the battery is in a very discharged condition.
148 Even if it discharged, is there enough energy in that discharge to cause the fuel air mixture to burn?
149 By controlling the total number of permits available, the authorities can determine the overall amount of waste discharged.
150 My first political awareness of oppression was when I was discharged from the nursing corps of the army over lesbianism.
151 The story went that he was a dealer in jewels and furs who had been discharged from the army after Dunkirk.
152 As a precaution they had both been admitted to hospital, but Sean Walsh had driven up and got Benny discharged.
153 The ulceration healed completely within two weeks and the patient was discharged on day 16.
154 He was conditionally discharged for twelve months and had to pay £15 compensation.
155 The child was also taken to hospital but was later discharged.
156 Authorities believe the gun discharged after Ellis' 7-year-old cousin tried to take it away.
157 On October 16, 1988, after expiry of the 72-period, the patient discharged herself and went home.
158 It was my home for many months, so much so that when at last I was discharged, I was loath to leave.
159 Environmentalists claim the highly saline water discharged from desalination plants could harm marine life.
160 He was conditionally discharged by Newcastle magistrates in December after admitting assaulting railway worker John Beach.
161 She received an 11-day course of empirical antibiotic therapy and was discharged.
162 Ashby declined and was ultimately discharged with a 10 percent disability for medical reasons in September 1944.
163 He discharged eight or ten bullets in three bursts of fire.
163 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
164 Hence, that case is clearly distinguishable from the case before me, where the liability of the assignee has been discharged.
165 Time-signals, geophysical measurements, weather reporting and the testing of chronometers were among the functions which they discharged.
166 The first is that when people are discharged from hospital early they should be seen soon in out-patients.
167 Ni-cads, by the way, should not be left in a discharged state for very long periods.
168 He was taken to the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, but then discharged into police custody.
169 Why are hospital patients discharged so quickly and what happens to people who can not afford the expense of convalescent care.
170 Cunningham was conditionally discharged for one year and ordered to pay a total of £65 compensation.
171 But the star, who also had a number of bruises, later discharged himself.
172 Telford, of Wheatley, Doncaster, was conditionally discharged by town magistrates after admitting threatening, abusive and insulting behaviour.
173 After one too many dishonourable discharges the man was dishonourably discharged and Schultz found himself achieving early command.
174 The responsibility for that now rests with Parliament and is to be discharged ... in two ways.
175 As principal on the loan is repaid, the loan outstanding reduces and capital discharged increases.
176 The energy thus captured by the atom will be discharged into the molecules that surround it.
177 An older colleague injured in the leg in the shooting has since been discharged from hospital.
178 The rehabilitation unit provides accommodation for up to six weeks for elderly people discharged from hospital.
179 Overhead, lightning flickered frequently as the static electricity accumulating in the ash cloud discharged.
180 Now having been discharged they're convalescing from surgery with a family in Oxfordshire away from the glare of publicity.
181 Wrapped or bagged round bale silage is shredded and discharged through a chute on the Teagle Tomahawk feeder.
182 About 600 members of the armed forces were discharged for alleged involvement in the coup attempt.
183 Care on discharge A carefully planned programme of subsequent care should be arranged before a patient is discharged from psychiatric inpatient treatment.
184 He made steady improvement and was discharged 12 days after admission.
185 He had discharged himself on May 30, borrowed some money from a friend and headed off to East Anglia.
186 The patient was discharged after 8 days, well and normoglycaemic.
187 Effectively, their friendship had ended when Converse was discharged and Hicks became, as he thought, a lifer.
188 The deputy judge concluded that the onus of establishing testamentary competence had not been discharged.
189 Aurangzeb's musketeers held their fire until the last minute, then discharged their entire artillery.
190 He was discharged from the army six years ago suffering ill health which he believed to be connected to Gulf War Syndrome.
191 He was discharged after two hours back into police custody for questioning.
192 Florence W., aged four, was to be handed over to her father as soon as he was discharged from prison.
193 He lost both his legs in an explosion and was discharged from the navy./discharged.html
194 The wound healed well, and the patient was discharged to duty.
195 He was granted bail and then discharged himself from hospital.
196 She was discharged from hospital and went home, but was confined to a wheelchair, as she could not walk.
197 The river can dilute the small amounts of pollutant discharged by the chemical producer.
198 I accept that on the River Creedy the foam comes from effluent discharged from the three sewage treatment works upstream.
199 Mr Hill and Mr Middleton were conditionally discharged by magistrates at Amersham.
200 Duties are changing and accumulating at a faster rate than they can be successfully discharged.
201 Only press exposure and political pressure saved her from a court-martial; she has instead been less-than-honorably discharged.
202 The soldiers loaded and discharged with great rapidity.
203 Results The symptoms such as psychological effects hyperpyrexia pains lack of appetite and dyspnea of patients were solved, All the 46 patients were discharged from hospital after recovery.
204 Flavell had accidentally discharged a pistol, firing it into the ceiling.
205 As large amounts of wastewater from piggery farm are mostly discharged directly to environment without appropriate recycle and treatment today, that bring about a serious pollution.
206 It is taken from depletable sources of fossil energy sources which are burned and their waste products discharged into eco-system sinks.
207 Results No complication was occurred in 106 pediatric patients with convulsions, and all of them were fully recovered and discharged.
208 He is legally discharged from all previous obligations, assuming that his former debts were legal.
209 Avoid direct contact with the carcass, blood and body fluid discharged from the dead bird.
210 I discharged one night cue to just buy the ticket of a piece of steerage.
211 Menstruation If no implantation occurs, the endometrium breaks down and is discharged in menstruation.
212 Recondition is a slow, deep discharge that drains the cell to a voltage threshold below one volt must be discharged to at least 0.6 volts per cell to dissolve the more resistive crystalline build-up.
213 In any case, the semen is later simply discharged with the urine.
214 Flue gas with high temperature in fire box or hot-wind furnace is discharged out by temperature adjusting mechanism so as to prevent the dry ashing of heat exchanger automatically in the invention.
215 Radioelement existing in domestic coal beds is discharged into atmosphere, solid and water environment via medium of smoke coal ash and slag etc.
216 The exhaust of main, auxiliary engine is discharged to the atmosphere through funnel via pipe, silencer.
217 Many employees were discharged in a general housecleaning by the new owners.
218 This makes sense because a wet dream is when semen (the fluid containing sperm) is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a guy's asleep.
219 Clobetasol propionate after external use can be completely adsorbed by skin, metabolized through liver and be discharged with urine.
220 Compared with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) ruler, the brake effect of the the jet–pattern magnetic field on the flow discharged from the nozzle and the flow at the meniscus are the better.
221 The residual chlorine variation in cooling water discharged from the Shidongkou Thermal Power Plant was measured by means of o-tolidine colorimetry.
222 The article discusses the relation of the seivages discharged ocean engineering and red tide.
223 The vaporized refrigerant vapor from the low temperature and low pressure, suction inlet of the compressor to be compressed,(http:///discharged.html) compressed and then discharged into the next cycle.
224 Mix every morning afternoon, in Chao Daqiao discharged, bilateral goods and personnel two-way communication.
225 Wastes resulting from man's activities have been traditionally discharged into the ocean.
226 He was discharged from military service on account of disablement.
227 A relaxation oscillator is an oscillator in which a capacitor is charged gradually and then discharged rapidly.
228 However, when the battery was discharged at high rate, the voltage peak would be in the curve of discharge voltage and the discharge capacity would also be increased.
229 Today, in most large cities, water is used only once and then discharged into a sewer system.
230 The boiler discharged steam.
231 Waste matter, such as sweat, urine, or feces, discharged from the body.
232 It gained the authority to force employers to provide back pay if employees were unjustly discharged because of union activities.




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