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单词 Next to
1. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
2. It's next to the coffee shop.
3. The seat next to him was vacant.
4. There was a little girl sitting next to him.
5. Can I sit next to you?
6. I sat down on the sofa next to Barbara.
7. I was next to last in the steeplechase.
8. The college is located next to the airport.
9. Can I sit next to the window?
10. He sat next to her.
11. She plumped down next to me on the sofa.
12. Who works in the office next to yours?
13. He came and sat next to me.
14. Her job's so cushy: she does next to nothing and earns a fortune.
15. We piled plenty of logs up next to the fire.
16. She set the tray down on a table next to his bed.
17. If I see you next to never,how can we say forever.
18. The campsite is in a beautiful location next to the beach.
19. There's a nine - storey apartment building next to the bank.
20. Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
21. They display chocolates next to supermarket checkouts to encourage impulse buying.
22. The man who lives next to you is sussed by the police in this case.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. The hotel is situated next to the lively bustling port.
24. I'll meet you in the marketplace next to the fountain.
25. There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.
26. Years later, by a strange quirk of fate , she found herself sitting next to him on a plane.
27. They asked us to pair up with the person next to us and form teams.
28. It was Harold's desire that he should be buried next to his wife.
29. Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it.
30. My favorite place in the entire world is right next to you.
1. It's next to the coffee shop.
2. The seat next to him was vacant.
3. There was a little girl sitting next to him.
4. Can I sit next to you?
5. I sat down on the sofa next to Barbara.
6. I was next to last in the steeplechase.
7. The college is located next to the airport.
8. Can I sit next to the window?
9. He sat next to her.
10. She plumped down next to me on the sofa.
11. Who works in the office next to yours?
12. He came and sat next to me.
13. There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.
14. We piled plenty of logs up next to the fire.
15. She set the tray down on a table next to his bed.
16. Years later, by a strange quirk of fate , she found herself sitting next to him on a plane.
17. The campsite is in a beautiful location next to the beach.
18. There's a nine - storey apartment building next to the bank.
19. Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
20. They display chocolates next to supermarket checkouts to encourage impulse buying.
21. The hotel is situated next to the lively bustling port.
22. They asked us to pair up with the person next to us and form teams.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. It was Harold's desire that he should be buried next to his wife.
24. Katie had drawn a cottage with a little stream running next to it.
25. I'll meet you in the marketplace next to the fountain.
26. We've installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case there is ever a fire.
27. The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time.
28. We may get something in total, but averaging it out, each of us will get only next to nothing.
31. I know next to you is not where I belong.
32. Nina pushed in next to Liddie.
33. Most pre-prepared weight loss products are next to useless.
34. Anne's house is slap bang next to the station.
35. She curled up next to him.
36. The dog padded along next to its owner.
37. Next to her I felt like a fraud.
38. Next to riding, I like swimming best.
39. She pulled up a stool next to me.
40. Their residential building is located next to the park.
41. The horse came next to last in the race.
42. The commons is next to the gym.
43. Our house is the one next to the school.
44. Charles knew next to nothing about farming.
45. He was born in squalor next to London's docks.
46. He knows next to nothing about antiques.
47. An elderly gentleman was asleep next to the fire.
48. The school is located next to the church.
49. We'll be home in next to no time.
50. Next to skiing her favourite sport was ice-hockey.
51. Someone introduced us and I sat next to him.
52. The sheets felt nice next to his bare skin.Sentence dictionary
53. Seat the boy next to his brother.
54. Who will be the next to go?
55. Next to her, I'm a very poor cook.
56. Our new house sat next to a stream.
57. Sarah's sitting next to the window .
58. I looked so frumpy next to these women.
59. She sat next to him throughout the meal.
60. He came and plopped down next to me.
61. Check the box next to the right answer.
62. Johnson still knew next to nothing about tobacco.
63. Come and sit next to me on the settee.
64. Jeremy had copied from the girl next to him.
65. She was laid to rest next to her husband.
66. Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa.
67. The speech said next to nothing.
68. Next to soccer, I like playing tennis best.
69. Next to skiing my favourite sport is skating.
70. She sat down next to him on the sofa.
71. This crossword puzzle is next to impossible.
72. She reached for the shelf next to the bed.
73. I slipped along the bench next to her.
74. There the Gripsholm was berthed next to another ship.
75. I was standing right next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me/my presence.
76. The bank next to our school was raided last week.
77. I like to have him next to me where I can keep an eye on him.
78. There was a really strange man standing next to me at the station.
79. There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane.
80. We've installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case there is ever a fire.
81. "How tall is he next to you?" "Oh, about so big, " she said, indicating the level of her neck.
82. I struck up a conversation with the girl sitting next to me.
82. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
83. you/Let's change places so you can be next to the window.
84. I've placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first.
85. If there are any calls for me, could you write them down next to the telephone?
86. Her children were the number two priority in her life next to her career.
87. I was standing right next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me.
88. He got undressed in a small cubicle next to the pool.
89. I had to sit next to Michael at dinner - he's such a bore.
90. Birmingham is the largest city in Britain next to London.
91. I'm looking forward to Sunday, the only fly in the ointment being the fact that I shall have to sit next to my mother-in-law.
92. There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.
93. Exhibit A is the hammer found next to the victim.
94. The person next to me piped up with a silly comment.
95. Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow.
96. The guy I was sitting next to on the plane insisted on telling me his life story.
97. His ashes were buried next to those of his wife.
98. She had photos of her kids pinned up next to her desk.
99. We could hang this picture on the wall next to the door.
100. She tries to keep warm by sitting right next to the fire.
101. He stole a sidelong glance at the young woman sitting next to him on the train.
102. The farm hands slept in a narrow hut next to the barn.
103. He muttered something under his breath to the person next to him.
104. We'll need to buy some more wine. This is the next to last bottle.
105. The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time.
106. I got it for next to nothing in a jumble sale.
107. Living next to a graveyard would give me the creeps.
108. Michael knelt next to her and scooped her into his arms.
109. Plant herbs next to a wall to shelter them from the wind.
110. We may get something in total, but averaging it out, each of us will get only next to nothing.
111. He tellingly took a seat next to his secretary and not next to his wife.
112. Put a cross next to the name of the candidate you want to vote for.
113. The last time you sat me next to Alberto I had to hear his whole life story!
114. Standing next to the machine all day left her deaf in one ear.
115. He expects to be out of prison in next to no time.
116. Papering the ceiling proved next to impossible without a ladder.
117. Those big dishes live in the cupboard next to the fridge.
118. His musings were inter-rupted by Montagu who came and sat down next to him.
119. Put a tick next to those activities you like and a cross next to those you dislike.
120. In the exam,[http:///next to.html] I cribbed from the girl next to me.
121. The car was parked in the small weedy lot next to the hotel.
122. The gambler sponged a cigarette from the man sitting next to him.
123. They put us up in a guest cottage next to their house.
124. The detective found fresh footprints in the mud next to the victim.
125. Would you mind changing places with me so I can sit next to my friend?
126. 'Not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her.
127. We all posed for our photographs next to the Statue of Liberty.
128. Next to the phone, there was a pencil dangling on a string.
129. The house next to ours was struck by a bolt of lightning.
130. Would you move over, so I can sit next to you.
131. An additional power switch for the radio is handily located next to the steering wheel.
132. I'd like you to go through that manoeuvre again and then bring the car to a halt next to the kerb.
133. My next-door neighbor lives in the house next to mine.
134. The bus was only half full. Even so, a young man asked Nina if the seat next to her was taken.
135. He made bold advances to a woman sitting next to him.
136. She's the girl who sits next to me at school.
137. For some unfathomable reason they built the toilet next to the kitchen.
138. I put a star next to the items that we still need to buy.
139. We've lived next to him for years, but we still don't know the first thing about him.
140. He decided that he couldn'tjust slink away, so he went and sat next to his wife.
141. Then she sat on the bed next to Sarah.
142. The bathroom is next to Jack's room.
143. My boredom threshold is next to nil.
144. When he awoke, he was next to a fire.
145. There is a joke about two Martians who land next to a bakery in New York.
146. This struck me this afternoon, lying next to her, I looked her full in the face and stroked her hair.
147. Cleveland-based developer next to what would become the Marana border, nothing zoned for more than one house per acre.
148. Read in studio Cattle have been evacuated from sheds next to a burning barn at Gloucester Cattle Market.
149. Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint. Pablo Picasso 
150. Three schemes next to and at Stockton Station will receive grant aid.
151. An army officer was next to him, his eye encircled with a faint black mark.
152. There were two auxiliary power sockets next to the cigarette lighter.
153. A small light bulb next to the assistant indicates that it has some helpful advice to offer.
154. Officers found used hypodermic needles in a trailer in the backyard next to an infant car seat.
155. He turned off the cold water, picked up the razor blade and sat on the floor next to the tub.
156. Wash out your ego every once in a while, as cleanliness is next to godliness not just in body but in humility as well. Terri Guillemets 
157. They were now driving past some very old apple trees next to the road.
158. The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face. Sydney J. Harris 
159. He is correct, Gedge still has Beano and Dandy annuals filed next to his records and many other souvenirs.
160. But I could not bear to be supplanted in a view that lay next to my heart by an old acquaintance.
161. The flapping noise of windbreakers filled the air; you could barely hear the person next to you speak.
162. I was left to throw our bags in back, next to a hundred-pound bag of cement.
163. I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me. Woody Allen 
164. You could fire a starting pistol next to some and they would barely look up.
165. A poster for the local paper on the wall next to the newsagent claims boldly that another big cat has been seen.
166. Just two weeks ago, he voted to approve a rezoning to allow a paint shop next to a large apartment building.
167. Next to each color listed on the board, list the colors the students report seeing on their blotters.
168. For a while she stood next to the coal stove and warmed her hands on the backs of her legs.
169. Planning Director Jerry Flannery is attempting to annex 1260 acres of vacant land next to the city.
170. The joint venture is also planning a hotel and an office building next to the main apartment block.
171. So he lay on his back next to her, his head on the other pillow.
172. Right next to me was a bottle of antihistamines, and I just ate up the whole bottle.
173. Put the bell picture up on the wall with the blank sheet of paper next to it. 2.
174. Sandy was suspended by a rope attached to an old beam next to the ladder leading to the tower.
175. When she tires, she nods to her sister, who slides on to the piano bench next to her.
176. One thing you might have noticed, though, is that there is only Heather who actually wants to sit next to Gowie.
177. Next to diamond dust, it was the hardest abrasive known to man.
178. Unfortunately she was sitting next to him - he was silently adamant about that.
179. The curtains opened again and Uncle Philip stood next to his doll, beaming proudly.
180. The most widely distributed Shas tract shows a smirking Weizman standing next to a grim-looking Deri behind bars.
181. The women said they saw an apparition in the church, next to the altar.
182. You can encourage some pre-conditioning by placing an approximate time allowed next to each item on the agenda.
183. Oliver was annoyed that Angelina had deliberately chosen to sit next to Sir Thomas.
184. I just assumed that the woman standing next to Jack was his wife.
185. That field next to you's down to sugar beet this year.
186. It drove him mad to think of a stranger standing next to our beds at night, and him asleep.
187. Next to pull out was Surrey fast bowler Martin Bicknell, who dislocated his shoulder in training.
188. I would place the picture next to my bed so that I could see it first thing when I awoke.
189. Piles of damp clothes lie on the floor next to old pairs of shoes, empty vodka bottles and scraps of paper.
190. Next to me a lady with a perforated cardboard box.
191. Next to Billy was little Paul Lazzaro with a broken arm. he was fizzing with rabies.
192. Next to the Chapel is the former infirmary - later the almshouse.
193. He liked to wear his fleecy tracksuit next to bare skin.
194. A peasant stands next to them; behind is a bespectacled intellectual.
195. Next to the cabin is an apple tree where the wildlife has spared the apples(), and I gather 15 of them.
196. As she drew abreast of the drive, she saw that a car was parked next to the front door.
197. Polly was asleep in the armchair next to the bed.
198. Bee World - a new attraction - opens next to Stogumber Station in 1992.
199. Jan beckoned to me, but I knew better than to sit next to her.
200. Somebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there's no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door. Jerry Seinfeld 
201. A set of application binary interfaces are currently being developed by NeXT to provide application interoperability between Intel Corp and PA-RISC platforms.
202. She put the bowl down on top of a chest of drawers standing next to the bed and folded her arms.
202. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
203. You get a black mark next to your name that may show up in your next evaluation.
204. It would appear that Great Britain ranks next to the United States in degree of local autonomy.
205. Next to him was a compact woman with straight auburn hair.
206. She put it down on the table next to Bedford, and removed his soup bowl.
207. The square tiles on the bathroom floor were laid black next to white, like cards on a faro table.
208. One of its buildings is actually right next to the fabulous long sandy beach.
209. In the space next to William on the park bench there is a Sunday newspaper, as yet unfolded.
210. But for the time being, at least, stick an asterisk next to this season.




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