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单词 Overcrowded
1 Many prisons, even today, are overcrowded and squalid places.
2 The suitcase was too overcrowded to close.
3 The hospital is so overcrowded that some patients are being treated on trolleys in the corridors.
4 The world market for telecommunications is already overcrowded with businesses.
5 The prisons are overcrowded.
6 Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.
7 Shops are very overcrowded before Christmas.
8 Overcrowded slums are breeding grounds for crime.
9 Illness is one of the by-products of overcrowded housing.
10 Staff had to work in overcrowded conditions .
11 The resort gets overcrowded in peak season.
12 The people were packed into an already overcrowded bus.
13 The school was overcrowded and desperately understaffed.
14 They were forced to live in overcrowded and insanitary conditions.
15 Some parts of the city are desperately overcrowded while others are relatively empty.
16 The 200-year-old jail is overcrowded, understaffed and lacking in basic amenities.
17 Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions .
18 He argued that the overcrowded cities were the product of a system based on "selfishness" and "rapacity".
19 An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress.
20 Experts are predicting a shake-out of the overcrowded airline market.
21 Overcrowded conditions fuelled discontent and facilitated the spread of radical ideas.
22 The buses are filthy and overcrowded.
23 The major industrial cities were getting increasingly overcrowded.
24 They were older, more overcrowded, less well furnished, more depressing, and so on.
25 Overcrowded with 100, 000 cold-blooded bees, the hive had become a warm-blooded organism.
26 Some countries have staggered school holidays so that holiday resorts do not become overcrowded.
27 In the new cemeteries, which came into existence to relieve overcrowded churchyards, gatehouses were often provided for watchmen.
28 They were trapped by high security fences from escaping the overcrowded stand.
29 Sarah had made a pot of tea and left them together in the overcrowded room.
30 There were not enough classrooms and staff had to work in overcrowded conditions.
1 Many prisons, even today, are overcrowded and squalid places.
2 The hospital is so overcrowded that some patients are being treated on trolleys in the corridors.
3 The world market for telecommunications is already overcrowded with businesses.
4 An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress.
31 The conditions are very poor and overcrowded, as there is a total lack of the most basic amenities.
32 Our courts and prisons are so overcrowded that convicted felons walk free.
33 Some prisons are so overcrowded that convicted felons are allowed to walk free.
34 And such circumstances of course, are not helped by low income and poor, overcrowded housing.
35 Officers have been guarding inmates who can not be accommodated in overcrowded jails following the riots at Strangeways jail in Manchester.
36 A Darlington bar is still overcrowded despite warnings from environmental health officers.
37 Two saddles in progress stand in the center of his overcrowded workshop.
38 And so it went on: poor or nonexistent sanitation, overcrowded dormitories, dull and unappetising food, workhouse conditions.
39 The houses in the suburbs have wonderful amenities, unlike the overcrowded tenements of places like Hoboken.
40 The outer country ring would be the chief reception area for overcrowded London.
41 All are afflicted with a rise in overcrowded classrooms, teacher layoffs, and the other crises that accompany financial cutbacks.
42 Lift and transplant bulbous plants where they are becoming overcrowded.
43 Dreadfully overcrowded trains and frequent cancellations made commuting an ordeal.
44 It was as though the unwanted debris from a dozen mansions had been dumped in a single, overcrowded space.
45 Their diminutive size makes them suitable for even the smallest, most overcrowded garden.
46 Outdated textbooks, decrepit buildings, overcrowded classrooms - the list of problems is long and growing.
47 But workers were paid low wages, lived mostly in overcrowded bunkhouses and were subjected to daily body searches and internal scans.
48 The tank is slightly overcrowded but regular maintenance of the aquarium does alleviate this situation.
49 Efforts are being made to make life more tranquil in Japan's noisy and overcrowded cities.
50 The general hospitals were overcrowded and could do little for them in their advanced stages of illness.
51 Hundreds of people could be seen walking along the roadside or waiting patiently for the few overcrowded buses.
52 Ideas which had already been darkly germinating in Ludens's overcrowded mind came vividly into view.
53 They left their first temporary home last fall when the overcrowded camp ran out of fresh water and space.
54 This provided jobs and houses in new communities for people from overcrowded cities and run-down industrial areas.
55 After a successful spawning, problems can develop due to your pond becoming overcrowded.
56 Communities are overcrowded, with public facilities more often aimed at impersonal masses rather than stimulating intimate interaction.
57 I have a waiting list, Miss Thorne, and I am overcrowded as it is.
58 In the overcrowded prisons, Amnesty claimed that 25 prisoners had been deliberately killed by the police and prison guards in 1989.Sentence dictionary
59 Our foreign correspondent reports that conditions in the refugee camps are filthy and overcrowded.
60 Many have returned this time much earlier than usual, increasing the pressure on the overcrowded transport network.
61 As enacted in 1974, the formula allocated funds on the basis of three elements-population, overcrowded housing, and poverty.
62 A sour smell of overcrowded humanity hung in the air.
63 It follows that working-class people have benefited from this, but they are still more likely to be overcrowded than non-manual groups.
64 She added the planned cross town route would only be single carriageway and would rapidly become overcrowded with vehicles.
65 Inside it was overcrowded and primitive, with no hot water and an outside toilet.
66 For-profit hospitals turn away patients who have no insurance, sending them to overcrowded public hospitals.
67 Tehran was very peaceful and not crowded, but has about 10 million people today and it's overcrowded.
68 Amnesty claims the prisoners are being kept in overcrowded and insanitary conditions.
69 In such conditions, all the sheltered spots get overcrowded, and there is usually too much colour in the water.
70 Passengers also moaned about cancelled and overcrowded coaches and the lack of services.
71 The pains of living in an overcrowded island are apparent enough for those who have to travel inside it.
72 Hundreds of prisoners rioted on April 1 in the overcrowded prison.
73 The result, says Shelter, is that many asylum seekers are living in overcrowded private rented accommodation with friends and family.
74 Cadres sit outside at the overcrowded town meeting.
75 Morocco's capital, until independence, was badly overcrowded.
76 It is thickly settled, but not: noticeably overcrowded. There is still plenty of room for building, even in the larger towns, and there are very few solid blocks.
77 Lawyers and leaders must do a better job of recognizing the intermeshed dilemmas posed by an overcrowded planet and an increasingly interconnected globe.
78 Our parks are overcrowded, our seashores overburdened. Green fields and dense forests are disappearing.
79 The unique landscapes and sceneries of divine Nature interweave with the pictures of overcrowded and industrialized cities.
80 In many places, classrooms are overcrowded and curricula are outdated.
81 He said many Russian children who are eligible for adoption are languishing in overcrowded orphanages.
82 The migrants were not welcome on the southern Italian island. They were put in an overcrowded detention cell while their cases were being processed.
83 They were put in an overcrowded detention cell while their cases were being processed.
84 Overcrowded prisons are an impediment to the rehaBilitation of criminals.
85 Displaced person camps are often overcrowded, use light and highly combustible shelter materials, and have many individual cooking fires.
86 But as our brains grew our jawbone structure changed, leaving us expensively overcrowded mouths.
87 squalid, overcrowded refugee camps.
88 Huashan Hospital Dermatology has been overcrowded,[] even this long 7 days out of all external.
89 After Japan's economic bubble burst in 1990, the country's overcrowded basic industries found themselves laden with debt, overcapacity and overemployment. A round of consolidation followed.
90 He said the modern tradition of the marital bed only began with the industrial revolution, when people moving to overcrowded towns and cities found themselves short of living space.
91 From being a poor, struggling, little hand-to-mouth enterprise, it had become celebrated, and overcrowded with customers.
92 The assembly hall was overcrowded long before the performance began.
93 Millions of civilians, most of them in overcrowded and insalubrious camps, are now dependent on humanitarian aid for their survival.
94 Crude was due for a downer as the long side simply became overcrowded.




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