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单词 Only child
1, As an only child he was the idol of his parents.
2, I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.
3, As an only child she got special attention.
4, He is our only child.
5, It was a bit lonely being an only child.
6, They were inconsolable when their only child died.
7, My mother was an only child.
8, Alex is an only child .
9, She's an only child, but they didn't really spoil her.
10, As the only child of wealthy parents, he lacked for nothing.
11, As an only child myself, I had a fellow feeling for Laura.
12, I'm an only child.
13, Dickie, her only child, was twelve.
14, Being an only child has both advantages and disadvantages.
15, And I was an only child.
16, After all,[http:///only child.html] I began life as the only child of a wealthy farmer.
17, He was an only child whose parents had had an unhappy marriage, with rows and infidelities.
18, Their only child, Princes Shahnaz, was born in 1940., but from then on the marriage appears to have disintegrated.
19, The princess grew up thinking she was an only child but one day discovered she had twelve brothers.
20, They had no wish to expose their only child to the disease.
21, She was an only child, and well aware that her father's dearest wish was to have grandsons.
22, Only child Adele wrote after reading about a local teenager who died waiting for a swap op.
23, Mary Leapor was an only child, but she grew up surrounded by a large extended family.
24, Ianthe was the only child of elderly parents, who seemed to be a whole generation removed from those of her contemporaries.
25, What could be more distressing than the death of their only child?
26, He blamed his shyness and gauche manner on his upbringing, as the only child of elderly parents.
27, Sometimes I think I was intended to be an only child, and got born into a large family by a mistake.
28, E is for Ethel For most of my life I was an only child.
29, His wife has never been active in the business and his only child has entered another profession.
30, At the time he was not counting on a schoolteacher to floor him by marrying his only daughter, his only child.
1, I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.
31, Maman had given the impression she was an only child, she thought, but was that the truth?
32, Shared nannies are becoming more popular and other children can provide stimulation and company if yours is an only child.
33, I was brought up by adoptive parents as an only child.
34, Similarly, an only child may have a tough time leaving home without the support of brothers and sisters.
35, He was the only child in the class who could be rude to the teacher and get away with it.
36, An only child, Lott quickly adopted Dee Lemaitrie, the girl next door, as his sister.
37, Even an only child feels that other children have some great advantages over him, and this makes him intensely jealous.
38, He felt he had taken his only child like a lamb to the slaughter.
39, It must be terrible to lose an only child; to lose any child.
40, My mother, Cecilia, was an only child, and therein lies a story.
41, On his eighteenth birthday, his parents had believed it necessary to commit the act that would decisively save their only child.
42, Could he really let his only child become a part of this family?
43, She was a small, dumpy woman, nothing like her only child in either looks or personality.
44, In all this my life was not novel, except that it had no witnesses[/only child.html], because I was an only child.
45, She was an only child and hated her parents' heated exchanges.
46, I am the only child of elderly parents and I suppose when I was young they were over-protective and old-fashioned.
47, I was horrified especially by the daughter, who appeared to be an only child.
48, The only child left now was the eldest girl, still locked in the bathroom upstairs.
49, Since I was the only child in the jail, the prison guards were nice to me.
50, Ixora was his only child, the light of his life.
51, Christina was an only child, her parents' pride and joy.
52, It was simple this way, to be the single parent of an only child.
53, Alexandra was an only child and the centre of her mother's world.
54, On 26 November 1986 their only child was born, a daughter, T., the subject of these proceedings.
55, The widow lamented the death of her only child.
56, Parents who dote on their only child.
57, Pahlavi was born Farah Dibaan only child.
58, The troubles that destroyed Tang—the loss of his job, the collapse of his marriage, heartbreak over his wastrel only child—are all too common across China.
59, As an only child myself, I had a certain fellow feeling for Laura.
60, Their four-year marriage ended in ugly accusations, media frenzy and custody battle for their only child.
61, Many parents wishfully think their only child is a child prodigy. Education experts say 90% of these children are merely normal kids.
62, Peter Alexander Ustinov was born in London on April 16, 1921, the only child of a Russian artist mother and a journalist father.
63, "To be honest, we people of the post 90s tend to be self-centered and hot-tempered because many of us are the spoiled only child in our families, " said Zhang.
64, Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.
65, For me there was only child time, divided arbitrarily and quite painfully by the edicts of the grownups into Bedtime, Wakeup Time, and Schooltime.
66, Nobita is a fourth grader in Tokyo and an only child of the family.
67, Luther, according to the scandal of his monkish enemies, was a brat of that hellish breed; nor was Pearl the only child to whom this inauspicious origin was assigned among the New England Puritans.
68, When Jephthah returned to his home in Mizpah, who should come out to meet him but his daughter, dancing to the sound of tambourines! She was an only child.
69, Quiet, brooding and driven , Lucas is a loner, the only child of a single working mom.
70, An only child, FDR had some of the same old-money roots as Teddy Roosevelt, a fifth cousin.
71, Shortly after the birth of their only child, Tania, Etienne died from chest wounds at the Battle of El Alamein in October 1942.
72, I am in my mid-thirties and I have one child who really doesn't want to be an only child .
73, The Chinese nuclear family raising only child is like an unlimited company, with the parents being responsible unlimitedly for the child's future. "To feed without teaching, is the father's fault."
74, This time the only child is a new Output Text control.
75, Mei is an only child whose stable, middle-class family life is torn apart as her parents careen toward divorce.
76, Perhaps because she was jealous that Papaw loved his only child so much, too often she made her daughter the target of her outbursts of rage.
77, I am the only child of Joel and Julia Hetman.
78, The stereotype of a lonely, spoiled, bossy and maladjusted only child dates back to 1896, when an American psychologist named Granville Stanley Hall did a research paper on the subject.Sentencedict
79, The Chinese nuclear family with an only child is like a company of unlimited liability, because the parents bear unlimited responsibility for their child's future.
80, But an only child isn't necessarily a loner, misfit and brat.
81, Chinese nuclear family usually consists of the parents and the only child.
82, His only child by Eva MacMurrough, Isabella de Clare, was an infant.
83, Some foreign universities are refusing applications from "China one," the only child in a family, due to their weak self-care ability, the Jiangnan Times reported.
84, Duat is the only child in his family who was affected by his father’s exposure to Agent Orange during the war.
85, If there is no entity declaration that matches, an empty text node is attached as the only child of the entity reference node.
86, And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances: and she was his only child; beside her he had neither son nor daughter.




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