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单词 Hung up
1 She hung up on me.
2 She hung up before I finished.
3 He hung up my coat.
4 She hung up the shirt with two pegs.
5 He started shouting so I hung up .
6 Mum hung up the phone.
7 I was so angry that I hung up on her.
8 I hung up the phone and started to cry.
9 She's really hung up on that guy.
10 He hung up the receiver and went out.
11 The ship was hung up on a sandbar.
12 Ruth has hung up her dancing shoes.
13 He is hung up about stepping out.
14 She's hung up on a handsome boy.
15 We've been badly hung up for attacking the town.
16 The project was hung up for lack of funds.
17 Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up the phone.
18 I started to dial but then hung up.
19 I said goodbye and hung up.
20 The talks were hung up for a week.
21 I was so angry I hung up on her.
22 The plan has been hung up.
23 He's too hung up about fitness.
24 The accident hung up the traffic for several hours.
25 You're not still hung up on that girl?
26 The pictures have been hung up.
27 I drained the water away and hung up the blouse to dry.
28 After I hung up I remembered what I'd wanted to say.
29 She hung up her wet clothes in order to dry them out.
30 After she finished her conversation with flying colours, she hung up.
1 She hung up on me.
2 She hung up before I finished.
3 She hung up the shirt with two pegs.
4 He started shouting so I hung up .
5 Mum hung up the phone.
6 I was so angry that I hung up on her.
7 The bad weather has hung up the work of excavation.
31 He has hung up a new record for shot put.
32 'I have to go,' she said, and with that she hung up the phone.
33 I hung up the phone when he started shouting at me.
34 He said he'd call again, and hung up on me.
35 The bad weather has hung up the work of excavation.
36 Most of the people who worshipped her, who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in their rooms, were not social snobs.
37 Some prisoners climbed onto the roof and hung up a banner.
38 She hung up the phone and rejoined them at the table.
39 He dialled the number, then changed his mind and hung up.
40 I tried to talk to her, but she hung up on me.
41 The girl was so angry that she hung up on her boyfriend.
42 I took down the old picture and hung up a new one.
43 His heart pounded as he hung up the receiver.
44 I hung up on that high note.
45 He felt queasy when he hung up.
46 Fran hung up the telephone and looked out the window.
47 After I hung up, the anger and frustration began welling up inside me.
48 Glover felt hung up in the crook of a tree.
49 The phone rang for so long, I hung up in the end.
50 I hung up the receiver, still unable to believe that what had happened was real.
51 She ended by promising something, and hung up the phone.
52 The line-up includes a number of rock-n-roll dinosaurs who should have hung up their guitars long ago.
53 A fourth, after asking if it were April the first, collapsed into giggles and hung up.
54 As soon as he hung up the phone, he started to pack a few things.
55 She hung up and watched a young woman in a tailored suit come in from the parking lot pushing a cart.
56 The caller hung up.
57 He congratulated them both(http://), and there were tears in his own eyes as he hung up the phone.
58 Before I hung up my jeans, I turned the pockets inside out to dry.
59 Every morning I heard the tinny radio play as he washed, hung up and ironed sheets.
60 I hung up the telephone and put my head on my desk and wept.
61 Just look at these black legs of lamb hung up behind the butchers.
62 When they hung up, he found he had a new zeal for his letter-writ-ing.
63 Even Beattie has hung up her curlers along with her telephone.
64 They also seemed fascinated when I hung up my clothes to dry.
65 He called me a liar, he hung up on me, he called me stupid.
66 Clothes, sleeping bags, spare canvas, all were hung up or spread out to catch a few rays of sunshine.
67 Some one had hung up all these colourful banners, and altar cloths, and pictures of knights and castles.
68 He hung up so hard that he banged his fingers. All I want is a damned appointment, he told himself.
69 Some guy offered me £2,000 for the car. I just laughed and hung up the phone.
70 Several times he beard it click into gear and deliver its robotic message; the caller hung up.
71 You've already lost me one race because you're still hung up on that business at Ascot.
72 There was a long pause on the other end, and for a moment Quinn thought the caller had hung up.
73 He hung up his sword and went on a retreat to Manresa, where he authored Spiritual Exercises in 1522.
74 Marie said and hung up quickly as Astrid teetered back into the office on her gold spike heels.
75 Miguel hung up and sat there staring into space, with Cristalena lying against him.
76 Then he hung up immediately, phoned his office and cancelled his afternoon appointments.
77 And my poetry is unparalleled since the bards hung up their rhyming shoes!
78 I hung up my tie and jacket, kicked off my sneakers, and threw everything else into the hamper.
79 He hung up and got the last volume of the bigger directory from the rack under the table.
80 Unless the position is quite untenable, try not to get too hung up on the specifics of your job description.
81 When Alexander hung up, I would call three or four investors and simply parrot what Alexander had just said.
82 Cleveland appeared skeptical, but he hung up the telephone.
83 The ship was hung up on a sandbar three hours.
84 Jasmine hung up the phone right away when she realized that it was a crank call.
85 While he still went out, he had purchased of a coppersmith, for a few sous,(Sentencedict) a little copper crucifix which he had hung up on a nail opposite his bed.
86 Transmission device and part should be hung up when the valve is in horizontal in order to prevent damage of driving axle.
87 Fortunately, before Harris could get any words out , Captain Demerest hung up.
88 The conversation, Roscoe Heyward decided as he hung up the phone, had been eminently satisfactory.
89 One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall.
90 Does anyone sorrow for the rook, shot and hung up as a scarecrow?
91 In the East, skin bottles are hung up in rooms where smoke cannot escape resulting in shriveling up and blackening of the skin bottles to the point that they become unrecognizable .
92 He hung up the phone, his body drenched in sweat.
93 Sometimes the skin is rubbed with malt sugar to give it an amber colour and is then hung up to air dry before roasting in the oven.
94 He hung up the receiver and called for his runabout.
95 I was certain that no matter how many telemarketers I'd hung up on or elderly people I'd brushed by instead of offering a helping hand, I deserved pain-free sex, orgasms included.
96 Johnny hung up the phone and got ready for bed.
97 Most of the people who worshipped her, who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in ...
98 I hung up the phone; then I asked the dancing group why they were dancing so frivolously .
99 We had a good laugh over it and I was still smiling when I hung up the phone.
100 Looking back,[/hung up.html] she feels she should never have hung up her backpack.
101 The work has been hung up owing to the bad weather.
102 She refuses to input, and has hung up the handset.
103 What you said about my getting hung up on trivialities is especially perceptive.
104 He hung up and leaned back, beaming at his assistant.
105 BEING YULIA: A worker hung up a large poster of Ukranian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko Thursday in Kiev.
106 He hung up the phone, went to Sollozzo's side and whispered in the Turk's ear.
107 The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter.
108 Not to be too self-pitying (or self-aggrandising), but I hadn't really cared about a woman outside my family since Margie and I had hung up our phones in 1995.
109 When he hung up he decided to get properly dressed so as to save rime afterward.
110 " After he hung up, he said, "It turns out those guys robbed a band in Wichita Falls.
111 I hung up the phone, my clothes drenched in sweat.




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