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单词 Post-war
1, Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom.
2, The post-war government had the enormous task of reconstructing the city.
3, It was an ordinary, post-war semi-detached.
4, Jean-Paul Sartre was the guru of post-war French philosophy.
5, He was born during the post-war baby boom.
6, He parted company with Lloyd George over post-war diplomacy.
7, They are the products of post-war affluence.
8, Economic anarchy scourged the post-war world.
9, He began a new magazine on post-war architecture.
10, Chapter One is pertinent to the post-war period.
11, She spent the post-war years of her marriage trying to reunite father and son.
12, In the post-war years her writing regularly appeared in The New Journal.
13, Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.
14, The novel provides a powerful social commentary on post-war Germany.
15, The shape of post-war Europe was decided in Potsdam in 1945 by the Allied triumvirate of Churchill, Truman and Stalin.
16, Existentialism is an important element in post-war thought.
17, In the post-war world, our power has been reduced.
18, This was especially so in the early post-war years.
19, To post-war generations, the deli has become a way to stay connected, through the taste buds with their roots.
20, The post-war farming depression meant that by 1817 earnings were once again back at the level of the late eighteenth century.
21, His paintings embody the very essence of the immediate post-war years.
22, European union is an ideal that has been nurtured since the post-war years.
23, The trial was regarded as the greatest injustice of the post-war criminal justice system.
24, The British new towns, such as Milton Keynes,(http:///post-war.html) are looked on as one of the major achievements of post-war planning.
25, Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave.
26, The family emigrated to New Zealand in 1949, which seemed a wonderland in comparison with post-war England.
27, Her novel is an accurate reflection of life in post-war Spain.
28, It was given at a time of full employment and full employment persisted into the post-war world.
29, But before turning specifically to this task, we must examine a little more closely the events of the immediate post-war years.
30, George Bush could now cash in on the country's post-war confidence by launching another war on the black home-front.
1, Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom.
2, His paintings embody the very essence of the immediate post-war years.
3, The post-war government had the enormous task of reconstructing the city.
31, However, 1985 signalled the end of the post-war trend of decline in working hours in Britain.
32, Post-war Britain found its own literary history, at least since mid-Victorian times, still unwritten.
33, The most striking feature of the post-war period has been the increase of use of educational establishments by all socio-economic groups.
34, These forms persisted into the post-war years in such industries as cotton, iron and steel, shipbuilding and shipping.
35, From the post-war years until the mid-1960s it had experienced steady decline.
36, Post-war euphoria, when the Big House ransacked its rose-garden and all the village wore roses.
37, The loss of working-class support for Labour is the outstanding feature of post-war electoral sociology in Britain.
38, What small political influence it possessed was confined to the immediate post-war years of social tension, inflation and unemployment.
39, Such ideals were grandiose both in their conception and in relation to the practicalities of post-war reconstruction.
40, In the changed post-war conditions there was a great influx of civil servants into the political parties.
41, They circulated to the officials working on post-war plans a paper designed to refute the Section's approach.
42, At the centre of this emergent mode of rationality was the negotiation of long-term employment tenure in the immediate post-war years.
43, Post-war architects, amongst whom Frederick Gibberd was soon prominent, popularized a style which drew on many influences.
44, Lower down the post-war rectory replaced bombed buildings in Paradise.
45, Its downward trend was disturbed only by the uncertainty of the First World War and a sharp but transient post-war baby boom.
46, The foundations of the post-war boom in Britain were laid in those crises at the start of the 1930s.
47, Greater equality was one of the aims of the post-war government.
48, The post-war years were full of women longing for a full skirt and unable to make it.
49, It was put on deposit immediately, to be kept for post-war work on the course.
50, The ultimate objectives of this strategy were of course no different from those of previous post-war governments.
51, The committee has been represented on and has played its part in post-war reconstruction schemes having this object in view.
52, Experience was quickly to show that these conditions were not forthcoming; neither have they been realized throughout the post-war period.
53, Branch membership also remained steady, following a period of decline since the immediate post-war years.
53, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
54, A brief post-war boom brought inflation, which was followed by a sharp recession and unemployment.
55, The experience of these writers was seen as emblematic of the increased social mobility that characterized post-war Britain.
56, In 1917-18 she served on the committee on post-war reconstruction, where she frequently clashed with Beatrice Webb.
57, Ample evidence is provided to show that the structure of the labour force in post-war United States has shifted towards service employment.
58, Many outer estates are nothing less than the architect-designed, system-built slums of our post-war era.
59, This immediate post-war shortage ushered in what may be identified as the first phase of the emergence of headhunting.
60, Lord Thomson was the best example in the post-war period.
61, In the current period industrial relations is conducted in a very different climate from that of much of the post-war era.
62, The Berlin intelligence scene was dominated by one of the most charismatic figures in post-war espionage - General Reinhard Gehlen.
63, In 1966 it produced the closest contest of any post-war election with a three-vote Conservative win after seven recounts.
64, His is the only post-war body of symphonic and chamber music to achieve genuine popularity.
65, Elsewhere, urban centres did not experience the anticipated post-war expansion in liberal adult education.
66, The introduction of the Resettlement Transfer Scheme in 1948 was the beginning of post-war labour mobility policies.
67, She had longed to be a bad girl in those post-war years, those austerity years.
68, These and the other changes presented enormous difficulties in the immediate post-war years.
69, They lost in the general elections by the two biggest margins in the post-war period.
70, In the United States the economic impact of the size of the post-war military establishment and budget has been tremendous.
71, Third, New Towns constituted experiments in social engineering - well in tune with the psychological requirements for post-war reconstruction.
72, The principle of multilateralism has been pursued with varying degrees of success and sincerity in the post-war world.
73, Archie was a former cinema manager who became the most successful chairman in the post-war history of Darlington Football Club.
74, We then consider the objectives and operation of the post-war planning system.
75, In the post-war world the fireside has been split apart, indeed subsumed to the kitchen.
76, The post-war period in Britain has been characterized by the development of geriatric medicine as a legitimate medical specialism.
77, None the less, the picture for output in manufacturing does indicate a shift after 1973, away from the trend of steady post-war growth.
78, About four years ago, Mr Rafsanjani shifted to the right, voicing the reformist policies that the post-war era craved.
79, The Manchester site, Collyhurst, is a post-war social housing estate on the north-east edge of the city centre.
80, Unemployment has reached post-war records, and government schemes for the unemployed have replaced each other at a very fast pace.
81, On paper, the economy is one of the healthiest in the post-war era.
82, Militarism Fourth, the Western post-war build-up of defence is partially justified in the above terms.
83, Consider in this light the succession of governments in the post-war period up to 1979.
84, An equally long lasting, but more profound government stance came from the perceived need to prepare plans for post-war reconstruction.
85, These various basic principles which underpinned the planning machine have survived throughout the post-war period.
86, Shore challenged the regional and new towns policies of the post-war period which had encouraged economic and population dispersal.
87, The post-war period has also been characterized by very profound changes in family and household formation patterns.
88, Since an expanding post-war economy stimulated immigration into Britain, governments have imposed more and more severe restrictions on entry.
89, Congress would brook no potential economic rivals in the post-war world.
90, But development in post-war Britain would be on a rather firmer footing.
91, In the immediate post-war years the special relationship almost collapsed.
92, Unemployment in the OECD is expected to rise to a post-war record of 36m.
93, This period has seen a sharp fall in the average rate of growth as compared to the earlier post-war experience.
94, He was in his fifties, unmarried, and out of touch with post-war educational methods.
95, This pattern of mortality has remained approximately constant over the post-war period.
96, In the post-war period some democratic elitists detected a major flaw in this notion of bureaucratic rationality.
97, Post-war development of parachutes acting as brakes on jet aircraft are also covered in this rarely written about subject.
98, During the long post-war boom, argues Aglietta, such flexibility had not been an important regulating mechanism.
99, None the less, research and development in post-war fighter aircraft went forward at a brisk pace and over a wide range of options.
100, All estimates of the balance of post-war power were thrown into confusion.
101, In spite of a change in political outlook, the ravaging of national book treasures did not stop in the post-war era.
102, Criticisms within and without Parliament made it clear that this audit model of control was beginning to falter in the post-war period.
103, In the context of post-war uncertainty it is relatively easy to relate existentialism to abstract expressionism.
104, The post-war period until the late 1970s witnessed governments playing a positive role in stimulating demand through reflation of the economy.
105, This never materialised, and the pits were extended in post-war years to facilitate routine inspections.
106, The arbiter model has been developed to analyse major institutional changes in post-war liberal democracies by Poulantzas' concept of authoritarian statism.
107, This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
108, Bonn's power in the post-war world had, after all, been limited by the division from the East.
109, And to be rich, in the post-war world, could only mean dollar-rich.
110, Until the 1970s Coventry was one of the fastest growing cities in post-war Britain.
111, This is only the second time in post-war history that war booty art treasures have been put on view.
112, He was particularly keen to establish contacts between the college and what was happening elsewhere in post-war Britain.
113, These figures, moreover,(http:///post-war.html) have been borne out for most of the post-war era.
114, The Waste Land begins a new poetry, or seeks to, but also marks the reborn post-war society.
115, From the figures provided in section 3.2 a similar shift can be discerned in post-war Britain.
116, The second was the rhythm of the war itself, which gave time for the detailed discussion of post-war policy.
117, The post-war concern about population decline and the high infant mortality rate contributed to the introduction of the Midwives Act 1902.
118, Most of Let Us Face the Future reads like a prospective history of the immediate post-war period.
119, Why has service employment risen rapidly in the post-war period?
120, Nor was this resistance to diminish in the post-war period, as will be seen in the next chapter.
121, The widening of educational opportunity in the immediate post-war period was not accompanied by radical changes in its content.
122, But plans for post-war reconstruction were to bear only limited fruit.
123, In its heyday, in the post-war boom, Pringle's employed four thousand men.
124, Its reports provided a series of blueprints for post-war society.
125, In the sellers' markets of the post-war years there were no pressures for changing this modusoperandi of business expansion.
126, This would all have been uninhabited malarial marshland until the post-war boom made it worth draining.
127, Many of his films express the fears and anxieties of the post-war years.
128, The early post-war years saw a rapid rise in prosperity and with it a desire to own motor cars.
129, Post-war lateral thinking solved the problem by abolishing the school, but the building survived that, too.
130, These and other factors combined to give the elderly population a new and high profile in post-war public debate and social research.
131, The post-war years brought nagging doubts for Mary, when she was not surrounded by her now four healthy children.
132, The film was a dark, powerful allegory of life in post-war America.
133, Post-war Britain offers a suitable period in which to apply the concept of the social construction of old age.
134, Further, the post-war boom at the height of Fordism led to an increased demand for labour.
135, Table 4.2 shows the changes in the licence fee for the whole post-war period.
136, They have reflected the wishful thinking that informed liberal development politics in the post-War period.
137, Metaphors of Britain's decline have been a dime a dozen in the post-war years.
138, Post-war organization theory develops the democratic elitist account to accord a much more substantive policy role to administrative elites.
139, the post-war reconstruction of Germany.
140, Due to the interpenetration and interaction between religion and politics, the post-war situation of the Middle East has become more complicated, which is also a distinct characteristic of th...
141, The secretary is expected to explore ideas for post-war reconstruction of the area.
142, Window guidance is not a relic of socialism so much as a throwback to Japan's clubable capitalism of the post-war era.
143, This is the fastest growth rate since the post-war baby boom - and is far more rapid than the Government forecast just three years ago.
144, As one of the most important post-war British poets,(http:///post-war.html) Ted Hughes is characterized by his great passion and unique images.
145, Several have talked grandly of a sequel to the 1944 Bretton Woods conference, which created the post-war system of fixed exchange rates and established the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
146, Top, by a wide margin, was Labour's post-war leader Clement Attlee who between 1945 and 1951 set up the welfare state and established the NHS.
147, John Osborne's kitchen sink classic, 'Look Back in Anger', which we think of as epitomising post-war austerity, is really about the emergence from that era into a more affluent, complex world.
148, Post-war reconstruction in Iraq mainly includes political reconstruction, economic reconstruction and security reconstruction.
149, International agreements to limit tariffs, built over the post-war decades, are a safeguard against all-out tariff wars.
150, Sixty years ago, George Marshall came to this commencement and announced a plan to assist the nations of post-war Europe.
151, Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964) occupies one of the most prominent positions in the history of post-war American literature.
152, Attitudes were different then, but a point had been proven, nevertheless, even as mothers assumed their former roles as housewives, heralding a post-war baby boom.
153, For those under 40 the pre-eminence of post-war US literature goes unquestioned.
154, The post-war baby boom in the USA was from 1945----1964.
155, He really was one of the finest boxers in post-war Britain.
156, Iris Murdoch is an outstanding post-war British writer of international renown, prolific in literary as well as philosophical writing .
157, On Labour Day 1997, the youngest post-war party leader won the general election in Britain.
157, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
158, The FDP was once part of almost every post-war government, as junior partner of either the CDU or the SPD.
159, He went on to work with Simon Wiesenthal, the legendary Nazi hunter, in post-war Vienna.
160, Second industrial revolution promoted the process of human history, but also for the post-war women's modernization cleared the way for the arrival.
161, Hoton the heels ofthe post-war baby boomers, Generation X - those born between 1965 and 1978 - were part of a new era which encouraged women to get an education and climb the career ladder.
162, The development of post-war politics in correspondence to the world political situation is analyzed in this article.
163, In the post-war era, as an important event of Western bloc, the West German Rearmament issue tied up with the West European Defense Integration.
164, Hong Kong's manufacturing industry did not start from scratch in the post-war period.
165, Firm of jaw and purpose, hard of heart and stomach, 007 was a coded signal to the United States that clapped-out, threadbare old Britain remained a force to be reckoned with in the post-war world.
166, The use of Sitka Spruce was carried into post-war construction in many aircraft.
167, Tennessee Williams is one of the greatest dramatists in Post-war America.
168, Japan has a huge population of post-war baby-boomers and relatively few young people—indeed, so few children are being born that the population has started to shrink.




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