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单词 Old lady
1. The old lady told me all her troubles.
2. The old lady is a mystic.
3. The old lady climbed up the stairs with difficulty.
4. I haven't seen your old lady for months, Bill.
5. The old lady wandered off.
6. He bantered the old lady out of her money.
7. The old lady is very cautious with her money.
8. A little old lady opened the door.
9. The old lady never has/gets any visitors.
10. The old lady has some eccentric habits.
11. The old lady was getting very eccentric.
12. Who was that fierce old lady?
13. The old lady sat in the corner doing patchwork.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. The old lady had a bad cough.
15. The old lady can mount the stairs only with difficulty.
16. The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg.
17. The old lady run three circuits of the track every morning.
18. We couldn't induce the old lady to travel by air.
19. He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.
20. The old lady has practised a lot at drawing and she is now a famous painter.
21. That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her.
22. The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning.
23. At the news the old lady was so afraid that her face was drained of blood.
24. That old lady is very nosey, so nobody likes to talk to her.
25. The driver sounded his horn when an old lady stood in front of his car.
26. The old lady fell under the bus and was killed.
27. He went to prison because he murdered an old lady.
28. He had been extorting money from the old lady for years.
29. The old lady cackled, pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction.
30. The old lady soon got into a fuss.
1. The old lady told me all her troubles.
2. The old lady is a mystic.
3. The old lady climbed up the stairs with difficulty.
4. I haven't seen your old lady for months, Bill.
5. The old lady wandered off.
6. He bantered the old lady out of her money.
7. The old lady is very cautious with her money.
8. A little old lady opened the door.
9. The old lady has some eccentric habits.
10. The old lady was getting very eccentric.
11. Who was that fierce old lady?
12. The old lady sat in the corner doing patchwork.
13. The old lady had a bad cough.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. The old lady can mount the stairs only with difficulty.
15. The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg.
16. The old lady run three circuits of the track every morning.
17. He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.
18. The old lady has practised a lot at drawing and she is now a famous painter.
19. That old lady is very nosy, so nobody likes to talk to her.
20. The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning.
21. At the news the old lady was so afraid that her face was drained of blood.
22. That old lady is very nosey, so nobody likes to talk to her.
23. The driver sounded his horn when an old lady stood in front of his car.
24. The old lady fell under the bus and was killed.
25. He went to prison because he murdered an old lady.
26. He had been extorting money from the old lady for years.
27. The old lady cackled, pleased to have produced so dramatic a reaction.
28. The old lady soon got into a fuss.
29. The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation.
30. The ruthless enemy killed the old lady.
31. The old lady had fallen and broken her hip.
32. She was a warmhearted, generous old lady.
33. Don't mind the old lady. She's getting senile.
34. The old lady easily gets confused.
35. She's a very sweet old lady.
36. I was humped like an old lady.
37. The bus stopped to set down an old lady.
38. He was befriended by an old lady.
39. The old lady finds shopping very wearing.
40. I saw the old lady across the road.
41. The old lady is never free from pain.
42. He saw an old lady in furs.
43. The old lady has survived all her children.
44. The old lady kept on about her illness.
45. The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation.
46. The old lady is at peace now.
47. Are you trying to skin the old lady?
48. He piloted the old lady to her seat.
49. The doctor reassured the old lady.
50. A thief eased the old lady of her purse.
51. The old lady was upstairs.
52. The ruthless enemy killed the old lady.
53. The youths jostled an old lady on the pavement.
54. The old lady said she was lamed by age.
55. Martha is a benign old lady.
56. The old lady kicked in with 500 dollars.
57. The old lady sat nodding by the fire.
58. How's the old lady, then?
59. A little old lady helped me find my way.
60. The old lady looked a little off colour.
31. Martha is a benign old lady.
32. The old lady is always fretting over something unimportant.
61. The excited old lady soon calmed down.
62. The old lady is always fretting over something unimportant.
63. She's getting to be an old lady now.
64. The old lady is a sight cleverer than Sarah.
65. Mike helped the old lady to her feet.
66. The soldiers were billeted on an old lady.
67. The old lady tenderly cherished her dog.
68. The old lady felt as though all her strength had drained away.
69. It's a sorry state of affairs when an old lady has to wait 12 hours to see a doctor.
70. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
71. The old lady was displeased with the children's naughty behaviour.
72. This old lady was struggling out of the train and I said, 'Oh, can I help you?'.
73. The old lady was sitting upright in her chair, stiff as a poker.
73. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
74. He ran round the corner and bumped into an old lady.
75. The old lady fusses over her little dog as if it were a sick child.
76. The old lady shouted for help and then gave chase.
77. The old lady still influences the family from beyond the grave.
78. There is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson.
79. The salesman scared the old lady into signing the paper by threatening to take away the goods.
80. Where's your old lady?
81. Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.
82. The driver blew / sounded his horn when an old lady with her dog stepped in front of his car.
83. In her more lucid moments the old lady would talk about her past.
84. I think she palmed off the stolen necklace on some unsuspecting old lady.
85. The old lady will go nuts if still no news comes from her son.
86. "You've quite made my day by coming to see me, "said the old lady.
87. The old lady can still see in her mind's eye every piece of furniture in the house where she lived as a child.
88. I hate the old lady next door she's a real flea-bag.
89. The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble.
90. He ran around the corner and banged into an old lady who was coming the other way.
91. The old lady exists only on rice coffee and bread.
92. Dean tricked the old lady into giving him eight hundred pounds, claiming that he would invest it for her.
93. The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her children.
94. Mary stared at him hard and eventually shamed him into giving up his seat to the old lady.
95. I was rushing along with my head down when I cannoned into an old lady walking the other way.
96. He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her.
97. The old lady rushed to greet him, arms outstretched .
98. The old lady was flung out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down.
99. We witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of an old lady climbing a tree to rescue her cat.
100. The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.
101. The old lady leant on her stick as she talked.
102. That was a scurvy trick to play on an old lady.
103. The swindler tricked the old lady out of her necklace.
104. The thief intimidated my old lady into not telling the police.
105. The old lady was seated in her chair at the window, a rug over her knees.
106. It's polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.
107. The fruit seller palmed off some bad oranges onto the old lady.
108. He bamboozled the old lady out of her diamond ring.
109. The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit.
110. The old lady gets in a muddle trying to work the video.
111. The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.
112. The old lady leads a free and easy sort of life and never troubles much about anything.
113. The old lady was completely bowled over by the news of the announcement of the bankrupcy of her son's company.
114. She a real nice old lady.
115. The old lady was in raptures over him, however.
116. Barry gave the old lady a warm smile.
117. A tiny old lady answered the door.
118. We saw a little old lady with a walking-stick.
119. With faltering steps, the old lady left the office.
120. She was a quiet, dignified old lady.
121. One old lady seems to eat only roast beef.
122. Old lady, thought Winnie, with sudden shock!
123. Give your old lady some good news, kid.
124. The old lady nodded, as if half asleep.
125. She immediately realized the old lady was blind.
126. Gordy aimed his trumpet across the river and blew. Old lady Gammon spit a jet of water out of her mouth.
127. Some little old lady somewhere in the world may really have tried to dry a poodle in a microwave.
128. When his son became an official in town, he left his old lady at home like some kind of grass widow.
129. The old lady took her cane and began banging on the door in the partition in back of her.
130. In this one the ugly old lady with birds turned out to be his friend.
131. It was the finale for a grand old lady which filled a gap pending the arrival of more modern types.
132. I looked across the path and caught the old lady watching us.
133. It was a little grey-haired old lady,(http:///old lady.html) propped up on cushions and staring intently at something Meg couldn't see.
134. I shuddered when I heard the names: old hen, biddy, little old lady in tennis shoes.
135. There was an old lady of Cork who took a young priest for a walk.
136. The females close in on him, led by some old lady dolphin who has obviously had much practice at settling sharks.
137. Another person joined the queue and the old lady immediately behind him began to look restive.
138. Like what the crazy old lady on the park bench in front of the Regency said that day.
139. One was strange, because it was about an old lady who meant nothing to me at all.
140. The old lady was not mentally impaired on first impression.
141. I know of some one who took in an old lady and she turned out to be well-known for being difficult.
142. Quigley's eyes shifted, weasel-like, from me, to Pike, to his old lady.
143. I met the old lady as I was walking down a steep path out of the village.
144. She could tell, especially that old lady with her patronizing smile: i used to play bridge with your grandmother Fermoyle.
145. But he thought the old lady snagged in the cherry tree one of the pebbles.
146. Invariably old age is portrayed by the image of an old lady living in obvious poverty and social neglect.
147. Then the old lady took me firmly by the arm and led me into the bathroom.
148. An old lady in a pink sweater and sensible shoes walked by.
149. Everyone was angry with me for what I had done to this lovely old lady.
150. A little old lady on the sidewalk looks up(), her eyes filled with alarm.
151. My grandmother was a tough old lady, who lived through some very hard times.
152. He darted about looking to satisfy his astonishment but the old lady had melted away.
153. Presently the old lady came towards him, entered the shed and sniffed knowledgeably at a tin of weedkiller.
154. I shall be a bitter-looking little old lady with no muscle tone, she thought, and re-dialled Lucy.
155. This little old lady is not so innocent as she seems.
156. What was I trying to do with this illiterate old lady?
157. We live downstairs and there's an old lady called Mrs Parker who lives upstairs.
158. One old lady, overcome by her situation, burst into tears.
159. It belonged to a fat old lady and her pretty daughter.
160. She was a small, frail old lady in her late seventies with remarkably clear, unwrinkled skin and wide blue eyes.
161. Did your old lady give you permission to go out with us tonight?
162. Death and Dishonour A seventy-five year old lady was refused admission to four hospitals after suffering a heart attack recently.
163. The laibon goes off for a moment and returns wearing his cloak as the old lady produces some stools.
164. This old lady came out and said about the cough - she gave me a dose of cough medicine.
165. The dead knows me! the old lady jumped to her feet, and the rope between us stretched taut.
166. I'd have been very happy playing an old lady of ninety at the age of fifteen.
167. The old lady was conned out of her life savings by a crooked insurance dealer.
168. There must have been a misunderstanding between Theopholis and the old lady.
169. Our neighbour is an eccentric old lady who has about 25 cats.
170. I humoured the old lady, who soon went on her way.
171. The old lady was tricked out of her money.
172. The old lady besought him for mercy.
173. She bought this miserable handicraft from the old lady.
174. The old lady sequestered herself from all strangers.
175. The old lady was a cold turkey.
176. The old lady has rabbit ears.
177. The old lady looked flustered and put out.
178. The old lady was clad in a fur coat.
179. The old lady is tricked out in jewels.
180. Our neighbor is a quaint old lady.
181. The old lady is a bit of an eccentric.
182. The old lady was benumbed by grief.
183. The old lady was treated for sunstroke.
184. The old lady screamed at sight of the thief.
185. The old lady is beginning to behave quite dottily.
186. That old lady used to be a midwife.
187. Bambino : Swear on our old lady.
188. The old lady also follow the fashion!
189. There, he ran into a gnarly old lady.
190. The old lady expressed herself somewhat quaintly.
191. The old lady became very under stress of weather.
192. The old lady has no pin money at all.
193. The old lady slopped over all children she saw.
193. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
194. The old lady was within an inch of being knocked over by the car.
195. In the very act of my lisping out, she passed me by and held out her hands to hug an old lady who was standing behind me.
196. The song is spirited, you looked that the old lady, the girl, the small tabby cat, the small yellow dog they help the child to pull out the radish, one all full of energy.
197. An 84 - year - old lady became Poland's oldest parachutist when she made her first jump with her daughter - in - law.
198. The old lady rocked back and forth in her rocking chair.
199. Can you Cash this postal order for that old lady, please?
200. The old lady always looks at the bright side of things.
201. The old lady was proud of Myra, but Enid was the daughter she loved.
202. "Even in sleep, I was further informed, the old lady might sketch fragmentary signs on the counterpane," Sacks writes.
203. The "old lady" was clearly shaken by the sudden skid, "I didn't see anything dearie, " she said. "I don't think you hit anything. "
204. An old lady who was very deaf and who thought everything too dear, went into a shop and asked the shopman:' How much this stuff?'
205. He acted selflessly when he helped the old lady in distress.
206. Mrs. Bates, the widow of a former vicar of Highbury, was a very old lady, almost past every thing but tea and quadrille.
207. The old lady smiled, pointed at my tofu approvingly and went back to crocheting the red and white chequered slippers she was making.
208. She kill the old lady by putt poison in her tea.
209. Once the bell ringing, the old lady rose from her chair, towards the door.
210. The children thought the old lady was giving them the evil eye.
211. The old lady knew that something was going to happen, and she was very jumpy.
212. American said in the U. S. borrow money on life, the car can not sell because the old lady and filled with goose six "economic crisis" is finally the haze has been wiped out.
213. The lonely old lady filled up the time between supper and retiring with solitaire.
214. I want to go home,'said the old lady in a fretful tone.
215. The old lady looked me over from head to toe.
216. The 88 - year - old Lady Diana was delighted, and resolved to buy herself a racehorse.
217. The old lady has spun yards of cloth from cotton thread.
218. They were not allowed to lie long abed in the mornings, but the old lady had them up and doing as soon as the cock crew.
219. Will you please sit over, so this old lady can sit down.
220. The benefactor has done for the old lady for years.
221. With a little old lady as the sleuth, and no car chases unless they're done very slowly.
222. The old lady stops out in the sun two times a day.
223. An old lady bought some stuff from a convenience store , and just at the moment when she was about to leave, the store keeper ran out to her because she had paid an extra two yuan.
224. The old lady had plenty of humour, and enjoyed her correct nephew's perplexity.
225. I saw a very beautiful old lady, octogenarian person, very unruffled very gentle appearance.
226. The old lady complained indignantly , her lips trembling as she spoke.
227. The childless old lady offered to adopt one of the girls.
228. " The old lady wiped sweat from his face, saying: "I want to ground it into an embroidery needle.
229. I have forgotten the name of an old lady, who was a customer on the paper route in my home town when I was a twelve-year-old boy.
230. The old lady lives alone, only one Tomcat with her life.
231. As I left, an old lady sitting in the waiting room tut-tutted in sympathy for Dr Shipman.
232. The old lady is cursed with blindness and difficulty in hearing.
233. Annie: What made the old lady very sad was that the hen would not lay an egg any more.
234. It is polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.
235. The old lady could not read clearly without her monocle.
236. The old lady at the desk leered at her knowingly.
237. Be informed inside axman mouth of the accused old lady ascends cloud grab.
238. The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless stranger.
239. This old lady is inquiring for the chinaware department. Could you direct her to it?
240. In the street he put it over, as he did so, knocked over an old lady.
241. "You weren't looking for a little old lady, " said Gussie .
242. That is a scurvy trick to play on an old lady.
243. The old lady is going to throw my ass out of the house for getting drunk and puking on my new shirt!
244. Peter has done a good turn for the old lady.
245. My next - door neighbor is a didactic old lady.
246. She imposed unwittingly on the old lady and gentleman, by her ingenious cordiality.
247. He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady.
248. A little old lady went to the grocery store to buy cat food. She picked up three cans and took them to the check out counter.
249. They showed the old lady numerous little attentions at the tea party.
250. The fruIt'seller palmed off some bad oranges onto the old lady.
251. It was really self - Tati will not be strong because halfway down the mountain for half Yuanjun replacement Purple air from the road encounter with the old lady wearing his Mill Nodal needle.
252. The old lady who took charge of the storehouse rummaged each coroner there, and then told me that people have been quitted using that kind of oilcloth for many years, so it was not in stock..
253. " That must be patent leather!'said the old lady. " They shine so! "
254. The old lady is here, ginger, she started from embroider key chains like cross - stitch.
255. The strong man was hired to squire the old lady.
256. Replied the old lady to make the writer stand in amazement.
257. The old lady at the end of the table is a classic Jew - hater.
258. The "old lady" was clearly shakenby the sudden skid, "I didn't see anything dearie, " she said.
259. The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images.
260. Detecting the gleam of Governor Bellingham's lamp, the old lady quickly extinguished her own, and vanished.
261. The old lady began to rummage in her pocket for her spectacles.
262. Amauri, however, has been frozen out in Turin after the appointment of Antonio Conte, and the Old Lady are keen to sell the Brazilian-born Italy international.
263. While the boy and his father were watching wide-eyed, an old lady in a wheelchair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button.
264. Is the old lady sitting beside him your great grandmother?
265. The old lady doesn't like to sleep in a feather bed.
266. I have duly forgotten the name of an old lady who was a customer on my paper route.
267. The maid helped to divest the old lady of her overcoat.
268. The Frenchman is a known transfer target for the Old Lady after the Italian outfit made an enquiry last summer.
269. Magpie's brother just got out of the Nebraska State Reformatory and he is staying there with his old lady, and that's where Magpie is.
270. With only three legs, it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady.
271. Half an hour later there appeared in the hall among the other mummers an old lady in a crinoline—this was Nikolay.
272. A feisty old lady had to call the electric company for a repairman.
273. Your brothers provide quite well for all of us, and I need your smile here. But then, no-one listens to a crotchety old lady in a wheelchair.




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