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单词 Long for
1. The sleeves are too long for me.
2. After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.
3. I don't long for luxurious life and gorgeous appearance , but I need a complete in habitation for sentiment.
4. The breeze blow blew, has blown off me long for your.
5. When you long for something sincerely, the whole world will help you.
6. We'd known each other too long for hard feelings.
7. The oppressed long for deliverance and liberation.
8. Politicians must sometimes long for a quieter life.
9. They long for a mother's goodnight kiss.
10. The pain made him long for oblivion.
11. I long for a trip to the Cape of Good Hope.
12. The dress is too long for her now but she'll grow into it.
13. It did not take long for the central bank to soothe investors' fears.
14. It did not take long for the glory of our victory in the Second World War to rub off.
15. Those who most long for peace now pour their lives on war.
16. How long for his addition to pay for itself?
17. It didn't take long for some bright spark to try out the Doom Diver Catapult in a battle.
18. It had, whatever way, and all night long for all she knew, to amount to a pretty penny.
19. It did not take long for the three to put the electricity back on, and at once everything seemed more normal.
20. It did not take long for forces from the south to march upon the rebels and throw them into abject retreat.
21. It did not take long for the police to trace Mrs Dyer to Caversham where she was arrested.
22. He used to long for his holidays and grow deeply depressed when they drew to an end.
22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
23. That was four hours too long for Billie wedged in behind the ferry tanks.
24. It went on too long for Peter to be right in the head.
25. The de Young can not wait that long for a reluctant city to build an adequate public transportation system.
26. Not together cannot be with you, in fact not so long for.
27. I was frozen/chilled to the bone after waiting so long for the bus.
28. Her features were too angular, her face a little too long for beauty.
29. Eleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him.
30. And yet with what poetry did this petty man long for his niche and his pleasures.
1. The sleeves are too long for me.
2. After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.
3. They long for a mother's goodnight kiss.
4. I long for a trip to the Cape of Good Hope.
31. Why, for example, have we had to wait so long for DNA tests on the blood?
32. They may also find one or two of the papers unnecessarily long for the points they convey.
33. Ariel began to long for the peace the latter draughts brought to her.
34. We all long for the grand stroke that will turn schools around and suddenly solve all our problems.
35. To wait so long for a clean cup of water was beyond me.
36. You don't have to wait long for a new passport - 3 weeks is about the maximum.
37. This period was sufficiently long for the widespread planation of oceanic islands, many of them volcanic.
38. I long for Anglican churches to be more confident in their expression of the Good News.
39. We have waited so long for him to be born,() and such fine promises rest on his shoulders.
40. I long for you, but almost no one up here bellyaches.
41. The administration lag should not be as long for monetary policy since formal Parliamentary approval is not required.
42. But the intervals between Forest Eyres were too long for effective control.
43. Colours of a dancer's mettle A stint in television made choreographer Lea Anderson long for the pure movement of live theatre.
44. I long for a pill that would anesthetize me, a blow to the head to bring darkness.
45. Nowadays we live in less saintly times and I long for some one to help me with my ironing.
46. It can take this long for the antibodies to show up in a test. 4.
47. Look at the temptation: a pill that will give you euphoria and energy all night long for less than a tenner.
48. It does not take long for a teacher of such a child to stop trying to be helpful.
49. Imagination doesn't always make you long for what you cannot have, but rather thrive in what you do not have. Criss Jami 
50. It's enough to make you long for a pukka Victorian tale of bwana, bearers and the source of the Nile.
51. Why did it take so long for manufacturing employment to level out?
52. Arsenal boss George Graham is annoyed that it took so long for him to be told about Limpar's current ankle injury.
53. But strangely enough she did not care long for her divine lover; she preferred a mere mortal.
54. It had taken this long for her to deign to notice me.
55. They long for transcendence, but their individual anguish is alleviated by the knowledge that they share their fate.
56. It can make young millionaires long for the days when they were poor college kids.
57. Friedrich Bremer has waited long for another victim, and is eager to begin.
58. Anyone with taste for late-Romantic byways should enjoy this piece, though the 23-minute first movement is decidedly long for its material.
59. The after-effects of a severe bout of glandular fever were beginning to linger on far too long for Virginia's liking.
60. To pass over other objections, the Letter is far too long for such a purpose.
61. Artificial light, all the lines lie, it almost makes you long for darkness.
62. The old corner drugstore is not long for this world.
63. Imagine a married couple who are estranged from one another, yet who both wistfully long for reconciliation.
64. A reliable little bird tells this column that Frank may not be long for this world either.
65. Others long for the new horizons, the flexibility and choice it will give them.
66. They long for the stability of a period that in fact was known for stagnation and corruption under Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.
67. In the meantime, the one matchup which most local prep football fans long for went unplayed for the eighth straight year.
68. The days were annoyingly and wearily long for everyone.
69. I long for the love of a fair maiden.
70. They long for simplicity, romance and cajolery .
71. It didn't take long for Zimmer to realize he had landed on a school of crappie.
72. It didn't take long for other accoutrements of trash culture to surface.
73. Better return home and make a net than long for fish by the waterside.
74. He had been a heavyweight prizefighter and he was too long for the bed.
75. So indulge in a little Thanksgiving daydream. Long for the oyster stuffing.
76. The text is too long for us to learn by heart.
77. Cats are long for home, usually they dont wander away without sake, although they are independent.
78. It rained throughout the festival and with more than 170, 000 revellers walking around and camping on the grounds, it didn't take long for the site to turn into a mud bath.
79. It is in the very nature of Christ, in His Divine omnipresence and love, to long for the heart to dwell in.
80. Now they are much smaller - 30 centimeters long for a data rate of a gigabit per second.
81. Is only long for her, I really is very sad, because she accompanies my four years, I am unable to dismiss from mind!
82. Congress is being asked to investigate why it took so long for government regulators to shut the plant down.
83. You who long for life,[Sentencedict] learn that immortality is hidden in transiency.
84. You may still long for cloister, but learn this lesson first.
85. If California's hippies long for legalisation, the bullet - weary citizens of Mexico's poorest barriosare even keener.
86. Because the distance between the monitor station and the Cloud Platform is too long for RS-232 to cover, we develop a PCI-485 interface board.
87. Q: I long for permanency, but I find it nowhere.
88. I long for eternity because there I shall meet my unwritten poems and my unpainted pictures.
89. I long for eternity because there I shall meet my unwritten poems and unpainted pictures.
90. It did not take long for people here to adopt the moniker "Ivan the terrible".
91. As the skirt was too long for her , she had to pin up the hem.
92. Help you realize perfect show hair to long for, to biforked hair end says good-bye.
93. Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future.
94. Remember the 1980s, when it seemed the Amazon rain forest wasn't long for this world -- and that humanity was threatened as atmospheric oxygen levels correspondingly declined?
95. This winter, how to solve wintry day show to send sere biforked worry, those who realize beautiful hair is perfect long for, challenge this season trend and Oriental vogue?
96. Have some pursuit but not do it painstakingly, long for success but also accept commonness.
97. A: Will it take long for my call to be put through?
97. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
98. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency said it is 48 km long for the overall direction and supervision of Kalamazoo River crude oil clean-up and containment work.
99. He had a heavyweight prizefighter and he was too long for the bed.
100. As long for act to greatly work well to do influence, guerdon absence no fret.
101. They will long for the homely democracy of Mr. Cannon, so often expressed by those homely democratic symbols—Uncle Joe's black cigar and thumping quid.
102. Thank you for your husband so long for my half-hearted in fact, I feel that at the last change Oh you only love is just too stupid to pray for a miracle but also slightest effort.
103. To buy time is too long for the treatment of development and corrosion caused certain problems.
104. I long for your letter if it can come with a photo with your idiograph , i would love you much.
105. It did not take long for the glory of our election victory to rub off.
106. The hipsters, no matter what their gender history, long for the days of pre-HIV/AIDS homo culture, dressing like extras from Al Pacino's laughably bad "Cruising."
107. The brocade shows unintentionally to softly persist to long for and worship in eyes of the orchid, in the eye in increase to handsome pony elder brother's son again have no side person.
108. You are all long for, all i worship and adore.
109. In this paper, we hold that the fundamental feature of tragic persons is that they long for bringing free personality into being, and have a strong transcendent impulse.
110. It didn't take long for them to see through the swindle.
111. It doesn't take long for freshers to adopt the Oxford way of life — working and playing hard, and feeling equally comfortable in black tie, subfusc or fancy dress.
112. Ditch your Monas and avoid other chronic praisers until you begin to long for a compliment.
113. We all have pain in our lives, whether it's the ex we still long for, the jackhammer snarling across the street, or the sudden wave of anxiety when we get up to give a speech.




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