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单词 In the event of
1. In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
2. Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.
3. for the whole family in the event of illness.
4. In the event of an accident, call this number.
5. My wife would receive a guaranteed lump sum in the event of my death.
6. The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.
7. The treaty pledged mutual assistance in the event of an attack on either country.
8. In the event of his death, his daughter will inherit the money.
9. Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.
10. He left a letter for me to read in the event of his death.
11. In the event of a collision,() the airbag stops the driver of the car from hitting his or her chest on the steering wheel.
12. The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire.
13. In the event of a hung Parliament he would still fight for everything in the manifesto.
14. This insurance plan offers your family financial security in the event of your death.
15. In the event of his death Sheila will inherit the money.
16. In the event of fire, the alarm will sound at 15-second intervals/at intervals of 15 seconds.
17. Volunteers would fill in for teachers in the event of a strike.
18. In the event of rain, the game will be postponed.
19. In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for firefighting.
20. Air bags are designed to protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact.
21. The funds are supposed to reimburse policyholders in the event of insurer failure.
22. In the event of difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department.
23. Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above.
24. In the event of substantial revision being necessary to the manuscripts, we reserve the right to revise this royalty figure.
25. In the event of a fuel pump failure the same reserve holds good.
26. The battery should prevent the computer system from going down in the event of a power cut.
27. They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover.
28. Outdoor arrangements are, as ever, contingent on the weather and we have other plans in the event of rain.
29. In 1916, a special committee produced its recommendations for the precautions to be taken in the event of an air raid.
30. A structural appraisal of the building identified a number of potentially serious defects which could arise in the event of fire.
1. In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.
2. Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.
3. In the event of his death, his daughter will inherit the money.
4. The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire.
31. A multitude of memos circulate in organizations simply to justify our behaviours in the event of a breakdown.
32. In the event of a flash flood, remember that you should immediately seek higher ground.
33. Bureau safety procedures, in the event of a violent client, can not be neglected.
34. In the event of one partner serving notice to dissolve the firm, the others may choose to re-form.
35. In the event of the total loss of one of these separately insured items the proper settlement is the sum insured.
36. In some families species have been included from the upper slope in the event of overlapping bathymetric ranges.
37. This overriding limit is subject to adjustment in the event of certain specified alterations to the Company's share capital.
38. The nation could ill afford a logy commander-in-chief in the event of nuclear attack.
39. In the event of injury or serious illness abroad a 24 hour service is available for immediate help.
40. Priority-gaining in the event of a company's liquidation is one of the principal reasons for taking security.
41. My heirs were obligated to pay this sum in the event of my death.
42. The next question is the tenacity of a trust in the event of insolvency.
43. The assistance will be required to be repaid in the event of the bid being successful.
44. She had been advised by her doctor to seek admission to hospital in the event of a severe attack.
45. A rechargeable battery protects the stored programme data for up to eight months in the event of the programmer being unplugged.
46. It is usual when taking out a mortgage to arrange adequate insurance cover in the event of death.
46. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
47. In the event of a failure during conversion, the backup copy may be restored.
48. In the event of a share issue a bank may handle the advertisement, application and allotment of shares.
49. The policies they sell offer cash payouts in the event of injuries, disability or death sustained in a road crash.
50. Upper and lower limits may be applied to prevent a runaway condition in the event of really bad estimating.
51. The state government will pay off the mortgage in the event of a default.
52. In the event of an impact in deep ocean, rock ejection would be minimized and water would be thrown great distances.
53. Our clients reserve the right to alter this timetable in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
54. In the event of default or bankruptcy, debenture holders become general creditors of the issuer.
55. The Beeb, meanwhile, says it can take full control in the event of no co-operation.
56. In the event of dispute he had to give testimony, whose value often seems to have been related to his rank.
57. In the event of deadlock in negotiations, there is a procedure for conciliation by the ministry of labour.
58. No more than the current proof-print will be lost in the event of failure occurring during the proof-printing of single entries.
59. The countries involved have pledged to offer mutual assistance in the event of a spill.
60. As sanctions in the event of non-compliance, the peace keeper has powers of arrest, or detention short of arrest.
61. In the event of death occurring in such a case I would accept that it could be an unnatural death.
62. The length of your notice period will also govern the worth of your fringe benefits in the event of a wrongful dismissal.
63. In the event of a threat to security, they would grab their helmets and weapons and rush to the trouble spot.
64. In the event of a serious loss considerable hardship can be caused by under insurance.
65. In the event of a tie, a quick shootout around the green decides.
66. However, in the event of there being no clear evidence of what the partners intend, certain presumptions will apply.
67. This will prevent the loss of much of your work in the event of a power failure or other mishap.
68. The receivables merely serve as collateral in the event of default.
69. The team even received some compensation in the event of a last-minute reprieve being granted to the condemned person.
70. In the event of two or more applicants for the same franchise, both parties will be able to submit higher bids.
71. In the event of a dispute going to court, the parties will be required to submit evidence into court.
72. In the event of the sand liquefying below the basement, the soil should still be able to support the building.
73. Service agreements sometimes include a provision entitling the company to dismiss in the event of long-term incapacity.
74. It offers vital financial cover in the event of you being permanently disabled in an accident.
75. The compulsory arbitration system in fact emphasises conciliation, with arbitration by tribunals in the event of failed negotiations.
76. Their homes will probably have a hotline to the local police station in the event of any signs of vigilante action.
77. Set too low,[http:///in the event of.html] it would do little to deter speculation in the event of a crisis.
78. And overweight twins are a deathtrap in the event of an engine failure.
79. In the event of a fire, all personnel must report to the reception area.
80. The law guarantees that sufficient additional funds are available to act quickly in the event of a spill.
81. In the event of emergency we may make off.
82. In the event of fire, ring the alarm bell.
83. This Policy shall be avoidable in the event of misrepresentation, misdescription or non-disclosure made by the Insured or his representative in any material particular in respect of this insurance.
84. One feature of Klee is that in the event of finding a bug, it can programmatically generate a test case to be able to exercise that condition to demonstrate that the fix has subsequently been made.
85. Chargeback Reserve. DISTRIBUTOR will have the right to hold funds sufficient to cover chargebacks for no more than 90 days in the event of termination.
86. Sellers are not responsible for late or non-delivery in the event of force majeure of any contingences beyond sellers control.
87. The insurers use this BOLA to assess how liable each party is in the event of an accident.
88. Burundi police spokesman said that in the event of escape the prison located in the Burundi capital of Bujumbura, 20 deceive the design of two prisoners escaped from prison after guards.
89. Fee paid will not be refundable, except in the event of a course being fully enrolled or cancelled.
90. Certain collateral was to be forfeited in the event of his death.
91. In the event of violating the traffic security rules, the Leasee shall accept the punishment within 5 days of notification.
92. In the event of an inflationary blow-out - resulting from excess credit, - the US stockmarket would likely rise further, but in a volatile fashion.
93. Guarantor: a third party who assumes relevant responsibilities on behalf of the Leasee in the event of failure of performance by the Leasee of the obligations agreed in the auto lease contract.
94. In the event of a dispute arising under this Agreement resulting in litigation, the losing party shall pay the court costs and reasonable attorney's fees of the prevailing party.
95. Two airframe parachutes can be deployed in the event of the vehicle's catastrophic failure.
96. In the event of a squabble arising under this Agreement resulting in litigation, louboutin, the loosing party shall pay the tribunal costs and reasonable attorney's fees of the prevailing party.
97. Fairchild TV and Talentvision reserve the right substitutions in the event of non - availability of any prize.
98. We will pay the irrecoverable deposits or charges paid in advance in the event of unavoidable cancellation of business travel.
99. Three Gorges hydrogenerator stator coil is cooled with water. In the event of lose of cooling water flow, stator coil temperature will increase, and might be dangerous for generator safety.
100. However even for well-matched fuerdai couples, their parents insist prenuptial agreements are still vital to prevent conflicts in the event of a divorce.
101. How reliable is your data backup system in the event of a power outage? Are your employees properly trained for an earthquake?
102. The standard emergency lowering switch provides for patient lowering capabilities in the event of a hand controller or control board malfunction.
103. Having multiple replicas also provides the project a failsafe mechanism to minimize project down-time and rework in the event of a server outage.
104. Offers you extra security in the event of an unplanned stop at the roadside.
105. In the event of unlawful practices or property losses of the Foundation caused by breach of duty, the legal representative shall bear individual responsibility.
106. In the event of a Chinese-investment auto financing company, the Financial License shall be issued by the banking regulatory bureau.http:///in the event of.html
107. Fully detachable CF die cast aluminum subframe means easier rear shock access and reduced costs in the event of a "loop-out".
108. Bosun, you must bring portable extinguishers. Engine room will be informed of standby fire mains in the event of emergency.
109. The penalty clause entitled the plaintiff, in the event of default in payment, to extract a pound of flesh nearest the defendant's heart.
110. In the event of tumescence, a male is supposed to drape himself with a towel and then jump into the pool.
111. In the event of concern regarding the patient's ventilatory status or arterial oxygenation, arterial blood gases may be measured.
112. In the event of a dispute, it will therefore be much easier for you and us to prove that industrial property rights have been infringed.
113. This allows a client to resubmit the work request in the event of a transient failure.
114. It hopes consumers will be attracted to a new buyer-protection policy, which offers a refund of up to three times the amount of any international air ticket sale in the event of a dispute.
115. I discovered in the event of default, my credit card company had the right to increase the interest rate.
116. What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather?
117. The interference RNAs show obvious treating effect on amyotrophy of experimental animals, thus effectively improving muscle quality in the event of an outbreak.
118. Secured bonds have specific collateral backing them in the event of firm bankruptcy.
119. This is a safety device, designed to keep the water at a safe level in the event of a LOCA.
120. For example, imagine applying retry logic in the event of particular exceptions being encountered across the DAO layer.
121. The temperature limiting device is of the manual reset, trip-free type and has been factory installed to interrupt all ungrounded power supply conductors in the event of thermostat failure.
122. In the event of force majeure or any contingencies beyond our control, we shall not be held responsible for the late delivery or non-delivery of the goods.
123. Hence in the event of a default by the bank causes any unreconciled shortfall in the money held in the pooled account, then you may share proportionately in that shortfall.
124. This Policy shall be voidable in the event of misrepresentation, misdescription or non-disclosure in any material particular.
125. In the event of such defects within the warranty period, the Company will, at its option, replace or recondition the product without charge.
126. They also said they did practice drills crouching under their desks in the event of a drive-by shooting.
127. What will happen to Brimstone in the event of battle?
128. The content owners are also important contributors in the event of reformatting or re-purposing the information.
129. In the event of damage, this maintenance-free valve can be factory reconditioned in order to maintain optimum serviceability and assure proper component isolation function.
130. In the event of the intentional release of a biological agent these activities would be vital to effective international containment efforts.
131. Preference Shareholders rank after depositors and creditors (including subordinated creditors) of the Company in the event of the winding-up of the Company.
132. Although sending messages to a log file can be quite useful, there are often times when you would also like to display a user-friendly error message in the event of an unrecoverable exception.
133. Sellers are not responsible for late or non-delivery in the event of force majeure or any contingencies beyond Sellers' control.
134. Airbags protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact.
135. In the event of partial non-execution of the Order of the Distributor the Company shall ship at its own expense the remaining quantity of the Products in minimum possible periods.
136. Warsaw was also offered pledges of solidarity by the rest of the bloc in the event of future energy crises.
136. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
137. It may also maintain transient state in memory, which is either regenerated or lost in the event of server failure.
138. Match or stroke play - In the event of a breach between the play of two holes, the penalty applies to the next hole.
139. In the event of a crash, the journal can be replayed, bringing both data and metadata into a consistent state.
140. The collection instruction should give specific instructions regarding protest (or other legal process in lieu thereof), in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance.
141. Armed scouts make an excellent quick reaction force in the event of an ambush.
142. In the event of such return, Seller shall refund to Buyer the net book value of such returned Equipment.
143. In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement by one party, the other party may at its option cancel this Agreement forthwith by giving notice in writing to the defaulting party.
144. In the event of dispute, the decision of Darby Motor Services Limited shall be final.
145. For follow-on human operations, the proximity of the Moon to the Earth will allow astronauts to return to the Earth in three days in the event of emergencies.
146. The government of this country gave warning that she could not sit idly by in the event of war.
147. In the event of a second failure, the application precedence on the spare machine is as follows: Maximo, then eCMDB, followed by IC.
148. This Policy shall be voidable in the event of misrepresentation , misdescription or non-disclosure made by the Insured or his representative in any material particular in respect of this insurance.
149. In the event of any default of mechanical parts of the Leased Vehicle or repair as a result of accident, the vehicle shall be repaired at the repair shop designated by the Leasor.
150. Article 7 In the event of matters which a worker must personally deal with, he shall be entitled to normal leave without pay not exceeding fourteen days in one year.
151. Continuous operation is possible even in the event of disturbances in the ac system.
152. BENGHAZI, Libya — "What do you do in the event of a third-degree burn?" asks Dr. Randa Abidia.
153. In the event of a crisis, one nation's leader might launch a first strike to pre-empt an anticipated first strike by some other nation's leader.
154. In the event of stubborn oil, stains, cleaning agents and can be used to scrub brush.
155. Contrast enhanced cranial CT study in leukemic patients is of utmost importance, especially in the event of acute neurologic symptoms or those without a CSF cytology.




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