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单词 In the way of
1 He put me in the way of a good bargain.
2 Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.
3 My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.
4 That He put me in the way of a good bargain of getting a good post.
5 We cannot allow dogmatism to stand in the way of progress.
6 We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.
7 Several pitfalls remain in the way of an agreement.
8 You can't stand in the way of progress!
9 He put me in the way of a job.
10 We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment.
11 Have you get anything in the way of purple dacron, size 36?
12 Latvia is a country without much in the way of natural resources.
13 Her cleverness seems to get in the way of her emotions.
14 Your social life must not get in the way of your studies.
15 Is there much in the way of nightlife around here?
16 There's not much in the way of entertainment in this town - just the cinema and a couple of pubs.
17 You can do things for your health in the way of diet, exercise, good lifestyle,() not smoking and so on.
18 The tax puts obstacles in the way of companies trying to develop trade overseas.
19 Tom had little in the way of a formal education.
20 Under communism, nothing was allowed to get in the way of the great march of progress .
21 She had a job which never got in the way of her leisure interests.
22 The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal.
23 There isn't much in the way of entertainment in this place.
24 Meetings held today produced little in the way of an agreement.
25 There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums.
26 The town has little in the way of leisure facilities.
27 Sometimes u need to look back, otherwise u will never know what u have lost in the way of forever searching.
28 Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.
29 Keep your valuables locked away so as not to put temptation in the way of thieves.
30 He was ready to plough down everything that stood in the way of his goal.
1 He put me in the way of a good bargain.
2 Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.
3 My school did nothing whatsoever in the way of athletics.
4 That He put me in the way of a good bargain of getting a good post.
5 We cannot allow dogmatism to stand in the way of progress.
6 We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.
7 Barcelona has a lot to offer its visitors in the way of entertainment.
31 He wouldn't allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job.
32 Barcelona has a lot to offer its visitors in the way of entertainment.
33 Oxford has a lot to offer its visitors in the way of entertainment.
34 I get in the way of his religion.
35 All in the way of fun, of course.
36 She got in the way of their passionate preoccupations.
37 He had little in the way of an offering.
38 Such bodies surely need little in the way of encouragement before making full and frank disclosure.
39 Even worse, some think public relations stands in the way of getting at the real facts.
40 Critics maintain excessive regulation can stand in the way of business expansion and faster approval of life-saving drugs.
41 The cognitive obstacles in the way of police investigations Detectives who seek to establish what happened come up against serious cognitive obstacles.
42 Seizures are only temporary, with little in the way of problems between them.
43 None of these ideas requires much in the way of money or logistics.
44 And they, in turn, commit the same deed on those who stand in the way of what they want.
45 But for those who don't share his views, the crude sloganeering keeps getting in the way of a good time.
46 But formidable capital cost stood in the way of such improvements, and irrigation remained no more than a theoretical possibility.
47 Nothing in the way of hard facts, in any event.
48 All that stood in the way of victory was a touch of bad luck.
49 And he solicited examples on what they were achieving in the way of greater effectiveness and cost efficiency with their newfound authority.
50 One of the virtues of being very young is that you don't let the facts get in the way of your imagination. Sam Levenson 
51 Don't let personal likes and dislikes get in the way of the job.
52 Steve has a track record of not allowing medical adversity to stand in the way of his relentless pursuit of Olympic titles.
53 I explained to him, however, that my nature was such that my physical needs often got in the way of my feelings.  Albert Camus 
54 I might have guessed you'd something worked out in the way of revenge, but your timing's gone a bit wrong.
55 Go to a crack house, Nick, and you can buy anything you want in the way of human flesh.
56 Anyhow, something dreadful in the way of retribution had occurred, in the nature of things.
57 Anything in the way of industrial activity was counter-intuitive, to say the least.
58 Thinking these thoughts gets in the way of my learning about sines and cosines.
59 Stark gave Izzard the warmest of welcomes and seems to have put no obstacle in the way of a biography.
60 An attractive modern city, Gdynia offers much in the way of general amenities for the holidaymaker.
61 North West side Brigade stand in the way of North Down's success - and they look to be formidable opposition.
62 He got himself upright again and never let his disapproval get in the way of our friendship.
63 I wouldn't want to stand in the way of progress.
64 Labor-Management Cooperation Many public managers believe that unions are the greatest obstacle standing in the way of entrepreneurial government.
65 A day on Crow, then, offers little in the way of drama or danger or overcoming odds.
66 Rather they are emphasizing the need to let go of managerial means that get in the way of the performance and change.
67 You cut off all the old you that gets in the way of the maker you.
68 Except in the colourful person of the legendary John Winchcombe, the Berkshire woollen industry had little in the way of glamour.
69 Innovation had to take place cheaply, since central government could not fund much in the way of capital projects.
70 She was kicking herself for forgetting the most basic Capricorn trait of allowing nothing to stand in the way of their goal.
71 Nothing has been allowed to stand in the way of the sector's progress towards profitability.
72 Fear, embarrassment, anxiety - all, if unacknowledged, get in the way of a real, live relationship.
73 The slickly produced pamphlet listed numerous general goals but offered little in the way of specifics and has been roundly criticized.
74 However, as a woman, I am often disappointed by the stumbling blocks put in the way of performance poets.
75 Provide what support you can in the way of information about the event and guidance about what to look for in it.
76 As a result, Allan says, politics gets in the way of devising economically and environmentally logical policies.
77 I left school at 16 without much in the way of qualifications.
78 There are a number of obstacles in the way of a lasting peace settlement.
79 According to my neighbour on the other side, this apartment contained something very unusual in the way of leggy redheads.
80 George then shot Lennie because he was angry at Lennie for getting in the way of his dreams coming true.
81 With little in the way of grass or forests or wetlands to hold it back, runoff during the storms is extreme.
82 But if he could not kill them outright, he could put them in the way of tolerably certain death.
83 It may be considered that there is little in the way of information skills worksheets or programmes at Milne's High School.
84 First of all he let nothing stand in the way of his true feelings.
85 As husband and father, Stewart provided the family little in the way of affection.
86 But anyhow, we have a lot of stuff in there in the way of staples.
87 One resident holding out, however perversely, could place unpleasant obstacles in the way of completing the project.
88 Meanwhile, the political difficulties in the way of Reddy's plan are only too evident.
89 But, hey, never let the truth get in the way of political grandstanding.
90 An hour hadn't been much in the way of preparation time, and he'd been forced to improvise.
91 She regrets she is so much in the way of the young people, who really should have some time to themselves.
92 Indeed very few presidents in the last half century have accomplished much in the way of substantial policy change.
93 She had damn all in the way of information, let alone the illusion of town hall propaganda.
94 I mentioned earlier that selfishness and narrowness get in the way of lawyers' branching out.
95 Sophie dear, you do manage to look so very striking with so little in the way of decoration!
96 Another way of approaching the attack on the ball is to put a small obstacle in the way of the downswing.
97 Unlike the Victoria Press, the Caledonian produced little in the way of books.
98 She is unschooled in the way of the world.
99 But a great deal of work has been done beforehand in the way of product development, market research, test marketing and so on.
100 But religious zealotry would also get in the way of rationality and therefore scientific advancement.
101 The morphology and development of long stalk glandular hairs and short stalk glandular hairs on the leaves of Nicotiana tabacun in the way of paraffin section technology.
102 I don't think we need too much in the way of soft drinks. Two linter's of coca cola should cover everyone. What about wine?
103 The outstanding effect on the decision of thousands of machine-made installations maintaining in the way of treatment with cutting apart was gained.
104 You have a temp that is assigned to once with a simple expression, and the temp is getting in the way of other refactorings.
105 Some major problems, like track gauge differences and differing visa requirements, stand in the way of ever completing the project.
106 What do you have in the way of toiler soap?
107 Jubilant "Celts" bear lighted torches—and little in the way of clothing—during the Beltane Fire Festival on Edinburgh's Calton Hill.
108 This is very difficult because there are no high ladders and pressures from day-to-day work you get very much in the way of learning.
109 Thecontrol group, did in the way of the traditional "Doula" delivery, graded all parturient in laboraccording to labor pain degree and investigated anxiety SAS of random 100 cases between two groups.
110 RUSSIAN music download website stands in the way of the country's long-cherished ambition of joining the body that governs world trade, it emerged yesterday.
111 While there was little in the way of breakthroughs, in the world of summitry where perception is all, it was the meeting itself that emerged as the message.
112 The sedan plyes time , the metal plate figure on journey and pavement displays in the way of LED's nixie light .
113 We need something in the way of an attractive signboard.
114 Life image reflects students' attitudes towards life in the way of perceptual experience; while motto of life conveys their life meaning in a comparatively rational manner.
115 Usually, the fullest efficiency of screw propeller is 75% with the rest energy lost in the way of whirlpool.
116 We all accumulate gods of materialism, self-centeredness, and anything else that can get in the way of total allegiance to God.
117 In this book the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, diseases, beauty culture in woman, anti-doddery etc. was all recorded in the way of taking examples.
118 During the training period, you'll accept less in the way of quality and quantity than afterward.
119 The third part is the inadequacy in the way of moral education and its cause in the course of practical politics teaching in senior high school.
120 Traditional accounting payment is usually carried out in the way of bank transfer.
121 Finally, magnetic tape offers little in the way of random access.
122 But its existence stands in the way of Turkey's desire to accede to European Union membership.
123 Households must save to work off excess debts. Firms fearful of weak consumer spending are cautious about investing. Bank credit is scarce. All this stands in the way of a full-blooded recovery.
124 If love errs, it must err in the way of trustfulness and hopefulness.
125 Methods We conducted ABO blood type appraisal in the way of reciprocal stereotypy.
126 You are safe with a plain text version, but that does not allow for much in the way of lining up your work ( tabbing ).
127 Traditional Huffman coding is structured in the way of tree pattern, using the chain or static chain structure in algorithm, and every node in space has left, right tree and parents pointers.
128 Personal interests and concerns may get in the way of a good gauge of the situation.
129 This paper introduces optimizing the design of the frame structure in the way of the regular polygon, so as to save the stuff and make the design of the frame structure more economical.
130 He is focussed and won't let anything get in the way of his goal.
131 His assurances led to little or nothing in the way of performance.
132 The paper, in the way of math morphology, manages to classify the linear elements, the same type but different width in the scanning, and result in the two-valued linear image in the same level.
133 We don't have much scheduled in the way of data releases in the US today, and will have the weekly jobs numbers and factory orders on Thursday.
134 It proposes that the key compositional elements of pledge on charging right includes obtain of legal evidence of charge, signing of impawn contract, and disclosure in the way of register.
135 For a large crime organization, the garbage racket provides relatively little in the way of revenue compared with traditional criminal enterprises like gambling, loan-sharking, and narcotics.
136 Hollywood fashions in the way of clothing are servilely imitated by the Japanese.
137 The PLC runs in the way of scanning period , so it is difficult to respond to the instantaneous signals of the frequency and the phase in the power plant synchronizing.
138 In the way of MOS taking place of the Fast recovery diode and the Schottky barrier diode, it can cut down on-resistance and reduce the rectification loss.
139 I noted no kidney beaning and little in the way of excessive blackout effects unless I folded down the rubber eyecup.
140 Their apps for medical professionals don't offer much in the way of technology, but they are loaded up with huge libraries of (not freely available) reference guides.
141 Superstition can be conventional and modern as well. Essentially people have gone astray in the way of belief and became confused, ignorant, dishonest and self-deceiving.
142 While Newcomb certainly has a fertile imagination, it's fertile in the way of a sexually frustrated, disturbed teenage boy.
143 Low-cal chicken a la king becomes chicken a la kingsize in no time flat, and without adding much in the way of calories.
143 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
144 Their envoy came to us with chests of gold and gems and two hundred slaves, nubile girls and smooth-skinned boys trained in the way of the seven sighs.
145 As you can probably guess, this results in a lot of error-prone code that tends to get in the way of the business logic in your applications.
146 Nothing gets in the way of personal selling faster than tossing people around in sacks called groups, targets, or average prospect—especially when we have the means to see people as individuals.
147 The high speed of Abacus Arithmetic and the Mental Arithmetic in the Way of Abacus gives children a good chance to be quick in the uptake.
148 As a son of the soil, no wonder that I have a strong sense of poor in the way of what a peasant is likely to be. And I am also a man of many farming experiences.
149 Method: The treatment group used 1% ribavirin naristillae in the way of nose-dropping in addition of routine treatment.
150 Imbalance of stimulating apoptosis and anti-apoptosis will become an important way in the way of ALD pathogenesy.
151 But errors lies in the way of counter lead the bad measurement, especially when it needs high precision or the clock pulse is wider than the difference.
152 What have you got in the way of woolen pull - overs ?
153 He was always particularly ready for anything in the way of a testimonial to any one.
154 Have you got anything in the way of purple dacron dress, size 36?
155 Their opposition to communal landholding was motivated by the obstacles this form of tenure placed in the way of acquiring land for the Jewish National Home.
156 As a main part of nautical chart cartographic generalization, the generalization of soundings is also one of the bottlenecks in the way of automatic chart generalization.
157 So basically he's trying to put some atoms in the way of the alpha particle.
158 Hanan Ashrawi says it is Israeli intransigence that has long stood in the way of peace.
159 Some of the hurdles that stand in the way of fabricating a distributed computer mind are being overcome by building the network of computers inside one box.
160 This year, after scrambling for position in a sea of reporters, I decide to squat on my haunches so I won't get in the way of our TV camera's view.
161 This paper analyses comprehensively the occurrence mechanism of sports fatigue in the way of documental and material methods.
162 The system administrator could configure and search the data in the way of web, moreover, create statistical report as we need.
163 The author attempts to research the cargo's loading problem in the way of unit loading system.
164 The solutions of fibre channel, no matter for single user or distributed processing disk memory and in the way of local applying, will go beyond the limit of SCSI processing.
165 The SC filter is insensitive to parasitic capacitance implemented by a simple circuit in the way of combining advance mutation of parasitic resistance and SC negative resistance.
166 To cutlery, the heat boil is the really the most familiar antipoisoning method, a lot of germs can all in the way of heat antipoisoning the kill put out.
167 An armless man in the US has not let his disability get in the way of his favorite hobby - shooting.
168 Digital watermark is wrapup marks in the way of signal processing in digitized hyperactive data imbedded.
169 We are gonna have an impact in the way of dangerous swells and surf, rip currents and beach erosion as the storm moves up the coast.
170 Overpopulation is in the way of the construction of modern country.
171 Marseille will not stand in the way of captain Lorik Cana if the midfielder decides to leave the Stade Velodrome.
172 There's approximately 90 homes that are in the way of the floodway.
173 The exact control of elevator door is realized in the way of interrupt response.
174 At the same time of continuously improvement on technical services, we make progress with community individuals(Sentencedict), enterprises and partners in the way of sharing resources.
175 Forsake your folly and live , And proceed in the way of understanding.
176 Rural public issue of the effective supply of products has became a bottleneck in the way of Chinese socialist new rural construction and development.
177 Harry rides roughshod over anybody who gets in the way of his business plans.




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