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单词 Marginal utility
(1) Alfred Marshall called this marginal utility.
(2) He compares the price to the marginal utility.
(3) Given diminishing marginal utility of income, more income in one period can not compensate for lower income in another period.
(4) Many of its workers and functions were of marginal utility and at the cost of a better price to cocoa farmers.
(5) Above Q *; the marginal utility of films is less than the marginal utility of meals sacrificed.
(6) Diminishing marginal utility also expresses a " variety is the spice of life ".
(7) Usually the utility function will show diminishing marginal utility: As more and more of a good is consumed, the consumer obtains smaller and smaller increments to utility.
(8) this is an implication of diminishing marginal utility of income.
(9) In this function there is dependence and increasing marginal utility for both X and Y.
(10) The principle of diminishing marginal utility is no less applicable to money than to other commodities.
(11) The law of diminishing marginal utility is the foundation of utility theory of microeconomics. There are lots of disputes about it in academia.
(12) Economists have stated a general rule concerning marginal utility for an individual faced with givengiven price.
(13) Marginal utility theory of value are the main representatives of Eugen Bohm - Bawerk.
(14) However, the triumph of marginal and diminishing marginal utility has, in a sense, been carried too far.
(15) In this case, even with increasing marginal utility, we do not necessarily get specialization in consumption.
(16) The theory of marginal utility was applied to production as well as to consumption.
(17) Figure 15-3 shows that at the equilibrium point E the marginal utility of the last film equals its marginal cost.
(18) Consequently ecosystem value has rigid trait which is different from the law of diminishing marginal utility.
(19) The above utility function also has the property of diminishing marginal utility for each commodity.
(20) In addition, the relationship among marginal rate of substitution, marginal utility and telescopic index is obtained.
(21) To boost urbanization effectively through the transfer of surplus labor, it is necessary to increase the marginal utility of non-agricultural income and reduce its cost ratio.
(22) And being a mathematician, he got even his own particular point wrong, introducing the form of the law of diminishing marginal utility that would return to plague economic thought in future centuries.
(23) In 1738, Daniel, trying to solve aproblem in probability theory and the theory of gambling by use of thecalculus, stumbled on the concept of the law of diminishing marginal utility ofmoney.
(24) This theory can help researcher mark out the right scope of the law of diminishing marginal utility and the point of external economies that is punished or not.
(25) Jevons wrote the General Mathematical Theory of Political Economy in 1862, providing a rough outline for use of the theory of marginal utility in political economy.
(26) The exact shape of the curve is subject to discussion, but the point of diminishing marginal utility is that, as you get more and more money, the increment in utility for each extra dollar diminishes.
(27) The farther down one goes in the income distribution, however, the closer the correlation between income and happiness; this is an implication of diminishing marginal utility of income.
(28) He also thinks that there also exists the problem of diminishing marginal utility in statistical activity, and the premise...
(29) This paper explores the impact of income distribution on propensity to consume and explains the characteristics of propensity to consume in China based on the law of diminishing marginal utility.
(30) Traditional hedonistic utilitarians who prefer the latter outcome often try to justify egalitarian distributions of goods by appealing to a principle of diminishing marginal utility.
(31) Traditionally, the marginal utility of land utilization in that area was low.
(32) It would be better termed "marginal utility of income " to avoid confusion with the ...
(33) Law of diminishing marginal utility was an important part of marginal utility theory. It showed the relation between quantity change of consumer's consumption or labor and its utility change.
(34) It would be better termed "marginal utility of income" to avoid confusion with the utility derived from holding cash balances.
(35) Confronted with the complicated forms of sales promotions conducted by sellers, consumers will trade with scalpers under the rules of opportunity cost, diminishing marginal utility and other theo.
(36) After coming up with this egregious fallacy, Bernoulli topped it by blithely assuming that every individual's marginal utility of money moves in the very same constant proportion, b.




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