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单词 Firstname
1) They were soon first-naming each other.
2) I'm on first-name terms with my boss now .
3) We were soon on first-name terms .
4) I'm on first-name terms with my boss.
5) The two were said to have been on first-name terms.
6) On first-name terms,(http:///firstname.html) are we?
7) I got on first-name terms with the other managers-in-the-making.
8) There wasn't a heist man or second-storey expert in the neighbourhood who wasn't first-names with Connors.
9) Like others on first-name terms with the Princess, they know that this is one of her few safe havens.
10) He is on a first-name basis with network news producers.
11) In some places, the confrontations are so up close and personal that agents and smugglers are nearly on a first-name basis.
12) It is as if being on first-name terms with an issue reflects a more visceral public involvement.
13) For each Author instance, the firstName should be set to the value of the first attribute on the name element.
14) Note that sorting by $artist/lastName before $artist/firstName is redundant, since the results all have the same last name value.
15) If it cannot find the field, it splits and capitalizes the camel-case string, such that a "firstName" field name becomes "First Name."
16) To successfully execute this method, the database or schema name referenced by the datasource must contain a table named "employee" whose column names must include "firstname" and "empno."
17) This method simply returns the firstName and lastName fields, concatenated with a space in between.
18) The compiler in this case will bark loud and long because I've tried to introduce a new set of methods (firstName, lastName, and age) onto my Student class.
19) Another difference stems from something I dislike about the DocBook pattern -- the element name "firstname."
20) If you wonder why I didn't nest firstName, lastName, and title elements within the name element, read the last paragraph again.
21) In other words, an opening firstName element is never closed or an opening angle bracket is missing.
22) When a previously pickled instance is unpickled, its previously pickled state will be passed to _setstate_() as a dictionary, which will include values for the firstname and lastname attributes.
23) The second case expression uses a wildcard for the firstName part of Person but matches against the constant string Neward in the lastName part and wildcards against the age part.
24) For example, Figure 9 shows two extracts that separate the first name and last name from a string with the format lastname, firstname.
25) Its child nodes look for rows that exactly match (eq) the firstName and the lastName attributes.
26) With the above script, if the user puts an empty value in the firstName field an alert window is displayed.
27) Normally, variables are best named by their use (like firstName or title), but as this variable is essentially a loop counter, using single letters is also fine.
28) In Listing 8, you are passing the values of firstname, lastname, and office from the Employee bean into the transform statement.
29) In this example we added a new attribute, fullname, and removed two existing attributes, firstname and lastname.
30) Most frameworks also allow you to change the names of the fields, to use customerName instead of name, and first rather than firstName, for example.
31) In this case, the function retrieves the firstName and lastName properties and puts them into an array-like structure that is then turned into a string using the join function.
32) For example, you could define a Price element that is always a floating-point number or a PersonName element that has FirstName and LastName sub-elements that are both strings.
33) In Listing 4, firstname is a string that is specified at runtime.




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