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单词 Rosetta stone
1. Those Hansard writers could decipher the Rosetta stone in their spare time.
2. Historians used the Rosetta stone to crack the code of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
3. Taking a page from Mr Rao's playbook, Rosetta Stone recently launched a new way for its Mandarin students to connect via video links to instructors in China.
4. Amongst its more notable acquisitions were the Rosetta Stone and the infamous Elgin Marbles.
5. She was the "eighth wonder of the world", "our Mona Lisa" and an evolutionary "Rosetta Stone", according to the researchers who unveiled her.
6. Demotic script on a replica of the rosetta stone on display in Magdeburg.
7. The Moon is a Rosetta Stone for solar system exploration and science.
8. Unfortunately, there's no Rosetta Stone DVD to help us learn "dog talk."
9. The bust is in Berlin's Egyptian Museum; the Rosetta Stone is in the British Museum in London.
10. RosettaNet takes its name from the Rosetta stone(http://), which a soldier in Napoleon's army discovered in Egypt in 1799.
11. According to a survey in September by Rosetta Stone, 58% of Americans believe the lack of foreign-language skills among native workers will lead to foreigners taking high-paying jobs.
12. This Rosetta Stone community language exchange site lets you find penpals using custom search criteria, then exchange emails with your penpal in your language of choice.
13. According to one of the scientists who has studied her, she is a "Rosetta stone" for -understanding our early evolution.
14. "We feel that A. sediba might be a Rosetta Stone for defining for the first time what the genus Homo is, " said paleontologist Lee Berger of the University of Witwatersrand.
15. Mr Fu wants to expand his business with the lofty ambition of competing with the industry leader, Rosetta Stone.
16. Chasing after his dog, the boy tripped over a log and fell smack dab into what some call "the Rosetta stone of human evolution."
17. With all the cultural differences for colour meanings, you may wonder what the Rosetta Stone of colour choices is.
18. Its Assyrian collections formed the basis for the decipherment of cuneiform just as the acquisition of the Rosetta Stone has resulted in the unlocking of Egyptian hieroglyphic script.
19. Through comparative translation, or mapping phrases from one translation to another, the Rosetta stone revealed the meaning of many once-undecipherable glyphs.
20. Then he was off to Columbia School , where he found his Rosetta Stone of investing.
21. If he can't find it there, he pulls out Xinhua's answer to the Rosetta Stone: a tattered chart featuring guidelines for approximating the sounds of 55 languages in Chinese.
22. We have made progress and have unearthed something resembling the Rosetta Stone of prime numbers - but the ability to decode the stone still eludes us.




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