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单词 Fertility
1. She is taking drugs to increase her fertility.
2. The fertility of the soil has been greatly improved by the use of pesticides.
3. The fertility of women who smoke is half that of non-smoking women.
4. The women were given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries.
5. The villagers took fertility symbols into the fields to ensure a good harvest.
6. Catholic areas generally retained higher fertility than Protestant ones.
7. Do man-made chemicals affect our fertility?
8. As a consequence, fertility has been highly volatile.
9. To frighten away thieves and bring fertility.
10. Throughout the nineteenth century fertility in Britain remained high.
11. Therefore, technically somebody had stolen a fertility clinic.
12. Future fertility was not related to induced abortion.
13. Such patches still retain high levels of fertility.
14. These are tempting explanations for fertility decline.
15. This will reinforce the trend to lower fertility.
16. Very occasionally, the tubes rejoin and fertility returns.
17. Snakes were universally powerful fertility and rebirth symbols.
18. Fertility has dropped to below replacement level.
19. Reproduction Smoking can reduce a woman's fertility.
20. Fertility used to march in step with the economy.
21. New prosperity did not raise fertility to new heights.
22. We also have contraception and fertility technology.
23. At a concrete level, fertility and the home are her major concerns.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility.
25. A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
26. One study showed that even as few as ten cigarettes a day can damage fertility.
27. She was unable to conceive a child naturally and was offered fertility treatment.
28. Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.
29. Elijah has to drag them back from the worship of the heathen fertility gods introduced by Jezebel.
30. That all women for the first time could control their fertility safely, easily, and reliably was another reason for change.
1. He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility.
2. A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility.
3. She is taking drugs to increase her fertility.
4. The villagers took fertility symbols into the fields to ensure a good harvest.
5. She was unable to conceive a child naturally and was offered fertility treatment.
31. It may increase slightly but if fertility continues to decline at the present rate that is unlikely.
32. But in most the pace of fertility decline has diminished since the early l980s.
33. These strategies are commonsensical and have made a large dent in the fertility of many nations.
34. In response to the marriage boom, fertility reached an all-time high at around 1800.
35. Several factors have encouraged the fertility of women over age 30.
36. Empowerment increases the opportunity costs of children, prompting later marriages and increasing the divorce rate, similarly lowering fertility.
37. Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.
38. Even without ageing, organisms are at risk of death and impaired fertility from disease, predation and accidents.
39. These spirits of the forest are considered to control the fertility of women and to prosper men's hunting.
40. First licensed by Bishop Lacey of Exeter in 1436 it was used for special intercession by barren women seeking fertility.
41. Research compiled by the Population Council indicates that abortion has contributed to without being indispensable to, fertility declines in every region.
42. Two major problems dominate further enquiry into today's fertility patterns and trends in Britain and the whole industrial world.
43. The total fertility rate went up from 2.22 to 2.94 - an increase of 32 percent.
44. Our findings are based on a cohort of women seeking insemination treatment because their partners had a fertility problem.
45. Better contraception does not necessarily mean lower fertility, although it should mean less unwanted fertility.
46. The non-burrowing earthworms play a different role in soil fertility.
47. These factors include leaving parental home, marriage, fertility history, occupational change, retirement and sickness in old age.
48. In it the whole idea of the fertility rite is exploded, using the very forms and devices of the traditional ritual.
49. The decline in the general fertility rate was matched by a reduction in family size.
50. The National Fertility Survey found that out of the total of women using contraception, 52.5% had been sterilized.
51. The results suggest that fertility rates are a function not so much of religion as of education and employment.
52. Yet, the work's direction is quite the opposite of that conventionally assigned to the fertility rite.
53. These preliminary results suggest the desirability of looking beyond the female labour market for an adequate characterization of economic influences on fertility.
53. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
54. This was an anxiety about the steady increase of fertility down the social scale.
55. The correlation between fertility trends and relative wages and work-force participation works well over time within particular countries.
56. The sextuplets were born after their Mum Sue had fertility treatment.
57. All this has upset the applecart of the relation of fertility to prosperity.
58. The Rock opens with the seasonal fertility cycle which had horrified the trapped Eliot of the earlier poetry and the dramatic fragments.
59. A more sensitive indicator of fertility behaviour is the average completed family size of women born in the same year.
60. His appearance is essential to the tribes' fertility, and he is petitioned in initiation rites for young boys at puberty.
61. As well as contributing to declining soil fertility, such high sediment removal are causing problems with water supply by increasing reservoir siltation rates.
62. Fertility in the vast majority of industrialized nations has now dipped to below replacement level.
63. In casting woman and serpent as evil-doers, Judaic writers overturned a powerful earlier tradition which associated both with wisdom and fertility.
64. The dynamics depend only on the product of survival and fertility, which we denote by.
65. Social class differences in fertility are little evident in women who marry between ages 25 to 29.
66. Increases in population could then spur economic growth at some geometric rate, more rapid than the growth in human fertility.
67. There is then no selection, and an inevitable decline in viability and fertility.
68. Up to 80 percent of these births were the result of fertility drugs or in vitro procedures.
69. Unfortunately, none of the published randomised trials have shown that medical treatment improves fertility.
70. Women gained access to relatively safe abortion, and thus gained control over their own fertility.
71. Many of the classic economic and social indicators of fertility decline had been present for a long time in nineteenth-century Britain.
72. Conversely, child survival can help lower fertility by increasing intervals between births.
73. Half of all 13-to 29-year-old males tested have fertility problems.
74. The fertility rate of railway workers declined rapidly following the expansion of promotion hierarchies at the end of the century.
75. In his latest book on fertility decline, J.A. Banks dismisses the argument that fertility control results from economically rational behaviour.
76. The 56-year-old Northamptonshire woman received fertility treatment using donor eggs and her husband's sperm.
77. None of this might have mattered had new fertility regulators from the laboratory been developed.
78. But, as every good gardener knows, healthy plant growth depends very much on the fertility and structure of the soil.
79. Utah has the highest fertility rate in the country, and the biggest and youngest households.
80. As I wrote my journal I had felt the thickness of the left-hand side grow pleasantly fat - a satisfying fertility.
81. While multiple births have increased in recent years because of the success of fertility drugs, sextuplets still are rare.
82. Let us look first at the easier one - explaining variations in fertility.
83. Dionysius was usually depicted with the flanks of a goat or bull to symbolise his fertility aspect.sentence dictionary
84. The new recommendations made no reference to reduction of infant and child mortality as preconditions of fertility reduction.
85. The picture was taken at a fertility clinic and was used to illustrate the Princess's caring nature.
86. Fertility rates are high, averaging nearly 6. 5 children, while contraceptive prevalence averages less than 8 percent.
87. Nearly 30 years on, Faithless testifies to the awesome fertility of his oeuvre.
88. Neither is it true that well-developed contraceptive techniques are necessary to achieve low fertility.
89. It examines the relationship between fertility histories and household labour availability, and the consequences for labour intensive techniques of environmental management.
90. It shows the family size a woman would have if she experienced current age-specific fertility rates through her lifetime.
91. Educated women had lower fertility rates, and the children they did have were significantly healthier.
92. Men, in all cultures, desire fertility in women, which is signified by youth and beauty.
93. The pine cone appeared on many ancient amulets and was regarded as a symbol of fertility.
94. El was usually depicted as a seated figure wearing bull's horns, the symbol of strength and fertility.
95. Synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are banned and soil fertility and pest control is achieved through crop rotation and mixed farming systems.
96. Black symbolises the people, green the fertility of the land, and gold the mineral wealth from beneath the soil.
97. Of course, if we do this two spits deep, so much deeper do we increase the potential for fertility.
98. She became pregnant after taking fertility drugs, which caused her to produce a number of eggs.
99. A: I agree that Resolve offers very important assistance to couples and individuals involved in fertility treatments.
100. If you plan to keep livestock, the security of fences and gates must go hand in hand with fertility.
101. In vitro fertilization can restore fertility to women who ovulate but can not conceive because their Fallopian tubes are blocked.
102. Body fat distribution in women of reproductive age seems to have more impact on fertility than age or obesity.
103. For them the dangers of infertility - real or imagined - may far outweigh the dangers of fertility.
104. Vehicles and people both were festooned with banana leaves-symbol of rejoicing and fertility, I later learned.
105. Dual graduate couples have the highest fertility of all, if family size up to four children only is considered.
106. Upon learning that the rice thrown at newlyweds was meant to symbolize fertility, my fa-ther banned it from the wedding.
107. But as Medawar first pointed out, the natural selection that maintains survival and fertility becomes weaker through the life history.
108. Originally he would have symbolised vegetative fertility, and possibly even the sacrificial May King.
109. To bridge the gap to replacement fertility, it will be necessary to reduce the demand for large families.
110. Therapeutic counselling for long-term problems - these may be triggered by the fertility problem and sometimes need outside referral to marital therapy.
111. But the plot fertility would become exhausted and crops would be poorer.
112. Most of the country's fertility clinics were listed, although none of the catalogues was up to date.
113. Those assembled along the hill lines are keeping alive one of the world's most ancient and wide spread fertility rites.
114. The relationship between fertility rates and mortality rates has created a population structure which has varied substantially during the period in question.
115. The aim is to discover how far mutation has depressed survival and fertility below their optimal values.
116. Their income relative to their parents will be correspondingly higher, their fertility will be high, and so the cycle will continue.
117. Where education reduces fertility, which is nearly everywhere, the trigger point varies according to cultural influences.
118. Biology even promised to control world fertility with the Pill.
119. The strongest influence religion has on slowing the transition to low fertility is among poor and uneducated women in rural areas.
120. In 1911 the fertility census recorded that textile workers actually married later.
121. Researchers at fertility clinics say that they are already besieged by requests to clone.
122. But on the whole, there is little evidence to suggest a link between male wage levels and fertility.
123. Fertility is not restored until the winter storms stir the waters again.
124. Government spokesmen announced targets for increased fertility and scolded women for not bearing more children.
125. Or consider that some of the nations long heralded as family planning success stories have faltered on the road to re-placement fertility.
126. A significant fertility decline has also been recorded, most of it attained before the enactment of the one-child policy.
127. In addition there have been significant decreases in fertility over the same period.
128. There are two main factors underlying this change in the nature of the population distribution: decreased mortality and reduced fertility.
129. The correlation between infant mortality and fertility has not been well documented.
130. They had always had the potential to control their fertility and did so when necessary.
131. However, stem cells are generally taken from embryos created and routinely discarded all the time in fertility clinics.
132. Nevertheless, sustained horticulture needs an abundant supply of organic waste to maintain soil structure and fertility.
133. Forecasting future fertility is the most difficult task in demography, and seldom successfully attempted.
134. Fertility clinics and sperm banks in the United States often are privately run and are subject to few government restrictions.
135. It also ranks highly in terms of total fertility, illegitimate births and the number of elderly people.
136. Changing mortality and fertility patterns are likely to have contributed to this fall.
137. Second and more fundamental: is there nowadays any normal average level of fertility to which post-industrial societies are tending?
138. The model correctly predicts a downturn in fertility around 1964.
139. No evidence was found of fertility problems in male workers.
140. On this view high fertility is economically irrational, or at least is made so by the new circumstances.
141. The use of modern contraceptives, they argued, would reduce fertility and speed economic and political development.
142. It requires fertility monitoring with ultrasound, and blood or urine tests.
143. Soon barren land will begin to show signs of fertility.
144. She is an accomplished mage and oversees all the complex fertility rites of Avelorn and Ulthuan.
145. Because female fertility decreases rapidly after the age of 30, they do not have time on their side.
146. Since the 1920s fertility in Britain has been a variation on a two-child family theme.
147. Just about every fertility clinic in the country was set up with a government grant.
148. Yet this greedy pair have successfully sued a fertility clinic for giving them three healthy babies instead of two.
149. The tale is inherently a most unlikely one, uniting a pious lady with a pagan fertility ritual.
150. By the marriage cohorts of 1870 a decline in national marital fertility became apparent, unrelated to any major retreat from marriage.
151. Fertility increases in Britain occurred in a modest way in the later 1930s and much more strikingly between the mid-1950s and 1960s.
152. To overcome this problem many policy papers which examine population ageing produce a variety of projections using different fertility assumptions.
153. It can not be overemphasized that many non-biological factors mitigate the influence of fertility patterns upon health and mortality.
154. But a more direct way exists for the Moon to influence fertility.
155. Although fertility clinics must have independent, trained counsellors available by law, clients are not compelled to attend counselling.
156. The fertility counsellor's main role is to help clients explore the complex issues involved in fertility treatment. 3.
157. Fertility averaged over six children per couple, as compared with 2. 7 in the industrialized world.
158. As I mentioned earlier, you must always bear in mind the effect of poor fertility, and less vigorous habit.
159. She had not been receiving any fertility treatment and it was only after a routine scan that all was revealed.
160. There are good family economic reasons for believing that fertility will not become high.
161. David and Harriet were commended for their fertility, and jokes were made about the influences of their bedroom.
162. Whilst crop rotations are being established and fertility built up, it will probably be necessary to buy in some feeding-stuffs.
163. Fertility was not the issue; the movement of the whole cosmos was in purview.
164. In the developed world, most nations professed themselves deeply concerned about low fertility rates.
165. There is a slight question-mark about low fertility in the breed.
166. That drinking human blood can increase fertility is an old idea.
167. Legal abortion Legal abortion in Britain since 1967 came too late to explain the beginning of fertility decline.
168. It is, of course, important that counsellors themselves have a detailed knowledge of fertility treatments.
169. But there is considerable variation between countries and the differences do not correlate well with current fertility.
170. The ancient rituals which linked them to fertility and the renewal of life were abandoned.
171. It is impossible to know for sure what the fertility responses to a parental dividend would be.
172. There was even less sympathy in the medical press for women who wanted to control their own fertility.
173. This system enabled them to maintain an exceptionally dense population,(http:///fertility.html) on the best principles of fertility conservation.
174. People must have the option and the means to control their fertility.
175. Spencer and Gillen photographed and detailed aborigines dressed as animals, emitting animal cries to promote fertility.
176. The ability to control our own fertility gives women choice and timing, as well as improved overall health.
177. The early treatment of abnormal cells will not affect your drive or fertility.
178. For humans, the chemical pollution threatens our fertility, intelligence and our very survival as a species, the environmentalists say.
179. Panayiotis Zavos and Severino Antinori said 2,000 women with fertility problems had volunteered for the experiment.
180. If fertility declines fast enough the line will level off sometime after the middle of the twenty-first century.
181. Fertility genes enable a plasmid's genetic information to be transferred from a donor to a recipient strain.
182. He intends to invite some of these couples and top fertility clinic experts to appear before his panel.
183. But following fertility treatment Lynda had an early menopause, so children of their own were out.
184. Without earthworms and other soil life, no amount of cultivations and chemical fertilizers will build and sustain true structure and fertility.
185. More realistic estimates are based on the assumption that fertility will gradually decline to around replacement level.
186. These differentials give us important clues about the motivation and causes of the fertility decline.
187. Clustering of high fertility families, and geographical and social isolation of some estates, may be important too.
188. This , of course, substantially impairs fertility.
189. Such soils vary in texture and fertility.
190. The formation of aggregates is of prime importance to fertility.
191. There are obvious differences between clones with regard to their self - fertility.
192. Lupercalia, which began at the ides of February, February 15, was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.
193. The President also reversed his predecessor's ban on funding for embryonic stem-cell research, but specified that the embryos must come from fertility clinics that would otherwise discard them.
194. The hot pepper CMS 21A, sweet pepper CMS 8A and 9 different genotype fertility restoring lines were used to study the inheritance of fertility restoring genes.
195. Which burying the needle leafage into soil can promote the soil fertility, such as the content of quick result N, P and K.
196. The infant mortality rate is correlative with the average GDP, the total fertility rate and the crude birth rate.
197. Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility.
198. The results showed that this sterile might be male fertility gene's expression in thermo-photosensitivity modulatory was set back leading to pollen abortivity.
199. Fertility is indicated because a narrow waist is linked to higher oestrogen levels.
200. Pelvic adhesions and endometriosis were major causes resulting in female in - fertility.
201. In the decade of the 1980 s the decline in world fertility will continue noticeably.
202. That is when the Nile River flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land.
203. Nugent says statistics on the fertility rate were also revealing.
203. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
204. The combination of alkylating drugs and radiation therapy increases the risk for fertility problems.
205. The decrease in the Chinese fertility rate has both its substantial space:scale space, structure space, policy space and comparison space, and its conceptual space.
206. The fertility rate in the EU is 1.47— well below replacement.
207. The services encompass fertility regulation, gynaecological check - up , pre - marital and pre - pregnancy preparation, menopause service and < ...
208. The correlation of daily minimum temperature with the fertility was the most significant, followed by daily mean temperature and daily max temperature.
209. The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.
210. They are the only possible means of dealing with excessive fertility.
211. The fertility conditior1s and microbiological ecotypes of desert soil growing mermaid and farming land were compared.
212. It reveals that the remediation increases the quantity of bacteria and azotobacter which is propitious to increase the soil fertility.
213. The abundance and availability of water and nutrients in a soil ecosystem determine its fertility.
214. Veterinarians are frequently asked to certify the fertility of male breeding stock.
215. That is when the Nile river flooded its banks, bringing water and fertility to the land.
216. It is a trade off: her fertility for his resources.
217. Results show that chemical and physical properties of soils such as pH, conductibility , cation exchange capacity as well as the nutrition and fertility are improved when mixed with sludge.
218. The farmers used manure to keep up the fertility of their land.
219. It is important with T-1 to decrease the N fertility input as the stand completely covers the ground.
220. Sterilization: Any surgical procedure intended to end fertility permanently ( see contraception ) .
221. The breast has always been a symbol of womanhood and ultimate fertility.
222. The black soot over the body might be remnants of materials mixed for mummification, while the black paint on the face was associated with fertility and birth.
223. Therefore, the soil fertility were promoted pronouncedly by the replacement of Chinese fir stand by the Cinnamomum cassia stand.




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